2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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The exchange below caught my eye when I first read CA's depo. It seemed as if she may be setting up a defense for KC - that Caylee either drowned in the tub or that she banged her head while having a tantrum. Now, it's really making me think since we have discussed the front tooth. It's curious that SA asked if she banged her head?? Probably just me really reaching....:rolleyes:

Pg 83 Cindy's depo:

A It was usually at home. She never had a tantrum when we were out. It was usually at home, usually towards the evening when she was tired and I knew --
Q Uh-huh
A -- it was probably because she was tired. So, I'd usually take her and put her in the tub and let her cry until she got it out of her system.
Q Okay. Did she throw herself on the floor? I mean some kids will bang their head.
A Once in a while she -- she wouldn't really throw herself on the floor, but she'd get down and just do this (indicating) on her bed or on the floor. But she'd bend over and do it.
Q Okay.
A And I'd tell her not to do that, but then she'd get up and walk into another room.
Q Uh-huh. Do it again.
A Do it again.
Q Right.
A So --
<Respectfully snipped by me>
In CA's deposition, she also states that she knows Amy and Ricardo are into heroin. Now IMO, that's a pretty strong accusation to be flinging around.

And yes, didn't we all fall down the rabbit hole?

I know it's different looking into AnthonyLand than anywhere else I've been.

Yeah, that floored me hearing that in LA's depo. Those are huge accusations to be tossing around just because you heard it from your 'whannabe' P.I, who uses nothing more than a cheap background check and myspace search engine, and calls that "investigating".

I was hoping the SA would follow up with those accusations, but maybe she was too busy rolling her eyes.
Whether it was raining or not is just the tip of the ice berg. Is it impossible to get the same story from anyone in this family. They're playing with our minds and playing with the truth. Yes, at this point, it appears to be for the MONEY.

How did Caylee lose a tooth? Can't get that off my mind.
Whether it was raining or not is just the tip of the ice berg. Is it impossible to get the same story from anyone in this family. They're playing with our minds and playing with the truth. Yes, at this point, it appears to be for the MONEY.

How did Caylee lose a tooth? Can't get that off my mind.

I am confused. How do we know she had a tooth missing?? I know that in CA's depo she said Caylee had 20 teeth and LE reported 18 or something like that on the autopsy report....but I would think that any teeth not accounted for are probably still in the vacant lot.....sorry for typing that. I just don't know how we got to this point of knowing that a tooth was missing??? Please can someone explain?
<Respectfully snipped by me>
In CA's deposition, she also states that she knows Amy and Ricardo are into heroin. Now IMO, that's a pretty strong accusation to be flinging around.

And yes, didn't we all fall down the rabbit hole?

I know it's different looking into AnthonyLand than anywhere else I've been.

Yeah, and RM just found out he's gay or bi. I read all the texts to and from Amy and Casey. Amy was always talking about her work schedule, saving money for the PR trip, etc., Amy's decent and hard-working. I bet Amy's surprised to hear she's a heroin addict now. Did Cindy read how Amy woke up from "sleep walking" with her money gone? You can bet Cindy knew in her heart it sounded like something her sneaky stealing daughter would do.

But magically, Cindy will give us a whole different perspective. Her daughter was a saint. She had total trust in Casey. If anyone seems like they've been on drugs for a long time, it's Cindy. The drug of denial for sure.

Before this is done everybodys name will be ruined by the Anthonys. CA pretty much says she will stop at nothing to help Casey get out of jail. Caylee cries for Justice, Cindy.
A tooth, mentioned on a list of things supposely given to either LE, or JB, is being discussed on another thread about Baez telling Cindy to "Zip it".

Cindy says 20 teeth. Caylee's autopsy report says she was missing an incisor front tooth. It is thought that Cindy may have found a tooth when cleaning under the car seat.

That's all I know so far.
Hmmm, early on in PII CA states that it hadnt rained in weeks. However GA says it rained on the way home which increased the smell of the car.

Which is it A's?

(there is much much more but my head is spinning)

Oh and the HORROR of the stink of cigarette smoke... obviously TA must be involved because he SMOKES!!!

And all the nefarious "black gentlemen". There are really just NO WORDS.

I think any further depositions should take place while connected to the LDT. Already, I think we're getting a glimpse of how the Anthony's are going to do during the trials....I don't recall......I don't remember.......it's been so long I forgot......why would I ever doubt KC........the information I have has been lost b/c my phone went out, my computer burned..... if the LE would have done their job then we wouldn't be going thru this......we never discussed anything with KC about what happened to Caylee, it wasn't our focus......

