2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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Can someone point me to the right place to find the pictures of the exhibits to CA's depo? TIA

ETA: Oh duh, nevermind
Do you think it will be asked at trial? Do you suppose that if they have evidence to support a claim of tampering that they would present it in front of a jury to counter the denial?

OCSO's hope of finding evidence is probably why all of their vacuum cleaners were taken by LE. I don't think we've seen any results of that analysis, though; have we?
Personally I believe CA/GA only spoke publicly and to LE about cleaning the car, removing clothing and washing said clothing, removing articles, the knife and papers was to protect themselves in the event the tow yard employees saw something they would discuss with LE at some point in time. CA/GA were both concerned :waitasec: with the "what ifs" after getting the car back. What if the tow company contacted LE before we do -- comes to my mind. Too bad that isn't what happened.

Same theory of mine holds true for the pizza smell. If the tow yard manager had never mentioned he KNEW the car had an :eek: odor, GA would have never spoke of it -- to anyone other than a member of the family. Then CA grabs on the pizza lie and :tsktsk:wants to force feed the media her carp. I could go on and on with the inconsistencies of the A clan but I have more important things to do. Watch football games, Nascar races, read a book, take a nap .........

If it wasn't a case of doing a CYA :behind:, and fretting over the what ifs, none of the A's would have disclosed what articles were in the car when they got it back from the tow yard. Then their stories just start snowballing and one of the results we get is seen in these depositions.

So now we have CA/GA/LA :back: their stories which total amazes me. They have had more than a year to get their many cover-up story versions melted together :liar:. Yet in a state deposition these people can each look at a single piece of paper and/or photo and not agree on what it shows. Sheeze .....
More than once Cindy has said she was not afraid of this. For example, I was watching her famous 'hammer' video the other day, and Cindy says emphatically she's not afraid for Casey or any of the family.

Cindy repeatedly pushes her daughter closer and closer to the death penalty.

Sometimes I think Cindy has caused more problems for the defense than her daughter has. I can't wait to see her on the stand.

Question: if, on the stand, Cindy keeps saying more than she is asked, and none of the attorneys can control her, and if the judge tells her several times to simply answer yes or no and she doesn't comply, then what happens? Is that grounds for contempt or something like that? Will the deputies drag her off? What happens?

I believe CA would be treated as a hostile witness and ordered to answer the questions with a yes or no. Her attorney should advise her that JB can cross and ask her to go into more detail. Contempt could mean jail time and I also believe that if she refuses to answer a question they may be able to use her deposition. JMO
Thanks for replying.

I find that interesting b/c in GA's deposition at the top of page 117, GA quotes CA as referring to herself, her daughter, and granddaughter as "three women".

and again on page 127, line 3, GA refers to them as "... two or three women living together..."

In Lee's depo he calls them three women as well, it is actually a very common thing for a man to call all the girls in the family, young old and elderly..... the women in his life. This is just a case of them trying to make Jesse look like a nut, but it is not working with us and IT DID NOT WORK WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT. I for one, am thankful that our colorful cowboy blew the whistle loud and clear and let Revered and and Jesse know that he Anthonys were trying to frame him. Some people rolled their eyes at the time at LP, but it turns out he was spot on. Now that we read the depos, blaming Jesse is indeed very very much what is going on here.
I asked this exact same question on another thread...or maybe this one and one of the legaleagles answered that it would be far better for the SA NOT to ask that specific question.....think about it. No one on record LYING about NOT cleaning the car, when it is so obvious it was detail cleaned. hmmm...what ex car salesman who LOVES to keep his cars meticulous do we know?

When you see the photos of the car in LE possession, it is shiny and beautiful. I have a white car, and I can tell you, it looks like that only after it has been cleaned.

Cindy admitted she washed the clothes that were in it, wiped down the little baby doll with wet wipes and sprayed Febreeze, so yes they cleaned it.
Personally I believe CA/GA only spoke publicly and to LE about cleaning the car, removing clothing and washing said clothing, removing articles, the knife and papers was to protect themselves in the event the tow yard employees saw something they would discuss with LE at some point in time. CA/GA were both concerned :waitasec: with the "what ifs" after getting the car back. What if the tow company contacted LE before we do -- comes to my mind. Too bad that isn't what happened.

Same theory of mine holds true for the pizza smell. If the tow yard manager had never mentioned he KNEW the car had an :eek: odor, GA would have never spoke of it -- to anyone other than a member of the family. Then CA grabs on the pizza lie and :tsktsk:wants to force feed the media her carp. I could go on and on with the inconsistencies of the A clan but I have more important things to do. Watch football games, Nascar races, read a book, take a nap .........

If it wasn't a case of doing a CYA :behind:, and fretting over the what ifs, none of the A's would have disclosed what articles were in the car when they got it back from the tow yard. Then their stories just start snowballing and one of the results we get is seen in these depositions.

