2009.11.06 Forensic Entomology Report Released #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The forensic page says she would have most likely moved the body the 19th - 22nd, but I'm thinking it was more like the 18th. Which I wonder if that would make a difference at all?

Can anyone find any record of when and where Casey was staying on the night of the 18th or the early morning, specifically what she was doing from 6:57pm until noon the next day?

Or am I just repeating things everyone knows but me.. I'm slow sometimes.. haven't gotten around the threads much as I'm pretty new here
Yeah, keep in mind that I have watched this movie many times and have never taken much notice of that scene. Just added to the spookyiness that I was waiting up for the doc dump at the time.
Are there even squirrels in Orlando in June? I've been many times, but can't remember seeing a one. This past July was the first time I've seen squirrels in my neck of the woods and I'm much further north. I would have said it was just an expression, but given Lee's detailed report how the dead squirrels climbed under her hood, I guess not.
I'm just now catching up with everything that's been going on in this case today. I've been going through all of the ups and downs of this case since the beginning as I'm sure everyone here has. I was so hopeful when there were potential sightings of this adorable little girl and I felt my heart sink when I first heard that she had been found dead in the woods. I don't think I've ever been so angry as I was when I found out that little Caylee had duct tape wrapped around her mouth. However after reading everything today about the coffin flies and the chloroform with the syringe I just want justice for her so badly. The entire thing just makes me sick. I am a mother and I cannot imagine doing something so evil to a child let alone my own child. What kind of monster would do such a thing? This crime never had to happen. She could have been given to a relative to care for her or put up for adoption. She did not have to die! I'm glad that they have this evidence and I hope that in the end we get justice for this innocent child. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for her.

I'm sorry for the lengthy post but I needed to get that off of my chest. Caylee's death just breaks my heart.

Everything I post is JMO of course.
Are there even squirrels in Orlando in June? I've been many times, but can't remember seeing a one. This past July was the first time I've seen squirrels in my neck of the woods and I'm much further north. I would have said it was just an expression, but given Lee's detailed report how the dead squirrels climbed under her hood, I guess not.

Our FL panhandle squirrels visit us all year round!! We love 'em ~ but our Yorkie, not so much. She's afraid they'll be on to her food next. :crazy::crazy:
Here ya'll go, lots more coming, wanted to put this up first for discussion -

:blowkiss: huge THANK YOU to Muzikman: as in the question thread I have asked several times for any up date on the maggots / flies. IMPORTANT PIECE IMHO.
I read most of the report and the entire thread here.
I also read the thread about the maggots/flies.
I do not think I learned much NEW from this report, that I had not learned on our threads about the maggots/flies.

Please correct me if I am mistaken, but I did not see this report including Caylee's DNA found in any of the flies.
I think that DNA report may be a necessary part, but it is a legal doc...And I may have missed it.
It is my understanding that DNA may not show up if we have 2-4 generation flies.

IMHO the Anthony's will continue with the same defense which is that KC did not have anything to do with the body.

While this report gives us a lot about flies found....
the Anthony's will continue to say it does not tie KC to it.
I just read this today.
Small Flies Could Be Big Evidence Against Anthony

This link also has a video of the last man to see KC and Caylee alive. Look to the far right.


In addition Haskell said the insects found in Caylee's skeletalized remains and near
the body indicated insects started colonizing there in late June or early July 2008.
That would contradict a claim from Anthony's defense team that someone else put
the remains in the woods after she was jailed in October.

<<<SNIP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more at link.
Cindy is quite adept at dropping little hand grenades into the conversation, she thinks she is leading the interviewer to suspect whoever she is commenting on, but it bounces back. She also had access to the car... so what does that mean?

AND add this to the fact that CA tries to accept responsibility for the computer searches. What does this mean?

It means she is doing anything she can to TRY and deflect blame from KC, no matter how ridiculous it is.:banghead:

Although, IMO, CA best be careful how much she tries to accept as her OWN doing, for I think, JB & team, will have NO problem making her suspect numero uno! (No, it won't work but they will try)
I just read this today.
Small Flies Could Be Big Evidence Against Anthony

This link also has a video of the last man to see KC and Caylee alive. Look to the far right.


In addition Haskell said the insects found in Caylee's skeletalized remains and near the body indicated insects started colonizing there in late June or early July 2008.

That would contradict a claim from Anthony's defense team that someone else put the remains in the woods after she was jailed in October.

