2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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Yes! Yes!!! I remember either reading or hearing CA say that also!!! At the time, I thought it was strange that she made such a point to say she knew they were in the bedroom because she could heard them breathing. But she couldn't see them because the door was closed and she 'couldn't see through a closed door'!! She made a point ( a HUGE point...lol) about hearing them sleeping!!

Since I hadn't run across anyone else who seemed to remember that, I thought maybe I dreamed it!

Oh but the breathing morning was on June 8. :croc: After the date was corrected to June 16, CA remembers she left early to work that day - isn't this rediculous? Do they realize people are paying attention to their stories and know when they change them? That's why I cannot believe any part of what they say - how can one sort out a lie from what may be a smidge of truth?
Let's not forget about this wonderful quote from CA on the Today show.....she(CA) states that KC loved Caylee more than she loved KC (at the 5:46 mark).

YouTube - Today Show - 10/15/08 with Cindy Anthony

I actually went back over some of CA's depo (crazy I know). I have never heard anyone speak the way she does. She constantly contradicts herself. Here is but one example:

Page 208/209
CA is talking about when she first heard that KC hadn't seen Caylee for 31 days.....CA runs into KC's room. She says she wanted to "grab and shake her but she couldn't". In the very next sentence she says..."I don't even know if I put my hands on her, but I couldn't".

So which is it??

So she wanted to ....but she couldn't.....she doesn't know if she put her hands on KC or not??...but couldn't.......

It's like she wants to cover every base so she speaks in contradictions. It's this way through the whole depo. :banghead:


Can you hear the big breath (gasp) MV takes upon hearing CA say that KC loves Caylee more than CA loves KC?
You can hear a breath - like a gasp - in the background.

After that comment CA backtracks and says her love for KC grows every day - huh?
Something is wrong with this picture - over to the psych thread - ha!
Ugh. I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't finish Cindy's depo until last night. After surviving several small exposures to Cindy's backbiting and disinformation I finally took the plunge and read through to the end.

Today I don't know if I'm coming down with H1N1 flu or if it's just my immune system's reaction to an overdose of Cindy. :crazy:

The chip on her shoulder and bullyish attitude make it hard for me to concentrate on what she is trying to say. And maybe she does that on purpose to distract people. She might not realize that her explanations, theories and lies are confusing enough on their own. Almost every statement that could possibly be blameworthy is couched with exceptions and claims of uncertainty. How can we split out even one small sliver of truth from her deluded ranting? Everything she talked about seemed so skewed that it devalues any small truth that might have slipped out. Makes everything unreliable. She is just such a disappointment.
Thanks kew...still wondering though if there is more to the story we haven't pieced together yet. The depo is proof that the SA is on to something.. what else could be going on here..?

I don't know,but I can't wait til it all comes out! Thanks for all your input.
Page 451 (pdf page 269) of CA's depo

CA is explaining how she and GA batted around different ideas of what may have happened to Caylee and suggests that one of the ideas is that she may have "fallen off the ladder". When the Lawyer asks CA, "Did you ask her . . .?" CA replies, "I believe so . . ."

Okay then. :croc:

"I believe so" is what CA replies when she knows her answer should be "yes" but she can't answer "yes" because CA knows the truth already so CA didn't have to ask KC these questions. There's no doubt in my mind that CA is covering up for KC and knows the truth of what happened to Caylee.
ITA The SA are simply giving all the A's enough rope to hang themselves! It will be different at trial-those inconsistencies will come back to bite them!:croc:

I agree. At this point the A's aren't credible witnesses,but their efforts to cover for KC will scream to the jury that THEY ,themselves ,believe she's guilty.
I agree. At this point the A's aren't credible witnesses,but their efforts to cover for KC will scream to the jury that THEY ,themselves ,believe she's guilty.

I think the A's will not only hang themselves and KC but perhaps take certain attorney's down with them. Nejame was no fool-he got out as soon as he realized what was going on and that he himself was in danger of being part of the collateral damage that will eventually befall those who are trying to free a murderess!:furious:
(pdf page 303)

Another aspect of CA's depo that sticks out badly is when CA is complaining that she is made to feel accused for giving the wrong date of the last time she saw Caylee.