So now we have CA/GA/LA :back: their stories which total amazes me. They have had more than a year to get their many cover-up story versions melted together :liar:. Yet in a state deposition these people can each look at a single piece of paper and/or photo and not agree on what it shows. Sheeze .....
They are up to their eyeballs in this.Maybe that's why KC stays angry with them [the finger flip picture when GA testified] even though they are doing backflips to free her.After reading Cindy's depo I do wonder why they try so hard to create doubt,to the point they perjure themselves.This is more than just saving KC IMO.
I do think CA was not completely clued in until after that infamous 911 call.
ETA KC probably knows this is more about saving GA and CA than about saving her,but they are all intertwined at this point.
They are up to their eyeballs in this.Maybe that's why KC stays angry with them [the finger flip picture when GA testified] even though they are doing backflips to free her.After reading Cindy's depo I do wonder why they try so hard to create doubt,to the point they perjure themselves.This is more than just saving KC IMO.
I do think CA was not completely clued in until after that infamous 911 call.
ETA KC probably knows this is more about saving GA and CA than about saving her,but they are all intertwined at this point.

BBM - which picture is this? I'd love to see!
I know this is completely irrelevant, but I couldn't help noticing how many times CA mixes up KC and Caylee's names. They are so smug when interviewers (both LE and media) do that, giving withering and condescending looks, even though they both sound alike and it's easy to transpose one for the other. But the whole family does it all the time. I think it's particularly interesting with CA because I think she really was reliving being KC's mom through Caylee (and hoping this one would turn out better - too bad she had not changed the recipe).
I find it interesting when asked about Georges Jobs she could not remember. If my husband was a paperboy for several years I would remember. I think she was embarrassed that GA wasn't living up to his full potential. I think he wanted to be a police officer but she didn't want him to be so instead he settled for Route Distribution Supervisor which is a paperboys manager, and if the paperboy don't show the Supervisor delivers the paper.
I also wonder at the time of trial and CA/GA or LA take the stand and is proved they obstructed justice, impeded an investigation, tampered with evidence, etc...(for they did do many of these things, many times, IMO) will they also be arrested?

I see them as hostile witnesses for they've changed their tunes many times. Which is why I am grateful those 911 calls were logged in and will be used as evidence...you can't change the emotions CA has during these calls. To me they were legitimate feelings of fear for they had KC in front of them and she could not produce Calyee. Her "KC what have you done"? will also come into play and go a long way with the jurors.

I wait for trial, I will watch intently, I will yell with glee when the jurors say, GUILTY AS CHARGED! :furious:
Resp snipped

In my ears ring the words of Shirley Plesea, KC hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee....that is the bottom line and hoping the SA will end with that one little sentence...

Wow, I actually felt a chill when I read your suggested end to the SA's final summation. That is really, really good. And you know what---KC refusing to see her parents all these many months will lend great support to that. To a lesser degree, so will the formal statement KC forced JB to make when the A's chose to cremate Caylee.
OK- I give up... what does BBM stand for- I see it used here all the time.
OK- I give up... what does BBM stand for- I see it used here all the time.

I don't know either.. but since we are in the CA thread...i'll take a guess..
Big Bad Mama? LOL j/k ;)

I wondered what BBM meant too

also KWIM

can someone enlighten us?
I don't know either.. but since we are in the CA thread...i'll take a guess..
Big Bad Mama? LOL j/k ;)

I wondered what BBM meant too

also KWIM

can someone enlighten us?

KWIM means "Know What I Mean?"

I don't know what BBM means either.
OK- I give up... what does BBM stand for- I see it used here all the time.

I don't know either.. but since we are in the CA thread...i'll take a guess..
Big Bad Mama? LOL j/k ;)

I wondered what BBM meant too

also KWIM

can someone enlighten us?

KWIM means "Know What I Mean?"
Any time you're cuious, just google it and you'll find it!

I don't know what BBM means either.

Bold By Me..used when quoting and bolding the text.
I am halfway though reading all the posts on this thread, so please excuse me if this has already been discussed..

In Cindy's depo, part 2, page 371- they are talking about the mass text via cellphone and my-space that Casey sent out to all her contacts on the morning of July 16 2008.

Cindy says that it was her idea to alert as many people as she could.

SA asks: When you came up with that idea, did Casey object?

Cindy says: No, Absolutely not!

SA asks: She wasn't afraid that that would somehow put anybody in danger?

Cindy says: NO

Ok, so I take this to mean that any defence that Casey may try to make saying she couldn't tell anyone that Casey was missing was because it would put her in danger - was just obliterated by Cindy!!

Unfortunately, I don't think so at all. Casey's defense will be that when she conducted that mass e-mail, the police were already involved and she knew the media would break the news in a matter of hours. Therefore, (Casey's defense will state) KC was free at last to reach out to friends and acquaintances for help because the "secret" was about to become public knowledge.

To me, there's an indisputable truth and logic to that explanation, which will make this particular action of KC's seem both sensible and innocent.
BBM stands for 'Bolded By Me'.... I had to ask before, also!
Unfortunately, I don't think so at all. Casey's defense will be that when she conducted that mass e-mail, the police were already involved and she knew the media would break the news in a matter of hours. Therefore, (Casey's defense will state) KC was free at last to reach out to friends and acquaintances for help because the "secret" was about to become public knowledge.

To me, there's an indisputable truth and logic to that explanation, which will make this particular action of KC's seem both sensible and innocent.
But if that were the case, when the news hit the media, she would have been free to say what happened...which she did not. The verbal explanation was still under wraps by Casey and Cindy to prevent harm to Caylee and the family.

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