2009.11.06 Forensic Entomology Report Released #2

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Thank you guys for your insight...I cant read this, bugs are the one thing I cant handle...just from this thread alone I am nauseated and itching like mad...but for caylee I am reading it anyways.

Me, too. I had to take some stomach medicine just kind of reading through this thread and I so appreciate those with the dedication and guts (so to speak) to read the actual reports and then let us know what is in them.
I really doubt it. They are in this for the long haul. If they haven't put it together from everything they know up until now (and they know WAY more about KC than we even do) they never will. And from everything we've seen, they knew things early on that they tried to minimize, cover up or clean.

It is not in their best interest to admit anything because they are trying hard to reinvent their lives and livelihood and both are contingent upon them reinventing what happened to Caylee. Who would give to a Child Missing foundation if it turns out it is a Child Murdered By Family Member foundation?

You're probably right. Even though I've been confronted, over and over with their blatant disregard for the truth, I still can't fathom their malignant denial. Maybe it's the "mommy" in me. As much as I would die for my son, if he did anything this horrendous and the facts are clearly indisputable, I would want him to face the consequences. I guess that's why he turned out to be a decent, law-abiding citizen. That's more than I can say for the A family.
As nauseating as the information was, it paints a very clear picture of time frame. This enables us to go back and reference KC's activity during very crucial time periods. I for one think that she dumped the bags during the earlier day range given. I also believe that she went back to "check" a few times to see if it was still there and hidden. All the discussion we have had about G&C not searching really makes sense. There is no way they would have wanted to witness that first hand. I think during those first days that TES was there CA was in a panic thinking that the body would be discovered. She refused to cooperate, she distracted. THe whole GA looking into the woods was IMO nothing more than a ploy to get the heat off the neighborhood.
The interesting thing is the LE even put notes next to the dates at the end of the report following the temps for the days re: KC
If Ms. Lyons truly values her reputation as a lawyer, she will jump this ship, because it is going to sink...all the way to the bottom.

I think that ship sailed when she took this out of state case when she's got a book coming out soon. We need reform of the legal profession.
darnudes4399325 said:
I was watching Goodfellows last night and a scene played out of Henry Hill hosing out the trunk of his car after transporting a decomposing body in it. His wife walks past with the kids and asks him what the terrible smell is. Without skipping a beat he tells his wife he hit a squirrel.

Gave me goosebumps and I did wonder if Casey had ever watched the movie.

YIKES!! That is eerie! Bet you (or I) wouldn't have thought a thing about it if it weren't for this case. I catch myself paying closer attention when certain key words or phrases come up in movies & tv shows.
The most disturbing comment in the whole report was when they referred to the body as "carrion" and talked about it's removal. I know it's a technical term, but that one word just squicked me out bad...seemed so out of place.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall (pun fully intended) when JB and his crack(head) team read this report.

To me, the most horrifying thing was the thought of little Caylee's body bloating out in that trunk. No human could bear the thought of a rotting child's corpse in their trunk, let alone the knowledge that that corpse is one's own precious child. Of course, casey aint' no human.
YIKES!! That is eerie! Bet you (or I) wouldn't have thought a thing about it if it weren't for this case. I catch myself paying closer attention when certain key words or phrases come up in movies & tv shows.

Yeah, keep in mind that I have watched this movie many times and have never taken much notice of that scene. Just added to the spookyiness that I was waiting up for the doc dump at the time.
Cindy is quite adept at dropping little hand grenades into the conversation, she thinks she is leading the interviewer to suspect whoever she is commenting on, but it bounces back. She also had access to the car... so what does that mean?

Hello WS :)

Quote Respect ZsaZsa!

Booyah! THAT is critical thinking at its best and it is what I love most about WS! Yeah, Cindy had A LOT of access to that car...and per her(lovely)self...she also did the computer searches for chloroform. Not that she did anything to Caylee but if we are going to point fingers away from Casey...

JB received these reports around October 6th, about a month ago. I think we now know why there was no press conference held by BC to release this information. Also if you think about it, only a few days after JB received these reports he starting pitching a fit for the crime scene photos. I bet his plan is to have experts find something in those photos to dispute theses results.
Cindy is quite adept at dropping little hand grenades into the conversation, she thinks she is leading the interviewer to suspect whoever she is commenting on, but it bounces back. She also had access to the car... so what does that mean?
I especially liked the "maybe somebody put a body in the car when it was in the towyard!" (or something to that effect)
To me, the most horrifying thing was the thought of little Caylee's body bloating out in that trunk. No human could bear the thought of a rotting child's corpse in their trunk, let alone the knowledge that that corpse is one's own precious child. Of course, casey aint' no human.

BBM. Bottom-line. Casey is not a human being.
I especially liked the "maybe somebody put a body in the car when it was in the towyard!" (or something to that effect)

Me too! Of all the ridiculous things she has said that one was by far the most outrageous, IMO.
I especially liked the "maybe somebody put a body in the car when it was in the towyard!" (or something to that effect)

Or how about GA's statement, the body in the car is not my grandaughter!
It's just sick..When I see Caylee being shown on tv I just keep asking How?.. How could there be a sick enough being on this earth to do this to a child.. especially your own child.. a child that was born and instincts should be telling you to protect this baby with everything you got...

This crime is the definition of Evil. Pure true evil.

I need to go snuggle my little one before I comment or read further
Hi, Chiquita! BBM

A thought came to mind.......if the possibility that she used the shovel to try and p/u or maneuver Caylee's body is what happened......would she have returned the shovel to BB w/ decomp fluid on it? Or, would a person insert the shovel head in mulch or dirt to try and remove the fluid?.......Would that be a spot then the dogs hit on? Wondering.......

Or she could have used a handy paper towel we know about to wipe it clean.
The forensic page says she would have most likely moved the body the 19th - 22nd, but I'm thinking it was more like the 18th. Which I wonder if that would make a difference at all?

Can anyone find any record of when and where Casey was staying on the night of the 18th or the early morning, specifically what she was doing from 6:57pm until noon the next day?

Or am I just repeating things everyone knows but me.. I'm slow sometimes.. haven't gotten around the threads much as I'm pretty new here
JB won't be able to argue "junk science" on entymology report.

True, but he can argue that the 'coffin flies' were attracted to something other than a corpse in that trunk.

There is another small family of flies, the humpbacked or coffin flies, often confused with fruit flies. These small flies vary in their life histories, ranging from infesting decaying plant or animal matter, fungi, dead insects under the refrigerator, sludge in the bottom of trash cans, liquids remaining in bottle and cans in recycling bins, and in drains and septic tanks to a beneficial life history as a biological control agent of the red imported fire ant, termites and other insects


But if the ento's can prove they were feeding off Caylee- then its SLAM DUNK!!!!

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