2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition

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Did anyone else pick up the fact that there is a pending "litigation" against the A's?

CA and BC state YES, there is litigation pending against them.

Hmmmm. That's a surprise... not. GO LE!
Wait, CA thinks "Zanny" is Jesse or Amy? Is she saying what I think she's saying? Has she ever said that directly before? I knew she was trying to throw Jesse under the bus, but that's so...blunt...for an Anthony.

Yeah, she said it to LE quite awhile ago. "I think Zany used to be Zany then it just became whoever, like Jesse or Amy". Something to that effect
who chews gum during an important event like this? it's rude!

and what's with the attitudes??? both of them!?!?!!!
omg what's going on with them???

They are FURIOUS that anyone would DARE to sue their precious kid. They feel that, had LE done its job, had Zenaida stayed off the news and if her attorney had any commons sense, they would not be there, being deposed, because it would be clear that no one was ever talking about THAT Zenaida Gonzalez. They believe that this is not a legitimate lawsuit but opportunistic on the part of Zenaida and especially her lawyer, an effort to capitalize on Caylee's death, and possibly part of a consipracy with the SA to further make casey look like a lying monster and to make their family look bad.
I think the Anthony's are doing a great job themselves making casey look like a lying monster and their own family look bad.
Look, I still feel very bad for them, that they lost their grandchild at the hands of their horrible daughter, but they are really making it clear to me that, although casey bears sole legal responsibility, GA and CA truly played a huge part in creating the monster casey became. They come across as brazen, pathological liars, just like their kid.
Whew! What a nightmarish bunch of people.
These people are the most disgusting examples of human beings that ever walked the face of this good earth!!! I had little regard or sympathy for them prior to the depositions. Now I have even less. Not only do they lie through their teeth, they fight with the attorneys and ZFG. How pathetic! I can't wait for the trail. The prosecution will chew them up and spit them out. If they think this display of attitude will help their piece of s**t daughter, they are grossly mistaken.

Poor Caylee. She never stood a chance with this bunch of psychos. It's just too sad.

Amen to all that!! :clap::clap:
My mother has made it quite clear to me ....

She would turn my A$$ is in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If CA had phone #'s and addresses for Zanny, as she said today, why didn't she track her down during the 31 days she was looking for KC? I don't remember CA telling LE that she had these #'s!:waitasec:

Because back THEN she was telling LE that Zanny was code for JG or AH.

Where's my copy of Lewis Carroll! I fell through the looking glass, again.
Did anyone else pick up the fact that there is a pending "litigation" against the A's?

CA and BC state YES, there is litigation pending against them.

Hmmmm. That's a surprise... not. GO LE!

I hope so. Then all their lies to the media canbe used against them.
lord, i don't know if i can take much more of cindy and george.

Seriously. Imo, there is something very unsettling even frightening about these people.

Anyone else feel the same?

yes!!!! :wave:
Page 113 - lines 8 & 9
"We have a Zenaida
8 Fernandez-Gonzalez Rivera in Puerto Rico that he had been
9 watching, still watching."

You have to be kidding me. She's like a bulldog shaking a bone in her jaws. So, the possibility exists that if they can't pin JG, they're STILL watching someone in Puerto Rico?

Watching a PR ZFG to see whether she has the living Caylee?

Well, there IS at least one living duplicate of everyone in this case. A Jeff Hopkins who does and does not have a child. Two ZFGs connected with the Sawgrass.

I think I saw that on the X-Files.
So the Millsteads signed the paperwork with DC as witnesses.

Anyone else think that Kid Finders is paying DC's bill?

I have a feeling Kid Finders is in this pretty deeply.
I can see very clearly now just from listening to less than all of part 1 that Casey used Zanny or the Nanny as a cover story for things. She used it as a cover for things she was doing that she did not want her mom or dad to know. For instance, she showed up with a hair straightener and Cindy asks where did she get it? Oh Zanny gave it to me. She wants to stay the night with a boyfriend and whala-I am staying over at Zanny's. My kid is missing and dead-I guess Zanny the Nanny did it, she is like Casey's own personal "Drop Dead Fred"...she did all the things that Casey does not want anyone to know SHE is doing. Maybe the straightener was stolen that Cindy references as Zanny's and the videos, but I think this explains the videos-the cartoons we have previously seen...
They are FURIOUS that anyone would DARE to sue their precious kid. They feel that, had LE done its job, had Zenaida stayed off the news and if her attorney had any commons sense, they would not be there, being deposed, because it would be clear that no one was ever talking about THAT Zenaida Gonzalez. They believe that this is not a legitimate lawsuit but opportunistic on the part of Zenaida and especially her lawyer, an effort to capitalize on Caylee's death, and possibly part of a consipracy with the SA to further make casey look like a lying monster and to make their family look bad.
I think the Anthony's are doing a great job themselves making casey look like a lying monster and their own family look bad.
Look, I still feel very bad for them, that they lost their grandchild at the hands of their horrible daughter, but they are really making it clear to me that, although casey bears sole legal responsibility, GA and CA truly played a huge part in creating the monster casey became. They come across as brazen, pathological liars, just like their kid.
Whew! What a nightmarish bunch of people.

What a waste of energy cuz there's nothing to collect from KC. Unless Morgan can include GA and CA in the lawsuit.
Because back THEN she was telling LE that Zanny was code for JG or AH.

Where's my copy of Lewis Carroll! I fell through the looking glass, again.

Now she says KC ALWAYS left a number for Zanny!!! Well, when you can't find KC why not call Zanny-why go to the trouble of composing the Caylee is Missing My Space in hopes of becoming her friend? Why not call Jesse? Why so angry with everyone but KC?:bang:
I always love when witnesses lose their cool, it's when you get the truth from them. During her tantrum CA admits that there was a huge fight with KC on the 15th--she didn't even hesitate to admit it--and then she catches herself and tries to backtrack in the worst way, that's when she really loses her cool. Again, CA did not do herself any favors in this deposition.

She's like her wretched get-- not smart enough to lie believable.
After seeing these depositions and her "best" character witnesses in action, KC ought to be a lot more responsive to any plea offers, if she is lucky enough to get one. IMHO

Nope. It's game, set, and match for Killer KC.
Part 4 video, Cindy completely and entirely loses it. Screaming, yelling, un-friggity-believable.

ETA: and then smiling and winking at Brad.

I just can not believe this.
Q Let me expand that question out a little bit.
19 Is there any other person besides your daughter that has
20 told you that they have met or seen Zanny?
21 A No, but Caylee talked about Zanny's dog.
22 Q We'll get to that in a second.
23 A She's another person.
24 Q I appreciate that. I just want to be clear?
25 A If there's a dog that belongs to Zanny, then there must be a Zanny.

Somebody hold me.

Do we have a Rolling On The Floor Laughing smiley? I could really use it right now.

Is that woman for real????? :rolleyes:
GEorge assumes that someone is giving him then finger? What a crock '

What a bunch of liars. Caylee talks about a dog? This is brand new information - why didn't they tell this to LE?



The 'finger' chit was absurd & made GA look extremely paranoid!

CA has told the 'Caylee & the dog' story before but if IIRC she didn't exactly say it was "Zanny's" dog but tried to imply it by saying sometimes when she got home Caylee would talk about seeing a "dog"..My guess is she saw one at JBP!
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