2010.03.18 New High Powered Attorney Cheney Mason Joins DT *MERGED*

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Every defense attorney is looking for aquittal, you cant change the facts no matter how good you are.

31 days
baby dead
evidence all leads to one suspect

Excellent post for putting it all in a nutshell. I have no problem with any defendant getting a 'fair one' in. It is this cottage industry that has sprung up off of Caylee that gets me :furious:. Was going to say her grave but she never got one :banghead:
I found Mason to be insulting - too cocky for me. Did anyone catch him on court TV (after the court hearing)? He basically said (my translation) that if they didn't get want they wanted, they would step across the street to the Federal Buidling. He's already making threats - bullies do that. Why can't other lawyers be more like RHornsby - at least he seems to be honest, has intregrity, knows the law inside and out (he quotes the FACTS) and tells things that way they are...
I would love to know exactly WHEN Mason 'came on board'. Didn't JB get the basic info about the new information this week? Wondering if that sent him scurrying off to Mason's office? I can see someone like Mason taking on this case just for the challange of trying to salvage it. He is going to have to do some fast talking to explain his January 09 comment about not taking this case unless.........

Mason appeared live on InSession immediately after the hearing and stated that he'd just come on the case officially this morning but that JB had contacted him a couple (or few) days ago. Perhaps InSession will have a transcript of this interview with Mason online soon.
WHY!!!!!!!!!??????????????? Why Why Why??!!

What is it about this case that is pulling all these "Pro's"? Why weren't they on Dahmers wagon? Or any other accused killer??

Pure speculation on my part. But does anyone else sense that between the actual filing for indigent status, and the arrival of Mason that AL may be finally making a move to sideline or get rid of JB? While DP qualified AL still needs a FL or local attorney to take the lead. There is obviously been something brewing between her and JB over things like money. Mason is a known and prominant DP fighter who seems to move in her realm, so he is probably someone she knows. While he might not have come out of the woodwork for KC, he might be if AL is making a plea to him to "please come save this poor girl, her lead attorney is a completely incompetant bozo who will surely get her executed?"

Just something in the vibe and all the questions about money and funding have me thinking that JB may soon be departing the circus tent.
Whew! Cheney Mason is going to bring major experience to Casey's defense. He may be a bit hard of hearing, so at least that may keep everyone from speaking softly in the court hearings.

I had a feeling he was pretending he couldn't hear the questions so the reporters would feel foolish and inarticulate when they had to repeat them.
Very excellent point...but Dahmer was before OJ and Peterson, 24/7 cable news and the Internet, right?

It is nauseating how they lie and say they are not taking any money for the "due process" of this sweet innocent girl (did any of you see KC and LKB hug at the end)?

Not one of them believes this girl is innocent.

Yeah.........I threw up in my mouth a little then.

This is HUGE both in terms of international attention as well as the mountain of circumstantial evidence against KC.

Either way a high profile attorney gets global media coverage, win or lose but also these folks (like me) like nothing better than a major challenge and impossible odds.

It is a refreshing break from their routine, they are self made so money is not an issue and .... this is something to play with, to exercize those little grey cells and, you never know -- they would become infamous if they pull off a break for KC.

I honestly think RH would also take this case in a heartbeat if JB was voted off the circus ring. It isn't about KC although she loves to think that or sadly even Caylee .... that's all lost in the challenge and global attention.

Justice for Caylee.

Still makes me sick. You really think RH would touch this case?? At THIS point? What about it RH? Want a stab at it?
J. Cheney Mason (goes by Cheney) has joined the defense in the Casey Anthony case. Cheney is well-known and well-respected here in the Greater Orlando legal community. Note: Judge Strickland laughed about where Cheney has been this whole time. This ballgame is now going to change--take note.


Thank God it won't change the evidence though
I am not impressed at all. He's getting Casey further away from any shred of humanity! How are you going to do it CM? Bully everyone into submission? You really think you can get her acquitted? Have you even looked at the facts? You can't go completely stone cold and expect an acquittal. There is no way to get over 31 days, the worst defendant personality wise on the planet, and oh yeah, three layers of duct tape. And that's just for starters!

