2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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And what was particularly egregious about it to me was reading in GA's depo that he originally imagined JESSE holding her down at JBP. Geez! The family even had to think up the pool accident story - and she snorted at that when they brought it up in jail "surprise -surprise!". She doesn't even have to think up her own lies!!

Her parents - particularly CA - have handled her with kid gloves for years. I wonder if something happened to KC as a child that CA feels responsible for. Like dropping her on her head. I just don't get it.
...and according to George he was just coming up with all different scenarios in the beginning...and lo and behold Casey comes up with the BP story after she's released late August. Amazing, huh?!
Lizzysf - my, my you are on a sleuthing roll tonight! Thanks wasn't enough, I liked all you had to say...still soaking it in!

Great sleuthing!
Lizzysf - my, my you are on a sleuthing roll tonight! Thanks wasn't enough, I liked all you had to say...still soaking it in!

Great sleuthing!
Thanks kew...still wondering though if there is more to the story we haven't pieced together yet. The depo is proof that the SA is on to something.. what else could be going on here..?
Another thought... all the public complaints Cindy has made about LE not following up on leads, tips and sightings...Caylee's alive, Caylee was at the mall..Caylee was on a plane, Hiring DC to follow leads that LE wouldn't follow. All started when? VERY early on.. Which leads me to think it was strategic complaining against LE and strategic denial that Caylee was dead. The Blanchard Park/Samantha story had been hatched before August 20th and they were going to prove that the 'very credible' Texas tip was ignored. The plan of attack is going to be on LE, Kronk and the forensics..imo. Anything to create reasonable doubt. Cindy wanted to make sure that any potential juror had heard her harp for a year about how LE wasn't following up on tips.
So why BP? The depo really hits on it alot. Why was it introduced as the real scene of the crime? Baez had very little to work with after the sawgrass/nanny/Universal story didn't pan out....the change to a park as the scene of the kidnap can't be disproven, like Sawgrass was. A "big surprise" from the defense awaits.. Will we hear something like....nanny was all a lie, Sawgrass all a lie, Universal all a lie..everything all a lie.. Casey was a druggie or something else and Zanny and Samantha were the drug dealers/contacts...deal gone bad in the park..money owed..Caylee taken.. Zanny and Samantha fakes names... BUT THEY MATCH THE DESCRIPTION OF THE TEXAS TIP!! To the T! They kill Caylee and dump her body by the house to frame Casey....or as a threat for money owed.. (like the mafia).... ;)
I have a feeling the 'big surprise' will be something this convoluted..

I always suspected that the COV to JBP had something to do with the jogger that was killed on June 9-10, the week before Caylee. In fact, I also suspected that KC may have tried to dump Caylee's body in that area on the 17th because she had dead ping space for about 4 hours early that evening and her last ping was over near UCF (which is near to the far eastern entrance to the park) - but was unable to for some reason.

KC made a big deal of telling JG that her mom did not want her to jog there after that happened. And CA and GA may have thought that - since the killer had not been caught yet - it would be an opportunity to create suspicion that the two were related.

I sure hope JB doesn't try to imply that drug dealers would kidnap a child of a person who had no job. If she was in that deep, they'd just off her and walk away. And if they were after money, the fact that KC neglected to tell the people who would pay for it, her parents, makes her look even more spiteful.
I think the BP story was the brain child of the family...Baez could have had his input as well. The whole family can't get the "when" part straight with the story.

Per Georges depo..he gave a media interview on 7/31 at the 'Kids House' in Sanford..the FBI were there...telling the Blanchard Park/Samantha story. (20 days before Casey is bailed out) But on this Aug 5, 2009 depo.. the last story he claims to remember is Casey dropping Caylee off at Zanny's apt. until the SA reminds him of the interview.. So we know the Blanchard Park story was hatched on or before 7/31. Yet no one claims to have talked to her about it or passed letters through Baez back and forth.
Baez is orchestrating/facilitating the BP storyline.
The quote from Shirley Pleasea, also stays with me, as does Cindy's words to LE in July, "I don't care about KC, all I want is Caylee"

That quote also stays with me. I want the question asked to CA...Before Caylee died, did you love Caylee or KC more? And if you feel like you showed more love to Caylee instead of KC, is that why you are willing to do whatever you can to get KC out of jail, no matter if you have to lie, steal, etc... Are you wanting a 2nd chance with KC?

Let's not forget about this wonderful quote from CA on the Today show.....she(CA) states that KC loved Caylee more than she loved KC (at the 5:46 mark).

