2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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Could this be the reason that Ron was granted custody of the children?

"10. Petitioner testified that his mother, an employee of the Alachua County Sheriff, and aunt assist with supervising the children. Petitioner testified he presently lives with his mother. Petitioner testified he intends to enroll the children in daycare when they are age appropriate. Petitioner testified that currently there are no daycare costs."


My thoughts tend to go there. I have seen that so many times.
Why can't they find Haleigh?! I am so baffled with all the clues LE MUST have in this case...why can't they narrow it down already?!

Did a rocket scientist swoop in and take this child not leaving a single fingerprint, DNA evidence, or sign of anything?! I can't believe someone can take Haleigh and walk away leaving NO evidence or even if someone in the house did this...LE should have a handle on it by now. Has LE botched this case?!
It's kind of a sad reminder that none of them really have an *overwhelming* care about Haleigh right now. Or else during the *truce* of the last week some things not previously known by some people came to light. I dunno, maybe *true colors* starting to show with the principles?

Ron seemed to care about Haleigh. After being trashed on national television and with GR in his face, he still managed to refain from trashing Crystal and plea for his daughter. He has actually put feet on the ground in searches. Seems as if he cares to me. But I could be wrong.
Ack three minutes here CST until Gerry R ( I do not refer to him as Geraldo because my Husband who is a PR born in NYC says he's poser by using that name..yes my man is a trip!) I'm going to log off and see if I can see what RC almost said...

SS...I drank two vodka and OJ's tonight, sorry darlin but that's all I had, my leg hurts :blush:

So my thoughts? We really need to sleuth out those butterfly shirts. I smell KFN ( I hope I don't get a time out for their initials?)

:blowkiss: to all :)
I keep thinking abt the sean hornbeck and other little guy, stalked and grabbed.
I don't care anything abt these people, but Haleigh, YES.
Geraldo's on again ~ and I can't believe I'm still up watching it! :D
Yep. I noticed it too.

Hi Sunflowerchick, I agree it might not be in good taste to be an instigator here, but if it does anything to help find out what happened to Haleigh then let it be.

Plus IMO it sounded like he was impaired a bit. If he sounds like that all the time I feel sorry for him. I don't believe him for one New York Second.

I about fainted when I heard Ron say "I'll always believe my little girl is alive until they find her"

until they find her...and then he'll know for sure one way or the other...that's the way I took his statement.
Understand that you are very invested in your personal experiences. However, that doesn't justify making statements of fact about someone else not making child support payments as a "baby daddy" when there is absolutely nothing to support that at this time.

And as to bio mom and drugs, I believe if all of the documents are studied, there is evidence that ONE of the reasons bio mom hasn't had these children for three or more years is because of her addictions problems. And the custody wasn't given to his parents, it was given to a very young, single man ... an infant and a toddler. I am too tired to look them up tonight. But, maybe Betty Crocker was addicted to ... sugar!! yeah, that's it.
Don't quite understand what you are saying here. Maybe you didn't understand what I was getting at. I think RC's side might just have some good ole boy connections - more so than CS's side.

The fact that she moved away - get away from your abuser is one of the first steps you have to take.

RC has a history of "shacking up" with 16 - 17 yr olds. He is not a responsible person or parent.
Could this be the reason that Ron was granted custody of the children?

"10. Petitioner testified that his mother, an employee of the Alachua County Sheriff, and aunt assist with supervising the children. Petitioner testified he presently lives with his mother. Petitioner testified he intends to enroll the children in daycare when they are age appropriate. Petitioner testified that currently there are no daycare costs."


That, does provide a little help. What did bio mom's family offer as counter?
that is what Crystal said and I really don't believe much of what comes out of her mouth either. Like the near drowning of Haleigh. I don't believe it.

I just want to encourage you to read the custody hearing. It's probably in the legal doc thread.
The judge did recognize the address was wrong, and she was served at her current address. She responded within a couple of days. I haven't checked it out, but I suspect Ron had it sent to their address before he took off with the kids, and she went to live with her mom.
This is speculation on my part, and purely jmo
Very true, but I never said Ron was 'on something.' It appeared to me that Crystal was sedated b/c she could barely speak. Ron just appears angry to me.

