2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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Unfortunately, I don't think so at all. Casey's defense will be that when she conducted that mass e-mail, the police were already involved and she knew the media would break the news in a matter of hours. Therefore, (Casey's defense will state) KC was free at last to reach out to friends and acquaintances for help because the "secret" was about to become public knowledge.

To me, there's an indisputable truth and logic to that explanation, which will make this particular action of KC's seem both sensible and innocent.

But on the other hand, KC never did clearly state that she felt that Caylee was in danger. That she had heard from her daughter that very day of the 911 call and her daughter seemed fine. Clearly her actions during those 31 days show no signs of panic you would expect to see in someone who felt their child was in grave danger.
Unfortunately, I don't think so at all. Casey's defense will be that when she conducted that mass e-mail, the police were already involved and she knew the media would break the news in a matter of hours. Therefore, (Casey's defense will state) KC was free at last to reach out to friends and acquaintances for help because the "secret" was about to become public knowledge.

To me, there's an indisputable truth and logic to that explanation, which will make this particular action of KC's seem both sensible and innocent.

Then if the defense will say that made logical sense, how will they explain the fact that KC still kept quiet about everything she knew because, as she told her parents from jail, she was "worried for the family's safety"? Once it hit the media, why not tell the authorities everything you know???
Then you have the Blanchard Park version... which I think is the family doing the talking...not Casey. She was in jail when the version came up. I think once the A's figured out the screw up they made with that version..they were willing to lie and say they were passing letters against jail policy rather than uncover the lie about where that version originated... that the A's made up the BP story for her.
Then you have the Blanchard Park version... which I think is the family doing the talking...not Casey. She was in jail when the version came up. I think once the A's figured out the screw up they made with that version..they were willing to lie and say they were passing letters against jail policy rather than uncover the lie about where that version originated... that the A's made up the BP story for her.

Lee testified under oath in his deposition that KC told him the story when she was out on bail. I think the A's would have made up a much better story than the one from JBP. They seem to be doing a good job now of spinning the truth. JMO
Lee testified under oath in his deposition that KC told him the story when she was out on bail. I think the A's would have made up a much better story than the one from JBP. They seem to be doing a good job now of spinning the truth. JMO

KC also told the Blanchard Park story to Rob Dick while she was out on bail ..... in the car one day when Rob was chauffeuring her to JB's office.
But if that were the case, when the news hit the media, she would have been free to say what happened...which she did not. The verbal explanation was still under wraps by Casey and Cindy to prevent harm to Caylee and the family.

Oh yes, you're right about there being no sensible or innocent explanation for any of those later behaviors of KC's! I was just saying that in that one instance of her sending a group e-mail to friends, she can rightfully claim her "secret" no longer needed to be kept because the media was hours away from breaking the story about Caylee's disappearance.

That explaination wouldn't apply to any of the other things she did--or failed or refused to do. In fact, I couldn't even invent any explanations that would excuse those things, and she won't be able to either. I hope.
Unfortunately, I don't think so at all. Casey's defense will be that when she conducted that mass e-mail, the police were already involved and she knew the media would break the news in a matter of hours. Therefore, (Casey's defense will state) KC was free at last to reach out to friends and acquaintances for help because the "secret" was about to become public knowledge.

To me, there's an indisputable truth and logic to that explanation, which will make this particular action of KC's seem both sensible and innocent.
I guess she figured the kidnapper would understand.
But on the other hand, KC never did clearly state that she felt that Caylee was in danger. That she had heard from her daughter that very day of the 911 call and her daughter seemed fine. Clearly her actions during those 31 days show no signs of panic you would expect to see in someone who felt their child was in grave danger.

Sorry, Lamb Chop, I guess I wasn't clear. I was merely saying that in that one instance of her sending a group e-mail to friends, she can rightfully claim her "secret" no longer needed to be kept because the media was hours away from breaking the story about Caylee's disappearance. In other words, I don't think the group e-mails will cast any significant doubt on her claim that she was under orders by Zenaida to keep Caylee's disappearance a secret.

However, I think everything else KC did--and didn't do--from June 16th to now makes her look guilty as h*ll of murdering her daughter and trying to pin it on somebody else.
Then if the defense will say that made logical sense, how will they explain the fact that KC still kept quiet about everything she knew because, as she told her parents from jail, she was "worried for the family's safety"? Once it hit the media, why not tell the authorities everything you know???