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPIy5w29ukI"]YouTube - Today Show - 10/15/08 with Cindy Anthony[/ame]

I actually went back over some of CA's depo (crazy I know). I have never heard anyone speak the way she does. She constantly contradicts herself. Here is but one example:

Page 208/209
CA is talking about when she first heard that KC hadn't seen Caylee for 31 days.....CA runs into KC's room. She says she wanted to "grab and shake her but she couldn't". In the very next sentence she says..."I don't even know if I put my hands on her, but I couldn't".

So which is it??

So she wanted to ....but she couldn't.....she doesn't know if she put her hands on KC or not??...but couldn't.......

It's like she wants to cover every base so she speaks in contradictions. It's this way through the whole depo. :banghead:

Let's not forget about this wonderful quote from CA on the Today show.....she(CA) states that KC loved Caylee more than she loved KC (at the 5:46 mark).

YouTube - Today Show - 10/15/08 with Cindy Anthony

I actually went back over some of CA's depo (crazy I know). I have never heard anyone speak the way she does. She constantly contradicts herself. Here is but one example:

Page 208/209
CA is talking about when she first heard that KC hadn't seen Caylee for 31 days.....CA runs into KC's room. She says she wanted to "grab and shake her but she couldn't". In the very next sentence she says..."I don't even know if I put my hands on her, but I couldn't".

So which is it??

So she wanted to ....but she couldn't.....she doesn't know if she put her hands on KC or not??...but couldn't.......

It's like she wants to cover every base so she speaks in contradictions. It's this way through the whole depo. :banghead:

Wow. I remember when I heard her say that and I thought it was about the weirdest thing she'd said yet.

This video also highlights the campaign against LE about not following the tips from very early on..

Watch out LE...the defense is comin' to getcha!
(OCSO did a great job, imo!)
Let's not forget about this wonderful quote from CA on the Today show.....she(CA) states that KC loved Caylee more than she loved KC (at the 5:46 mark).

YouTube - Today Show - 10/15/08 with Cindy Anthony

I actually went back over some of CA's depo (crazy I know). I have never heard anyone speak the way she does. She constantly contradicts herself. Here is but one example:

Page 208/209
CA is talking about when she first heard that KC hadn't seen Caylee for 31 days.....CA runs into KC's room. She says she wanted to "grab and shake her but she couldn't". In the very next sentence she says..."I don't even know if I put my hands on her, but I couldn't".

So which is it??

So she wanted to ....but she couldn't.....she doesn't know if she put her hands on KC or not??...but couldn't.......

It's like she wants to cover every base so she speaks in contradictions. It's this way through the whole depo. :banghead:


I think CA is well aware of the stories about her choking KC on the fight the night of the 15th. Sometimes I think the reason she contradicts herself so much is that she starts to tell the truth and then has to interject a lie to quickly counteract it or a previous perception the public has formed from other data. Her speech is always larded with little neutralizing phrases, only they don't do the trick.
I am halfway though reading all the posts on this thread, so please excuse me if this has already been discussed..

In Cindy's depo, part 2, page 371- they are talking about the mass text via cellphone and my-space that Casey sent out to all her contacts on the morning of July 16 2008.

Cindy says that it was her idea to alert as many people as she could.

SA asks: When you came up with that idea, did Casey object?

Cindy says: No, Absolutely not!

SA asks: She wasn't afraid that that would somehow put anybody in danger?

Cindy says: NO

Ok, so I take this to mean that any defence that Casey may try to make saying she couldn't tell anyone that Casey was missing was because it would put her in danger - was just obliterated by Cindy!!

HMMMM, In the jail video visits, I don't remember Casey as being the one to start the "put the family in danger" story:waitasec:...I do remember Cindy saying it.

I seem to remember she was interviewed either outside the jail or soon afterwards at home...I am leaning Cindy said it outside the jail.

IMO it was Cindy who may have started this story when she was questioning Casey during their visitation and Casey went along with it.
But I could be wrong...:blushing:

This is what drive me crazy about CA too, and they let her go on as if it is a FACT

Anyone reading these Depos, and not familiar with all the evidence, from the beginning, would think this person existed, and LE does not challenge her:waitasec:

I think they are just letting her talk herself into a deep hole and will challenge her in court when she takes the stand.
I think they are just letting her talk herself into a deep hole and will challenge her in court when she takes the stand.

ITA The SA are simply giving all the A's enough rope to hang themselves! It will be different at trial-those inconsistencies will come back to bite them!:croc:
I am only just into Part 2 of the depo and what I noticed is that in a previous interview or it could be at the bond hearing Cindy stated that she "heard them in the bedroom" on the morning of June 16th.

