2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

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LP can "Mince" words all he wants

The Bottom line is that he did a Year in Federal Prison for "Something" relating to Non Payment of Taxes

If every politician that has cheated on his taxes were actually held to task over it, 99% of them would have been his cell mate. The same can be said about most celebrities, lawyers , doctors and average Americans. Very few people get audited, but a lot of people sign their tax returns with crossed fingers knowing they could be. Although I am not condoning it, at least he admitted it. I'd rather have someone own up to something than these politicians or ministers like John Edwards and Jesse Jackson paying thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars to an ex lover, and mother of his child with campaign funds donated by good hard working American citizens who envision him as some clean cut all American guy. I think the Caroline Kennedy tax scandal is a really good example , we are more forgiving of someone in a All - American looking package than someone colorful like LP. Does he enjoy the limelight, yes, does he exaggerate and speculate, yes. Is he going to write a book and maybe even have a movie, deal, as sure as the sun comes up in the morning , yes. Even so, I would take his word over the Anthonys, all of them combined every day of the week. He is a far cry from someone covering up a murder! He doesn't pretend to be something he is not. He unlike they, agreed, immediately upon being asked by LE to the polygraph, to me that was the put up or shut up moment, and they refused. We watched George and Cindy lie in their depos for hours. Think of all the high level government people that Obama wanted to appoint, but could not because of various skeletons in their closets! It is hard to find someone who is beyond reproach. Very hard, indeed. I've said it before on here, I'd much sooner have a beer with LP than any of the other wolves in this case. At least with him you know what you are getting.
This fits with what I've thought all along. We know George is a proven liar too. He never saw them on the 16th, why should we take his word for it, for the last sighting of Caylee? He's not credible. It makes much more sense that Casey took off in a fit of anger with Caylee and kill her shortly afterward- late on the night of the 15th or extremely early in the am on the 16th.

I agree also. I always felt that G.A. lied in regards to seeing KC and caylee the morning of the 16th. I believe he made this story up to some how protect KC. Here is a couple of things that support the fact that he lied.

1) There is a phone call from the A. house early in the morning of the 16th to KC cell phone. I believe it was C.A. calling KC before leaving to go to work to find out where she was.

2) G.A. gave way to much detail about the clothes they were wearing, the tv program he was watching, and the
time that they left the home.

3) Also he said he did not see them until 1 something in the afternoon. Nothing about feeding Caylee breakfast etc.
Can's imagine a 2 1/2 year old staying in the bedroom until one in the afternoon.
I don't think Lenonard Padilla would commit perjury especially in a case like this. So he had a tax thing going on. He must have had a good reason for doing what he did. I am not saying what he did was right but it sounds as if he took a stand for what he believed in and he paid the price for it. This is a life and death case and for a while Padilla was right in the middle of the muck until G,C&KC realized they would be under observation by Len, and thats when they got rid of him. Padilla is not the only one they got rid of either. They bounced Tim Miller when Cindy couldn't control him and his organization.
All Good People that truely wanted to help the Anthonys were dismissed by the Anthonys and I want to know why. Miller is certainly a very credible man.
The dissing of Padilla in this thread must be fueled by something... perhaps a Baez plant or other reasons. It has to be someone who is trying to create doubt in the minds of others about the credibility of LP.
In the end Len Padillas statements will have little impact on this case and its outcome. What will is the evidence the prosecution has against KC and even G&C for obstructing justice.

That "Stand" that Leonard took was against the Law & you don't go to Federal Prison for a Year for a little "Tax Thing"

This wasn't a case of an ordinary American "Joe" upset with paying his Taxes

LP was forced to pay a $600,000.000 Fine.........Think about that for a moment

If you owe that much money in Taxes you can definitely afford to pay it.

Maybe the "Good Reason" LP had for breaking the law was simply "Greed"

