2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I thought she just had an "address" on a sticky note in her address book and gave it to the black officer. But the same question applies.......why not just get in the car and go see for yourself. She's so transparent with her lies - she must be thinking only imbeciles will be jurors in this case.

Thank you. Yup I agree she could have driven herself there. Yup in her eyes we are all imbeciles. Thank you again.
I've read the other answers and agree that KC mentioned sexual advances (by her father or Lee?) to JG. JG said he didn't ask many questions because the topic was too uncomfortable for him.

TL said that KC had talked to him about this subject also. I don't recall the friends mentioning the subject.

For some reason this topic is very taboo around here. LE tested Lee for paternity of Caylee and outruled him as the sperm donor. I would have liked, in the interest of being thorough, to see another test performed on another male family member but that's just my suspicious mind working overtime. KC also has several male cousins.

The over the top family dynamics, jealousy surrounding Caylee, ownership issues surrounding Caylee, multiple changing stories about who Caylee's bio was, the denial and weirdness of CA hiding KC's pregnancy for so long even though she was carrying a baby that was obvious to other people, the fact that GA says he was soooo happy to be a Grandpa but moved out right after he became one - all these factors keep me wondering :waitasec: and wanting the true answer as to who the real bio was. Incest can really mess a girl up. Ironically, there is a famous person talking about this very subject in the news currently.

Finally, KC tried to pass Jesse off as Caylee's bio. That is a dishonest act that has only brought JG pain in the long run. I can't blame JG for being angry for being targeted by the A family - they have some nerve.

If it helps, George's DNA profile as released in the public record docs is completely and totally incompatible with him being the father of Caylee. I checked. ;)
You did, AZ? Because in the report that released, that Woe mentions, it specifically ONLY clears Lee as a possible bio father. It states it tested both George and Lee.
Let's add to the list of lies:

* kc told friends her parents were getting divorced and CA was in the process of turning the house over to kc
* kc told CA an elaborate story about a car accident in Tampa that turned out to be untrue
* kc told her parents she had been mugged and had several thousand dollars stolen from her
* kc told her parents she worked at an area Sports Authority, which she never had
* kc told her brother she was in Jacksonville while sitting in a club in Orlando
* kc named several different men as Caylee's father
* kc told LE "Zanny's roommates" worked at a local restaurant - which the names she gave never had

Then, of course, there's the stealing of money from her friends, CA, GA, Lee, grandma, grandpa's nursing home fund, Caylee's piggy bank
She told Amy her dad had a stroke .. or mini stroke? I don't remember exact words she used.
Will there be any charges for perjury in this case???
There are so many lies, I just automatically disbelieve any thing said by an Anthony:banghead:
You did, AZ? Because in the report that released, that Woe mentions, it specifically ONLY clears Lee as a possible bio father. It states it tested both George and Lee.

The FBI was only ASKED by LE to give its opinion on whether Lee was the father. They gave that opinion: NO. They were not asked whether George was the father, so they gave no opinion on that.

George's DNA, along with Cindy's, was taken for other reasons--to check against any DNA evidence found in connection with the case. The FBI didn't compare George's DNA profile with Caylee's, but both profiles are included in the documents, so I compared them. George's profile is completely, totally, absolutely inconsistent with being the father of Caylee.
Here are some of the inconsistent results:

In position D3S1358, Caylee had alleles 14 and 15. Casey has 15 and 19, so she must have contributed 15 to Caylee. Therefore, Caylee's father has/had 14. George has 15 and 19.

In position D18S51, Caylee had 14 and 16. Casey has 14 and 17, so she must have contributed 14 to Caylee. Therefore, Caylee's father has/had 16. George has 14 and 17.

There are more examples...
Here are some of the inconsistent results:

In position D3S1358, Caylee had alleles 14 and 15. Casey has 15 and 19, so she must have contributed 15 to Caylee. Therefore, Caylee's father has/had 14. George has 15 and 19.

In position D18S51, Caylee had 14 and 16. Casey has 14 and 17, so she must have contributed 14 to Caylee. Therefore, Caylee's father has/had 16. George has 14 and 17.

There are more examples...

You can read this stuff????

You can read this stuff????


Funny, that's exactly what my daughter and her friend said yesterday when they were at our house studying for their Honors Biology final and I said, "What do you mean, you don't understand it? It's all set out in your book right here on page 93!"
Concerning Cindy's "now I remember" moment in court today...

here is a snippet from her State Depo

Burdick "..since this is a sworn statement, there is the possibility that, if you are called as a witness in court, that what you say here today can be used to impeach --do you know what that means?

Cindy "okay"

LDB" ..something that you might say "

Cindy "Yes"

LDB"like, if you say something different in court--"

Cindy "Right"

LDB" than you say today--"

LDB "and can be brought to your attention in court"

Cindy " okay"
LDB "okay. let me ask you first some formalities. Are you under the influence of any drugs or alcohol today?"

