2010.03.18 New High Powered Attorney Cheney Mason Joins DT *MERGED*

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It almost seems to me like JB wants out of this. It seems as though he is tring to put a team together for Casey, and he is acting like a complete idiot to purposely be thrown off the case. Maybe that is his plan, maybe he wants CM to take over, JB already has his money and he shows no real intrest in actually defending Casey, maybe thats what all this is about.
Well anyone with an ego will eventually get too big for his britches. And that's exactly what I think of Cheney after seeing him today. TM was supposed to be a big deal as well when he signed on to this case. And where is he today? Probably sitting on a Mexican beach drinking Coronas.....just sayin.
He seemed likable to me. So he's old, is there anything wrong with that? He seemed to lighten up the atmosphere. Its good to see Kc smile, its time to stop the name calling and get back to the evidence. If Kc walks, its because she is truly innocent, not because this man made her innocent. There is nothing to be afraid of. If the evidence is there, then it will show she is guilty. So far, the evidence just isn't there in my opinion.

1.31 days her daughter is missing and she does not report it

2.her car smells like a "damn dead body", and she was the last known to drive it.. By Tony's statement that he picked her up at the amscot.

3.She says she dropped her daughter off at Sawgrass Apt which has been empty for several months... then you say you were held down at a park and your daughter was taken.

4. She has no phone number, or address nor can she prove that she ever had numbers or addresses of the so called Nanny.

5. She lied about working at Universal.

6. She was the last one seen with the Caylee.

7. Her exact words " In my heart I know she is close to home" and low and behold she is found in the woods close to her home.

8. The garbage bags, and laundry bag, and duct tape found with the remains, similar to that at the home

9. No proof of a nanny, no one has seen a nanny, and she had no need for a nanny because she had no job.

10. Now its not the Nanny, it might be, Kronk, Grund, Amy... and umm who else have they tried to pin this on???? Seems like if you dropped your child off with a nanny you would know who the nanny is, but they dont seem to know who she is... OH wait she is a 10 with brown hair, brown, eyes, drives a silver car has a sister name Samantha... Ummm Kronk, Grund, and Amy DO NOT FIT that discription.

and these are just a few, so yes the evidence is there........ and the jury will see that.
He seemed likable to me. So he's old, is there anything wrong with that? He seemed to lighten up the atmosphere. Its good to see Kc smile, its time to stop the name calling and get back to the evidence. If Kc walks, its because she is truly innocent, not because this man made her innocent. There is nothing to be afraid of. If the evidence is there, then it will show she is guilty. So far, the evidence just isn't there in my opinion.

Oh pluheeeze, he's an old guy who's game played out a long time ago. You are right tho, this man can't make her innocent....nothing can....even a bully has been like this guy. Evidence isn't there? Dream on dream on. lol. And BTW, It would be be better to see Caylee smile wouldn't it? Ya.
I felt his courtroom antics and attempts at humor were completely inappropriate today. There is a time and place and this was not it. His comments about taking the case because "it's gonna be fun", I found peculiar and revolting. He didn't respond with, because KC is innocent or KC is not guilty, he responded with because it's gonna be fun. WTH? Where is the AL drama of saving this young pretty girl's life carp? (although I'm not missing it by any stretch of the imagination)

I see some potential problems with the Cheney/Baez duo. I don't feel they compliment each other and JB seems to thrive on the front seat LEAD thing. Don't know - that will be entertaining to watch. I do like the way JS reeled Cheney in on several occasions. I don't believe he's going to put up with the courtroom antics.
Praying for Justice for Little Caylee

That comment he made...that he took the case because "he thought it would be FUN" was all I needed to know about this guy.

FUN! Really? Sounds like he's making a game of this. Let's see if I can win! I want to end out my career with a bang!! Disgusting really.
That "fun" stmt just tells me that he doesn't really take this case seriously. It's fun you know. Not a serious matter or anything like that. I mean...someone was murdered and someone else's life is at stake. But you know...taking this case...it's all in fun and what not. Please! I'm over this guy already.
It almost seems to me like JB wants out of this. It seems as though he is tring to put a team together for Casey, and he is acting like a complete idiot to purposely be thrown off the case. Maybe that is his plan, maybe he wants CM to take over, JB already has his money and he shows no real intrest in actually defending Casey, maybe thats what all this is about.

