2009.11.23 & 2009.12.10 Joy Wray Transcripts

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At the conclusion of this interview, JW was Baker Acted, she was remanded to South Seminole Hospital. It was concluded she had no evidentary value pertaining to the case...Page 18 http://www.wftv.com/pdf/22919208/detail.html

Poor woman, couldn't use the skills she learned from the CIA, the President. She couldn't hang in the trees after this...truly sad if the defense uses her at trial...LOL

I doubt very much JW would be called as a witness. I wonder, she tried to make it seem as if Baez (his PI) took her memory card from her camera w/o her permission, saying this is to help Caylee..I wonder if the defense truly has that memory card.

Bold is mine.

Yeah but how long was she held? If the hospital (who conduct actual testing, who are aware of the diagnostic criteria, who know the difference between disordered thinking and delusions and are trained to catch Malingering behaviors) thought she was as crazy as LE obviously did, they would keep her awhile. It seems to me they baker act her and then she's out playing her games again in no time. IMO She over-plays nuts so she won't get in legal trouble for her sick little games. She's quite cunning in that regard, IMO. I see this woman as the same type that files false rape reports, false charges on their spouse and brings their children to protests in the middle of the night where they know there are people who have a history of aggressive behaviors..then blame others for the bad outcome. Except she learned a better trick than them, she plays crazy and gets out of any and all trouble. I love how she tells LE right away that she has a history of being "baker acted".

The last time I was held against my will for psychosis (no "baker-act" in the state where I was hospitalized, they call it a 5150) I was held for over 2 weeks.. the reason is because the medications don't take full effect for 2-4 weeks, meaning many of the symptoms that got you put there are still present so you are still "a danger to yourself or others" and they can't release you until you aren't. That doesn't happen the day after you are "baker acted".

Her home videos are wacky, but her home is clean, she is clean, she speaks clearly and is able to get her thoughts into words that others can understand. She has friends (at least one that I saw on home video, drinking together).. from her videos it's apparent she lives an active and busy life (though it's focus as of late is clearly on Caylee Marie Anthony).. none of those behaviors are behaviors of a person struggling with psychosis. Some of the first outword signs of psychosis (other than the hearing voices etc that are often discussed) are isolation, loss of interest, lack of personal hygiene, disorganized speech, problems concentrating and remembering, becoming emotionally flat..

Again, I believe she is mentally ill I just don't believe she is as bad as she plays to be.

This is just in general about all the posts on the subject, not toward you!Being commited to a hospital for treatment of an illness -mental or otherwise- is not grounds to have your child taken from you. Having a history of mental illness does not mean you are a bad parent or incapable of properly raising children.. People with mental illness know right from wrong.. if they get to a point where they may not, that's what the hospital is for. How many NON-mentally ill parents do we read about that seem to not know right from wrong.. that do not seem to know how to raise their children properly.. that cause damage that will follow their children for the rest of their lives?? Contrary to popular belief.. most of us (the mentally ill), by this point in our lives, know when we may be about to "relapse" and ask for and get help.

This woman is no "norm".

Ok I'm going away now! :)
Thank you OLG.........your willingness to be candid and to share your personal experiences is not only appreciated.....but valuable in discussions where perspective is often needed.
Bold is mine.

Yeah but how long was she held? If the hospital (who conduct actual testing, who are aware of the diagnostic criteria, who know the difference between disordered thinking and delusions and are trained to catch Malingering behaviors) thought she was as crazy as LE obviously did, they would keep her awhile. It seems to me they baker act her and then she's out playing her games again in no time. IMO She over-plays nuts so she won't get in legal trouble for her sick little games. She's quite cunning in that regard, IMO. I see this woman as the same type that files false rape reports, false charges on their spouse and brings their children to protests in the middle of the night where they know there are people who have a history of aggressive behaviors..then blame others for the bad outcome. Except she learned a better trick than them, she plays crazy and gets out of any and all trouble. I love how she tells LE right away that she has a history of being "baker acted".

