2009.10.09 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Ho-Hos'll do that to ya.

And, that tat looks a little cartoonish, to me. All those 8-pointed Disney stars, the butt-shaped "B"........

Maybe,,,I just remember hearing something last week on the NG show about the "Heart Shaped Sticker evidence" being destroyed during testing & that it wasn't photographed

I wasn't really listening to the show but I thought that's what I heard

Sorry Brini but I think I quoted the wrong Post,,,
It's acne to me, have seen it before. My brother had it on his back and my niece. The sun helps and so does the pool (chlorine). But guess that's hard for her now.

And I imagine she spends a lot of time lying on her bunk, on her back, just sweating up a storm.
I find it somehow a small bit of comfort that throughout these documents, they used caps for CAYLEE'S name. Drawing clear attention to this poor little baby victim. She was important.
Still is TE...still is...
MissJames: I am also a mother and a grandmother and I have given this a great deal of thought since the case started. CA has NO CHOICE but to continue to cover for KC and believe she is innocent. If CA for even one second allowed herself to be convniced by the evidence then she would have to deal with two facts: 1) that there might be something she said or did (perhaps the reported fight?) that triggered something in KC and pushed her to kill Caylee. 2) That if she had done or said things differently she might have prevented this from happening. The result of dealing with these two facts alone would be unimaginable guilt. Ca simply can not allow herself to think any other way then she is thinking. To think differently would more than likely send her over the edge of whatever sanity she has left, The guilt would surely be too much to bear. While I do not like CA, I can not help but feel pity for her. She is in a H**L of her own making - and she can't do anything else but go on the way she has been.
Macushla, I hold you in high esteem. Your heart is bigger than mine and I pray that someday I will be able to feel empathy the way you do.

There are many that could have written this post and I would have read it and moved right on to the next one. But because I met you when we were at the big TES search for Caylee I know your posts include more than distant observations, intelligent curiosity and judgement. I know the sincerity for finding justice for Caylee includes real and honest sacrifice on your part. It made me hear your message in a different light and take more to heart your admonition of having sympathy for Cindy.

I'm not there yet. I still feel Cindy had a choice of right and wrong. In my opinion she chose to close her mind to facts of which she was made aware, threw them aside in favor of protecting her child. (And at the expense of many others.) To deny truthful facts (and even lie about them) to protect yourself from going over the edge is nothing but a form of selfishness. While self preservation is an understandable reaction it isn't the most honorable!

Because of your post I will examine my heart more closely but am afraid at this point it's pretty hardened. Thank you for the purity of yours! :blowkiss:
Does anyone know if the "Inflatable Bed" that is referred to on PAGE 8 was found in the Trunk of Casey's car or the Anthony home?

Cindy claims that the 'Bed" was in Zenaida's home at sometime & the FBI tested it for any trace of the "Phantom Nanny"

I find the fact that there was an "Inflatable Bed" very interesting

Was Casey driving around with this Bed in her trunk & if so ...Why?
Macushla, I hold you in high esteem. Your heart is bigger than mine and I pray that someday I will be able to feel empathy the way you do.

There are many that could have written this post and I would have read it and moved right on to the next one.


Just wanted to commend and thank you for such a supportive post to Macushla, even though your feelings do not mirror hers.

YOU are a good example of why I choose to participate in these forums at WS concerning Caylee's case. Your wording was dignified and respectful.

Thank you :blowkiss:
Exactly, which is what Sheaffer said. This is going to emotionally impact the Jury greatly.

How does the Defense overcome basics such as 31 days never reporting and 3, I said 3, that's 3 strips of duct over Caylee's nose and mouth. Ewwww!

To me, 3 pieces does not make the staging of a kidnap, more the spiteful and heinous murder of a child. KC shut Caylee up forever both out of pure jealousy and spite against CA.