Novice Seeker
I, at least, respected GA for admitting he wanted to dig into why Casey wasn't working at Sports Authority like she said. GA actually wanted to find out the truth of what was going on. He says CA didn't want to irritate Casey by checking up on her. CA wanted Casey and Caylee to live there forever. CA didn't want to lose them. She overlooked the money stolen, made herself believe that Casey had a job and that there was a nanny or somebody watching over the little angel while Casey was doing all these dirty deeds. CA was worried about irritating Casey. Casey must have had CA walking on egg shells holding Caylee over her head. I guess the only way to keep them close was for Cindy to enter the river of Da Nile.

But CA can wake up now if she wants to and tell us the truth for Caylee's sake..
I, at least, respected GA for admitting he wanted to dig into why Casey wasn't working at Sports Authority like she said. GA actually wanted to find out the truth of what was going on. He says CA didn't want to irritate Casey by checking up on her. CA wanted Casey and Caylee to live there forever. CA didn't want to lose them. She overlooked the money stolen, made herself believe that Casey had a job and that there was a nanny or somebody watching over the little angel while Casey was doing all these dirty deeds. CA was worried about irritating Casey. Casey must have had CA walking on egg shells holding Caylee over her head. I guess the only way to keep them close was for Cindy to enter the river of Da Nile.

But CA can wake up now if she wants to and tell us the truth for Caylee's sake..

yeah George was already to do this for about an hour before his wife told him no. He had his chance and many others to step up for Caylee, who is the only victim in this crime instead he like everyone else in that family turned his back and gave all of his support on the very person who stands accused of taking the life of this precious child.

Novice Seeker
In her disorderd mind she has moved things around to fit where she wants (needs) them to. It's a pattern with this family, IMO. Casey's pregnancy going unnoticed for about 8 months, her not graduating but they only found out on like the last day of school( yeah right). Stealing from Lee in high school etc etc. They have created an entire life, an entirely different person for who Casey is... all so Cindy wouldn't get upset, so they could "keep the peace". These people don't even know who Casey is because they have been so busy for so many years creating their false reality.

She shoves aside facts, proof, evidence, everything and re-creates her own truths based on what she feels, what she needs to cling to in order to "keep going". These things have in many ways become her truth.. that's why she's so outraged.. she is a victim, yaknow! :angel:


Glad to see you back. Missed you and your brilliant posts! You sure nailed it with this one. :blowkiss:
Hmmm, early on in PII CA states that it hadnt rained in weeks. However GA says it rained on the way home which increased the smell of the car.

Which is it A's?

(there is much much more but my head is spinning)

Oh and the HORROR of the stink of cigarette smoke... obviously TL must be involved because he SMOKES!!!

And all the nefarious "black gentlemen". There are really just NO WORDS.

Apparently it rained .33 inches that day:

Oh this is an easy one to answer. The SA and LE does not want her or GA to answer that question under oath in a deposition. Remember that lengthy explanation LBD gave at the begining of the first day about immunity for testimony in the deposition. if they had asked CA or GA that question it may hamper their ability to hold criminal charges over them in the future for destruction or evidence or worse. They feel they already know the answer to that question, and asking it in the depo had more risks and hinderances then not asking it at that time. I think there were several other key questions that they strategically avoided asking in the deposition for this reason.

Wow--awesome information. I never thought of that. Thanks much. :dance:
Hmmm, early on in PII CA states that it hadnt rained in weeks. However GA says it rained on the way home which increased the smell of the car.

Which is it A's?

(there is much much more but my head is spinning)

Oh and the HORROR of the stink of cigarette smoke... obviously TL must be involved because he SMOKES!!!

And all the nefarious "black gentlemen". There are really just NO WORDS.

BBM for reply. On June 15, 2008 Orlando had .22" of rain. Thunderstorms began at 1:42 PM and lasted until 7:53 PM. Score one for George. I'm sure since Cindy wasn't the one who had to drive the stinkin' car home it made no impression on her. . . She's kinda like that!!!!


Casey used to wear it around her neck I think hoping no one would get close enough to read it when she'd breeze into Cindy's work to drop off the baby on her way to "work" (boyfriend's home). I think the female officer that grabbed something quickly out of Casey's wallet that evening , as Lee described, found exactly this SOMEONE ELSE'S ID. She's a grifter, she steals IDs ,...

