2009.06.16 George and Cindy on CBS Early show

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These folks have me so puzzled; they (allegedly) destroy any memorials to Caylee and they want her autopsy sealed...leading one to believe that they would like to mourn in private.

Then, on the anniversary of her death/disappearance, they take to the airways? WTH?? :confused:
I just watched the video clip of the CBS Early Show....................

George's Story - Version 1

In this story George states he was watching his favorite cooking show on television and looked at the clock and it was 12:50pm. He says Casey and Caylee were getting ready to leave as Casey was taking Caylee to the babysitter and she said she was going to be working late and wouldn't be home that night.

George describes the clothing that Casey and Caylee were wearing. He said Casey was wearing gray pinstriped slacks with an off-white blouse, and Caylee was wearing a jeans skirt and a pink top. Both had backbacks.

George's Story - Version 2

In this story, told for the first time today - June 16, 2009 - George states that he had breakfast with Caylee about 7:30am, and later when Casey and Caylee were leaving he put Caylee in the car.


This is a major change in George's story of the last time he saw Caylee. The two stories can't be intergrated together as they're two separate and distinct stories................George never mentioned in his first story having breakfast with Caylee at 7:30am. Nor did he say anything about putting Caylee in the car.

I've always found George's story of seeing Casey and Caylee leave on June 16th suspect. Now, more than ever, I believe this is a made-up story for the benefit of covering up the ugly truth. The Anthonys don't want people pointing to the fight between Cindy and Casey on the evening of June 15, 2008 as the source of Casey's anger - anger that resulted in Caylee's death.
At the last hearing CA looked as though she had been crying and KC completely blew off her family.I wonder if that's when it finally hit CA and GA.Their little girl was going to let her defense team throw the A's under the bus one way or another.JB likes the SODDI defense and AL likes the tragic upbringing defense.
Maybe we are starting to see the A's gearing up to defend themselves.I've said it before,but any physical evidence from the home that was found with Caylee's body ,could be attributed to anyone residing there.Implicating another member of the household would be the only way JB could explain it.And The A's did enough covering and Caylee is Alive stories .It could backfire on them.

Something seems to be going on. Perhaps at that hearing where the new DP attorney was first presented, the Anthonys were clued in to the new direction the defense would be taking. Maybe they learned about some 'accident' that happened or were alerted to a moment of 'temporary insanity.' Is is possible that the autopsy theorys flew pretty close to the truth?
That's what I think too. It almost sounds to me based on their lawyer's comments that they agree that Casey is involved. And as for that business about Casey taking the stand at her trial ..... WTH did this lawyer smoke for breakfast? Casey taking the stand???? Is he for real?

Surely not. No way should she take the stand, but then again, what does she have to lose? IMO opinion, it certainly won't help her any. I guess in her narcissistic mind she thinks she can lie her way through trial. Then you have JB playing Perry Mason who has probably convinced her he can pull a rabbit from a hat. I just wonder what ALyons thinks about it. Does anyone know if she usually has her clients testify in DP cases? This is testimony I will not miss if I have to fly to Orlando. LOL
I just think it's weird that BC/G & C weren't all together on one show...he's been stuck to them like cold spaghetti on everything else. Maybe he's moving an inch or two away?(of course maybe he made a little more moolah being on his own). Just kinda jumped out at me. Did they think they were tag-teaming the media?

If the A's had a contract with CBS ("IF") and they get to say what questions CBS can ask on camera, then they don't need to have BC beside them. I think they read on the net how "they have to have their lawyer hold their hands"---so they are changing. They are morphing into the grand peeps who sweep in and help the poor parents who have missing kids. This is all about the foundation. I know I sound like a broken record.
The more I think about GA adding the fact that he put Caylee into the car seat throws his credibility as a witness out the window..During trial the state will ask him specific questions of that morning and adding that detail in after the fact just doesn't make any sense...It isn't in his statement and he has said in the Greta interview "saw them go out the door"...Why would he do something to add speculation and ruin his credibility?? Of course he would be questioned about it and have to answer which one was it..You saw them leave at the door or did you put her in the seat?? It can't be both..

He is trying to put them out of the house and emphasizing that they left the house.
There is evidence which shows otherwise by cell phone pings and computer usage not to mention cadaver dog hits at the house making the home the possible crime scene..There is no other withness who saw Caylee once he left for work..Yes, they might have left the house but he can not say they didn't return once he was gone..You have LA as a witness who can say KC would wait and go back to the house..

By him adding that in doesn't help KC but hurts his credibilty as a witness...I tend to believe there is a hidden reason for this but we haven't seen what it is yet. Just for once the truth would be so refreshing and relieving without second guessing everything!

