2009.03.18 Nancy Grace

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Art Harris: seen photos of children that purport abuse; photos given to atty. by CS of children during visits to her home. He's going to put photos on his website.

Atty now clarifying that CS did know of abuse but DCF weren't able to take action. :confused:

Photos show abuse to both Haleigh & Jr., according to attorney.
Im willing to bet the photo that she has with Haleigh with a black eye is the same photo they showed on GR. Where Haleigh fell at school. This whole thing is a mess. Poor Haleigh she needs to be found.
JMO, but maybe b/c TN works there, wonder how far that would've gotten? Intimidation perhaps.:( I wonder about this b/c TN has been out in the media stating MC will be the kids mommy, MC stating that she is like their mommy... I don't get all that coming from RC's family..to me it is a slap in the face to CS...:(

But, TN didn't work at the PD where Crystal lived...what, two hours away. I just think the whole timing thing is really off.
Personally, I was glad that NG asked the tough questions tonight. This is not about child abuse. It's about Crystal wanting more attention. Furthermore, if she was taking pictures all these years and turning them into DCF why was she not laying on the courthouse steps begging for a judge to intervene. She repeatedly returned them to their father. I'm sorry but if I suspected someone was abusing my child there would be no way in HELLO that I would return them to that person.

From the way that Art Harris described the picture of Haleigh's face, it sounded like she had a bad fall. My younger sister fell off a sliding board ladder when she was 4 and had those same kind of bruises: black eye, scrapes on face and nose. Futhermore, bruises on Jr's legs do not send up my hinky meter either. I don't know any toddlers whose shins and legs have not been bruised on more than one occasion from falling, playing, etc. As a matter of fact, my own daughter has multiple bruises on her legs right now and I can assure you she has not been abused.

She tried that. RC called the sheriff, and LE took them from her.
Though I can't see the NG show, I did read that Crystal has contacted DCF in the past and was ignored, apparently she isn't the only one who has called DCF concerning the Cummings children, ie "A".
She also appealed the custody decision, and was again denied custody.
Short of running off to another state or country, it appears she did everything she could and there was nothing left to do but build up evidence. this is jmooc
This case has everything to do with custody. In whose custody is Haleigh right now? How did she get there? Why isn't she where she is suppose to be? And why is Misty lying, or creating a new story every time she's asked? Is the truth really that hard to say? Why?
Is it possible that Crystal may have more information about Haleigh's disappearance than we do and just maybe that leaves her to believe her other child may well be in danger or lost just as Haleigh was ?

Anything is possible...

Seems like everything and anything is possible in this case...

I just wish there would be some kind of break, something, anything!! I'm so frustrated and sad, day after day, coming in here hoping to see that Haleigh has been found. :(
Thanks for clearing that up!
Okay so she was not much older than Misty when she was with Ron
and pregnant?


(But I just realized I miss-spoke and need to edit that - I meant she was 18 when she had Haleigh, not Jr, obviously. :crazy:)

Misty just turned 17 in December. But I don't think Misty's age is the biggest concern about entrusting children to her care, and it wasn't the smoothest move to use that as a reason.

BTW, Does anyone know when Crystal finished (graduated?) high school?
Crystal makes it sound like she let Ron take the children for a weekend visit and he didn't bring them back. She LET him take those children...a toddler and an infant...not only out of the state but out of the country for nearly a month...with her full knowledge and approval.

What the heck...what mother would allow that if they knew the person was abusive? I dont buy it one bit.
I think her explanation now is she didn't know at the time he was abusive. :waitasec: The problem I have is once the kids started showing up at her house for visitation with injuries, why didn't she do something then instead of waiting until the final straw, so to speak, with Haleigh missing? I personally don't think either of them are ideal parents and it might just be that the courts felt of the two he was the better one. MOO
In the interview I believe it was with Geraldo ...someone please correct me if I am wrong. But, didn't RC imply or even state that he had been investigated by DFS.
I have to respectively disagree it has everything to do with it. It shows Crystal made false accusations about someone stealing her car. She was willing to lie get someone in trouble for a felony.Doesnt matter if she admitted lieing she still did it. Thats major and will diffently play a role in DCF ruling and any custody trial.

I'm sure there were probably lies by both parties.This doesn't have any thing to do with the abuse issue.Her attorney was right.They need to check for all forms of abuse.Not just physical.I feel the social services need to investigate whether there was any illegal substances used by all parties and what if any part it played in Haleighs disappearance.
She was taking pictures of the children/abuse on her weekend. Why over look it until now? I am sure they will ask her why she has all the pictures of the bruises on the children and did nothing. DFCS will say she failed to protect them.

She didn't do nothing. She reported them to DCF at the time.
Crystal makes it sound like she let Ron take the children for a weekend visit and he didn't bring them back. She LET him take those children...a toddler and an infant...not only out of the state but out of the country for nearly a month...with her full knowledge and approval.

What the heck...what mother would allow that if they knew the person was abusive? I dont buy it one bit.

She said (repeatedly) that he was not abusive at that time. The problems didn't start until later.