JB is clearly over his head.
Cheney defended Lisa Nowak the NASA astronaut in the love trialngle.

Mr. Mason has also represented Lou Pearlman (Back Street Boys creator) though later sued him for nonpayment of legal fees.

Mr. Mason has been sued in an INTERESTING case. In his defense of Nelson Serrano, Mr. Cheney went on NBC and issued a challenge to anyone that could prove guilt.....A $million$ dollar challenge.

Mason argued on Dateline that there was no way that Serrano could have committed
the murders in Florida and been at the Atlanta La Quinta by the time the video showed him there.
Mason said that, “n less than half an hour, Serrano would have had to get off a wide body jet, exit
Atlanta airport—one of the busiest in the world—and arrive back at his hotel five miles away. All
in time to be photographed looking up at that surveillance camera.” See
13. Mason then issued the challenge at the center of this lawsuit: “I challenge anybody
to show me, I’ll pay them a million dollars if they can do it.” Id. The NBC reported questioned
Mason to make sure he understood the terms of the challenge: “If they can do it in the time
allotted?” Id. Mason clarified: “28 minutes. Can’t happen. didn’t happen.” Id.


Previous defendant asked that Mr. Mason be removed. Defendant filed Pro Se for mistrial.....

MR. Mason.....................YOUR thought bubble and strategy are showing too.

Actually the Nelson Serrano case was very interesting. I remember seeing it on Dateline. Nelson Serrano is sitting on death row after having been convicted. Not all of Mr Mason's smoke and mirrors managed to obscure the truth of what happened that night. He may be good but not even he is going to be able to get Casey out of this one.
He seemed likable to me. So he's old, is there anything wrong with that? He seemed to lighten up the atmosphere. Its good to see Kc smile, its time to stop the name calling and get back to the evidence. If Kc walks, its because she is truly innocent, not because this man made her innocent. There is nothing to be afraid of. If the evidence is there, then it will show she is guilty. So far, the evidence just isn't there in my opinion.

Well that's really what we need at the preparations for a Murder Trial isn't it? A nice light-hearted atmosphere.
I think there's nothing more incongruous, considering the reason they are all there, but whatever- I suppose that the brutal murder of a helpless little child shouldn't be allowed to spoil the 'fun', particularly for Mr Mason.
It's good to see KC smile? Would you mind explaining that comment..
He seemed likable to me. So he's old, is there anything wrong with that? He seemed to lighten up the atmosphere. Its good to see Kc smile, its time to stop the name calling and get back to the evidence. If Kc walks, its because she is truly innocent, not because this man made her innocent. There is nothing to be afraid of. If the evidence is there, then it will show she is guilty. So far, the evidence just isn't there in my opinion.

In reference to your statement of "If Kc walks, it's because she is truly innocent, not because this mad made her innocent".....I've got a name to throw at ya....O. J. Simpson!
My impression is that JS does not appreciate this Cheney person coming in with guns blazing... JS is already rocking back and forth in his chair which tells me he is irritated and he will quiet CM down shortly..

Yes, well...Mr. Ashton is a better man than I, cause calling someone ignant is fightin words where I'm from! :argue: :trout: :curses:
Pretty sure that's what I heard CM call JA, and JS seemd taken aback that CM got his panties in a wad over a light hearted moment.
Lemme get this straight-CM thinks it is not funny, it's not fun to be laughed at in court, but he thinks it's great fun defending KC for the murder of precious Caylee?
Did any of you notice how KC looked at her new attorney? And, the giggles? He apparently told her not to worry, he'd take care of it and she believed him....looking at her today, it was as if she felt he was on her level...deny all at any cost...and she liked it! She's safer where she is, she better hope he doesn't get her off!
I'm wondering if maybe it is not because JB WANTS out, but that he is preparing for HAVING to leave the case?

I have wondered just exactly who approached CM and why. He was going to retire, he was asked to take this case. I have a feeling everyone on every side knows JB cannot be lead counsel as he is still not DP qualified, and even if retained, that automatically makes the case void. (KC can choose to have him on as lead, but all sorts of appellate issues come into play,ineffective assistance of counsel is the first that comes to mind, meaning new trial granted.) I am beginning to think Judge, Prosecutors, and Defense team asked CM be put on the case behind the scenes.
Yes, well...Mr. Ashton is a better man than I, cause calling someone ignant is fightin words where I'm from! :argue: :trout: :curses:
Pretty sure that's what I heard CM call JA, and JS seemd taken aback that CM got his panties in a wad over a light hearted moment.
Lemme get this straight-CM thinks it is not funny, it's not fun to be laughed at in court, but he thinks it's great fun defending KC for the murder of precious Caylee?