If every politician that has cheated on his taxes were actually held to task over it, 99% of them would have been his cell mate. The same can be said about most celebrities, lawyers , doctors and average Americans. Very few people get audited, but a lot of people sign their tax returns with crossed fingers knowing they could be. Although I am not condoning it, at least he admitted it. I'd rather have someone own up to something than these politicians or ministers like John Edwards and Jesse Jackson paying thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars to an ex lover, and mother of his child with campaign funds donated by good hard working American citizens who envision him as some clean cut all American guy. I think the Caroline Kennedy tax scandal is a really good example , we are more forgiving of someone in a All - American looking package than someone colorful like LP. Does he enjoy the limelight, yes, does he exaggerate and speculate, yes. Is he going to write a book and maybe even have a movie, deal, as sure as the sun comes up in the morning , yes. Even so, I would take his word over the Anthonys, all of them combined every day of the week. He is a far cry from someone covering up a murder! He doesn't pretend to be something he is not. He unlike they, agreed, immediately upon being asked by LE to the polygraph, to me that was the put up or shut up moment, and they refused. We watched George and Cindy lie in their depos for hours. I was about twenty six years old when I learned that not only Rock Hudson, but Mr. Brady was gay and they had hid it for all of the years of their careers. It was one of those defining moments in life that you never forget. It is kind of silly how personally disappointed I was. I remember my older brother cracking up, calling me Polyanna. That day, I came to lose some of my innocence and I came to understand no one is without flaws and no one is above pretense. I've said it before on here, I'd much sooner have a beer with LP than any of the other wolves in this case. At least with him you know what you are getting.

I respectfully disagree...

In your opinion you think..."You Know what your getting" when it comes to LP

In my opinion that couldn't be further from the truth

I Never heard of LP before his involvement in this case but the minute he arrived on the scene I thought his motives were "Suspect"

I've learned to trust my Instincts & everything I've seen & heard from LP since then has supported my original feelings about the man.

I think his entire involvement in this case has been a "charade" & that he has a lot of people fooled.

No offense to anyone personally...It's just my opinion of LP.............Not anyone here
You gotta love LP....at least he owns it like a man.......

Actually that depends where LP is & who he's speaking to...

On his Mayoral Candidacy Web-site under "Skeletons" he claimed that he was in a "Detention Center" for "Failure to File Taxes"

During a Town hall meeting says it was "Prison"

It's actually a little confusing trying to get to the bottom of What LP actually did & I'm sure that's not an accident considering his political ambitions.

This is what I've come up with so far......At least this is what I've found on the Web

LP was indicted on Federal Tax Evasion

He plead Guilty to 2 counts of "Failure to File"

He served 2 Years in Prison

“I plead guilty to 2 misdemeanors for non-filing and non-payment of taxes, definitely not tax evasion. I paid approximately $600,000.00 in taxes due and I did 1 year in a federal detention center from February 1992.."
I respectfully disagree...

In your opinion you think..."You Know what your getting" when it comes to LP

In my opinion that couldn't be further from the truth

I Never heard of LP before his involvement in this case but the minute he arrived on the scene I thought his motives were "Suspect"

I've learned to trust my Instincts & everything I've seen & heard from LP since then has supported my original feelings about the man.

I think his entire involvement in this case has been a "charade" & that he has a lot of people fooled.

No offense to anyone personally...It's just my opinion of LP.............Not anyone here

Early on I learned he had some show, or wanted some show similar to Dog's, so yes, we knew what we were getting, he wasn't there to do charity work behind the scenes is what I mean.I surmised immediately the first time I saw him give an interview, he was going to write a book when the trial is over. Keeping the financial motive in mind , you don't call him to the stand. You listen to his information and try to cooberate it through different witnesses. For example, this bit about the violence at Cindy's hand that night, Yuri has asked each and every one of Casey's friends and lovers if they have any knoweldge of it. They aren't taking his word for everything, but they are looking into these things. He had one of his employees living inside the home the time he had Casey out on bail, so although one would prefer a nun as a witness, some of his information is useful as a jumping off point. That is all I mean when I say you know what you are getting. I wouldn't have him lead a theology class, but do I think he had a bird's eye view with Tracey living with Casey, absolutely. I don't find him making money off of this once the trial is over even remotely distasteful compared to the Anthonys asking for donations , or the Kid Finder crew and their record. LP is one of those guys we all know that everything they say you kind of take with a wink and a smile, but is basicly harmless. That is a far cry from protecting a murderer who killed an innocent baby. I respect your opinion, in any case. Always.
Early on I learned he had some show, or wanted some show similar to Dog's, so yes, we knew what we were getting, he wasn't there to do charity work behind the scenes is what I mean.I surmised immediately the first time I saw him give an interview, he was going to write a book when the trial is over. Keeping the financial motive in mind , you don't call him to the stand. You listen to his information and try to cooberate it through different witnesses. For example, this bit about the violence at Cindy's hand that night, Yuri has asked each and every one of Casey's friends and lovers if they have any knoweldge of it. They aren't taking his word for everything, but they are looking into these things. He had one of his employees living inside the home the time he had Casey out on bail, so although one would prefer a nun as a witness, some of his information is useful as a jumping off point. That is all I mean when I say you know what you are getting. I wouldn't have him lead a theology class, but do I think he had a bird's eye view with Tracey living with Casey, absolutely. I don't find him making money off of this once the trial is over even remotely distasteful compared to the Anthonys asking for donations , or the Kid Finder crew and their record. LP is one of those guys we all know that everything they say you kind of take with a wink and a smile, but is basicly harmless. That is a far cry from protecting a murderer who killed an innocent baby. I respect your opinion, in any case. Always.