The last time I was held against my will for psychosis (no "baker-act" in the state where I was hospitalized, they call it a 5150) I was held for over 2 weeks.. the reason is because the medications don't take full effect for 2-4 weeks, meaning many of the symptoms that got you put there are still present so you are still "a danger to yourself or others" and they can't release you until you aren't. That doesn't happen the day after you are "baker acted".

Her home videos are wacky, but her home is clean, she is clean, she speaks clearly and is able to get her thoughts into words that others can understand. She has friends (at least one that I saw on home video, drinking together).. from her videos it's apparent she lives an active and busy life (though it's focus as of late is clearly on Caylee Marie Anthony).. none of those behaviors are behaviors of a person struggling with psychosis. Some of the first outword signs of psychosis (other than the hearing voices etc that are often discussed) are isolation, loss of interest, lack of personal hygiene, disorganized speech, problems concentrating and remembering, becoming emotionally flat..

Again, I believe she is mentally ill I just don't believe she is as bad as she plays to be.

This is just in general about all the posts on the subject, not toward you!Being commited to a hospital for treatment of an illness -mental or otherwise- is not grounds to have your child taken from you. Having a history of mental illness does not mean you are a bad parent or incapable of properly raising children.. People with mental illness know right from wrong.. if they get to a point where they may not, that's what the hospital is for. How many NON-mentally ill parents do we read about that seem to not know right from wrong.. that do not seem to know how to raise their children properly.. that cause damage that will follow their children for the rest of their lives?? Contrary to popular belief.. most of us (the mentally ill), by this point in our lives, know when we may be about to "relapse" and ask for and get help.

This woman is no "norm".

Ok I'm going away now! :)
Good to have your insights. In California (can't use the abbreviation CA around here:rolleyes:) it's also called a 5150. I've witnessed it happen more than once, person was taken away by ambulance to a psych hospital for evaluation. Usually it's a 3 day hold.
Bold is mine.

Yeah but how long was she held? If the hospital (who conduct actual testing, who are aware of the diagnostic criteria, who know the difference between disordered thinking and delusions and are trained to catch Malingering behaviors) thought she was as crazy as LE obviously did, they would keep her awhile. It seems to me they baker act her and then she's out playing her games again in no time. IMO She over-plays nuts so she won't get in legal trouble for her sick little games. She's quite cunning in that regard, IMO. I see this woman as the same type that files false rape reports, false charges on their spouse and brings their children to protests in the middle of the night where they know there are people who have a history of aggressive behaviors..then blame others for the bad outcome. Except she learned a better trick than them, she plays crazy and gets out of any and all trouble. I love how she tells LE right away that she has a history of being "baker acted".

The last time I was held against my will for psychosis (no "baker-act" in the state where I was hospitalized, they call it a 5150) I was held for over 2 weeks.. the reason is because the medications don't take full effect for 2-4 weeks, meaning many of the symptoms that got you put there are still present so you are still "a danger to yourself or others" and they can't release you until you aren't. That doesn't happen the day after you are "baker acted".

Her home videos are wacky, but her home is clean, she is clean, she speaks clearly and is able to get her thoughts into words that others can understand. She has friends (at least one that I saw on home video, drinking together).. from her videos it's apparent she lives an active and busy life (though it's focus as of late is clearly on Caylee Marie Anthony).. none of those behaviors are behaviors of a person struggling with psychosis. Some of the first outword signs of psychosis (other than the hearing voices etc that are often discussed) are isolation, loss of interest, lack of personal hygiene, disorganized speech, problems concentrating and remembering, becoming emotionally flat..

Again, I believe she is mentally ill I just don't believe she is as bad as she plays to be.

This is just in general about all the posts on the subject, not toward you!Being commited to a hospital for treatment of an illness -mental or otherwise- is not grounds to have your child taken from you. Having a history of mental illness does not mean you are a bad parent or incapable of properly raising children.. People with mental illness know right from wrong.. if they get to a point where they may not, that's what the hospital is for. How many NON-mentally ill parents do we read about that seem to not know right from wrong.. that do not seem to know how to raise their children properly.. that cause damage that will follow their children for the rest of their lives?? Contrary to popular belief.. most of us (the mentally ill), by this point in our lives, know when we may be about to "relapse" and ask for and get help.