Now, I guess she has heard more, during her time there the last month. How true they are, I have no clue. Like I said, if the evidence isn't strong, I hope the attorney gets seriously disciplined by the board on top of public scorn.
Which would mean DFACS investigated many times and found no grounds to remove the children.

You are so right. I have worked closely with DFCS and if the children were being abused and there are marks they would have been removed period. DFCS interviews in such a way as to see if the children are scared of their parents. So the facts that DFCS has been to home and the children are still there says alot. IMHO
I think she does have a good heart and didn't want to hurt him. Since then, she's been called the "bio-mom" while TN and family repeatedly talk about Haleigh's "new mommy", the one who can't give a consistent story to LE and "doesn't know" why.
I think she's also learned a whole lot since she's not two hours away.
I would quit my job and move with my children to a tent before ever allowing Misty or Ron to care for my children.

Well.... at first Crystal also said, several times, that the kids loved Misty, she was good to them (something like that anyway) etc. etc. So again I think Crystal really tried to be "fair" time and time again. It is very possible that all the stuff about about bio mom and the kids thinking of Misty as the mom really did hurt her feelings. I agree all that stuff was really unnecessary and hurtful. Would hurt me too.

I believe her father lives in the same area as Ron. And we know from the court docs from the custody hearing that after they split, her cousin, or brother or something was in the car with him. So I think she still has enough family in the area to still have had an ear to the ground even if she lives 2 hours away.

I don't know... before this custody stuff started she seemed ok with Ron having them and I think she was thankful that Misty seemed to take good care of them before all this happened. I think now it's like trying to close the barn door after the horses have been let out... I just see her as a very sad pawn in this.

I think Ron was probably doing "ok" until he hooked up with Misty. I swear she is his downfall.
CS's attorney stated that Haleigh missed 12 doctor's appointment while Haleigh was in Crystals care. With Haleigh having Turners Syndrome - that would be seen as medical neglect by DFCS. Crystal did not have a car and a drivers license.......she should have had some kind of support system to help her when these children needed to go to the doctor's office. Hell walk to the doctors office if you have too, or get a cab, but you can not just not go.

*I* think this child custody case should not have been brought up until Haleigh is found. They (the attorney) could be getting all the documentation together and get ready for another court hearing. These TWO parents should actively be doing everything in their power to try and help find Haleigh. They can settle what ever arguments they have after Haleigh is home. These parents need to "get together" and rally for Haleigh and stop all this BS. It is not helping Haleigh come home. I am sure DCF has been notified and will be keeping an eye on RJ, but will not remove him until it is proven he is in immediate danger.

With the mud slinging from both sides it is not helping to find Haleigh. They have to grow up and put their priorities in line, right now it is Haleigh.

Yup somebody needs to get all Moms, girlfriends, lawyers and who ever else is directing Ron and Crystal away from them for a couple of hours and let those 2 sit down and discuss this through. They were fine until Crystal's Mom stepped into the picture..actually she tried the first interview but Crystal wouldn't let her.

As a side note: Check out Crystal's mom myspace and see how many times Crystal writes "I Love You" to her. Nothing else except I love you, time and time again. Strange IMO. I think the abuser is the one directing her on what to do and say IMO. The rest are nothing but money hungry ground sniffing animals dressed as people who care! Of course IMO :)
But, TN didn't work at the PD where Crystal lived...what, two hours away. I just think the whole timing thing is really off.

TN is dispatcher for peat sakes. No way I believe a dispatcher has any kind of special pull with police. If she was a police officer I might by it but a dispatcher no way.
The one part I completely agree with tonight was what Mike Brooks said about LE not clearing anybody yet and MCs inconsistent statements. RC says he was at work, but I'd like to know if somebody from work can verify he was there the entire time or maybe left during his "lunch" break. So what CS has to say about these child abuse charges is important at least until he can be completely ruled out. MOO
Exactly and how far is his job from the trailer?
And does he work alone or are their other coworkers to verify he was there the whole time?
Crystal makes it sound like she let Ron take the children for a weekend visit and he didn't bring them back. She LET him take those children...a toddler and an infant...not only out of the state but out of the country for nearly a month...with her full knowledge and approval.

What the heck...what mother would allow that if they knew the person was abusive? I dont buy it one bit.

Right, I believe she herself told the first judge he took them with her approval. She didn't have a problem till he filed for temporary custody when he returned.
She didn't do nothing. She reported them to DCF at the time.

If she called DFCS and stated she had children there that had signs of abuse and she had taken pictures of the children. DFCS would investigate and would visit Crystal to see the pictures. Do we know if she talked face to face with DFCS?
She tried that. RC called the sheriff, and LE took them from her.
Though I can't see the NG show, I did read that Crystal has contacted DCF in the past and was ignored.
She also appealed the custody decision, and was again denied custody.
Short of running off to another state or country, it appears she did everything she could and there was nothing left to do but build up evidence. this is jmooc
This case has everything to do with custody. In whose custody is Haleigh right now? How did she get there? Why isn't she where she is suppose to be? And why is Misty lying, or creating a new story every time she's asked? Is the truth really that hard to say? Why?

well said.
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