Yea, he wants to have fun not be made fun of! He actually thought his "arrogance" would prevail today & all they had to do was waltz into court with an affidavit that stated the same exact figures we all read in the newspaper...with NO explanation of anything! I hope JS will put him in his place very soon! As far as I'm concerned, the outcome of todays hearing was no different with him at the helm! They still weren't prepared, they still looked incompetent, & the outcome is the same as it would have been minus one CM!
I have wondered just exactly who approached CM and why. He was going to retire, he was asked to take this case. I have a feeling everyone on every side knows JB cannot be lead counsel as he is still not DP qualified, and even if retained, that automatically makes the case void. I am beginning to think Judge, Prosecutors, and Defense team asked CM be put on the case behind the scenes.

I'm still trying to get over the coincidence that CM was Dom Casey's attorney -- if only very briefly....(His name is mentioned in a motion filed by M&M for ZFG's civil suit against KC.)
I have wondered just exactly who approached CM and why. He was going to retire, he was asked to take this case.

Respectfully snipped...

CM stated on InSession tv during his interview immediately following the hearing that JB had approached him just a couple days before yesterday's hearing. He didn't state why.
It is pretty much common knowledge up here that certain high-speed lawyers have certain judges that they are buddies with. This has the paradoxical effect of those lawyers especially minding their Ps & Qs when practicing in front of their 'friends'. I seriously doubt that CM is a 'buddy' of JS from both the 'vibes' between them yesterday and CM's behaviour. One thing I do know about those allegedly 'high-speed' lawyers. It is a common denominator that they are paid for their advice. If a client refuses to heed their advice over and over, you can bet there will be a parting of ways.

This gives me very mixed feeling about yesterday's developments. In no way am I worried that Caylee will not see justice. That is as inevitable as the sunrise. CM plays to the cameras as much as his client, IMHO. The last thing this case needed was another fan of making the news. The good part is he is an experienced and known lawyer. If there is anyone on that team who is going to objectively assess the case and try to get the client to see reason, our hopes are better pinned on this guy then the others. If this post seems to lack me usual focus, mea culpa. 1st cigarette and coffee are yet to happen. House-sitting means smoking on the porch. It is a wee bit nippy here in SW Pennsylvania.
Cheney defended Lisa Nowak the NASA astronaut in the love trialngle.

Mr. Mason has also represented Lou Pearlman (Back Street Boys creator) though later sued him for nonpayment of legal fees.

Mr. Mason has been sued in an INTERESTING case. In his defense of Nelson Serrano, Mr. Cheney went on NBC and issued a challenge to anyone that could prove guilt.....A $million$ dollar challenge.

Mason argued on Dateline that there was no way that Serrano could have committed
the murders in Florida and been at the Atlanta La Quinta by the time the video showed him there.
Mason said that, “n less than half an hour, Serrano would have had to get off a wide body jet, exit
Atlanta airport—one of the busiest in the world—and arrive back at his hotel five miles away. All
in time to be photographed looking up at that surveillance camera.” See
13. Mason then issued the challenge at the center of this lawsuit: “I challenge anybody
to show me, I’ll pay them a million dollars if they can do it.” Id. The NBC reported questioned
Mason to make sure he understood the terms of the challenge: “If they can do it in the time
allotted?” Id. Mason clarified: “28 minutes. Can’t happen. didn’t happen.” Id.


Previous defendant asked that Mr. Mason be removed. Defendant filed Pro Se for mistrial.....

MR. Mason.....................YOUR thought bubble and strategy are showing too.

Actually Donald Lykkebak defended Lisa Novak at her trial. Mr. Mason was not involved in this case. Donald Lykkebak and Cheney Mason are partners in their law firm.

Mr. Mason did defend Mr. Serrano. It was a death penalty case, and the case was circumstanial. Mr. Serrano was found guilty, and sentenced to the death. If you would like to read about the case please search Florida vs Serrano.
I wanted to like him at first, I was digging that old southern gentleman with a sharp wit and a quick tongue personality-Then it turned nasty, like he needed his naptime and JS was keeping him from it.
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