What is defensiveness a sign of?

CA, I would think, should be thanking LE for setting the facts straight. The more they could piece together the true circumstances of Caylee's disappearance, the better off they'd be in hopes for finding her.

CA's reaction to the above further cements for me that the lie began with that false date being reported from day one (or should I say 31!).
KC did say 31 days which would bring us back to June 15th. Makes you wonder if CA wanted to erase that date from her mind.
I've often wondered just who decided on the June 9 date in the original reports. Although KC says 31 days, she dates her missing persons report on June 9. Did CA plant that suggestion in her head because she thought that was the Father's Day date originally? If so, both GA and KC used the date without bothering to figure out if it could even be accurate. Perhaps that's why CA is so defensive - she was the one to pinpoint the day as June 9 when LE arrived and everyone else just went along with it, which just shows they will all corroborate the first person who thinks up a story.
I've often wondered just who decided on the June 9 date in the original reports. Although KC says 31 days, she dates her missing persons report on June 9. Did CA plant that suggestion in her head because she thought that was the Father's Day date originally? If so, both GA and KC used the date without bothering to figure out if it could even be accurate. Perhaps that's why CA is so defensive - she was the one to pinpoint the day as June 9 when LE arrived and everyone else just went along with it, which just shows they will all corroborate the first person who thinks up a story.

Quote Respect cecybeans :)

Yes. I think that is what happened. LE questions Lee in his interview about this and Lee says that while he and Casey were out in the garage, LE had his parents and were questioning them. That is when they both, George and Cindy gave the June 8th/9th date-and Lee says that it was easy to hear everything that was being said.

Interview with LE
July 29th, 2008
Lee Anthony

LA: I, I'm pretty sure I would know why Casey would have come up with the 9th initially.
LE: Why is that?
LA: It was pretty obvious to me. My mom's frantic because remember she swore up and down the last time, I, I've seen my granddaughter is the 8th.
LE: Oh, mom planted the seed?
LA: Exactly, so of course whether my sister intentionally said the 9th or not...
LE: Hmm
LA: ...or meant to think the 9th, she meant to say 31 days. You don't...
LE: Right
LA: So my mom could have influenced that, not you know...
LE: So your mom thinking...
LA: ...not on purpose but...
LE: ...your mom would have said the last time I saw my baby was on the 15th...
LE: (other officer) ...She's thinking out loud?
LE: ...your sister may have picked the 16th?
LA: She would have said the 16th. She would have followed suit with that. I mean it, it was, you could hear every, even though we were separated you could hear everybody, everything everyone else was saying. So prior to taking a statement, an official statement from my sister she had already heard all these dates and all this info being thrown out there. So just being, I would imagine already being in a high emotional state anyway uh, naturally she's going to assume well, mom's probably got her stuff together(laughs). That's, she probably wouldn't have even of, thought twice to think 31 days. You know it's easy to count but you now, if she would even have known what the physical date was.

All of this comes after Lee explains that Casey has explained the "atrocious" smell with the "two dead squirrels crawled up under the hood of the car." Casey gives a date for the smell circa: "Mom's birthday".

LA: Uhm, and I couldn't be there any more for a minute or two and I had to keep going back inside because the smell was so bad. Uhm, I sat down with her and uh, when I referenced the car smell she said, "Well it, it actually started around mom's birthday." When, uhm, which is again June 5th. She said, "It started around the time when uhm, two dead squirrels crawled up under the hood of the car" uhm, just per, that time per her time line with my mother's birthday being the 5th, and my mother last seeing Caylee she believed at that time the 8th. My sister saying that the last time that she had saw Caylee at that time she said the 9th of June, I questioned well either mom or dad would have smelled that. My dad specifically because he always enjoys to clean the cars, especially on the weekends. If not every weekend every other weekend. Uhm...