This woman is no "norm".

Ok I'm going away now! :)

Thank you OLG for this insight into the system and JW. You always fill in blanks for me. I admire you for owning your history and illness. (insert kissy smiley)
Having a history of mental illness does not mean you are a bad parent or incapable of properly raising children..

Thanks for your insight. However, we are not saying her children should be taken away because she may have a mental illness, we are saying she is endangering her children by bringing them on her excursions. Someone should be investigating.
In the 11-23-09 transcript:
p. 19 line 5
p. 32 line 13
p. 49 line 23

It's no big deal, I was just curious because I don't think I've ever heard someone say that before. It seems like she's using it to answer in the affirmative, something like "ya" but with a "t". Maybe it's a regional thing or just a mentally unbalanced thing. IDK, lol.

Silly me! As crazy as that interview was I assumed that she was being interupted as she was about to say something that started with "ta".....
Thanks for your insight. However, we are not saying her children should be taken away because she may have a mental illness, we are saying she is endangering her children by bringing them on her excursions. Someone should be investigating.

Bold is mine-
bbm I love it
:Banane39::Banane39: I just spit cranberry everywhere LOL

OMG! Still cleaning my screen off! Can picture WS'rs throughout world spontaneously spitting at computer screen! Good One!
I have personally met Joy. She doesn't seem as strange in person as she does in these interviews. She is one of those people that kind goes off on her little conspiracy theories and I just say yes and change the subject. But I am not the best judge of character. I also fell for Cindy and George being the caring loving parents that could never raise a murderer. But also I don't feel they keep people long enough on Baker acts here in Fl. My boyfriend's mother tried to kill herself she took numerous pills and alot of vodka to wash them down. She was baker acted immediately and spent a week in the hospital to be treated medically. Then she was released to the mental hospital and was let go the following day. She had no time to let her meds kick in nothing. Needless to say it didn't help her at all it will happen again. I think they are to quick to release on these Baker acts that is why they are so mulitple instead of getting the treatment and letting it work they release them so there can be a repeat.
But JW is apparently a Republican. She mentioned going to Republican parties in Florida several times, and she's best pals with George W. B. So that probably wasn't JW standing behind the current execs.....unless she's changed affiliation. The people in the White House should be warned! :crazy:

All part of her secret plan to uncover the identity of the real nanny-Nancy Pelosi.
This whole interview bothers me...but one thing makes me pause.

JA: On the 9th (of October) you took a minor there that you won’t, that you won’t identify. So, two different occasions you took children into that wooded area that you think that, where this killer dumped the body. A killer that you think might have been following you.

JW: Uh-hum (affirmative).

JA: Didn’t you have any concern for the, the, for the safety of your children, for this other minor?

JW: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.

JA: Now why’d you take them into the woods?

JW: Because I just want to drive by there and check one thing out real quick. Hmmm. I just wanted to check something out.

WHAT was it she wanted to check out? All those times? I wished JA would have asked her that. :waitasec:

1st BBM - I saw the October 9th date and remembered a report that was made by two separate people about a scream in the woods near Surburban Drive and I thought 'now, what's this about?'

The report is in the 2010.02.16 Doc Dump and that's the title of the thread. Two calls were made about an adolescent's scream.

See post 151 on page 7 for instance. Why does she choose to say she was in those woods this day? Very strange indeed. Everything.
I have personally met Joy. She doesn't seem as strange in person as she does in these interviews. She is one of those people that kind goes off on her little conspiracy theories and I just say yes and change the subject. But I am not the best judge of character. I also fell for Cindy and George being the caring loving parents that could never raise a murderer. But also I don't feel they keep people long enough on Baker acts here in Fl. My boyfriend's mother tried to kill herself she took numerous pills and alot of vodka to wash them down. She was baker acted immediately and spent a week in the hospital to be treated medically. Then she was released to the mental hospital and was let go the following day. She had no time to let her meds kick in nothing. Needless to say it didn't help her at all it will happen again. I think they are to quick to release on these Baker acts that is why they are so mulitple instead of getting the treatment and letting it work they release them so there can be a repeat.