Fair enough..:)

I see your point & respect you opinion also.

I do agree that Tracy being in the house has the potential to be very useful to the prosecutions case depending on what she has seen & heard.

LP had that potential as well but his over exposure to the media will open his testimoney up to a great deal of scrutiny

I also agree that I'd rather see LP make a Milliion that the Anthony's make a Dime.
Fair enough..:)

I see your point & respect you opinion also.

I do agree that Tracy being in the house has the potential to be very useful to the prosecutions case depending on what she has seen & heard.

LP had that potential as well but his over exposure to the media will open his testimoney up to a great deal of scrutiny

I also agree that I'd rather see LP make a Milliion that the Anthony's make a Dime.

I 'll tell you whose book I'd buy ten of, Tim Miller's. That man is a saint who fights the good fight! I absolutely admire and respect him, and I can count on one hand the number of people I can say that about. He lost his daughter to a violent crime, and like Nancy, Mark and John he devoted his life to helping other children be found to have a Christian burial and some decency. Unlike the Anthonys who make appearances to be photographed, he does the real roll your sleeves up, physical work for no recognition. He has helped thousands of families. The work must be extreme, trying to keep the families optomistic, and at the same time preparing them for the eventuality and likelihood that their child is dead. I do not need him to be perfect or without a past. I judge him on how he leads his life now in trying to find these kids. It is humbling and offensive to me how horribly the Anthonys treated him. Leonard is one of the few people in this cast of characters that gives Mr. Miller his respect, and I like that about him.
I'll take a shot at answering that......Money....!!!!!!

Millions of Dollars in Free Publicity to promote any & all future Money Making Ventures....

DVD & T-Shirt sales

Web-Site membership fees

Future Book Deals

Pay-per view specials

Exclusive Interviews

Reality TV Shows

Leonard Padilla sings the Blues CD.....

Who Knows what he has planned


IMO all of the above can be achieved, and has, by just stating his opinion. He believes KC left the house on the 15th.

Aired May 19, 2009 - 20:00:00 ET (quoted from article)

To Leonard Padilla, bounty hunt they`re would be under oath in this case. Padilla, I understand that know you are now clarifying the time line, are you saying that George or Cindy Anthony saw her not on the morning of June 16th but on the evening, Sunday, June 15th, Father`s Day evening?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: We sincerely believe that after they had the big fight, Cindy and Casey, Casey grabbed her child and left the house that evening, not like George says at approximately noon the next day. She left that night with her child.

GRACE: And what difference would that make to you, Padilla, in figuring out the murder time line?

PADILLA: Well what it does, it fits better with the situation as far as the 2.6 days decomposition before the body was placed, triple-bagged, as you say.

Casey Anthony: Why won't she clear up Zenaida Gonzalez mystery?
posted by halboedeker on May 19, 2009 5:31:52 PM (quoted from article)

Belich also interviewed bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, who says George Anthony is lying about the last time he saw Caylee. George says he last saw Caylee on June 16. But Padilla quoted Lee Anthony as saying Casey and Caylee Anthony left on the night of June 15 after Cindy tried to strangle her daughter.

Missing California Girl`s Body Found/More Casey Anthony Case Video Released
Aired April 7, 2009 - 20:00:00 ET (quoted from article)

JESSE GRUND, CASEY`S FORMER LOVER: Lee, shortly after my second interview with Orange County, confided in me that the reason that he thought -- Cindy confided in him that the reason he thought she felt that Casey ran off was there was a big fight between the two of them, and the fight concerned Casey not being home a lot and not bringing Caylee by. It got into a very heated argument, which turned physical, and Cindy started choking Casey.
Early on I learned he had some show, or wanted some show similar to Dog's,

I snipped a lot of great LP insight because I just wanted to respond to this part.