I have noticed from his first interview with LE. He is determined to lead everyone AWAY from the house.
The more I think about today's interview, the more I think that one of the Anthony's may be thrown under the bus. I don't know much about the legal angles they can take in a case like this, but do recall that they usually point the finger at the last person seen with the child. We now have George with two conflicting statements. He saw them leave with their back packs while he was watching the news/cooking show and today's version that he put Caylee in the car and waved good bye. When in all actuality, Cindy is the last person that was seen by anyone other than the Anthony family with Caylee on June 15th. She has lied over and over as well. It would seem to me that Baez just might take this avenue in Casey's defense. The poor Casey...mentally abused by her mother and father...she was protecting the family, she said it since day one....the nanny did it....Could Cindy be the nanny in Casey's eyes? Well, I tend to believe that Casey felt like Caylee's nanny but the Anthony's have left the window wide open for Casey's defense with all these appearances. JMO:confused:
The more I think about GA adding the fact that he put Caylee into the car seat throws his credibility as a witness out the window..During trial the state will ask him specific questions of that morning and adding that detail in after the fact just doesn't make any sense...It isn't in his statement and he has said in the Greta interview "saw them go out the door"...Why would he do something to add speculation and ruin his credibility?? Of course he would be questioned about it and have to answer which one was it..You saw them leave at the door or did you put her in the seat?? It can't be both..

He is trying to put them out of the house and emphasizing that they left the house.
There is evidence which shows otherwise by cell phone pings and computer usage not to mention cadaver dog hits at the house making the home the possible crime scene..There is no other withness who saw Caylee once he left for work..Yes, they might have left the house but he can not say they didn't return once he was gone..You have LA as a witness who can say KC would wait and go back to the house..

By him adding that in doesn't help KC but hurts his credibilty as a witness...I tend to believe there is a hidden reason for this but we haven't seen what it is yet. Just for once the truth would be so refreshing and relieving without second guessing everything!

George's earliest statements will be the ones considered most accurate at trial...right?
Poot----at this point in time---anythang the A's say, I would take as a lie. They could get up on the stand and tell the truth and I would question it. If they were to tell the truth, it would mean they are padding the way for the foundation.
I just listened to this segment again and, although George's sentences are a little disjointed, (understandable when talking about something very emotional) I heard him end his addressing that day with the words about having breakfast with her. Then he switches gears with the words similar to, "I didn't realize that this would be my last chance to" do all of the things he so loved to do, one of which was saying good by, her in the car. The key words to put this into context are "last chance". I really think many just hope to find something incriminating. If the case is so strong, this isn't necessary. Can't we just accept what ever real facts there are? Maybe he remembered the clothes correctly, maybe not. Is that unusual for an eyewitness to make a mistake in the details? Does that always mean they are lying? But some people have that kind of memory. I know my sister does. But I would notice more details about her face or her voice, what she said, not her clothes. We each have our own strengths and brain patterns.
And it is the reason why BC came out today and basically challenged JB to put KC on the stand, why he essentially admits that KC had at least something to do with Caylee's death, why he finally is coming out and saying that JB is the one who won't let the A's visit KC, and IMO why he is making a very strong suggestion to JB to have KC accept a plea. Something has emboldened BC, and that something has to be whatever is in that autopsy report.

I think you could be right about BC trying to convince JB et al to take a plea and that it's linked to the autopsy report. That could be the reasoning for GA/CA's motion to have it sealed until trial: because there wouldn't be a trial if there was a plea deal and whatever horrible evidence it is would never have to come out. I always thought it was ridiculous to seal a report that was going to come out eventually anyways, but it makes sense if they think that it might not end up coming out at all.

Also, it seems like the double appearance today with BC on one show and GA/CA on another is to give two statements: 1) BC to JB -- plea the case; 2) GA/CA to KC --we still defend you but we probably won't make great witnesses (because we have to make so much stuff up)
Although I find it highly unlikely that he ever would, it wouldn't surprise me if he did. I think JB will look at a few others as his first choice of sacrifice, such as JG, AH, RK, RM. Silly though! All he has to do is produce Zanny the Nanny and this would all come to an end! Remember, we are all going to understand after the trial!
The car and all of the evidence from the home could be linked to the A's as well as KC.The A's didn't report the smelly car right away.They have insisted the public believe Caylee was Alive and discouraged any searches for a body.
They would be the easiest to implicate.
CA and GA watched Caylee most of the time.CA was last definitely known to have Caylee.I could see JB running with it.
Surely not. No way should she take the stand, but then again, what does she have to lose? IMO opinion, it certainly won't help her any. I guess in her narcissistic mind she thinks she can lie her way through trial. Then you have JB playing Perry Mason who has probably convinced her he can pull a rabbit from a hat. I just wonder what ALyons thinks about it. Does anyone know if she usually has her clients testify in DP cases? This is testimony I will not miss if I have to fly to Orlando. LOL

I would also love for her to take the stand. Can you imagine the emotions the prosecutor and attys have against the woman?!!?
She will go down so hard at trial!!
Leila Writes (snipped for relevancy)

This is a major change in George's story of the last time he saw Caylee. The two stories can't be intergrated together as they're two separate and distinct stories................George never mentioned in his first story having breakfast with Caylee at 7:30am. Nor did he say anything about putting Caylee in the car.