Hold on a sec, everyone. LOL. I was only talking about the defense being able to easily explain away the group e-mail KC felt she could sent out. Beyond that, I don't think there's a reasonable explanation for anything she said or did. Well, yes there is: She's guilty as sin!
The Blanchard Park story seems to be a juicy topic in the depo. The SA nails both Cindy and Lee on dates as to when they first heard the BP/sister Samantha addition to the saga. They both swear to post -Aug 20th, Casey's release. Cindy claims a Texas tipster sent her a tip about A silver F Focus-resembling car, with 2 hispanics (one of them blonde), a male hispanic boy and a white child resembling Caylee in the car. She reports this tip to LE pre-Aug20. Casey gets out on bail.. they hear the BP story and about Samantha. Cindy claims it 'triggers' her memory of the texas tip. She asks Casey to describe her...and by gosh it's a match to the T. So she runs to Sargeant Allen to f/u the previous tip with the new confirmed info from Casey. She claims Casey is unaware of the tip...has no idea it exists. In the doc dump with the DC/CA investigative emails..there is an email from a Texas tipster dated August 9th. It doesn't include the tip. So the tip email hasn't been released. Cindy then says..."When I found out Samantha had another child...." OOPS? Something fishy going on here.. She supposedly knew nothing about Samantha, including her name, until after Aug 20th... she tries explaining it away...
I think LE has proof that the BP story was hatched much earlier than Aug 20th. Either Casey told it to Baez in jail, and Baez schooled the A's on it pre-Aug 20th..or Casey told this to Cindy before they hauled her off to jail, when Casey realized her Sawgrass scenario didn't fly so well with LE....she quickly developed the backup story. I haven't quite pegged it.. but it seems there is an issue around this that LE is quite aware of it. Like Cindy trying to manufacture a bonafide credible tip... is there more to this though?
Also Lizzysf, it could have been like the key. KC in jail tells CA ZFG had a key to the house and CA acts confused and KC tells her remember I told you. I think KC did a lot of that, Remember Mom you said I could take your credit card. I know from the Astrology thread that she is constantly coming up with new material. Has all that time now to just think about mistakes she made and how to correct them. JMO
The Blanchard Park story seems to be a juicy topic in the depo. The SA nails both Cindy and Lee on dates as to when they first heard the BP/sister Samantha addition to the saga. They both swear to post -Aug 20th, Casey's release. Cindy claims a Texas tipster sent her a tip about A silver F Focus-resembling car, with 2 hispanics (one of them blonde), a male hispanic boy and a white child resembling Caylee in the car. She reports this tip to LE pre-Aug20. Casey gets out on bail.. they hear the BP story and about Samantha. Cindy claims it 'triggers' her memory of the texas tip. She asks Casey to describe her...and by gosh it's a match to the T. So she runs to Sargeant Allen to f/u the previous tip with the new confirmed info from Casey. She claims Casey is unaware of the tip...has no idea it exists. In the doc dump with the DC/CA investigative emails..there is an email from a Texas tipster dated August 9th. It doesn't include the tip. So the tip email hasn't been released. Cindy then says..."When I found out Samantha had another child...." OOPS? Something fishy going on here.. She supposedly knew nothing about Samantha, including her name, until after Aug 20th... she tries explaining it away...
I think LE has proof that the BP story was hatched much earlier than Aug 20th. Either Casey told it to Baez in jail, and Baez schooled the A's on it pre-Aug 20th..or Casey told this to Cindy before they hauled her off to jail, when Casey realized her Sawgrass scenario didn't fly so well with LE....she quickly developed the backup story. I haven't quite pegged it.. but it seems there is an issue around this that LE is quite aware of it. Like Cindy trying to manufacture a bonafide credible tip... is there more to this though?

Or...did Cindy receive the tip, Baez gets it, Baez tells it to Casey in jail..and Casey manufactures her BP story to match the Texas tip description of Samantha? She gets out...tells the story..and amazingly and coincidently her descriptions match the tip Cindy gave to LE, Cindy thinks Casey doesn't know about the tip (or does because she is in on the scheme). So Cindy runs back to LE with confirmation. It has to be credible...since Casey was in jail and knew nothing about the tip and says she didn't tell her. So that means.. Baez knows the whole fabricated lie....or orchestrated it. (with or without Cindy's knowlege)...which I doubt.

Per Georges depo..he gave a media interview on 7/31 at the 'Kids House' in Sanford (the FBI were there too)...telling the Blanchard Park/Samantha story. (20 before Casey is bailed out) But in this Aug 5, 2009 depo.. the last story he claims to remember is Casey dropping Caylee of at Zanny's apt. until the SA reminds him of the interview.. So we know the Blanchard Park story was hatched on or before 7/31. Yet no one claims to have talked to her about it or passed letters through Baez back and forth. Baez is orchestrating/facilitating the BP storyline.
So why BP? The depo really hits on it alot. Why was it introduced as the real scene of the crime? Baez had very little to work with after the sawgrass/nanny/Universal story didn't pan out....the change to a park as the scene of the kidnap can't be disproven, like Sawgrass was. A "big surprise" from the defense awaits.. Will we hear something like....nanny was all a lie, Sawgrass all a lie, Universal all a lie..everything all a lie.. Casey was a druggie or something else and Zanny and Samantha were the drug dealers/contacts...deal gone bad in the park..money owed..Caylee taken.. Zanny and Samantha fakes names... BUT THEY MATCH THE DESCRIPTION OF THE TEXAS TIP!! To the T! They kill Caylee and dump her body by the house to frame Casey....or as a threat for money owed.. (like the mafia).... ;)
I have a feeling the 'big surprise' will be something this convoluted..
Or...did Cindy receive the tip, Baez gets it, Baez tells it to Casey in jail..and Casey manufactures her BP story to match the Texas tip description of Samantha? She gets out...tells the story..and amazingly and coincidently her descriptions match the tip Cindy gave to LE, Cindy thinks Casey doesn't know about the tip (or does because she is in on the scheme). So Cindy runs back to LE with confirmation. It has to be credible...since Casey was in jail and knew nothing about the tip and says she didn't tell her. So that means.. Baez knows the whole fabricated lie....or orchestrated it. (with or without Cindy's knowlege)...which I doubt.