Cindy "Just my prescription medication"

LDB "Alright, Does it affect you ability to understand--"

Cindy "No."

LDB "what's going on around you?"

Cindy "No"

LDB "Do you feel clear-headed?"

Cindy "Yes"

LDB "Have you had any difficulty understanding anything that I have said so far or--"

Cindy "No."

LDB "asked of you? Have you had the opportunity to Eat today"

Cindy "No"

LDB "Do you think that is going to be a problem?"

Cindy "No"

NOw, I have not read the entire transcript..but a the beginning Cindy was asked about being under the influence of drugs or alcohol and she states she is on prescription medication but does not state she was on NEW or New anti-depressant meds... Unless that is stated elsewhere in the Depo...
I wonder if any of these people thought to consult a CALENDAR? I mean, geez! come on! I know if my grandchild, who lived with me, came up missing, I would know the date, it would be engrained in my heart as surely as a hot brand leaves its mark...Are they kidding? They have been in coverup mode ever since the police arrived on the scene and trying to muddy the waters any way that they could on any ocassion that arose...Seriously, geez!!! Look at a calendar A family!!!

That June 9th date keeps coming up, but in CA's call to 911, I believe the second call where she mentions Caylee's disappearance for the first time, she states June 7th as being the last time she actually saw Caylee.
I'm wondering as well where that first date evolved to June 9th and then on to June 16th.

I need a road map to keep up.
LDB "okay. let me ask you first some formalities. Are you under the influence of any drugs or alcohol today?"

Cindy "Just my prescription medication"

LDB "Alright, Does it affect you ability to understand--"

Cindy "No."

LDB "what's going on around you?"

Cindy "No"

LDB "Do you feel clear-headed?"

Cindy "Yes"

LDB "Have you had any difficulty understanding anything that I have said so far or--"

Cindy "No."

LDB "asked of you? Have you had the opportunity to Eat today"

Cindy "No"

LDB "Do you think that is going to be a problem?"

Cindy "No"

NOw, I have not read the entire transcript..but a the beginning Cindy was asked about being under the influence of drugs or alcohol and she states she is on prescription medication but does not state she was on NEW or New anti-depressant meds... Unless that is stated elsewhere in the Depo...

I'm just catching up here and finally got a break for lunch to watch the activities this morning.........CA is going to bury her daughter on that stand. She is completely unable to tell the truth or to control herself. I was cringing.
Sorry- I don't know where to post this thought and had to get it out. I am still sitting with my mouth open.
When she left that stand, ICA thanked her and the looks between the two were palpable.
I could feel the frustration and I loved it. CA is no match for the SA.
Love it. No, I didn't...yes I did. Oh, but not only did I do it.. I used an entire can of Febreeze and sprinkled a whole box of dryer sheets around the car and in the trunk. You know, so I can help support the claim these chemicals (along with the garbage) threw off Dr. Vass' air sample. Junk science! It was a horrendous odor, the worst i've ever smelled, at THAT time at least, of course since it wasn't human decomp, I have smelled worse things since, naturally. I forgot that I did it, but I told Ms. Burdick I was on new anti-depressants and... YES I did, Ms. Burdick! Guessing the court reporter forgot to write that lil nugget down, huh Cindy? Uh huh.
What a transparent special person she is.
Love it. No, I didn't...yes I did. Oh, but not only did I do it.. I used an entire can of Febreeze and sprinkled a whole box of dryer sheets around the car and in the trunk. You know, so I can help support the claim these chemicals (along with the garbage) threw off Dr. Vass' air sample. Junk science! It was a horrendous odor, the worst i've ever smelled, at THAT time at least, of course since it wasn't human decomp, I have smelled worse things since, naturally.
What a transparent special person she is.

A complete bottle of Febreeze, Fabric softener/dryer sheets....Cindy's efforts that day to get rid of the smell in the car did not work..the car continued to stink to high heaven and probably still does now, over 2.5 years later.

I am happy to report that after successfully spraying Febreeze in my home today, of which no offensive odor was ever present, and my car where my nose did take offence to the smell of DH's Cigar..all smells are pleasing to the nose.
Also, no harm came to myself nor the dog and all junior family members are well, they even commented on the "nice smelling house"

PS..I still have plenty of Febreeze left in the bottle...
A complete bottle of Febreeze, Fabric softener/dryer sheets....Cindy's efforts that day to get rid of the smell in the car did not work..the car continued to stink to high heaven and probably still does now, over 2.5 years later.

I am happy to report that after successfully spraying Febreeze in my home today, of which no offensive odor was ever present, and my car where my nose did take offence to the smell of DH's Cigar..all smells are pleasing to the nose.

You do get why she is more than happy to admit to excessive use of those items NOW though, right?

What will Cindy's role be in upcoming events? Lie all the way.

And her sweet little daughter ICA can smile and mouth 'thanks' each time.
This may be a dumb question but I'll ask it anyway:)

How is Cindy able to lie all of the time and not get into trouble? Ex: Jail,perjury or fines?

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