2009.04.23 Baez WESH Interview

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It sure sounds like the A's were prepared by Baez before the Early Show interview. No doubt there is a whitewash shortage in Florida now....and Lee's attorney was part of this because????????

the others had their time on camera---he wanted his????
Tonite at 11 pm the "smell of death" is to be explained.


OMG Is WESH having that hard of a time filling airtime? Smell of death?????? Caused by Caylee's remains being stored in the trunk. Yep...there you go. Short and sweet. Asked and answered in 4 seconds flat. Better get JB here to stretch it out into a 20 minute segment (read as: OK producer.... it will take 20 minutes for him to string a few sentences together, and be sure to allow enough time for his uhhhhs, and ummmms. I am thinking for every 5 minutes of usable soundbites we will have an additional 15 minutes of JB struggling to put it together. Note........the 5 minutes will likely not be consecutive!)
A couple of things I found amusing:

1. Baez starts to talk, and stumbles on his words by the third word. :rolleyes:

2. Look where each of the three attorneys are sitting. Hornsby sits in front of many law books...Luka sits at a desk, full of paperwork, and where does Baez sit? In front of a mostly empty bookcase, with some liquor decanters.

I rest my case. :crazy:

Why was Luka at this interview? Is he the same attorney that wanted immunity for Lee? Is he now part of KC's defense team?
The Prosecution should examine the validity of Henry Lees statements about the hair and how Lee came to his conclusions! Did Lee personally,Hands on examine the hair found in KC's car trunk that was Caylees to make his determinations or did he make his judgement solely on viewing photographs of the hair?
I thought Baez is not the leading defense attorney anymore on this case since the DA brought the death penalty charges back on the books! If this is the case then shouldn't he be dusting off the law books in his office or fetching coffee for the new lead attorney. This is another case of trying to get 15 minutes of fame before the ship sinks!!!
Maybe that is why the vet is on the witness list, to prove that squirrels don't smell like rotten pizza. :)

...and that NEITHER smells like a dead body...
Maybe that is why the vet is on the witness list, to prove that squirrels don't smell like rotten pizza. :)

Actually he's probeley there to rule out that the hair found by Henry Lee is not squirrel hair
I thought Baez is not the leading defense attorney anymore on this case since the DA brought the death penalty charges back on the books! If this is the case then shouldn't he be dusting off the law books in his office or fetching coffee for the new lead attorney. This is another case of trying to get 15 minutes of fame before the ship sinks!!!

He's the new spokesperson for the KC Camp. :woohoo:
from the wesh article-
"He plans to vigorously attack the single hair found in Casey Anthony's car trunk that prosecutors say is proof a decomposing body was in there. He said his own expert Henry Lee found 17 hairs in the trunk that showed no signs of decomposition."

Dr. Lee DID NOT FIND 17 HAIRS. WSers already debunked that in the Myths thread! The tv shows that let him perpetuate this bunk should have a counter-editorial from websleuths after each time the defense tries to spin facts (since LE & SA doesn't comment, and JB has free reign to try to poison the jury pool with his made up "facts"). JMO
FYI, on Nancy Grace's blog today it was said that AmyH filed papers to block access to her cell phone records and computer.

Also docs being released to the defense, pics of check cashing place and search warrants. Woo hoo!

Didn't we already see Amy's cell records? Were there more?
Rumor has it more Documents are going to be released. Can't wait to see what they have to offer..Maybe Baez and the Anthony's are preparing for the release of the tape showing Casey's reaction to Caylee's body being found.

is it only me or is does this not sound like such a big deal? I mean her reaction can be interpreted positively for either the prosecution or the defense.
is it only me or is does this not sound like such a big deal? I mean her reaction can be interpreted positively for either the prosecution or the defense.

unless her non-reaction to previous disclosures is presented...then it becomes clear she dumped her daughter in the weeds, next door to her parents home.
is it only me or is does this not sound like such a big deal? I mean her reaction can be interpreted positively for either the prosecution or the defense.

one would think so, HOWEVER, JB keeps fighting tooth and nail for some reason to keep it private. tells me that there must be SOMETHING on that tape incriminating towards his client. or not. JB's strategy/motions never make much sense to me. he is one. strange. bird.
Maybe that is why the vet is on the witness list, to prove that squirrels don't smell like rotten pizza. :)

Or maybe it's just to establish that they really can't crawl, walk, jump, scurry or scamper AFTER they are dead, or have post-mortem pizza parties.
she "passed away" alright... everyone would, when duct tape is secured over their mouth

a "natural" death.

Gosh, that part pisses me off so bad. A child with lukemia "passes away". A child found dead, triple bagged like garbage, with duct tape over her face and left to rot in some snake-infested swampland was either killed, murdered, or executed. A healthy 2 year old baby's life doesn't "pass away" - it is "taken".

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