George Anthony's written statement to LE
July 15, 2008

GA: On July 15th, 2008 at approximately 2005 pm. my spouse(Cindy)called my cell phone. I immediately attempted to return her call, and only got her voice mail. I called our land line # and also got a voice mail. I immediately then called my son, Lee told him I would appreciate him checking on his mom, told him briefly about Casey again, and mom and I are upset. At 2035 pm, I finally got a hold of my spouse by cell, and she asked when I would be home. I told her I would be home about 10-10:30 pm. Arriving at 9:50 pm, my spouse was in our garage crying, upset and told me that Caylee Marie(our granddaughter)was missing, taken a month ago by a person by the name of Zanny. I inquired to my spouse about OCS being called and I was told they were contacted at 8:30 PM. As to this statement, my granddaughter-Caylee Marie Anthony, age 3 has been missing. What I mean, I have not seen her or heard her voice since June 9th, 2008. My daughter, Casey, Caylee's mother has been very vauge for a month, each time we have asked to speak, see her or ask where she is at, my daughter would always have a different answer. My granddaughter will be 3 yrs. old August 9th, 2008.

Why Casey gave a date near Cindy's birthday: June 5th-which is near George and Cindy's date of June 8th/9th-is because she had been keeping Caylee from them for that long. Of course if Caylee died on June 16th(as I think we have established) she was giving a reason for the smell in the car-not the whereabouts of Caylee, yet(or at that point). Casey's first answers were for her family not LE. She did not go into that mode until LE took her on the "Universal tour." Casey knew the last time Cindy had seen Caylee was on father's day, which was blazed in her mind because she knew that was when she killed Caylee...that's why when alone with Lee and when Cindy barged in she said: 31 days because she had to say it was the last time she dropped Caylee off with "the nanny."

George Anthony statement to LE
August 4th, 2008

LE: ...these two days out but um, she, so she actually told you on the 16th, I plan on staying at Zanny's on a late event?
GA: Yes most definitely.
LE: Mom starts calling, apparently mom says that she had some form of a uh, big deal going on at, at work, a convention. So they were staying at the uh, Hard Rock Hotel.
GA: That's what she told us.
LE: Yeah
GA: I mean that's what my wife reiterated to me.
LE: You didn't have a conversation just what your wife...
GA: Right
LE: ...told you, okay. And then there was, they had to move that to Busch Gardens Tampa area.
GA: Yes
LE: And that's where Zanny got in accident?

So, it seems that Casey had been keeping Caylee away, prior to June 15th father's day but could not get away with missing father's day-so she brought Caylee to Cindy so they could see great grandpa but as far as Cindy and George were concerned Caylee had been out of their lives since June 8th/9th and that is why they gave the date they did. I don't know what all this means, my head is spinning right now...

Quote Respect cecybeans :)

Yes. I think that is what happened. LE questions Lee in his interview about this and Lee says that while he and Casey were out in the garage, LE had his parents and were questioning them. That is when they both, George and Cindy gave the June 8th/9th date-and Lee says that it was easy to hear everything that was being said.

Interview with LE
July 29th, 2008
Lee Anthony

LA: I, I'm pretty sure I would know why Casey would have come up with the 9th initially.
LE: Why is that?
LA: It was pretty obvious to me. My mom's frantic because remember she swore up and down the last time, I, I've seen my granddaughter is the 8th.
LE: Oh, mom planted the seed?
LA: Exactly, so of course whether my sister intentionally said the 9th or not...
LE: Hmm
LA: ...or meant to think the 9th, she meant to say 31 days. You don't...
LE: Right
LA: So my mom could have influenced that, not you know...
LE: So your mom thinking...
LA: ...not on purpose but...
LE: ...your mom would have said the last time I saw my baby was on the 15th...
LE: (other officer) ...She's thinking out loud?
LE: ...your sister may have picked the 16th?
LA: She would have said the 16th. She would have followed suit with that. I mean it, it was, you could hear every, even thought we were separated you could hear everybody, everything everyone else was saying. So prior to taking a statement, an official statement from my sister she had already heard all these dates and all this info being thrown out there. So just being, I would imagine already being in a high emotional state anyway uh, naturally she's going to assume well, mom's probably got her stuff together(laughs). That's, she probably wouldn't have even of, thought twice to think 31 days. You know it's easy to count but you now, if she would even have known what the physical date was.