Right, exactly -- and did you notice how Cindy tried to neutralize that during this depo by volunteering the added info that many of the kids at Universal switched ID's and furthermore she'd seen them wearing id's that weren't theres.
Here's something I haven't been able to shake since maybe the second week after Caylee was reported missing.
Maybe I'm not alone.....I sure hope not because I keep hearing about LE 'botching up' the investigation and I want someone to reassure me that they didn't, and they had good reason why they did some of the things they did.

So since the beginning, we've heard LE state "we are going under the presumption that we are looking for an alive Caylee".
As the weeks passed, we heard it over and over.

Yet, something in the way they worded some interviews to the press kept telling my brain "No. They know she's dead. They KNOW for a fact she's dead".

And then, in the wee hours of this morning I read this:

Page 401



Does anyone else find it odd that the officers, after returning from TL's apt., didn't bring anything of Casey's back with them except the cell phone?

Isn't it odd that LE gave Lee A permission to go get the rest of Casey's things? I mean, contamination and all that.

Isn't it odd that nobody (LE, Detectives, etc) seemed all that interested in the stuff Lee A brought back ......nobody secured the items, allowing Cindy go rummaging through all of Casey's things.

There are so many more examples that took place within that first 36 hours after Caylee was reported missing.

I can't help but think that LE did NOT botch the investigation....it's that no matter what they were telling us, the public, they KNEW ...... when they seperated the family to take statements, even before taking Casey for the tour of possible places ZG lived, they KNEW Caylee was already dead.

Please tell me LE didn't 'botch' the investigation at the beginning and some of their actions were because they knew within an hour of arriving at the As home, that there was a dead baby out there somewhere.

Gosh, Amity, to me the examples you listed of LE's "laxness" (for want of a better word) would just as likely indicate that LE didn't yet think cute, petite, calm KC would have actually murdered her child. Until she lied to their faces about Sawgrass and then about her job at Universal, they hadn't witnessed her brazen cunning and utter indifference to her daughter's plight.

Prior to that, LE had only the smell of human decomp in the Pontiac to indicate that a body had been in (or very close to?) the vehicle, but KC hadn't had possession of that vehicle for over 2 weeks, and LE couldn't be completely certain where it had been or who had used it prior to it's being towed. I also think LE believed that if the decomp smell was from Caylee's body, then she'd died accidentally, Casey had panicked, and KC was simply temporarily terrified to admit what happened.

In short, until LE spent those few revealing hours with KC, I don't think they believed they could actually be dealing with a cold-blooded murderer. They obviously changed their minds in a matter of hours, but by then the mistakes you itemized had already been made--and, like you, I think those mistakes may have been costly for the case against KC, and that is a very great pity, indeed. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: KC has the devil's own luck. :banghead:
On page 272, 2nd transcript - CA says no disagreement on the evening of June 15th. How is she going to deal with the neighbor testimony regarding the disagreement?


And Mark Furman's testimony that she told him that. Which reminds me, is Furman on the witness list? If not, why not, I wonder.
In part one of Cindy's deposition, in reference to the information that Dominic Casey was trying to find with Tony L and people who worked at Fusion, LDB asked Cindy she knew anything about the Sawgrass apartments and Society Entertainment. And she said she knew. Also asked if she had heard of a " black man" in reference to this and if she recognized any of the people in the photographs from there from casey's photobucket . Interesting that they would ask her this. They didn't make it clear why they were asking, but the implications, that Casey had a connection to Sawgrass, unrelated to ZFG must have made her squirm. I wonder if Cindy knows about the "bad" photos as George does. I can't recall them asking her about them

I had assumed that LE had discovered Casey's connections to Sawgrass, other than her claim that that is where she dropped off Caylee, but they must know way more about this, the bad photos and the Society Entertainment crowd.

Pg 98- 99

BBM... Have we ever actually seen these bad photos you mentioned?? If so, I've overlooked the release of them. May I have a link, please. :)
BBM... Have we ever actually seen these bad photos you mentioned?? If so, I've overlooked the release of them. May I have a link, please. :)

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75601"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I think this is what you're looking for!
Combined with my reply for clarity.
Pages 412 & 413 - $14,000???? What is that about? A plan with TL?

Glad you brought that up, Salem. Any ideas, anyone?

IIRC someone very early on,said KC told them she had $14,000 saved up or in and acct somewhere.I thought it was Amy,cuz they were getting the house together.I'm guessing she continued that conversation with TonE.Maybe she was asking him for money,saying she had $14,000,but couldn't get to it right then.

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