2009.08.21 Motions hearing #2

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I don't think Tony has harsh feelings for his uncle. I think he loves his uncle. But, he might not be comfortable with some of what his uncle has put out to the media.

I'm sure Tony didn't say anything here he hasn't said to Leonard's face. Since he said Leonard was happy about being called a flamboyant cowboy, they must still be talking despite Tony's opinions.

It's between the two of them and despite the differences, it sounds like they are still talking. I think Leonard is more than able to handle it.


I think Tony is thoroughly exasperated.

I REALLY like LP, but I'll admit. I've wanted to smack him, a few times-- and I'm not a close relative.

Like, about his paternity remarks, TL's dumpster being "critical" to the case, the Blanchard Park thing......
I watched the videoe three times adn I saw NO red eyes at all. The whites of her eyes were totally white. And sociopaths adapt well to jail and prison. I cannot see her taking advice from ANYONE - she knows better. She has managed to bamboozle people all her life so why would she ake advice from anyone. She's a pro at manipulation.

Some of us are pretty good at detecting it.
I watched the videoe three times adn I saw NO red eyes at all. The whites of her eyes were totally white. And sociopaths adapt well to jail and prison. I cannot see her taking advice from ANYONE - she knows better. She has managed to bamboozle people all her life so why would she ake advice from anyone. She's a pro at manipulation.
The still photos show it best if you look on WFTV's slideshow presentation. It does show red rimmed eyes and tears quite clearly, imo.
Exactly, LP and TP are telling polar opposite stories regarding Casey's demeanor when she was let out of jail. TP's taking it a step further and attacking LP's character too. LP will probably retaliate by slinging some mud TP's way on whatever show will have him just like he did to TM.

I agree, Baez will use this to his advantage.

Not sure JB CAN.

Neither guy really knows much of anything about the crime.

They have KC's demeanor when she was around them. Which was very briefly.

LP s/w KC for five minutes.

TP will say, "She seemed nice when she was around me."

They are not much use for establishing KC's character.

The friends will be of much greater use. They've already filled LE in on the lying and stealing.

The best character evidence is, of course, KC and the As behaviors, and their phone calls, movements, and texts. Her stealing, lying, and the As attempt at cover-up. Between that and the MOUNTAIN of circumstantial......

Stick a pitchfork in her, folks. She's REALLY done!

When the devil sees her, in h---, he'll prolly hide all the cutlery. AND, the plastic bags!
I completely agree that KC's demeanor and appearance is the result of coaching. I expect that after ever appearance that the defense team consults a jury specialist. I'm always a bit surprised that they tend to dress her in poorly fitted clothes. In any case, it doesn't sway my opinion and I would expect it will not sway a juror. I certainly believe that her actions in court (smiling, exchanging notes, pens with JB) would be extremely detrimental to her. She can and will get a fair trial. Probably not in Orlando but in another city. Just find some 30 year olds that are busy raising kids and working. They just do not have time to follow a case that is covered in another city.
I don't know why George persists in being a smart a##. That is not the way to go if he wants to win friends and influence people (thanks Dale Carnegie). He really needs to knock off the arrogant facial expressions and the I don't know what you're talking about pretense. BC needs to have a serious come to Jesus meeting with George and straighten him out regarding his attitude problem. It is not helping KC one bit.
I think everyone needs to knock off the arrogant facial expressions, but GA especially. Sometimes I wonder if the A's are intentionally trying to screw things up, because they're sadly mistaken if they think they're helping. The jury will see right through it.

The male SA and JBs schoolyard antics are becoming old real quick, and one can only hope they're more serious when this goes to trial. This is SERIOUS business. We're talking about the death of an innocent 3 year old, and a young mother (who is obviously guilty) who will more than likely be convicted of her murder. It's a sad situation all around.

So you guys don't like each other? Great. I don't like you two that much either. But instead of having a smug arrogant attitude (JB) or kicking back and making smirky faces at everything the defense says... how about treat this like the serious situation it is. Take a lesson from the female SA and show that you're better than JB. Kick his butt when it comes to the law and look better than the bumbling idiot that he is.
I completely agree that KC's demeanor and appearance is the result of coaching. I expect that after ever appearance that the defense team consults a jury specialist. I'm always a bit surprised that they tend to dress her in poorly fitted clothes. In any case, it doesn't sway my opinion and I would expect it will not sway a juror. I certainly believe that her actions in court (smiling, exchanging notes, pens with JB) would be extremely detrimental to her. She can and will get a fair trial. Probably not in Orlando but in another city. Just find some 30 year olds that are busy raising kids and working. They just do not have time to follow a case that is covered in another city.

I agree. Even two people who love each other can disagree. And I think TP loves and admires his uncle. Even when he was critizing his uncle, he made statements about how good he usually is.