All of this comes after Lee explains that Casey has explained the "atrocious" smell with the "two dead squirrels crawled up under the hood of the car." Casey gives a date for the smell circa: "Mom's birthday".

LA: Uhm, and I couldn't be there any more for a minute or two and I had to keep going back inside because the smell was so bad. Uhm, I sat down with her and uh, when I referenced the car smell she said, "Well it, it actually started around mom's birthday." When, uhm, which is again June 5th. She said, "It started around the time when uhm, two dead squirrels crawled up under the hood of the car" uhm, just per, that time per her time line with my mother's birthday being the 5th, and my mother last seeing Caylee she believed at that time the 8th. My sister saying that the last time that she had saw Caylee at that time she said the 9th of June, I questioned well either mom or dad would have smelled that. My dad specifically because he always enjoys to clean the cars, especially on the weekends. If not every weekend every other weekend. Uhm...

George Anthony's written statement to LE
July 15, 2008

GA: On July 15th, 2008 at approximately 2005 pm. my spouse(Cindy)called my cell phone. I immediately attempted to return her call, and only got her voice mail. I called our land line # and also got a voice mail. I immediately then called my son, Lee told him I would appreciate him checking on his mom, told him briefly about Casey again, and mom and I are upset. At 2035 pm, I finally got a hold of my spouse by cell, and she asked when I would be home. I told her I would be home about 10-10:30 pm. Arriving at 9:50 pm, my spouse was in our garage crying, upset and told me that Caylee Marie(our granddaughter)was missing, taken a month ago by a person by the name of Zanny. I inquired to my spouse about OCS being called and I was told they were contacted at 8:30 PM. As to this statement, my granddaughter-Caylee Marie Anthony, age 3 has been missing. What I mean, I have not seen her or heard her voice since June 9th, 2008. My daughter, Casey, Caylee's mother has been very vauge for a month, each time we have asked to speak, see her or ask where she is at, my daughter would always have a different answer. My granddaughter will be 3 yrs. old August 9th, 2008.

Why Casey gave a date near Cindy's birthday: June 5th-which is near George and Cindy's date of June 8th/9th-is because she had been keeping Caylee from them for that long. Of course if Caylee died on June 16th(as I think we have established) she was giving a reason for the smell in the car-not the whereabouts of Caylee, yet(or at that point). Casey's first answers were for her family not LE. She did not go into that mode until LE took her on the "Universal tour." Casey knew the last time Cindy had seen Caylee was on father's day, which was blazed in her mind because she knew that was when she killed Caylee...that's why when alone with Lee and when Cindy barged in she said: 31 days because she had to say it was the last time she dropped Caylee off with "the nanny."

George Anthony statement to LE
August 4th, 2008

LE: ...these two days out but um, she, so she actually told you on the 16th, I plan on staying at Zanny's on a late event?
GA: Yes most definitely.
LE: Mom starts calling, apparently mom says that she had some form of a uh, big deal going on at, at work, a convention. So they were staying at the uh, Hard Rock Hotel.
GA: That's what she told us.
LE: Yeah
GA: I mean that's what my wife reiterated to me.
LE: You didn't have a conversation just what your wife...
GA: Right
LE: ...told you, okay. And then there was, they had to move that to Busch Gardens Tampa area.
GA: Yes
LE: And that's where Zanny got in accident?

So, it seems that Casey had been keeping Caylee away, prior to June 15th father's day but could not get away with missing father's day-so she brought Caylee to Cindy so they could see great grandpa but as far as Cindy and George were concerned Caylee had been out of their lives since June 8th/9th and that is why they gave the date they did. I don't know what all this means, my head is spinning right now...