I TOTALLY agree with you, coupled with CA's Mother's statement that KC hated CA more than she loved Caylee (or something likke that) Very Damning! :furious::furious:
Not knocking anyone, and I'm just as horrified as the rest regarding what's happened to poor Caylee, but I do wish more discretion would be used pertaining to lashing out regarding her "acne" and "cellulite" etc. There are a lot of young people with similiar afflictions who undoubtedly read these forums. It's hard enough for some of them to deal with not being "perfect" without having to read these comments that ridicule and belittle others as well who suffer from such inflictions. JMHO.

Under ordinary circumstances I'd share your concern for young people, but I truly think that anyone (no matter how young) who is interested in reading this thread must already know enough about KC Anthony's narcissistic fascination with her own "lovliness" to understand why people here are rather gleefully remarking on her body flaws. I also think this "gleeful" attitude is mostly based on the knowledge that these very unflattering photos (and reactions like ours to them) may finally torment sociopathic, superficial KC like nothing else has--including her little daughter's death. (I'd venture to add that there may be some here who wouldn't mind a bit if she were covered with unsightly boils. LOL)

However, if I am wrong about all this--and if there is a young person reading here who worries that she'd also be ridiculed like KC for her own secret imperfections like cellulite, pimples, freckles etc., I have this to say: There is no female here (or anywhere) who doesn't have one or all of those same imperfections and there is not one of us here who wouldn't laughingly admit to you. And there is no female more boring, superficial, and cowardly than a female who is afraid to admit it. IMO.
How could anyone hear that,see the evidence ,and still continue to cover for KC? As a mom and a grandmother ,I don't get it!:furious:

I don't either. It's time for them both to get out of the denial bubble they are in and stand up for Caylee, the helpless one in this whole thing.
I find what they are doing very cowardly, and I feel no sympathy for them- I reserve that for Caylee.
If they had been prepared to be unpopular with their little Princess a lot earlier in her life with some 'tough love' NONE of them would be in the position they are today.
Under ordinary circumstances I'd share your concern for young people, but I truly think that anyone (no matter how young) who is interested in reading this thread must already know enough about KC Anthony's narcissistic fascination with her own "lovliness" to understand why people here are rather gleefully remarking on her body flaws. I also think this "gleeful" attitude is mostly based on the knowledge that these very unflattering photos (and reactions like ours to them) may finally torment sociopathic, superficial KC like nothing else has--including her little daughter's death. (I'd venture to add that there may be some here who wouldn't mind a bit if she were covered with unsightly boils. LOL)

However, if I am wrong about all this--and if there is a young person reading here who worries that she'd also be ridiculed like KC for her own secret imperfections like cellulite, pimples, freckles etc., I have this to say: There is no female here (or anywhere) who doesn't have one or all of those same imperfections and there is not one of us here who wouldn't laughingly admit to you. And there is no female more boring, superficial, and cowardly than a female who is afraid to admit it. IMO.

Friday, I couldn't push the thank you button enough to convey my appreciation. You, my lady, are well balanced and healthily rooted. So refreshing! Thanks!!!

ETA: I'm not really sure, though, how important all that conversation is to Casey's guilt/innocence.
Under ordinary circumstances I'd share your concern for young people, but I truly think that anyone (no matter how young) who is interested in reading this thread must already know enough about KC Anthony's narcissistic fascination with her own "lovliness" to understand why people here are rather gleefully remarking on her body flaws. I also think this "gleeful" attitude is mostly based on the knowledge that these very unflattering photos (and reactions like ours to them) may finally torment sociopathic, superficial KC like nothing else has--including her little daughter's death. (I'd venture to add that there may be some here who wouldn't mind a bit if she were covered with unsightly boils. LOL)

However, if I am wrong about all this--and if there is a young person reading here who worries that she'd also be ridiculed like KC for her own secret imperfections like cellulite, pimples, freckles etc., I have this to say: There is no female here (or anywhere) who doesn't have one or all of those same imperfections and there is not one of us here who wouldn't laughingly admit to you. And there is no female more boring, superficial, and cowardly than a female who is afraid to admit it. IMO.