<<<SNIP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more at link.


I heart Haskell.
True, but he can argue that the 'coffin flies' were attracted to something other than a corpse in that trunk.


But if the ento's can prove they were feeding off Caylee- then its SLAM DUNK!!!!

There was nothing else in the trunk to attract them. No squirrel remains "plastered to the frame" , no pizza, no food at all -just the empty boxes and packets.

And lets not forget about the hair with the decomp root band. It was either Caylee or the perps and in the perps own words " Im not dead!"

There is zero evidence to prove that there was anything else for those coffin flies to feed off in that car. So your 100% correct - its a SLAM DUNK alright. :dance:

ETA - sorry for the broken quote. Dont know how to fix it.
i think i understand that they conclusively connected the coffin flies found in casey's trunk and the coffin flies and whatever evolved (ick) found embedded in the skeletal remains. so they originated at the same time together in june. casey is goin down
Maybe I missed this along the way, but, the Sunbird was in the A's garage, G & Cin-Cin cleaned out the car. CA washed clothes found in car, and didn't GA vacuum and cleanout the car?? How did LE get the paper towels that cleaned up the decomp? Wouldn't G or CinCin have thrown the wadded up, smelly paper towels out?
Maybe I missed this along the way, but, the Sunbird was in the A's garage, G & Cin-Cin cleaned out the car. CA washed clothes found in car, and didn't GA vacuum and cleanout the car?? How did LE get the paper towels that cleaned up the decomp? Wouldn't G or CinCin have thrown the wadded up, smelly paper towels out?

GA threw the garbage from the car into a dumpster at the impound lot. LE went back and retrieved it.
What in God's name does KC say to her attorneys when they confront her with this??

M. MILLER SAYS, HE TRIED TALKING TO HER, FOUR DAYS, FOR HOURS AND HOURS AND SHE WALKS AROUND THE HOUSE HAPPY LIKE SHE IS ON HER WAY TO CHEER LEADING PRACTICE, IN TWELVE HOURS AND FOUR DAYS, NOT ONCE DID SHE UTTER THE NAME CAYLEE! Baez fought really hard to have Mr. miller be deemed a material witness and now he is going to regret what he asked for because I don't think the jury is going to find much of what Tim reveals as helpful to little miss Casey. PS. he is very clear here, TES did not search this area , the conditions would not permit it. I honestly don't think her lawyers do confront her with things like this.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNtYVRdaX08"]YouTube- Geraldo 12/13/08 Part 3[/ame]
GA threw the garbage from the car into a dumpster at the impound lot. LE went back and retrieved it.

Thank you! I completely forgot about that!! DAHHHHHH Just way too much info to process and "it's only just begun"!
Defense team needs to start getting serious. Instead of filing these nonsensicle, frivilous motions they need to sit down with KC and tell her, the odds are stacked against you. We think it would be in your best interest to plea guilty or take an Alford plea so you can avoid the DP...

An alford plea may suit KC better for she will never admit to what she's done.

In the law of the United States, an Alford plea is a plea in criminal court in which the defendant does not admit the act and asserts innocence, but admits that sufficient evidence exists with which the prosecution could likely convince a judge or jury to find the defendant guilty. Upon receiving an Alford plea from a defendant, the court may immediately pronounce the defendant guilty and impose sentence as if the defendant had otherwise been convicted of the crime.


If KC does take an alford plea, this will give CA the ammuniton for that "martyr" syndome...she will yell from the highest tower that this plea enforces the fact that KC is innocent but in order to get out of a DP sentence, she had to do this...Yeah right! :waitasec:
Hi, Chiquita! BBM

A thought came to mind.......if the possibility that she used the shovel to try and p/u or maneuver Caylee's body is what happened......would she have returned the shovel to BB w/ decomp fluid on it? Or, would a person insert the shovel head in mulch or dirt to try and remove the fluid?.......Would that be a spot then the dogs hit on? Wondering.......

Hello WS :)

Quote Respect The Eunice Burns

Yes, you have me wondering also. The cadaver dog hits is ot for this thread, but I looked up the actual thread and it is closed but I am reading it now: Cadaver Dog Hits and Info.


I got to the picture of the Anthony's back yard:


I am not done with the thread, so I don't know what ended up being the consensus of opinion by WSers on the subject. I know Cindy tried to say the dogs hit "inconsistent" during her GVS interview...we know Cindy knows all about inconsistencies. I don't know what I think, but I don't think LE would have all those flags there when there is nothing there?