But he disagrees with him in this situation. I think he is probably going public with this disagreement because of the situation. The two are publicly connected, so he is somewhat judged by his uncles actions and statements and he disagrees with LP's behavior. So does he keep his mouth shut and let people think that he backs what LP is doing? Or does he make his opinions known publicly? He is in a no win situation. Either way he is going to have someone who disagrees with him.

I think he should keep his mouth shut for the sake of the trial. JB is looking for anything to divert attention away from the evidence. If JB can muddy the waters with this nonsense between LP and TP, he will.

TP backed LP from the very beginning by bailing her out in the first place. He could have revoked her bail the minute she refused to help find Caylee. He didn't. He could have put a stop to Casey's ridiculous trips to JBs office all day. He didn't. He said he didn't like the media spotlight but did an interview this morning. Enough of the circus atmosphere surrounding this case. All parties need to refrain from interviews. The prosecution has enough work to do dealing with this scheme team.
I think everyone needs to knock off the arrogant facial expressions, but GA especially. Sometimes I wonder if the A's are intentionally trying to screw things up, because they're sadly mistaken if they think they're helping. The jury will see right through it.

The male SA and JBs schoolyard antics are becoming old real quick, and one can only hope they're more serious when this goes to trial. This is SERIOUS business. We're talking about the death of an innocent 3 year old, and a young mother (who is obviously guilty) who will more than likely be convicted of her murder. It's a sad situation all around.

So you guys don't like each other? Great. I don't like you two that much either. But instead of having a smug arrogant attitude (JB) or kicking back and making smirky faces at everything the defense says... how about treat this like the serious situation it is. Take a lesson from the female SA and show that you're better than JB. Kick his butt when it comes to the law and look better than the bumbling idiot that he is.

Bold is mine-

I'm not so sure that they aren't trying to do just that!
No, it is not blocked in and it is the A's driveway. If I knew how to do a screenshot, I would.

Oh, it's okay... That was just me making a very bad joke. Sorry.
I think I'll go into hiding for a while. :chicken:
You are reading this all wrong!!! Leonard was very emotional about this case and he REALLY believed that girl was alive. All the input we heard before and while we were there pointed to Caylee being missing not dead. George lied on the stand today. That doesn't mean he is a bad person. Just because he is doing what he thinks is right doesn't mean he has a bad heart. Just like Leonard. He does great things all the time. He lies quite often as well. I'm not throwing anybody under the bus. Just stating facts. After Casey went back to jail there was never a reason to return for a Caylee memorial with that reverand nut. He should have left things alone.

I'll give you credit for a couple of things:

1. You looked GREAT on the Today Show.

2. Way back when, a lot of your opinions weren't popular but you stuck with them then, too.

Now I'll ask you to consider a few things:

1. Suggesting others consider the entire situation and all aspects of the personalities being discussed, their struggles, etc. is a good idea and advice you should take yourself. Being "nice" to someone who is on one's side and doing things for one, (oh, I don't know, maybe putting up a half million dollars or so), should engender no other response. It would be against one's interests to be anything other than 'nice.' The test imo is being civil with those who are not actively supporting one's position physically and/or emotionally; or offering solace and comfort as may be the case now, with your continuing contact.

2. Ted Bundy, I've heard, was really nice too. However, when one takes your own advice and looks at the totality of his personality/actions/circumstances one walks away thinking, 'what a monster' not thinking 'what a nice guy.'

As for your uncle, he is what he is and it's clear you accept him for who he is. You're not saying much that he doesn't say himself. I do not share your disapproval of his actions though. Perhaps through purely selfish motivations, he's done an awful lot for this case including, imo, helping to generate a lot of publicity and thereby indirectly assisting in obtaining funding for the defense dream team.

You know him much better than I, of course, as I've never met him but it seems to me that the A family was very harsh with him and their actions/statements toward him may have been a catalyst for some of his responses. It appears to me that he was very sincere in trying to find Caylee and deeply hurt when his efforts failed. I am one of many that were displeased when the two of you decided to bail KC out of jail but even so, I can't dispute his motives in doing so. That it may have been a 'win-win' as far as garnering desired media time for himself, to my mind, doesn't lesson his generosity or efforts.

It's clear he doesn't share your opinion of the A family for the most part, if his public statements reflect his true feelings. In my personal opinion, I think he has more than ample cause and evidence to support his stated views whether or not anyone agrees with him. What I mean is, it's clear to me that his views aren't malicious or even purely self-serving. I don't think he makes up negative things about the A family to get media time because his observations seem very accurate depictions of the personalities involved.

ETA: Flamboyant cowboys have feelings too, regardless of their age or outward appearance of toughness.
Oh, and another thing....if indeed Casey was innocent, WHY are her parent's lying all the time and acting belligerent?
Why would they be so rude to Tim if they truly had wanted Caylee found?
If there is some miracle and Casey is innocent, her parent's are the ones puttin' those nails in her coffin. George is the first one that raised my suspicions in this case and made me interested to watch it. My Hinky meter was on Very High Alert when I saw him on Greta!