Very different from what Cindy said in the depo. :waitasec:

I seem to remember Cindy saying...she heard them breathing thru the door :doh:
CA part 2 wftv
Page 275
Line 10 (referring to morning of June 16th)
Q: All right. Had you also heard Caylee and Casey in the room --
CA: On the --
Q: --the morning of the 16th?
CA: No. That morning I didn't. I actually left probably
a half hour or 45 minutes earlier than normal and I didn't
want to go in and disturb them

Curious to me WHY she would have left earlier than normal that day?
If there was a fight the night before, perhaps she left early to get out of the house and occupy her mind with something else such as work....HMMMM
I seem to remember Cindy saying...she heard them breathing thru the door :doh:

Yes! Yes!!! I remember either reading or hearing CA say that also!!! At the time, I thought it was strange that she made such a point to say she knew they were in the bedroom because she could heard them breathing. But she couldn't see them because the door was closed and she 'couldn't see through a closed door'!! She made a point ( a HUGE point...lol) about hearing them sleeping!!

Since I hadn't run across anyone else who seemed to remember that, I thought maybe I dreamed it!
Not sure if this has been talked about but the 2nd part of CA's depo on page 203 she says "I'm not really sure the smell was an issue. Because at that point I still did not connect the smell to Caylee."

So is she admitting the smell was due to Caylee being in the trunk??

IMO George, while at the tow yard, DID connect the smell to either Casey or Caylee.
When he went to the back of the car to open the trunk he was hoping, praying he would not find one of them in the trunk.
IMO George, while at the tow yard, DID connect the smell to either Casey or Caylee.
When he went to the back of the car to open the trunk he was hoping, praying he would not find one of them in the trunk.

Quote Respect Intermezzo :)

I had not even come to this thread yet, I just posted re: George knowing as early as smelling the car when he went to retrieve it-on the "if she was already in cover-up mode why did Cindy call 911" thread. I agree that George knew right away. He even said he didn't know how he could raise someone who could hurt someone and that he was going to lose both his girls.

So why BP? The depo really hits on it alot. Why was it introduced as the real scene of the crime? Baez had very little to work with after the sawgrass/nanny/Universal story didn't pan out....the change to a park as the scene of the kidnap can't be disproven, like Sawgrass was. A "big surprise" from the defense awaits.. Will we hear something like....nanny was all a lie, Sawgrass all a lie, Universal all a lie..everything all a lie.. Casey was a druggie or something else and Zanny and Samantha were the drug dealers/contacts...deal gone bad in the park..money owed..Caylee taken.. Zanny and Samantha fakes names... BUT THEY MATCH THE DESCRIPTION OF THE TEXAS TIP!! To the T! They kill Caylee and dump her body by the house to frame Casey....or as a threat for money owed.. (like the mafia).... ;)
I have a feeling the 'big surprise' will be something this convoluted..

iirc L. Padilla was the first one to retell the BP story. He said it was told to him the first day he and his peeps bonded KC out from jail. He said that CA and KC were together for awhile during the time it took KC to shower and clean up immediately upon returning home from jail. He heard the story along with R. Dick or was it TP?
The NEW story was concocted to remove the kidnapping scene from Sawgrass Apts. to BP because of the trouble connected with having implicated ZG at Sawgrass to the kidnapping.

A little script re-write was needed :waitasec: at that point due to the fact that they didn't want to implicate the ZG that had visited SG in the kidnapping story. That is why they went into the description that the ZG that kidnapped Caylee is "a ten". They wanted to clarify that she wasn't the same woman from ZG that is suing KC.
Then you have the Blanchard Park version... which I think is the family doing the talking...not Casey. She was in jail when the version came up. I think once the A's figured out the screw up they made with that version..they were willing to lie and say they were passing letters against jail policy rather than uncover the lie about where that version originated... that the A's made up the BP story for her.

Please see my post above. You're close but it seems CA and KC came up with the BP version.
Of course CA would say that KC told her the new version and that she is just the messenger.:innocent:
HMMMM, In the jail video visits, I don't remember Casey as being the one to start the "put the family in danger" story:waitasec:...I do remember Cindy saying it.

I seem to remember she was interviewed either outside the jail or soon afterwards at home...I am leaning Cindy said it outside the jail.

IMO it was Cindy who may have started this story when she was questioning Casey during their visitation and Casey went along with it.
But I could be wrong...:blushing:

I remember it exactly as you say - CA suggested that they were in danger and she understood why KC couldn't rattle off the truth. Then CA took this angle out to the media.

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