Sorry Tori. I used your post as a jump off to add my thought. Wasn't being snarky. Should have been clearer?
I know I sound really angry and I am...I admit it! I am angry because I was so relieved to see them acting like decent people for Rj's sake the day before his 4th birthday. The photos of Ronald with Crystal and Misty both hugging and crying together. To me, this was such a good sign and so healthy for Rj. Tonight just ruined it all. Bless his little heart. He needs them all so very badly right now and they just failed him miserably. So does Haleigh!! Can you even imagine how this would hurt her if she were being allowed to watch this? OMG!

I agree with you SS. It was nice to see them all together, but something changed after that pink shirt being found. Tonight didn't ruin it for me, b/c I was glad to see Crystall finally speaking up. I just believe she and Misty have both been abused by Ron. I thought she took a little of her power back tonight.

I just want Ron to admit to something; ANYTHING! That makes me angry.
May I put in my THREE cents worth?

1. Geraldo should be ashamed of himself for airing this matter

2. From "day one", I've felt Misty fears Ron

3. My concern for the children of our country has grown to immense fear.
It really was very sad to watch them all tonight with the accusations, as you said, just when it looked like they might be united for the purpose of bringing Haleigh home. I too feel very sorry for little Jr. especially if he did see the abductor.

Honestly,I'm trying to understand why Crystal would do this,I do know of the abuse allegations and can see it w/his obvious temper and there is major past drugs charges.She has had her past in drugs too.It's hard to say what anyone would do in a case like this and they all want Haleigh back.But,I did feel sorry for him when GR was in his face.I mean like he was going to admit his past charges when looking for his daughter to the camera,no.But,I am just angry at the whole little trio,gf,him and bioMom.The two children are beautiful and it's so sad they've had to live under both lifestyles.Just bring Haleigh back and everybody get some serious parenting classes and be monitored.
I am more interested in everything that G***** didn't say himself.

-That CS lost custody of her own children.
-That CS never showed up in court.
-That CS never completed parenting classes.
-That her pee test was not on record--which means it was never done.

-The neighbor that claims she heard Ron yelling and fighting when Haleigh was little. -Who was Ron fighting with? IIRC she never said who. Could it have been CS herself? Why was she not a witness for CS at court then?
-CS father wrote a letter to the court saying things about Ron but he never showed up in court to testify either.
-Ron had both children and Crystal did not but she also did not have a job, nor was she pregnant with Chloe yet
-CS is behind in her child support payments and has an order of contempt for that now.

-Ron has a record of a drug bust but Geraldo didn't bother to mention what year it was from and that it was before either children were born.
-GR made a big deal about this picture yesterday saying it showed Haleigh beat to a pulp.
The picture shows a scratch, a small cut by the lip and light bruising under the one eye that is on the same side as the scratch and cut. Then tonight instead of starting out saying that the school did confirm that she fell at school, there are records of emergency room visit and a second follow up he waits until later in his show knowing full well that anyone tuning in to watch just this story has now tuned out.
-It was apparent that he spent time with the bio-mom's camp but did not afford the same type of interview with the dad camp.
-GR was polite, calm, kept a respectful distance from Crystal and was non confrontational with Crystal but was confrontational, demanding and was clearly baiting Ron by getting right up in his face in a threatening manor.
-GR was very exact with his questions to Crystal about what and when but was vague with Ron when rapid firing questions at him.
-With Crystal he allowed others to answer for her but with Ron did not. The only reason TN stepped in was she saw exactly what GR was doing and put a stop to it. Ron did not raise his voice, his hands nor did he even step back and square his shoulders in a manor that could be taken as hostile.

-GR set up that former states attorney lady and it was clear that she had know idea going into this that these were, again allegations being made with proof to back up the claims. He wanted her to comment on something that she was not familiar with so her answers then needed to be broad to cover whatever was tossed out there. This made her answers seem as though she was in agreement with bio-mom camp.
Bravo!! Excellent post!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
I hope with all my heart Haleigh didn't watch that. I wonder if anyone thought to mention that to Crystal before she did the interview. I guess the media shouldn't bother to ask Crystal if she has a message for Haleigh at the end of the next interview. I feel bad for both of them but worse for the kids.

We have custody of my step daughter and we have dealt with this same type of thing from her mother. She runs from child support and never has a way to get here for visitation so we drive...she only stirs up my step daughter so she can take it out on us.
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