2009.08.21 Motions hearing #2

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So if LP only has "hearsay" knowledge of what went on in the house...will you or Tracy be called for depositions regarding ZFG?
I totally agree. You don't know the half of it!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm more concerned about the people that count. You state that George lied on the stand today, that he lies quite often, but he's a good person, none the less. What did he lie about specifically today?

And you say that Jose is not trustworthy also? He entered a different document than the one that you signed. The SA seemed to be aware of that. Is that because of you? This does not bode well for Miss Anthony, IMO.
I'v been willing to except TP's words but after the last comment of "truely love" does not sound professional comming from someone in your business. To state your feeling so longingly and wanting those of us who have been on this case the duration to look at this couple as deserving empathy after not following the laws of the land, is just asking to much! Weren't you appalled by their actions regardless of your deep affection. Something is fishy about this subject. I'm a freaking copy of Mother Teresa and I'm not able to forget how the A's continuously put Caylee on the back burner. Come on Tony this is the same couple having dinner at a fine hotel, laughing it up with MB and ABC rep. the night Caylee's remains were found. Help me out here????
You are reading this all wrong!!! Leonard was very emotional about this case and he REALLY believed that girl was alive. All the input we heard before and while we were there pointed to Caylee being missing not dead. George lied on the stand today. That doesn't mean he is a bad person. Just because he is doing what he thinks is right doesn't mean he has a bad heart. Just like Leonard. He does great things all the time. He lies quite often as well. I'm not throwing anybody under the bus. Just stating facts. After Casey went back to jail there was never a reason to return for a Caylee memorial with that reverand nut. He should have left things alone.

I just feel that Leonard's role changed from finding Caylee to getting as much air time as possible on TV.

Tony, thank you for so generously answering our questions and offering your opinions and knowledge of the circumstances. As to your uncle, regardless of his motives (and there are plenty of people who were seduced by this high profile case for much less transparent motives) - there are many of us who enjoyed the fact that he functioned as a public thorn in JB's side. LE and the SA's have had to keep quiet and take all kinds of abuse and accusations from the defense, not to mention unprofessional behavior and unnecessary delay tactics that have cost the taxpayers of FL jillions, I'm sure in a terrible economy. He may be a publicity hound, but he is at least honest about that and his presence was a nice counterweight to all of the syrupy interviews JB and LKB did for other media outlets. We know he is not an angel, but he managed, with a kind of Archie Bunker-esque quality to voice the questions and articulate the doubts that many of us had regarding how KC and her family comported themselves in public regarding the facts of this case.

I admire you for finding good qualities in them; surely what they have been through is more than difficult. But you may be one of the very few who helped them that they did not turn on eventually (I am thinking in particular of TM), and many of us were shocked by how quickly those who generously gave of their time and resources to help were scolded or turned away in order for them to perpetuate the myth that their granddaughter was alive. I think what bothers many of us the most is the number of collateral casualties involved; mere acquaintances of KC's whose lives are forever changed and have suffered and paid in time and money for simply knowing her and are now in the line of fire of some insane SODDI defense strategy. The fact that her family was less interested in uncovering the truth (painful as it might be) and instead spreading the blame to any possible scapegoat is what truly made it impossible for many of us to feel the empathy we would have liked for the loss of their granddaughter. Caylee's death was a terrible tragedy; but the concentric circles of blame that have been created have made this an expensive farce to many people. Managing public perception, as you know, is key to the success of almost anything, whether someone is innocent or not.

At any rate, I hope you are able to clear the air about the "mistruths" JB tried to claim were fact today in court. That guy is getting on everyone's last nerve, but you have more reason than most to be irritated. Good luck tomorrow and you will have our full and energetic support.
Casey has the ability to be whoever she wants to be...to fit the situation if you KWIM?

Yeppers, today is but one example during the hearing. ALyons must have previously told her to show some emotion, like give the media tears like ya did at JB's office the day you were indicted.

I do believe ALyons orchestrated KC's removal from the courtroom and some of the emotions that I saw from KC were acceptance and her coming to grips with her fate; ALyons wasn't hired to get her released from jail but to keep her out of the chamber at the jail.

