2010.03.02 Teresa N-Suspicious Behavior

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And I take it as suspicious that she was asked to not come back to the Sherrif's office-what did she do that made LE do that? What suspicions did they have? And for that matter, why did lawyer Nejame drop her like a hot potato? If one looks carefully at the list passionflower makes, AND add the many, many more things listed on the past pages of this thread-there are a whole slew of what I call suspicious activities. Has anyone tracked her statements? Just alone, they are suspicious. I believe I am on topic here, as the thread is called TN Suspicious Behavior. Why is she (seemingly) not on LE radar at all?...she is on a lot of WS minds... but, LE doesn't see any of this? JMHO:]

Would you mind posting the link from Law Enforcement that states she isn't allowed to go back there? Why would they tell a citizen they weren't allowed at the police department. I never heard that before. TIA
Would you mind posting the link from Law Enforcement that states she isn't allowed to go back there? Why would they tell a citizen they weren't allowed at the police department. I never heard that before. TIA

I don't have the link, however someone posted that it was because she was secretly tape recording in the police office... I seem to recall that as well...
If anyone can find the link and post, that would be great...
Just want to use one of the few questionable skill sets I bring to WS. :wink: The very astute here have drawn attention how TN had pointed out that OCs taste 'bitter'.
As any ex-addict in long term recovery can tell you, OCs will get you 'off of dopesick'.

The only time OCs have ANY taste is IF you remove the coating.

Why? Standard step before crushing and snorting, allowing the bloodstream to bust a move, causing that one of a kind FLOOD of dopamine and seratonin from the brain. As a precaution, I do want to point out I am not in the health profession, nor a licensed counselor. Just a reformed dealer/addict who turned a new leaf over 6 years ago and has not looked back. I bring that up to stay on the safe side of the TOS. I expect absolutely no accolades for behaving the way any productive citizen should.
Crushing, snorting, or nebulizing.....(Some reports have stated that the nebulizer was found with other items that had been removed from Ron's trailer.)
Those are very good questions Passion. At first I thought that TN wanted to rent the Croslin house on Tyler. I found it odd that TN wanted to rent that home that was closest to the now "the crime scene" for little Haleigh. That is no coincidence, IMO.

We all questioned TN fast arrival to the mh. And then there's this third voice on the 911 call. Why wouldn't it be TN? That would explain why she appeared so fast at the mh. It makes sense. IIRC, there was also the sighting of a red truck sitting near the railroad tracks...Could that have been TN? What time did she actually get to the mh? I dunno but I do know, from the beginning it has been clear to some of us that she arrived extremely too fast to be coming from her home. JMO though

A video of TN on Greta...listen carefully starting at (1:02 minutes) she explains the time herself at 1:30 she TN states:

Greta - How did you find out?
TN - He called me
Greta - About what time did he call you
TN - He called meee, 3:27 3:28
Greta - So right after the 911 call or right before
TN - Ummm, I believe that she was on with 911 when he(Rc) called me

If I am not allowed to post the video Please will a mod remove it for me Thanks

A video of TN on Greta...listen carefully starting at (1:02 minutes) she explains the time herself at 1:30 she TN states:

Greta - How did you find out?
TN - He called me
Greta - About what time did he call you
TN - He called meee, 3:27 3:28
Greta - So right after the 911 call or right before
TN - Ummm, I believe that she was on with 911 when he(Rc) called me

If I am not allowed to post the video Please will a mod remove it for me Thanks

Wow, great find Sailor ! So, it looks like TN was the person on the other end of that call Ron made, while Misty was talking to dispatchers.
This makes the 911 call all the more interesting.
I don't think TN grabbing a large photo of Haleigh and bringing it with her to Ron's trailer is suspicious because of the following:

If you have ever had a child wander away and contacted the police, you frequently think about what you will do if it ever happens again. TN may had previously experienced Haleigh wandering away or maybe another child wandering away from her. If so, she knew police would immediately want to see a photo. TN probably wondered if Ron would have any up-to-date photos of Haleigh, so she knew she had better bring one.