That isn't uncommon with things such as suicide attempts and I agree, they don't hold people long enough. But a hold for psychosis is often different.. and longer because there is a greater risk of the sufferer being a danger to others because of fixed delusional thoughts that others are out to harm them-so there isn't as much of a drive-thru stay with psychosis as there is with other mental health issues.


Welcome to websleuths btw :)
She never did adequately explain her actions for continuing to go to the woods if she thought Caylee was alive. JA asked her that and she just danced around it.
I have personally met Joy. She doesn't seem as strange in person as she does in these interviews. She is one of those people that kind goes off on her little conspiracy theories and I just say yes and change the subject. But I am not the best judge of character. I also fell for Cindy and George being the caring loving parents that could never raise a murderer. But also I don't feel they keep people long enough on Baker acts here in Fl. My boyfriend's mother tried to kill herself she took numerous pills and alot of vodka to wash them down. She was baker acted immediately and spent a week in the hospital to be treated medically. Then she was released to the mental hospital and was let go the following day. She had no time to let her meds kick in nothing. Needless to say it didn't help her at all it will happen again. I think they are to quick to release on these Baker acts that is why they are so mulitple instead of getting the treatment and letting it work they release them so there can be a repeat.

Every person I know of around here who's been Bakered spent a grand total of 72 hours in a psych unit - and the one in G'ville only has 1 psychiatrist who comes in 2x/week! [I think G'ville is where the closest state/fed-funded hosp, but it might be Lake City.]

FWIW - JMO - I do think that some loving, concerned parents do have kids who end up murderers. Can't think of any off the top of my head though.
1st BBM - I saw the October 9th date and remembered a report that was made by two separate people about a scream in the woods near Surburban Drive and I thought 'now, what's this about?'

The report is in the 2010.02.16 Doc Dump and that's the title of the thread. Two calls were made about an adolescent's scream.

See post 151 on page 7 for instance. Why does she choose to say she was in those woods this day? Very strange indeed. Everything.

Oh great catch, woe! And didn't she say her daughter was autistic as well? Yet another coinkydink? *cue spooky music*

IMO, if the defense wants to bring up the fact that Kronk was in the woods 2 or 3 times on his work route before finding the body, to somehow insinuate that he was involved, then the prosecution could very well bring up the fact that someone certifiably mentally 'off', obsessed with caylee anthony, claims to have been there between TEN and TWENTY times. I think the fact that JW is female has saved her from suspicion so far. Can you imagine if, instead of a woman, it was a man who had been this obsessed, posting tons of videos about caylee, making videos with his photo cut and pasted to be part of caylee's family, going to the house, attending all the hearings?

BTW, Was she really at the latest hearing?
Thank you OLG.........your willingness to be candid and to share your personal experiences is not only appreciated.....but valuable in discussions where perspective is often needed.

And OLG, don't feel the need to "go away" now, please.

My house is most def not clean enough to pass muster with many peeps, but I don't take my kids on my excursions re: Haleigh Cummings case, either. I've only done 3 of those in the past 13 months, so I think (hope) I qualify as not a nut-case though locals would surely think I've lost my cotton-pickin' mind.

Did I read this correctly from SuziQ's link? -

The other customers at BestBuy reportedly said the photos on Joy's computer depicted a juvenile in sexually inappropriate context or something like that, iirc.
1st BBM - I saw the October 9th date and remembered a report that was made by two separate people about a scream in the woods near Surburban Drive and I thought 'now, what's this about?'

The report is in the 2010.02.16 Doc Dump and that's the title of the thread. Two calls were made about an adolescent's scream.

See post 151 on page 7 for instance. Why does she choose to say she was in those woods this day? Very strange indeed. Everything.

Thank you for taking notice to this. I thought of it earlier but wasn't sure it was October that she said. I wish he would have asked her what time. They made the call at 8:50 am
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