2009.03.17 Nancy Grace

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It's not NG but I found this, dated 4 Sep 08:

"Padilla said that officials ruled it was Caylee’s hair just by a process of elimination because the hair had a death ring around it and they know Casey is alive. The fact that the DNA is identical has something to do with who the father is, Padilla said.

“Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey have basically the same characteristics? Making the preliminary DNA check not definitive as to who the hair samples are from,” he said."

But I feel certain he said basically the same thing on NG, too. I'll keep looking.

I also posted this link in my other post. He MOST definitely started the rumor.
It was an easily formed rumor(not saying it was right and never did I think or say that LA was Caylee's father)..BUT KC herself made accusations against LA for coming on to her etc..in all actuality she herself helped fuel that rumor as did LP. LP said it on NG's show a MILLION times. Perhaps she should make a correction, it wasn't started here that is fo' sure!

Oh, I totally agree, MD MOMMY!! I just didn't want Trish to look bad by writing her letter and making it sound like it had never been discussed here. I must not have made myself clear enough as there have been a couple of comments re my post. I wasn't being critical.
Does anyone know if LP actually bought up the idea of Lee being Caylee's dad on NG?

If so does anyone have the transcript?

I want to include this in my letter to her.


It started over the MDNA. It was brought up on the real LP/TP answer WS questions thread.

IIRC LP stated it first on NG after the doc dump with the MDNA results. (I couldn't swear if it was here or there.) Going on memory only it was NG, followed by us telling him he was wrong, here.

Blink tried her best to explain MDNA to LP but he just couldn't/didn't want to get it.
I said it last night but it bears repeating, this woman is losing what little professionalism she can claim. Perhaps she would benefit from doing some of her own, dare I say, 'leg work' and ease off her intern Drew. I'll take him off her hands...

pink by me

hmmmm me too. :blowkiss:
I'v picked out my holloween costume considering trial starts about that time. I'm going to buy a blonde bed head wig, breast pads, crushed velet jacke tand oversized glasses. Can you guess who I will be? Hope I don't scare all the little childrens away!

O o o .. Pick me, pick me, pick me!
I know who it is!

I have to wonder what happened. Nancy dropped LP like a bad habit, never to be mentioned again. Now it seems she's even forgotten that he ever appeared on her show.
Can't say that I blame her ..
I'd have dumped him too, difference is, I'd have done it a long time ago ..
I wrote to CNN Headline News last week, after a viewer called in once again and was "speculating" LA was the dad and this is why KC killed Caylee. I looked up the DNA official document (from the document dump) on one of the local news channels websites, and sent them the link because I was sooo sick of them being so far behind in the news, and not telling the results on tv, and I was sick of people calling in and asking the same question about LA being the dad. So, I simply told them, please clear this up with your viewers once and for all!
Oh, I totally agree, MD MOMMY!! I just didn't want Trish to look bad by writing her letter and making it sound like it had never been discussed here. I must not have made myself clear enough as there have been a couple of comments re my post. I wasn't being critical.

Oh no, I caught what you were saying loud and clear. You are correct it was discussed here many, many times. I was directing my statement more at NG for putting the blame on us here at W/S when it was discussed other places first!:
And let's not forget the info in the doc dumps where KC herself claimed that LA came on to her sexually. No wonder the possibility of LA being the father was discussed. I highly doubt the FBI would run a dna test based on what WS'er's were saying.

That's really unfair of NG to throw that back on WS.

ITA- when it was HER buddy LP who dreamed all this crap up in the first place!
A former poster had a running bet with LP that he would be wrong about the paternity. The discussion might be in the old support LP and RD thread.

I do believe I remember this..
Let's not do revisionist history here. There were quite a few people speculating LA might be Caylee's father, and it was before LP said it on NG. Not bashing anyone, as there was a moment when I was even considering it a possibility.
I for one am glad the FBI ran the test and proved he wasn't the father. I have been defending Lee for a long time, until I caught a youtube clip the other day someone had posted from back in Aug. or Sept. He has now officially lost my support, but I am still glad this rumor won't be dogging him for the rest of his life.
That being said, if NG had any integrity at all, she would also acknowledge she let LP say this on her show without any followup, rebuttal, etc. Also, this isn't a breaking news bombshell, wasn't this in the doc dump from last month? She needs to catch up, this is her job, and most of us in here have full-time jobs in addition to this. If we can keep on top of what is going on, so can she.
Shame on you, NG, shame, shame...
GRACE: With us tonight, bounty hunter, Leonard Padilla. Weigh in.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, HELPED GET CASEY ANTHONY OUT OF JAIL: Well, here`s the situation, Nancy. I believe that when the FBI, who`s got one of the finest labs in the world comes back with the DNA it`s going to shock the world over something that Lee, Casey and Cindy have known since Wednesday when they released their preliminary.

GRACE: Which is?

PADILLA: . findings. And also the dumpster, a mile and a quarter down from the boyfriend Tony`s house, is going to play a big part in this.

Now if we can figure out when he goes into more detail!

He said it straight out in a more recent NG. Very casually and matter- of -fact. Maybe around the time of the memorial, or when the date was set for lees depo....
Gotta go out for a bit but will find it when I get back.

There were quite a few people speculating LA might be Caylee's father, and it was before LP said it on NG. Not bashing anyone, as there was a moment when I was even considering it a possibility.

True....I was one of them(speculating) way back when.
I believe it is quite possible that the next episode of "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" will offer this question to the panel.
I said it last night but it bears repeating, this woman is losing what little professionalism she can claim. Perhaps she would benefit from doing some of her own, dare I say, 'leg work' and ease off her intern Drew. I'll take him off her hands...

I thought Drew works for a local (radio) station?..Whatever he does I don't get what her problem is with him or why he puts up with it. :banghead:
It started over the MDNA. It was brought up on the real LP/TP answer WS questions thread.

IIRC LP stated it first on NG after the doc dump with the MDNA results. (I couldn't swear if it was here or there.) Going on memory only it was NG, followed by us telling him he was wrong, here.

Blink tried her best to explain MDNA to LP but he just couldn't/didn't want to get it.

Yep. The first time LP brought this up that I saw it was on NG, and it was apparent he was linking Lee to the paternity because he thought because Lee and Caylee had the same mitochondrial DNA it proved Lee was Caylee's father.

This was all discussed after the NG show when LP said this but in a separate thread. I don't remember the date but it was probably the first discussion of this issue other than the people who were speculating based on Caylee's name.
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