2009.04.13 State To Seek Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

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OH WOW ! Maybe this will finally wipe that smart-a$$ smug look off her face!

OTH, supposed 1 juror does hold out? would the only choices be (1) guilty via dealth penalty or (2) not guilty????

that makes me queasy.

guess the As will have lots to talk about on Oprah NOW!

IIRC I wondered this during Jessica Lunsfords case. There is a two phase case.
The first is the guilt versus innocence phase, the 2nd is the sentencing phase.
The judge can then accept or overrule the sentence put forth.

I always thought there was some strong evidence because they charged 1st degree murder right out of the gate.
Wow, since this will bring in another atty, I wonder if there will be more serious plea talks...
This may be good because something more incriminating has surfaced, but from a trial standpoint it will lend her more support for the anti-death penalty folks.
Though anything is possible, I rather doubt it. I think the SA has other damning evidence we still haven't seen yet, (though I think they already have enough with what I've seen...)

I completely agree. I think it's fair to assume the SA has a rock solid case if they brought the DP back on the table. I've thought for a long time they had enough for a DP case.
oooooh yeah i forgot about the "other" evidence... the stuff we don't know about.
i can't imagine anything worse than what we already heard.
i wonder if this has anything to do with the soil samples from kc's shoes matching with the soil from the crime scene? no.. it has to get better than that.
I'm also hoping this will get Casey to finally come clean & tell the truth for once in her life that will be in jepordy now. She didn't care about Caylee's life, but I bet she does about her own! I will bet she would rather spend life in jail than facing death row.

She should be shaking & sweating now with this news!
I wonder if the A's will cancel the Oprah show now too!
I'm sorry if what I feel is wrong, BUT, this news makes me the happiest I have been in a very long time (concerning this case!)

ETA: this good news brought me back to Caylee's Forum.
Wonder what the aggravating circumstances were, that the heart sticker couldn't mitigate

The only thing the SA needed to really do was to link her to the remains location. Death of a child is an aggravating factor, so is kidnapping, prior to the discovery of Caylee, they couldn't link KC directly to the body, now they can.

This is the best news I've heard in a while now.
Will it be enough for Casey to want a plea deal?


You think JB will completely withdraw? I think he'll stay on. Obviously he can no longer be lead which will KILL him I'm sure.

JB may not have a choice. :D The Florida Bar may cast the deciding vote of whether he stays or goes.

You think JB will completely withdraw? I think he'll stay on. Obviously he can no longer be lead which will KILL him I'm sure.

No, I was thinking more along the lines of the complaints recently filed against him by Judge S and DCasey, which complaints could cause FL's Supreme Court to act immediately and impose interim sanctions/suspensions, pending the outcome of the complaints (this depends upon the severity of the allegations,) though I guess he could voluntarily withdraw rather waiting for same...
WOW! Just wow. I wonder what changed. Will KC need the services of Terrance Lindeman again now?

Maybe the state got tired of all the BS and games from the attorneys and the family and they just upped their chess game..

whatever the reason, I'm glad. she doesn't deserve to live.
This news made my whole year so far!! The only thing that'll top this is hearing the words "GUILTY AS CHARGED" and seeing her escorted to Death Row.
Though anything is possible, I rather doubt it. I think the SA has other damning evidence we still haven't seen yet, (though I think they already have enough with what I've seen...)

Thanks, Chezhire! It just seems curious to me that this announcement comes days after Deputy Richard Cain is accused of doing shoddy work in relation to this case. Kind of made me think OSCO might have been a tad nervous about it. Just my initial feeling though, I love reading your input.
This is the best news I've heard in a while now.
Will it be enough for Casey to want a plea deal?


Now is the time for all the lies to stop and KC to plea it out and tell the truth. Mama Cindy can't save her now.
Hmm. Could this mean that there is some truth to the Enquirer's article about DNA on her shoes and dirt on the shoes matching dirt at the scene. I wonder what other smoking guns they may have?

I was wondering the exact same thing. I am hoping for a plea down to life in prison in exchange for a confession. But that probably will never happen.
This is the best news I've heard in a while now.
Will it be enough for Casey to want a plea deal?


I totally agree !! I do not think she will, she will go to her grave claiming she is "innocent".
Yes, JB is not a death penalty qualified atty. He will no longer be allowed to be lead counsel.

And her previous atty who was death qualified has already spoken out too much about the case to be put back on. In my opinion it's a conflict.

I just remembered the same thing. Wonder who will be the new counsel?
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