I had heard about his bounty hunter show on cable, and understood that it had been canceled shortly after LP started this up in Or-lawn-do. Within the last couple of months I happened to catch the last ten minutes or so of this show on Nat-Geo. Rob Dick was there catching up with a perp while LP was off on vacation somewhere. RD apparently had made a wager w/LP depending upon whether or not he could get the task accomplished without LP coaching him through it. Mission accomplished. Anyway, at the end they were talking to LP who was sitting at a desk in all his glory (hat, toothpick, ...were his boots up on the desk?). LP was actually saying that he wanted then president GWB to send him to Afghanistan so that he could smoke out Osama bin Laden. He sounded pretty confident that he was the man for the job!! I had to laugh; it was amusing.

I share this just to further illustrate that indeed LP is all about the show.
ITA with you on some of your points. But if LP has been in jail before for basically the equivalent of lying...I guess to me he can't be trusted anymore than any of the A's...jmo. He is also a proven liar. I don't think he is involved in this case just because he cares about the death of little Caylee...but that is just my opinion.

Also, he is getting a lot of free press for this sure. But to say that he has no other motive other than he was concerned about Caylee...I am too much of a skeptic and not that naive to believe that he has absolutely no ulterior motive beyond caring about a child that doesn't belong to him.[/QUOTE

How does anyone know if Padilla is a liar? As far as his incarceration for tax problems perhaps Padilla was protesting against Federal or State Tax Officials because he found discrepencies in his taxes and refused to pay because the government made the mistakes. There are many scenarios we can assume as far as Padillas long time ago tax problem. I assume no one here knows of LP's Tax woes and what happened.
His tax problems however have nothing to do with the Anthony Case and what he observed while in the home and in dealing with George and Cindy on the outside. I highly doubt that he would ruin the reputation he has built up for himself just to lie about Cindy, KC, Lee and George Anthony. If I am not mistaken didn't the FBI get a polygraph out of LP about some information about KC. Padilla joyfully took the test when others where trying to discredit him and say he was lying. If the finger is pointed at Padilla for being a liar then the Defense better start pointing the finger at other " liars" like Tim Miller, Jessie G., Jessies Dad and others involved in the case.
Padilla a liar- I don't think so.. a showman.. perhaps... an all around good guy... definately.
How does anyone know if Padilla is a liar? As far as his incarceration for tax problems perhaps Padilla was protesting against Federal or State Tax Officials because he found discrepencies in his taxes and refused to pay because the government made the mistakes. There are many scenarios we can assume as far as Padillas long time ago tax problem. I assume no one here knows of LP's Tax woes and what happened.
His tax problems however have nothing to do with the Anthony Case and what he observed while in the home and in dealing with George and Cindy on the outside. I highly doubt that he would ruin the reputation he has built up for himself just to lie about Cindy, KC, Lee and George Anthony. If I am not mistaken didn't the FBI get a polygraph out of LP about some information about KC. Padilla joyfully took the test when others where trying to discredit him and say he was lying. If the finger is pointed at Padilla for being a liar then the Defense better start pointing the finger at other " liars" like Tim Miller, Jessie Grund, Jessies Dad and others involved in the case.
Padilla a liar- I don't think so.. a showman.. perhaps... an all around good guy... definately.

I have no problem with what you are saying at all. Again, I believe and feel that the A's are all liars to various degrees...but just because I don't like them doesn't mean I am going to put the
"saint hat" on LP. He isn't one. He has sought publicity in varying ways for a while. His coming in on this case is a clear example and a pattern of that. Having said that...I totally hope that LE/SA nails her parents for their lies as well as KC. JMO. Though I really liked your post.
I 'll tell you whose book I'd buy ten of, Tim Miller's. That man is a saint who fights the good fight! I absolutely admire and respect him, and I can count on one hand the number of people I can say that about.

There's something we can agree on..!

I admire Tim a great deal
There's something we can agree on..!

I admire Tim a great deal

I actually have met him, IRL. He is everything that you would think (decent) and more.

Having said that, even if I feel like as a person, LP falls short of that, I sincerely hope all of his observations about the A's are true.
I wasn't going to post anymore about this but here I go anyway. I don't understand why there are 18 pages of back and forth about LP and what a shady person he may or may not be. This will be my last post about the matter, cuz I'm off on to greener threads.

We do not for a fact, know that Tim M. is a saint. He has also had his demons just like the rest of us. We here are not perfect and don't need to look down our noses at others. The A's and the fact that one of their own is a killer of a sweet baby girl, is what is really goin on here. Plus all the lies and cover up.