I've always found George's story of seeing Casey and Caylee leave on June 16th suspect. Now, more than ever, I believe this is a made-up story for the benefit of covering up the ugly truth. The Anthonys don't want people pointing to the fight between Cindy and Casey on the evening of June 15, 2008 as the source of Casey's anger - anger that resulted in Caylee's death.


Yes, two different versions of a story that can not be collaborated by anyone else except Casey Anthony who tells a similar story minus a few important details like George feeding Caylee breakfast and putting her in the car. In fact, Casey could not be specific what time she left the house and dropped Caylee off. Sometime between 9 and 1 pm is what she told the police if I'm not mistaken.
Then they wonder why the majority of the public is not sympathetic. :confused:
They could care less what happens to other children. They just wanted to use RC as another propaganda tool to garner sympathy for their dysfunctional clan. I was glad when RC or his lawyer send them packing back to Orlando.

Yep, you sure don't turn anyone's help away. *So, why did she turn away Mr. Miller?

Cindy treated TM terribly! Not only did she make a scene at the TES command center, but she refused to give TM an article of Caylee's so the dogs could have something with Caylee's scent to track her. CA was uncooperative with everyone - LE, TM, LP, and the searchers. And she's never, ever, thanked anyone for their help. A very ungrateful person!
Surely not. No way should she take the stand, but then again, what does she have to lose? IMO opinion, it certainly won't help her any. I guess in her narcissistic mind she thinks she can lie her way through trial. Then you have JB playing Perry Mason who has probably convinced her he can pull a rabbit from a hat. I just wonder what ALyons thinks about it. Does anyone know if she usually has her clients testify in DP cases? This is testimony I will not miss if I have to fly to Orlando. LOL

KC has had a lifetime of lying and people (her parents and brother) accepting her lies as truth. She believes she can take the witness stand and lie her way out of this............just like she's been doing for as long as she can remember.
As George and Cindy Anthony observe the solemn first anniversary of the last day George saw their granddaughter Caylee Anthony alive, the couple's lawyer, Brad Conway, said the couple does not know the truth about what happened to Caylee, but he knows of no theory in which the Anthony's daughter and Caylee's mother Casey Anthony is above suspicion.

They support her, but they don't know what the truth is," Conway said. "There's probably one person that knows the whole truth. That's Casey Anthony."

It's a truth that should come out, Conway said, in the course of a trial during which Casey Anthony would likely take the stand in her own defense.

"In this matter, it's almost inconceivable that she wouldn't take the stand. I think based on [Casey Anthony's attorney] Mr. Baez's assertions, she has to take the stand," Conway said.

Casey Anthony was originally arrested for child neglect in July 2008 after she failed to report her 2-year-old daughter Caylee's disappearance a month earlier. In October she was officially charged with the girl's murder, but it was not until December that the toddler's body was found less than a mile from the home Casey lived in with her parents. Her death was ruled as a homicide of undetermined means.

Much more at the link..

Oh my my. She will take the stand? It will be a bloodbath. Instead of taking the stand, what she ought to do is beg to be allowed to take a plea!
Something seems to be going on. Perhaps at that hearing where the new DP attorney was first presented, the Anthonys were clued in to the new direction the defense would be taking. Maybe they learned about some 'accident' that happened or were alerted to a moment of 'temporary insanity.' Is is possible that the autopsy theorys flew pretty close to the truth?

I actually thought the A's had been shut out by the defense team.Cindy had been crying,KC ignored them and the new lawyer was introduced.I think the A's and their lawyer were just completely shut out and that was the breaking point.At that point BC could probably get the A's to realize "KC is not your friend". That was just the feeling I had that day.
The interviews today just confirm it for me.
I think the kidfinders and MB are doing the stirring of the pot here. Don't ya know that they have to get this foundation on the road. They have to back off from KC cuz it is slowing thangs up. I have felt from the last interview that the A's have moved on. Anythang they say from now on is for the foundation. I mean Gosh----don't we see how they went to help spread the word about lil Haleigh and Ron was so rude to them. All they tried to do is help. they are such grievin grandparents.

They have slowing been trying to reinvent themselves. They can't erase the past but they sure as h3ll are trying. LMAO Spin---spin---spin

I hope Judge S. saw that interview and Brad's and he shuts this circus down---it's gittin old. The A's need to have charges brought on them. How can the Law let this crap go on??? Is this a rant? I guess I will know. LOL

And breathe! And listen to the soothing sounds of a babbling brook with the birds twittering in the trees! Lol!

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