2009.12.11 Discuss Motions hearing. One year to the day Caylee Found #1

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Just watched them replay part of ashtons remarks... And right before kc broke down... She looked up with such anger... Can someone get a screenshot of that?? JB said something to her and that's when she started to cry... But man... That angry face was pure evil.
Yeep pure evil is right. I'm so very glad that on this day, the anniversary of finding Caylee, she finally has some justice.

Gotta love BS! :woohoo:
I agreed with the defense about the death penalty. No history of cruelty, no history of injuries, no history of abuse, no injuries prior to her disappearance, manner of death not known, and only circumstantial evidence to possibly link Casey to the murder. It was interesting about the studies regarding death penalty juries.

Unless you would think it is comparable to "junk science".
I agreed with the defense about the death penalty. No history of cruelty, no history of injuries, no history of abuse, no injuries prior to her disappearance, manner of death not known, and only circumstantial evidence to possibly link Casey to the murder. It was interesting about the studies regarding death penalty juries.

The defense had me at these statements too. UNTIL Ashton spoke. It was then that I realized that just because no one SAW bruises on her, does not mean she was not abused. Remember, Cindy was going to file for custody. WHY? You don't just take children from mothers of the year. Once Ashton spoke it hit me. My eyes teared up and I realized that Caylee suffered. I pray she was drugged. I have a a son the same age Caylee was when she passed. He is not as smart as Caylee was....the the other day I was teaching him to blow his nose and covered up his mouth so that he would have to force breath from the clogged nose. It was very hard for him to breathe and his little eyes looked at mine with fear. Casey saw those same eyes from Caylee. Only in this case, that would be the last emotion Caylee would feel.

I have not doubt in my mind that Casey's tears today were for herself. If she was smart she would take a plea.
GA and Cindy must have come back in. After it was all over, you can see them leaving the courtroom after everyone stood up to exit.

I think the problem was that they could not handle the visual picture that was being painted. They are wanting to be strong for KC and be there for KC. Caylee is gone, they can not do anything for her anymore. So they don't think about her or what might have happened. That is how they stay strong. But with what he was saying...

I think they just stepped out, got a grip, and came back when he was done.

Even though the state was called upon by the defense motion to support the seeking the DP, I won't be surprised if the A's have their typical response of being angry at the people seeking justice for Caylee. It will be all about them and Casey and how the meanie argument hurts THEM.
true in my case but I cry for every freaking thing, cute kittens, babies, christmas, anger, basically anything :biglaugh:

<devil's advocate> of course if KC were innocent, she would be sobbing at hearing of her daughter's death as well </devil's advocate>

even with what I said up there about me cryin' over everything anyways, if that was me in court and I were innocent of the murder of my child, I am pretty sure I would be crying from the time I woke to the time I went to sleep. not just in court either. not just in 30 second bursts hearing how my baby suffered.

Oh, I wasn't limiting crying to anger! Women cry for a variety of reasons. I'm just saying that one of them is ANGER.

I'll tell you what, Susan Smith looks like "Mother of the Year" if you want to judge a person's heart by tears....She cried a river!
I guess George and Cindy will probably go out to dinner tonight...Just like they did last year....
GA and Cindy must have come back in. After it was all over, you can see them leaving the courtroom after everyone stood up to exit.

I think the problem was that they could not handle the visual picture that was being painted. They are wanting to be strong for KC and be there for KC. Caylee is gone, they can not do anything for her anymore. So they don't think about her or what might have happened. That is how they stay strong. But with what he was saying...

I think they just stepped out, got a grip, and came back when he was done.

That was anger, raw anger at JA....*How dare he do that to us and to KC!!* They nearly always react w/ anger when things are not going their way, and they certainly were not going the A's way in the courtroom. IMO, they've already had all the visuals.......they are in a Save KC mode only at this point..........He had the audacity to use her name---*How dare he?* AL refers to her as "the child". They were pissed-- plain and simple, not upset. IMO, which does have an Anti A bias......

Yep. A moment of utter fury where she wants to punch someones lights out. AL looks like she is holding her back. The "HOW F'ING DARE YOU" look.

This moment captured in time (and for prosperity) spells it all out. Its the "tell".

Shes mad that the truth is coming out.

ETA- Love the look of scepticism on Bill S's face (hes sitting directly behind her)
It's about time someone called Casey out for her actions...mommy Cindy can do nothing now !

On such an OMINOUS day, 1 year to the day her scattered remains were found, Thank You Mr. Ashton for this Anniversary Awareness check.....
Ashton mentioned Caylee being chemically restrained. That's the first reference to anything other than duct tape contributing to cause of death.

Back to the Chloroform....


FYI: Fox still has sound going & even discussed the whispering I heard...they said it was out of their control that Baez was being heard whispering to KC!!! LOL The reporters were talking about how JA got to KC...upsetting her with his words. She deserves to hear this....just wait till trial when they say out loud even more of the facts of what she did to OUR sweet little angel Caylee. Justice was be spoken loud & clear by JA

Sound just stopped from Fox's link...in the past hearings the sound from them continues after the hearing stops. I always watch Fox's due to this reason! :wink:

*More to be released!


BBM Ashton's words today were just a taste of what is to come at trial. Imagine details and in addition, photographs and visual presentation.
I wonder what AL thinks of the internet right now?
"Anyone who contends that no juror could find that these conclusions call for a sentence of death...is only fooling themselves."

GA and Cindy must have come back in. After it was all over, you can see them leaving the courtroom after everyone stood up to exit.

I think the problem was that they could not handle the visual picture that was being painted. They are wanting to be strong for KC and be there for KC. Caylee is gone, they can not do anything for her anymore. So they don't think about her or what might have happened. That is how they stay strong. But with what he was saying...

I think they just stepped out, got a grip, and came back when he was done.

I have never lost my sympathy for CA&GA. they do my head in sometimes but I wouldnt want to be them for anything and I wouldnt wish what they have been through on anyone.
So ummm, i think its safe to say - THINGS DID NOT GO WELL FOR THEM TODAY.

(the perp, the Defence, the A's etc)
These are not the benchmarks that need to be met to eliminate the DP from this case.

no no, I'm not saying these are the only benchmarks, I'm just saying I agree that those things are definitely not present in this case and that is a part of what has to be considered
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