Peeps look at me 2 different ways.
1. I am a sweet lil old G/M sittin here at a puter cus I can't do anythang else. Awwww! drips with honey type of B.S.
2. Meanest old thang that ever walked. Big B!tch! Yup! And don't fergit it, type of B.S.

We don't know who the person is that just hit that button "Post Quick Reply". Any one of us could be anythang from a serial killer to a 15 yo kid. Extreme I guess but the truth.

I may be one of the few/many who lubs/hates LP but----> as I sit here watching all this A's saga play out----> I git goose bumps every time LP/Morgan/LE/FBI get CA/GA/LA/KC all riled up. I want so bad to see this move on down the road. Knowing that LP can make CA "pull the pin" makes me jump up and down in this most uncomfortable chair.

Nobody here has to lub LP like I do. Thats ok. I ain't tryin to make anybody like/ lub him. Am just kinda tired of the back and forth stuff tho. Guess this post will be jerked---may go to time out----may be banned. See ya'll on the greener threads.
Mamabear, I'm with you. I am willing to suspend disbelief on anyone in this drama that goads or prods the Anthony family into moving towards the truth and eventual justice for Caylee - even if their methods seem to be a "backwards kinda way". I don't really care if their motives are pristine as long as their actions are a hindrance to the obstruction of justice that whole family and their support team has engaged in from day 1/31. Some of the players are more saintly than others, some are involved by choice and others by circumstance. It doesn't matter to me as long as they are making it hard for this family to personally profit from this murder or to help them exculpate their daughter.
Gee Whiz ! Here we go again .....

Everyone involved in this case ois trying to make a name for themselves, further their career, or just make money........
So, if LP makes money from it ---good for him.....He of all deserves too......LP truly cares about Caylee, LP physically went looking for Caylee, LP put money (lots of it ) out of his own pocket for these searches........ LP's involvement kept Caylee in the news,, on TV, and kept her memory alive until she was found.....
Bless him, don't kick a gift horse in the mouth........
Love you all, but please put your energy back onto Justice for Caylee----LP did his time....like a man........His debt to society is paid- He didn't kill anyone....He owes us nothing.......He's trying to solve this case the same as the rest of us- He works wth what info he has......as do we- none of us has the truth as yet.... His opinions when asked are based on what info he has.....as are ours....he is being asked for his opinions and we're not- that's the only difference.....
The murderer of Caylee owes big time.........It's all about Caylee.........
I wasn't going to post anymore about this but here I go anyway. I don't understand why there are 18 pages of back and forth about LP and what a shady person he may or may not be. This will be my last post about the matter, cuz I'm off on to greener threads.

We do not for a fact, know that Tim M. is a saint. He has also had his demons just like the rest of us. We here are not perfect and don't need to look down our noses at others. The A's and the fact that one of their own is a killer of a sweet baby girl, is what is really goin on here. Plus all the lies and cover up.

Peeps look at me 2 different ways.
1. I am a sweet lil old G/M sittin here at a puter cus I can't do anythang else. Awwww! drips with honey type of B.S.
2. Meanest old thang that ever walked. Big B!tch! Yup! And don't fergit it, type of B.S.

We don't know who the person is that just hit that button "Post Quick Reply". Any one of us could be anythang from a serial killer to a 15 yo kid. Extreme I guess but the truth.

I may be one of the few/many who lubs/hates LP but----> as I sit here watching all this A's saga play out----> I git goose bumps every time LP/Morgan/LE/FBI get CA/GA/LA/KC all riled up. I want so bad to see this move on down the road. Knowing that LP can make CA "pull the pin" makes me jump up and down in this most uncomfortable chair.

Nobody here has to lub LP like I do. Thats ok. I ain't tryin to make anybody like/ lub him. Am just kinda tired of the back and forth stuff tho. Guess this post will be jerked---may go to time out----may be banned. See ya'll on the greener threads.

You totally are the epitomy of awesomeness. :woohoo::woohoo:
As long as LP steps up and puts forth new info, there will be a back-and-forth situation, because of credibility issues. Pouring over stuff is what we do here, right? can we agree on that? He puts the info out there, and we digest it, and then speak up, and both sides backup our views with valid proof. And ya know, we may have different views on him, but at least we have shown that we can debate this stuff without resorting to barbs and attacks on each other.
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