2009.03.09 - Nancy Grace

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Hot Dogs.........how much is Nancy getting paid?

NG, as well as other news commentators like GVS and JVM, are acting as reporters bringing us the story. They're paid by the media company they work for. So they aren't making anything off this story or any other story they cover.
"Newly emerged video" = $5,000 docked from NG's paycheck for tonight. Make her get it right by hitting her where it hurts. No new necklace for you, Nancy!
Hold Nancy responsible for the "facts" that her talking heads give out. Hit her in the pocketbook!

Hey, I totally agree with you, but then how would the media wouldn't profit off of all the conspiracy theories (for which they are sometimes responsible for) running rampant out here in the real world? lol
I would think that one of her high priced lawyers would advise against the vampy makeup for her hearings. What other reason would she have to order that but for her hearings??? Certainly no need to put on the warpaint in the pokey...

IMO she's probably wanting to make herself pretty for when JB comes a calling.

MomT you did a great job on NG!!!

Here's the list of commissary items Casey just ordered (per NG's show)

Bra (wish size was listed. I swear her *advertiser censored* looked bigger last court appearance - maybe from the weight gain?)
Scented Lady's Deodorant
RED lipstick (I can't wait to see this on her - lol)
Mascara (how many tubes has she already gone through so far?)
Black Eyeliner Pencil
Tampons (thought those weren't allowed in jail?)
Bottled Water

ETA - forgot these items below!

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Lifesaves (yeah...she REALLY NEEDS these! lol)
Peanut M & M's (sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't)
Hot and Spicy Corn Chips
Trad. Chex Mix
Chex Mix Bold and Zesty
Spicy Cajun Mix
Beef Stick Original
Colored Pencils (to draw sculls and stuff)
Soap Dish

What, no Cheese Doodles or Licorice???

Diet, maybe, lol!

ETA: Posted before you edited LOLOLOL

No diet I see!!
Woo Hoo! Momtective on NG! I love it! Good job Mom! And where the heck are you? I wasn't going to logon tonight . . . until I found out that you were on! I fired my computer right up!

I always wondered why no one ever said that they belonged here or to another forum. I know that members have called in in the past. I thought that they must be warned not to mention forums before they got to talk to NG. I was hooting about the recognition of WS!

By the way, off topic, I bought NG's book tonight at the Dollar Tree! I have bought some of the best books there. I don't know how they get there, but they do . . . maybe there's a slight imperfection . . . I don't care, I like the price tag!
NG, as well as other news commentators like GVS and JVM, are acting as reporters bringing us the story.

Then who told Nancy that a 12" wide x 5" deep section of disturbed soil in the backyard was a "shallow grave"?
That was why I was concerned with WESH and KB saying momtective did it ONLY to keep the Anthony's profiting. It would be easier for them to target momtective directly with their anger. INSTEAD, they have a bigger target that is harder to get at.. because WE HAVE MOMTECTIVES BACK.

The videos were downloaded I believe to look for clues to help find a missing baby. They should not be mad at that they should be GLAD. Besides they should have released these RIGHT AWAY to show Casey being a mom to deflect the party girl images.

They can only be mad at themselves for trying to think they could hold on to them for profit. They probably have a ton more videos we haven't seen. I bet there is a video of Caylee's birth, her first time eating, there are lots more from the Anthony's family movie vaults that we have not seen.

The Anthony family has no reason to be angry with WS. Those downloaded videos were on a public website for anyone to see. Later, someone removed those videos from KC's MySpace account. If they had other intentions for those videos, they could have removed them earlier. Look how quickly CA's July 3 comments were deleted.
I would think that one of her high priced lawyers would advise against the vampy makeup for her hearings. What other reason would she have to order that but for her hearings??? Certainly no need to put on the warpaint in the pokey...

I dunno...those guards do come by a couple of times a day to feed her. And a couple times a week for a shower. You just never know whose eye you may catch.
WTG Momtective! You did an outstanding job tonight on NG.
I can't wait for any hearing on how the Defense is getting paid. That should be interesting.

A long time ago it was rumored that the person paying for the defense is a journalist who wishes to remain anonymous.

I've always wondered if this is true and if so, is this journalist expecting to have exclusive rights to the story?
Momtective - you gave the story the dignity it deserves - you were great!!
Congrats mom detective! A little OT: just watched the Caylee highchair video and what the heck was the videographer doing filming under the highchair? Caylee even puts her head down and to the side to see what he/she is doing under there? What the heck do you suppose that was about? Gave me the creeps!
Then who told Nancy that a 12" wide x 5" deep section of disturbed soil in the backyard was a "shallow grave"?

That's the thing.............NG keeps getting her facts wrong. I really think she needs an assistant to get the facts straight before she goes on the air, and she needs some better talking heads.
That's the thing.............NG keeps getting her facts wrong. I really think she needs an assistant to get the facts straight before she goes on the air, and she needs some better talking heads.

She probably already has multiple assistants. How could she even put on a show without staff? I think the underlying problem is that Nancy simply doesn't care about accuracy. It may be because she thinks her audience doesn't really care that much. Maybe they don't.
Here's the list of commissary items Casey just ordered (per NG's show)

Bra (wish size was listed. I swear her *advertiser censored* looked bigger last court appearance - maybe from the weight gain?)
Scented Lady's Deodorant
RED lipstick (I can't wait to see this on her - lol)
Mascara (how many tubes has she already gone through so far?)
Black Eyeliner Pencil
Tampons (thought those weren't allowed in jail?)
Bottled Water

ETA - forgot these items below!

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Lifesaves (yeah...she REALLY NEEDS these! lol)
Peanut M & M's (sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't)
Hot and Spicy Corn Chips
Trad. Chex Mix
Chex Mix Bold and Zesty
Spicy Cajun Mix
Beef Stick Original
Colored Pencils (to draw sculls and stuff)
Soap Dish

They looked a little "lower" too....maybe this is a push up

She probably already has multiple assistants. How could she even put on a show without staff? I think the underlying problem is that Nancy simply doesn't care about accuracy. It may be because she thinks her audience doesn't really care that much. Maybe they don't.
Missed the show, darn it!

Any updates on shoes found in car and a trail of decomposition fluids?
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