After reading the decomp report in this doc dump, I understand more of what Caylee's body would have been like by the time the neighbor says Casey came to back her car in and borrow the shovel. It would be crazy to think that she did carry Caylee's body to the back yard: first because Caylee's body would be difficult to handle, and would even Casey be so stupid as to put her daughter's body in her own back yard?

Yet: we have cadaver hits in the back yard.

I am going to finish the thread, I need to know exactly where the hits were. If anyone knows and wants to post what they know: TIA The picture I have linked in this post does not look like the red flags are near the pool or Caylee's playhouse. Were there hits in those two places and also what is in this picture or am I just not understanding what area of the Anthony's back yard I am seeing?

As far as a theory as to why the dogs would hit on the back yard: maybe it was the shovel, as you said: she wiped it clean in the yard, but there seems to be many(at least three)hits and again with the picture it looks like a bigger area than just what would be a shovel being wiped clean. After typing this out what popped into my mind was: the winnie the pooh blanket.

Maybe Caylee's body was wrapped in the blanket, and it was early enough in the decomp that it made it possible for Casey to have carried that out to the yard by using the corners of the blanket, pulling them up together? Enough fluid would have gotten on and soaked into the blanket that if Casey did set Caylee down, it might be why we got the hits. Then she borrowed the shovel to bury Caylee but as other WSers have said: the size of the hole and the depth might have intimidated her and so she put Caylee back in the trunk. As a person who has tried many times to start my own garden, having lived now in Georgia-thinking about the clay...it would be very difficult to dig a hole. Casey may have found that out that day? I have also lived up north, in Indiana and it is none too easy to dig in the dirt there either.

I thought that maybe she used the shovel to break the lock on the shed to get something she needed but then I think about the day she took Tony with her to get the gas cans: she came out with them-so I don't know if we know if the shed would have been locked at this time or if George put the locks on after Casey stole the cans and then returned them? I have heard two stories re: Tony and the gas cans. One is that Tony actually helped her break into the shed, and two that Tony sat in the car listening to the radio and Casey "emerged" with the cans. Don't know which one is accurate?

I do think that Caylee's body was still in the trunk on the 24th...per the doc evidence we got yesterday. The docs said that the body must have been removed between June 19-27.

"Given (1) the time line when Caylee Anthony was last seen(June 16th, 2008) (2) the impounding of the car on June 30, 2008 and (3) the abandonment of the car at amscot on the 27th of June 2008, it is likely the remains wre removed form the car between June 19 and 27."

After not being able to put Caylee in the ground on the dates given by the neighbor: she left Caylee in there for a few more days. Then when she got "caught" by George she got desperate, rolled Caylee's body(wrapped in pooh blanket and in garbage bag) into the white canvas bag, which gave her handles and temporary barrier from the decomp fluids: just enough time and oomph to get her to the remains site.

I'm not stuck on this theory. I am just musing. This is the first time I am sleuthing the cadaver hits. Getting this report made what happened to Caylee so terribly clear to me. I knew when I heard that Casey had not reported Caylee missing that she probably killed her child: and as I read here at WS I knew Casey had killed Caylee but I thought it was in a rage. I'm not saying that is better...but I can understand(? to a degree)going into a rage but the picture I get now is of a cold and calculating act. A premeditated act carried out in quiet evil.

So, I can see Caylee's body wrapped in a blanket...using the ends of the blanket to lift her and set her down several places in the yard. Whadda think WSers?

ETA: I see now how the red and yellow flags are near Caylee's playhouse. Didn't know what I was seeing at first. So this picture is of the "hits" near her playhouse? Then we have a hit near the pool, ...and as I said I will read more of the thread to understand.

Dr. Baden opined in December of 08 that chloroform could even be found in the bugs. Any word on that?
wow. it is astounding that the decomp fluid alone remaining in the car trunk could produce such a horrid smell while in the impound lot. ga must have immediately known what happened with his le background.

as an aside, after a per guinea pig died, we buried him about 2 feet down wrapped in a towel in a box. it was spring time and over the next couple of weeks, we could hardly go outside because the smell was so horrific....and that's a teeny animal
oh, and i have always thought that ga looked like he took steroids so could be his syringes that were already filled in anticipation of his use and casey squirted the steroids out before replacing with chloroform. that would account for trace testosterone and unused needle

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