I know he has an impressive record, but I just don't see how, unless hell freezes over, he's going to win this case.

Anyone got an answer? Because I'd love to hear it! And btw, he sure is no Perry Mason!
Please allow me to introduce you to J. Cheney Mason.......

........similar to the the passing of the Olympic torch.........Mr. Mason will now be wielding the defense "smoke machine".

Please put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.
Please allow me to introduce you to J. Cheney Mason.......

........similar to the the passing of the Olympic torch.........Mr. Mason will now be wielding the defense "smoke machine".

Please put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.

:doh: I guess we're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy! :angel:
:doh: I guess we're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy! :angel:

:waitasec: You can just imagine KC dressed as Dorothy heading off down the Yellow Brick Road with her Defense team. :dance: She is seeking a heart and conscience, they are seeking money and fame. :loser: They cross all sorts of obstacles and yet seem to catch a break. :woohoo:

The Wicked SA of the East tries to force them to stop and take a plea. :banghead: They are determined to press on and get to sit before the great Judge OZ and present their case. :innocent:

The curtain is pulled back at the palace and everyone sees the great Judge OZ and ..... JB says, "Ah now it all makes sense, now I understand".

Great analogy!
So, this hot shot Florida attorney is saying that whatever amount the state uses to try a case should be the same amount used to defend.

Can you imagine the cost to taxpayers if that became a reality?

Supposedly CM said it was gonna cost $4 million!!!

Kealing noted that the case has produced 10,000 pages of documents and repeated Orlando attorney Cheney Mason's prediction that the case could cost $4 million.

Ugh @ 'fun', a tiny little girl died with duct tape plastered all over her breathing passages.
Guys, the "fun" thing, he just means it is going to be a challenge for any attorney, including him, and a big PAIN! He obviously realizes this is not going to be fun as in going to the park or something. It is just "lawyer speak" which comes in years of seeing the worst of the worst and trying to deal, and a few layers of that lawyer talk. He is not saying he is enjoying himself in a "fun" way. JMO.

Let me try to clarify. Have you ever read any true crime books? Say, Ann Rule. Do you remember the "jokes" the writer, if Rule then she, says the police and detectives make while looking at the body? Well, lawyers use wit in a similar and very heavily sarcastic way sometimes. Hope that helps.
:waitasec: You can just imagine KC dressed as Dorothy heading off down the Yellow Brick Road with her Defense team. :dance: She is seeking a heart and conscience, they are seeking money and fame. :loser: They cross all sorts of obstacles and yet seem to catch a break. :woohoo:

The Wicked SA of the East tries to force them to stop and take a plea. :banghead: They are determined to press on and get to sit before the great Judge OZ and present their case. :innocent:

The curtain is pulled back at the palace and everyone sees the great Judge OZ and ..... JB says, "Ah now it all makes sense, now I understand".

Great analogy!

That is FUNNY!

Of course Baez will be singing 'If I only had a brain'- sorry, couldn't resist.:innocent:
Guys, the "fun" thing, he just means it is going to be a challenge for any attorney, including him, and a big PAIN! He obviously realizes this is not going to be fun as in going to the park or something. It is just "lawyer speak" which comes in years of seeing the worst of the worst and trying to deal, and a few layers of that lawyer talk. He is not saying he is enjoying himself in a "fun" way. JMO.

Let me try to clarify. Have you ever read any true crime books? Say, Ann Rule. Do you remember the "jokes" the writer, if Rule then she, says the police and detectives make while looking at the body? Well, lawyers use wit in a similar and very heavily sarcastic way sometimes. Hope that helps.

Yes, it's called Gallows humor, meant to defuse a very upsetting situation by pointing out something ridiculous- but these comments are NEVER ever made in public. That is, if you have any sense of propriety at all.
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