2009.03.19 Nancy Grace

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I do not understand why they are more concerned with GETTING Ronald then they are with FINDING this little girl. :furious:

I don't see it that way at all!! Her son is just as important as her daughter and she has reason to believe he's in an abusive home. She knows where he is and she wants him back right now. I TOTALLY get that!

How is her going after him hindering the search for Hayleigh? I don't get that at all.
I think Mark K needs to educate NG about the stats of missing/kidnapped kids under the age of five. Outside of parental abduction, they are usually reported missing/kidnapped to cover up a murder. And the kids are usually murdered while their parents are commiting child abuse.

It really sounds like NG is buying the stranger abduction. And that is extremely rare.
It seems she's being very favorable toward RC and his family which would point to a stranger instead of somebody he knew harming Haleigh. MOO
Well if those bruises are from punishment then I am in big trouble. My kids always had bruises in straight lines on their shins, thighs, arms etc. Pedal on a bicycle does wonders to a shin, running into stairs, and the list goes on. Wouldnt it also be odd if Ron was using a stick to discipline the kids that he would just hit them once? Usually someone who is abusing kids would take more than one swing with a stick at them and leave numerous bruises or welts in a line. I would also be concerned that RJ has been coached so much at this point he will say what every TN or CS want him to say.

Not reading your mind, Busylady, but I bet you didn't mean to say TN.....
PinkyPoo, I know you won't agree with this but they are looking for Haleigh. The mother obviously thinks that the father, and/or the father's girlfriend might have killed Haleigh. They have reason to think this in my opinion by their behavior. jmo
Well said! IMO this isnt keeping LE from the investigation, this is actually bringing the focus back to those inside the home, where if Misty wouldnt have thrown LE in the beginning by lying and staging an abduction, this is where they would have started. I bet they would have been a lot further in this case, a lot sooner. Had Misty not been so young, I dont think LE would have been so mislead so quickly!!! JMOO
Well if those bruises are from punishment then I am in big trouble. My kids always had bruises in straight lines on their shins, thighs, arms etc. Pedal on a bicycle does wonders to a shin, running into stairs, and the list goes on. Wouldnt it also be odd if Ron was using a stick to discipline the kids that he would just hit them once? Usually someone who is abusing kids would take more than one swing with a stick at them and leave numerous bruises or welts in a line. I would also be concerned that RJ has been coached so much at this point he will say what every TN or CS want him to say.

The TH lawyer Eleanor looked at the photos and agreed the bruises looked like linear marks left by using a switch/stick. She is a prosecutor for child abuse cases.

I have been whipped with a switch and KNOW that little 3 year RJ did not do ANYTHING to deserve that!!!!! Shame on DCF for turning their backs on these kids. :furious:
It seems she's being very favorable toward RC and his family which would point to a stranger instead of somebody he knew harming Haleigh. MOO
Apparently she cant get past Mistys adolescence either! IMO
Does Turner's Syndrome compromise the immune system? Ecoli would I'd think (poor baby). I think there was appropriate medical attention given to the facial wounds. Seems feasible that Haleigh may have picked at her scratches and or had a hard time healing for several reasons. Wonder if antibiotics were given or any other meds.

I'm way more concerned about that bruise on Jr personally. That one seems more suspicious.

Wish they'd quit focusing on the past and get busy with what's important today. moo
I don't see it that way at all!! Her son is just as important as her daughter and she has reason to believe he's in an abusive home. She knows where he is and she wants him back right now. I TOTALLY get that!

How is her going after him hindering the search for Hayleigh? I don't get that at all.

Keaska, the way it was explained on NG by the guy that's a former fbi something or another (someone here will know his name), is that the investigating agency only has a finite amount of resourses. That I understood completely.

Now, that agency has to re-task LEO to investigate these allegations and that takes resources away from searching for Haleigh. In that manner, I completely understand how it is taking away from the search for Haleigh.
I don't see it that way at all!! Her son is just as important as her daughter and she has reason to believe he's in an abusive home. She knows where he is and she wants him back right now. I TOTALLY get that!