ITA- they are causing more damage than anything. Their "loving words" about their "beautiful daughter" just may be the things that convict her!
I completely agree that KC's demeanor and appearance is the result of coaching. I expect that after ever appearance that the defense team consults a jury specialist. I'm always a bit surprised that they tend to dress her in poorly fitted clothes. In any case, it doesn't sway my opinion and I would expect it will not sway a juror. I certainly believe that her actions in court (smiling, exchanging notes, pens with JB) would be extremely detrimental to her. She can and will get a fair trial. Probably not in Orlando but in another city. Just find some 30 year olds that are busy raising kids and working. They just do not have time to follow a case that is covered in another city.

I think they'll get a lot of retirees and civil servants. They are the ones who have the time or the generous jury leave. Most of them have grandchildren.

But, if they DO get busy 30- somethings.... they also have young children. That's NOT good for KC.:eek:
Hello WS :)

As far as TP is concerned, did he or didn't he sign an agreement with JB? And, what does he mean he was upset, worried about being (maybe) arrested and that is why he did not get(ask for)a copy of said document?

I respectfully ask how long he has been employed as a bail bondsman? Has he ever been threatened with jail before? Why was he being threatened with jail? Or being arrested?

If something is totally untrue, how can JB sustain this "lie"? Why didn't the judge want to get to the truth. Either these people are beholding under the law to do or not do-or not. Right? I cannot understand why there is no "truth" found?

I am sure the lack of understanding is my own.


TP claims he signed a separate and different agreement that allowed him to be excluded from the agreement between LP and JB. He was being threatened by other Florida bondsmen who felt since he was not licensed in FL he should not be bailing out Casey.
LP and TP said the FL bondsmen were jealous, they got the technicalities worked out in the end obviously.
Forgot to mention that I think TP has been in the bond business for most of his adult life.
I'll give you credit for a couple of things:

1. You looked GREAT on the Today Show.

2. Way back when, a lot of your opinions weren't popular but you stuck with them then, too.

Now I'll ask you to consider a few things:

1. Suggesting others consider the entire situation and all aspects of the personalities being discussed, their struggles, etc. is a good idea and advice you should take yourself. Being "nice" to someone who is on one's side and doing things for one, (oh, I don't know, maybe putting up a half million dollars or so), should engender no other response. It would be against one's interests to be anything other than 'nice.' The test imo is being civil with those who are not actively supporting one's position physically and/or emotionally; or offering solace and comfort as may be the case now, with your continuing contact.

2. Ted Bundy, I've heard, was really nice too. However, when one takes your own advice and looks at the totality of his personality/actions/circumstances one walks away thinking, 'what a monster' not thinking 'what a nice guy.'

As for your uncle, he is what he is and it's clear you accept him for who he is. You're not saying much that he doesn't say himself. I do not share your disapproval of his actions though. Perhaps through purely selfish motivations, he's done an awful lot for this case including, imo, helping to generate a lot of publicity and thereby indirectly assisting in obtaining funding for the defense dream team.

You know him much better than I, of course, as I've never met him but it seems to me that the A family was very harsh with him and their actions/statements toward him may have been a catalyst for some of his responses. It appears to me that he was very sincere in trying to find Caylee and deeply hurt when his efforts failed. I am one of many that were displeased when the two of you decided to bail KC out of jail but even so, I can't dispute his motives in doing so. That it may have been a 'win-win' as far as garnering desired media time for himself, to my mind, doesn't lesson his generosity or efforts.

It's clear he doesn't share your opinion of the A family for the most part, if his public statements reflect his true feelings. In my personal opinion, I think he has more than ample cause and evidence to support his stated views whether or not anyone agrees with him. What I mean is, it's clear to me that his views aren't malicious or even purely self-serving. I don't think he makes up negative things about the A family to get media time because his observations seem very accurate depictions of the personalities involved.

ETA: Flamboyant cowboys have feelings too, regardless of their age or outward appearance of toughness.

Truth to tell, quite a few of us were opposed to bailing KC's butt out of jail, Tony.
We all pretty much figured out that George lied on the stand today. He was under oath and could he not be charged with perjury? Why would they the SA allow that to happen if they know for a fact he lied. ???:confused:

We can't prove what he knows or remembers. Rest assured, when the trial rolls around, the state will be well prepared with GA's other sworn statements and even his media appearances to "refresh is recollection."
A little O/T. Is any provision made for inmates who want to get their hair cut? Is there a hairdresser/barber that comes to the jail on a regular basis to provide this service? IMO KC needs to lose that long hair, especially if she is not going to keep it clean. I think that she looked best in the very very short cut that she had a few years ago. It would be very easy to maintain and would add fullness to the long and narrow shape of her face. I know that she is trying for the poor me look, but why go to extremes and look completely disheveled.

Prisons usually have barber/beauty shops.

But, she's still in jail.

She DID buy some nice shampoo/conditioner at the commissary, awhile back.
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