I've been in this situation and I now leave my daughter's largest school photo on my dresser in case I have to hand it over to police again. Glory to God that my daughter was found and was safe.
And I take it as suspicious that she was asked to not come back to the Sherrif's office-what did she do that made LE do that? What suspicions did they have? And for that matter, why did lawyer Nejame drop her like a hot potato? If one looks carefully at the list passionflower makes, AND add the many, many more things listed on the past pages of this thread-there are a whole slew of what I call suspicious activities. Has anyone tracked her statements? Just alone, they are suspicious. I believe I am on topic here, as the thread is called TN Suspicious Behavior. Why is she (seemingly) not on LE radar at all?...she is on a lot of WS minds... but, LE doesn't see any of this? JMHO:]

Bumping this because I think it is a very serious accusation to make that the grandmother of a missing child was asked by Law Enforcement not to come back to the police station. I have read this whole thread and performed a search here on WS and google and I can't find anything about Teresa N being asked not to come back to the police station. When was this supposed to have happened?
Would you mind posting the link from Law Enforcement that states she isn't allowed to go back there? Why would they tell a citizen they weren't allowed at the police department. I never heard that before. TIA

elle1919, I have an audio of Snakeman interviewing and discussing what happened between Teresa and Peggy Cone around August 7, 2009. "They tore her *** up" was the name of the video concerning this matter. I'm not sure I can give you the link or if it is allowed.

TN was accused of disclosing LE's investigative tactics in a meeting on July 13th, 2009.

I do have the names of the people with LE who were in the meeting with Teresa Neves. Again, I'm not sure I can post the info.
elle1919, I have an audio of Snakeman interviewing and discussing what happened between Teresa and Peggy Cone around August 7, 2009. "They tore her *** up" was the name of the video concerning this matter. I'm not sure I can give you the link or if it is allowed.

TN was accused of disclosing LE's investigative tactics in a meeting on July 13th, 2009.

I do have the names of the people with LE who were in the meeting with Teresa Neves. Again, I'm not sure I can post the info.

Why wouldn't you be able to post it?
OKay I listened to the video. I Never heard that she was told not to come back to the police station and I would venture a guess that we are dealing with a lot of second and third hand information recycled....added to and taken away from. Rumors, in my opinion.
OKay I listened to the video. I Never heard that she was told not to come back to the police station and I would venture a guess that we are dealing with a lot of second and third hand information recycled....added to and taken away from. Rumors, in my opinion.

Well, truthfully, I heard about it right when it happened on July 13, 2009 and I'm looking for the original information. This video was made in August, later. When I originally found out about it, Cobra had nothing to do with the publishing of the information. I hope I didn't clean it out when I was having computer trouble. I'll try to find it.
Yesterday's rumors..........Tomorrow's news. lol. Sorry had to say it, it's happened too many times in this case. Just when I have thought something was utter hog wash...it turns out to be true. By the way, this one I tend to believe.

That TN-recording thing happened @ the height of Cummings/Sheffield you-stole-her-no-you-stole-her Family Feud time.

It was weird. Check out the old rumor threads maybe.

That TN-recording thing happened @ the height of Cummings/Sheffield you-stole-her-no-you-stole-her Family Feud time.

It was weird. Check out the old rumor threads maybe.

Em, I think I remember reading that downstairs in the parking lot/rumor threads....When the case first started I stayed downstairs a lot..I'm still fresh meat up here:angel:.
Bringing two threads together for this one: What if Misty isn't the one Ron is saying "Why'd you let my daughter get stole, b!t@h?" to. People hear a third voice. I'm not saying I do. But I'm saying Misty doesn't react when it's said, on the phone. She yelps a few times for some other reason, but when this is said, nothing.

What if that person is Teresa? She is the one who called Misty to babysit, and apparently is the one Ron had arranged to sit with his children. We all wonder how she got there so quickly. The truck seen near the tracks. So.........

OMG Debs, you truly are a great sleuther!! I never thought of that. But, if Misty knew that TN was responsible, she would not be sitting in jail, don't ya think? ~tia~
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