How is her going after him hindering the search for Hayleigh? I don't get that at all.

How is Crystals Atty helping to find ANYTHING other then her own fame by appearing on NG nightly? I don't get that at all.
I understand the danger of getting sidetracked, the focus being taken off of the search for Haleigh, but IF there is abuse maybe they need to look at Ron again. All those calls to DCF and nothing was ever done ? Custody was given to Ron even though he has quite the drug history. IDK, but I just don't get the feeling that this was a stranger abduction...my opinion only.
I agree. I also find it to be amazing to hear wails about this getting sidetracked, after the the wedding etc. Sheesh! I saw that justified by it's keeping the story in the news... welll... :crazy:

I so wish we, they, everyone could put the wishes of the adults aside and try to be consistent and fair in our analyses - we have to be in order to find the truth and what is really best for both of these sweet children.
Oh please...I don't buy any of this bullcrap for one second. How stupid do they think people are? They are telling us they took photos of a child they thought was being abused yet it looks "tacky" to have the camera date on?
You all can belive that if you like but not I :mad:

Removing the date was probably done way before they took the abuse pics. They probably removed the date, like I did, the first day I bought the camera. I hate the dates on my pictures as well.
Well if those bruises are from punishment then I am in big trouble. My kids always had bruises in straight lines on their shins, thighs, arms etc. Pedal on a bicycle does wonders to a shin, running into stairs, and the list goes on. Wouldnt it also be odd if Ron was using a stick to discipline the kids that he would just hit them once? Usually someone who is abusing kids would take more than one swing with a stick at them and leave numerous bruises or welts in a line. I would also be concerned that RJ has been coached so much at this point he will say what every TN or CS want him to say.

Not to mention how do we even know that most of those pictures are even him???? We really don't know. The pictures were so fuzzy and could have been "any" child (chad's)
Well said! IMO this isnt keeping LE from the investigation, this is actually bringing the focus back to those inside the home, where if Misty wouldnt have thrown LE in the beginning by lying and staging an abduction, this is where they would have started. I bet they would have been a lot further in this case, a lot sooner. Had Misty not been so young, I dont think LE would have been so mislead so quickly!!! JMOO

Oh for petes sake....Misty is not bright enough to throw LE off track. LOL
I am 120% sure that LE can clearly see through her.
Keaska, the way it was explained on NG by the guy that's a former fbi something or another (someone here will know his name), is that the investigating agency only has a finite amount of resourses. That I understood completely.

Now, that agency has to re-task LEO to investigate these allegations and that takes resources away from searching for Haleigh. In that manner, I completely understand how it is taking away from the search for Haleigh.

I don't buy that. DCAF can handle this for now while they are focusing on their search for Hayleigh.

What I DO NOT get is that some people seem to think that child abuse has nothing to do with Hayleigh being missing. It very well could BE the reason she is missing.

Casey Anthony NEVER abused Caylee before that we know of and look what she did to her own little girl.
Okay here is what I missed catching (I have my own kids with big ol' mouths that were yacking).

KP (CS's lawyer) stated that the pictures were taken on 16 NOV. Wasn't it said in the art harris article that the exact date of the picture was unknown because the memory card had been erased?
Psychiatrist said it is common for abused children to wet the bed...hence the washing of the blankets???
Actually Turner syndrome is know to cause bladder,Kidney and Urinary Trac problems.
Oh for petes sake....Misty is not bright enough to throw LE off track. LOL
I am 120% sure that LE can clearly see through her.

And I thought I clearly heard tonight on NG (or was it JVM) a quote that said police are STILL not able put together a timeline because of her inconsistencies. I would call that throwing them off track.
I don't see it that way at all!! Her son is just as important as her daughter and she has reason to believe he's in an abusive home. She knows where he is and she wants him back right now. I TOTALLY get that!

How is her going after him hindering the search for Hayleigh? I don't get that at all.

If thats true then they should get there hind ends in a court room. Nancy Grace does not decide custody!
Oh but then the free atty would not get her free press. I can see right through these people.
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