Hitting the thanks button just wasnt enough.

Once again, you have captured my thoughs, put them into a logical order and eloquently recorded them.

Thanks Friday!

ETA - you bet me to it ExpectingUnicorns! lol.
Under ordinary circumstances I'd share your concern for young people, but I truly think that anyone (no matter how young) who is interested in reading this thread must already know enough about KC Anthony's narcissistic fascination with her own "lovliness" to understand why people here are rather gleefully remarking on her body flaws. I also think this "gleeful" attitude is mostly based on the knowledge that these very unflattering photos (and reactions like ours to them) may finally torment sociopathic, superficial KC like nothing else has--including her little daughter's death. (I'd venture to add that there may be some here who wouldn't mind a bit if she were covered with unsightly boils. LOL)

However, if I am wrong about all this--and if there is a young person reading here who worries that she'd also be ridiculed like KC for her own secret imperfections like cellulite, pimples, freckles etc., I have this to say: There is no female here (or anywhere) who doesn't have one or all of those same imperfections and there is not one of us here who wouldn't laughingly admit to you. And there is no female more boring, superficial, and cowardly than a female who is afraid to admit it. IMO.

Exactly!!! Very well put. :clap: And in the pics of her face from this doc dump showed no remorse, no sadness... only pure anger.
This reminds me of Trenton Duckett, and how they found his ultrasound pics in the garbage after he was gone... I wonder if that wasn't the test that told the prisoner that she was pregnant with Caylee. Poor little baby.

Very Interesting Thought! Casey was very interested in the Trenton Duckett case and followed it closely, IIRC. This might have clicked in her head.
I'm just wondering if today is the first time that George and Cindy have seen the pictures of the duct tape? No matter how they obsfucate, it has to be incredibly upsetting.

Don't think it will give CA even a second's pause. She'll wave it off with, "A quarter million rolls of that tape were sold. Furthermore, we've had our rolls for years just like those other quarter million people in Florida have had theirs for years." (She'll throw in the Florida to reinforce her theory, nevermind it isn't what the manufacturer said.)
Exactly!!! Very well put. :clap: And in the pics of her face from this doc dump showed no remorse, no sadness... only pure anger.

I would also like to add that absent were the puffy eyes and bags that were present in the last court appearance. So it would be my guess that the acting lessons are in progress from AL. No more flirting with JB and poke your eyes or cry before court and no sleeping all week before coming into court.:twocents:
Why would page 506 of this document be redacted???


The notes at the top of the page are referring to the label and the hair off the label from BB's shovel. Why would anything associated with those two items be redacted?

Did the hair match somebody else???
Page 547...

Q60 (OCSO item #3a, Q-48)

Please note that this is one of four items that the FBI duplicated their evidence numbers on (they did that on Q59-Q62). The only way you can tell which evidence they are discussing is to revert to the OCSO item number. This particular piece of evidence is NOT from the crime scene. It is from the trash bag out of KC's trunk. Q60 is identified as animal hair - fur.


Where the hell did animal hair come from? Is it dog hair? squirrel hair?
Why would page 506 of this document be redacted???


The notes at the top of the page are referring to the label and the hair off the label from BB's shovel. Why would anything associated with those two items be redacted?

Did the hair match somebody else???

I'm thinking it is Burner or his wife's hair, and there was no need to disclose their dna, but just a guess.
Q325 - debris from back of pizza box (from trash in trunk) - animal hair, fur
Q334 - debris from spare tire cover - animal hair, fur
Q336 - debris from left side of trunk liner - animal hair, fur
Q337 - debris from right side of trunk liner - animal hair, fur

Please note there was also identified dog and cat hair, but these are not identified as dog or cat hair.

So....did this crazy person take a dead squirrel (road kill) and put it in her trunk for a while to have an excuse for the stink?

Page 579


They discuss possibility of squirrel(s) being in car and ask FBI to try to identify "animal hairs".
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