What are the possible professional repercussions to Baez if he did help 'manufacture' an alibi.
What are the possible professional repercussions to Baez if he did help 'manufacture' an alibi.
Not sure how this plays out...if the SA can prove Baez brought the Texas tip to Casey in jail...it wouldn't look good, as least for Baez's credibility.. (or for Casey's amazing texas tip coincidence...) It's not really an alibi.. but they could have used it to at least say...SEE, I told you ! A very credible tip that LE didn't check out....and it turns out that it could have been Zanny and Samantha! The one tip that could have saved Caylee, had LE acted on it! Blame LE...put a question in the jurors minds... and proceed with bashing the forensics.. they have to work with what they have (or can manufacture) which isn't much. But any seed they can plant in the jurors minds..
Not sure how this plays out...if the SA can prove Baez brought the Texas tip to Casey in jail...it wouldn't look good, as least for Baez's credibility.. (or for Casey's amazing texas tip coincidence...) It's not really an alibi.. but they could have used it to at least say...SEE, I told you ! A very credible tip that LE didn't check out....and it turns out that it could have been Zanny and Samantha! The one tip that could have saved Caylee, had LE acted on it! Blame LE...put a question in the jurors minds... and proceed with bashing the forensics.. they have to work with what they have (or can manufacture) which isn't much. But any seed they can plant in the jurors minds..

But Caylee was not in Texas, she was right down the street from her home. The fact that we have not seen the insert report which was released recently to the defense makes you wonder what it contains. Defense has had it awhile and it still has not been released to the public. We need another doc dump! Maybe it will be in the next one.
But Caylee was not in Texas, she was right down the street from her home. The fact that we have not seen the insert report which was released recently to the defense makes you wonder what it contains. Defense has had it awhile and it still has not been released to the public. We need another doc dump! Maybe it will be in the next one.
I agree! Doc dump time!
The defense has been saying all along that the body was not there since June. Someone moved it there..(aka the "real" killer) So, Caylee was in Texas with Zanny and Samantha..and then... ( fill in the blanks)
Then you have the Blanchard Park version... which I think is the family doing the talking...not Casey. She was in jail when the version came up. I think once the A's figured out the screw up they made with that version..they were willing to lie and say they were passing letters against jail policy rather than uncover the lie about where that version originated... that the A's made up the BP story for her.

And what was particularly egregious about it to me was reading in GA's depo that he originally imagined JESSE holding her down at JBP. Geez! The family even had to think up the pool accident story - and she snorted at that when they brought it up in jail "surprise -surprise!". She doesn't even have to think up her own lies!!

Her parents - particularly CA - have handled her with kid gloves for years. I wonder if something happened to KC as a child that CA feels responsible for. Like dropping her on her head. I just don't get it.
The Blanchard Park story seems to be a juicy topic in the depo. The SA nails both Cindy and Lee on dates as to when they first heard the BP/sister Samantha addition to the saga. They both swear to post -Aug 20th, Casey's release. Cindy claims a Texas tipster sent her a tip about A silver F Focus-resembling car, with 2 hispanics (one of them blonde), a male hispanic boy and a white child resembling Caylee in the car. She reports this tip to LE pre-Aug20. Casey gets out on bail.. they hear the BP story and about Samantha. Cindy claims it 'triggers' her memory of the texas tip. She asks Casey to describe her...and by gosh it's a match to the T. So she runs to Sargeant Allen to f/u the previous tip with the new confirmed info from Casey. She claims Casey is unaware of the tip...has no idea it exists. In the doc dump with the DC/CA investigative emails..there is an email from a Texas tipster dated August 9th. It doesn't include the tip. So the tip email hasn't been released. Cindy then says..."When I found out Samantha had another child...." OOPS? Something fishy going on here.. She supposedly knew nothing about Samantha, including her name, until after Aug 20th... she tries explaining it away...
I think LE has proof that the BP story was hatched much earlier than Aug 20th. Either Casey told it to Baez in jail, and Baez schooled the A's on it pre-Aug 20th..or Casey told this to Cindy before they hauled her off to jail, when Casey realized her Sawgrass scenario didn't fly so well with LE....she quickly developed the backup story. I haven't quite pegged it.. but it seems there is an issue around this that LE is quite aware of it. Like Cindy trying to manufacture a bonafide credible tip... is there more to this though?
I think the BP story was the brain child of the family...Baez could have had his input as well. The whole family can't get the "when" part straight with the story.

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