Won't comment of the appearance of ALyons today. But let's just say I wasn't impressed with her tactics and backhanded comments anymore than I was with the camera shots of her. As politely as I can put it folks.

Tony, good luck with JB and crew. After hearing LDB and reading your posts tonight, I don't believe you have much to worry about at all.
It was a huge publicity stunt for Leonard to be on TV. He never knew Caylee. He was milking her death for his ego and satisfaction. Tell me that's okay. I tried my best to convince him that this was wrong but he didn't care. Did any of you see the Greta show when she asked him why he was there doing this. She embarrassed him big time! I love Greta too. She is a class act. We talked often during the week I was there.

Has LP done stuff like this before? Why would he do this? Is he bored? Maybe you should take him to see a Doctor!
So if LP only has "hearsay" knowledge of what went on in the house...will you or Tracy be called for depositions regarding ZFG?

I am talking to Tracy on the phone. She has not been called and is not expecting anything. I know that I will not be questioned.
Understand that Leonard's intentions were correct at the beginning. He really thought Caylee was alive. But he became obsessed by the media. He relished every second he could be on TV. It became very bothersome to me that he was basically using this poor girl's death as a forum for his own satisfaction.
Kinda like the A's are using Caylee's name? Don't like LP for these reasons, but you truly love the A's and chit chat. Throw me a bone Tony as I really want to understand.
I'm more concerned about the people that count. You state that George lied on the stand today, that he lies quite often, but he's a good person, none the less. What did he lie about specifically today?

And you say that Jose is not trustworthy also? He entered a different document than the one that you signed. The SA seemed to be aware of that. Is that because of you? This does not bode well for Miss Anthony, IMO.

How we met the family. Our role in the house. Can't say about the second part.
Why would GA be responsible for the actions of an adult?

A lot of us had bad to horrible parents. We still have the choice of letting them go, and going forward and being productive.

GA didn't kill Caylee. KC killed Caylee.

You have to read both quotes Brini. My reply makes sense then. She said GA was the only one who ever held KC accountable for her actions - like in discipline. Do you agree with that?
Plus, I was thinking that she wanted him to admit what the heck did they need a security guy when they had George?

Yeah, especially one who determined at one point that a concealed weapon on the premises (regardless of the legality) would make a good contribution to all the security measures necessary for the inherent danger the presence of their daughter brought...
Kinda like the A's are using Caylee's name? Don't like LP for these reasons, but you truly love the A's and chit chat. Throw me a bone Tony as I really want to understand.

I don't know what to say. They were very nice to me Tracy and Rob. George is a very outgoing and personable person.
Fair enough but I think highly of them.

I think some of us are going to have to disagree with you there, Tony.

I looks to us that CA and GA are doing everything that they can to try to get KC off.

If they succeeded (which they won't) she could get out, get knocked up, again, and kill another child.

Some of us feel that the As are trying to obstruct justice for Caylee.
After having been through this and seeing what the media reports I would only believe the news and not these trashy news magazine shows. Plus I really believe that some of these networks are paying people a lot of money. I would believe Greta, Geraldo and NBC's stuff.

Speaking of Geraldo, does he have anything to do with Defense support?
Please someone help me here if I am wrong-Today, WESH reported that JB is going to point to the Dom. Casey video to disprove the fact that water was in the area in November.
From what I remember, TES did not want to search the area in the summer of 2008 because of the water. My understanding is that in November, TES was prepared to go back there, but CA would not work with them.

Am I incorrect? If I am correct, than JB's bug ah-hah! is a big dud, KWIM?
I am talking to Tracy on the phone. She has not been called and is not expecting anything. I know that I will not be questioned.
Then I have no idea what they expect to ultimately get from your Uncle. Maybe he won't be called afterall.
Just speaking about my interaction with her. She was nice to me.

Please forgive me for what I'm about to say.
Why on earth would she not be nice to you? You literally sprung her lying hiney out of jail. The whole A family is a pack of lying hypocrites, nice to your face, but watch the back! They have no morals, no manners, they are apathetic, and underhanded.:furious:
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