Wow! If this is the case, it would explain why a big fight would occur. Cindy would be super pizzed by then and put her foot down when Casey tried taking her again.
Good job! I like this theory. I wonder where she would have stayed? Lee's maybe? If so, she'd have a key to Lee's maybe. I always thought she took Caylee and left after the fight and went to Lee's.
KC stayed at RM's apartment with Caylee on June 9th.
Ugh. I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't finish Cindy's depo until last night. After surviving several small exposures to Cindy's backbiting and disinformation I finally took the plunge and read through to the end.

Today I don't know if I'm coming down with H1N1 flu or if it's just my immune system's reaction to an overdose of Cindy. :crazy:

The chip on her shoulder and bullyish attitude make it hard for me to concentrate on what she is trying to say. And maybe she does that on purpose to distract people. She might not realize that her explanations, theories and lies are confusing enough on their own. Almost every statement that could possibly be blameworthy is couched with exceptions and claims of uncertainty. How can we split out even one small sliver of truth from her deluded ranting? Everything she talked about seemed so skewed that it devalues any small truth that might have slipped out. Makes everything unreliable. She is just such a disappointment.

That's what I thought----which side could use her due to her "mistruths"? I guess they (either side) can use her if they have corroborating testimony....that's the only way I'd think. Her credibility is so far gone Pluto watched it wizz by. MOO
After reading all the depos, two things just blow me away:

1) Neither George, Cindy, or Lee say they tried to ask Casey much of anything about who took Caylee when she was home out of jail??? All that time and the one person who knows everything was treated with kid gloves. Apparently Casey's excuse was that everything was bugged and she couldn't talk?

2) They all feel that Caylee could still be alive. I don't know if this is just denial because of the pain; if so that's very very sad. It's just been so long. JMO but I think they need to at least come to terms with the fact that poor Caylee is with the angels.
It has been a while since I had a child that was two, but I don't remember my children doing some of the things as early as CA says Caylee was. She was getting her own breakfast some mornings and matching her clothes. Did/Do your children do these things at the age of two?

Also, it bothers me that she said "It didn't last all of her twos, probably jut a few months." referring to the "terrible twos". Caylee didn't get a chance to even finish her terrible twos. Did this bother anyone else?

It seems as if CA tries to make Caylee sound more advanced than an average two year old...counting in Spanish, etc. I wonder if she makes everyone in that family feel like they are not living up to her expectations.
Just the thought of a 2yr old opening a refrigerator door by themself gives me the shivers...
After reading all the depos, two things just blow me away:

1) Neither George, Cindy, or Lee say they tried to ask Casey much of anything about who took Caylee when she was home out of jail??? All that time and the one person who knows everything was treated with kid gloves. Apparently Casey's excuse was that everything was bugged and she couldn't talk?

2) They all feel that Caylee could still be alive. I don't know if this is just denial because of the pain; if so that's very very sad. It's just been so long. JMO but I think they need to at least come to terms with the fact that poor Caylee is with the angels.

KC has it covered- can't talk in Jail because of the videotapes, can't talk at home because they are bugged. How convenient for her!
CA says in her deposition that she didn't know the names of the girls in the teal shirts in the picture with KC at Fusion. Did her private investigator not find out the names of the girls that KC was hanging with in the time of Caylee's disappearance? Didn't she say that Mr. Casey had someone inside Fusion? I don't believe it is a case of she doesn't know their names. She didn't know of several of Casey's friends before Caylee went missing, but she knows their names now and has even thrown some of them under the bus. She didn't say that she knew their names but didn't want to make them public, she said she didn't know their names.
CA says in her deposition that she didn't know the names of the girls in the teal shirts in the picture with KC at Fusion. Did her private investigator not find out the names of the girls that KC was hanging with in the time of Caylee's disappearance? Didn't she say that Mr. Casey had someone inside Fusion? I don't believe it is a case of she doesn't know their names. She didn't know of several of Casey's friends before Caylee went missing, but she knows their names now and has even thrown some of them under the bus. She didn't say that she knew their names but didn't want to make them public, she said she didn't know their names.

But if you notice, with her characteristic venom, she identifies the "black gentleman" seen in some of the party photos, as someone who is 'incarcerated for manslaughter'- her memory is very selective.

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