2010.03.18 New High Powered Attorney Cheney Mason Joins DT *MERGED*

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Yes, it's called Gallows humor, meant to defuse a very upsetting situation by pointing out something ridiculous- but these comments are NEVER ever made in public. That is, if you have any sense of propriety at all.

I agree these comments should not be made public, but alas we live in the days (yet again=1800's England) of media sensationalism, and it pays apparently. Very sad. However, if the media was not pursuing this case, none of us would be here typing about it. We would never have known, it would have been one of millions of murder cases that no one hears about, and would have been tried and resolved by last November. So, you have to take the comments with the reality.

CM gave an answer and he answered honestly as any defense attorney on a bad murder case could. I have to give him something for that, bravado, poor taste and all. Not much he could say without it being misconstrued, so he did the best thing he could. He stated that this will be a pain.
Yes, it's called Gallows humor, meant to defuse a very upsetting situation by pointing out something ridiculous- but these comments are NEVER ever made in public. That is, if you have any sense of propriety at all.

I agree. I understood what he was saying but I found it distasteful and disrespectful to both the victim and the legal process. He is not the centre of this, Caylee is not some satellite orbiting his sun.
I was not impressed by Mason at all. I thought he was rude with JS and tried to interrupt constantly. When asked by reporters why he took the case his explanation was that it was going to be fun and then when asked wasn't he close to retirement he answered, "yeah this is going to help me". That tells me he expects money of some kind at some point in this case (especially after the comments he made early on about this case). I still strongly feel there is some kind of big payout planned at the end of the case if they can get KC a not guilty verdict.

:clap::clap::clap: Yep, someone else trying to get a piece of the pie! Except they are claiming it's all gone. If you notice in Baez's interview he states that all attorney's have a trust, he says all lawyers have a trust. A reporter asked if they had payed taxes on the money and he didn't answer that question. I wonder what this trust is for? They are working pro-bono so why would they need a trust account? What money would go into the trust, if they are not recieving any? And if they are, where did the money come from? Seems as if we come back to the same question. Where did the money come from and where did it go?

He also makes it sound as if he was the one that seek-ed out Mr.Mason to join the team. Or at least he is taking credit for it in this interview.

Baez: I was looking all over for a Perry Mason. The best I could do was Cheney Mason,” Casey's lead attorney, Jose Baez, told the media after Thursday’s hearing (watch full interview). http://www.wftv.com/video/22878495/index.html
I saw he was trying to contol the courtroom...glad Judge Strickland took control. He actually thought that they would do the in camera to tell of the finances. I saw him starting to strut off and Judge Strickland stopped him cold and of course would not allow him to take Inmate Anthony with them, he doesn't make the rules, he enforces them.

This will be a challenge now that he seems to know his way around the courtroom. Bet we see motions be written correctly now. I don't believe he will get an acquittal as he may think..I want to see her get LWOP so she can think about why she's incarcerated every day of her natural life...Caylee's life mattered, her death horrendous and screams for justice.

Inmate Anthony seems a little worried and hope she's getting the understanding, this is going to be some trial, her at the center of it and her wrong doings. She should feel embarrased and humiliated, instead she's all smiles and struts. I'd love to knock that smirk off her face, once and for all. It's bad enough Caylee is funding her defense..she never acknowledges her parents and they hang on to hope she's coming home cause she's innocent!

All I know is, God don't like ugly and karma kicks. We are witnesses to some of that Karma knocking, I want it to knock harder! :banghead:
:clap::clap::clap: Yep, someone else trying to get a piece of the pie! Except they are claiming it's all gone. If you notice in Baez's interview he states that all attorney's have a trust, he says all lawyers have a trust. A reporter asked if they had payed taxes on the money and he didn't answer that question. I wonder what this trust is for? They are working pro-bono so why would they need a trust account? What money would go into the trust, if they are not recieving any? And if they are, where did the money come from? Seems as if we come back to the same question. Where did the money come from and where did it go?

He also makes it sound as if he was the one that seek-ed out Mr.Mason to join the team. Or at least he is taking credit for it in this interview.

Baez: I was looking all over for a Perry Mason. The best I could do was Cheney Mason,” Casey's lead attorney, Jose Baez, told the media after Thursday’s hearing (watch full interview). http://www.wftv.com/video/22878495/index.html

Do we know where the $5,000 donation came from. They mentioned a charity. Would that be the Kid Finders Network I wonder?
He might be considered really good in lawyer circles, but if he behaves like he is behaving today come trial-time, he is gonna get KC convicted.

I thought he was quite flamboyant and a bit overbearing the way he addressed the court.
Do we know where the $5,000 donation came from. They mentioned a charity. Would that be the Kid Finders Network I wonder?

Interesting theory. If true that'd be yet another abuse of the victim, Caylee. It'd be taking KFN donations and the sale of t-shirts towards searching for Caylee alive and using it to instead defend her alleged killer. However, it would not surprise me.
Ok, how long will it be before KC starts writing Mrs. CM on her yellow legal pad? :) CM has charisma, no matter how irritating he can be, he is experienced and even KC has got to notice the diference between him and JB! She is loving the attention of yet another male, you could see that today.
When they said he has tried 50 murder cases successfully does that mean he has a perfect track record, trying 50 murder cases total and all ending in aquittals? Or 50 out of all the cases he tried ended that way? If he has a perfect track record I'm scared!
WHY!!!!!!!!!??????????????? Why Why Why??!!

What is it about this case that is pulling all these "Pro's"? Why weren't they on Dahmers wagon? Or any other accused killer??

It's the game, the challenge, the "fun" ... it's sick HELLO ... remember the little 2 year old named Caylee ??? :razz:
So, this hot shot Florida attorney is saying that whatever amount the state uses to try a case should be the same amount used to defend.

Can you imagine the cost to taxpayers if that became a reality?

I'm not getting the parallel here ... do they also expect to get what LE, FBI, Oakridge and numerous experts got to investigate the case ??
Besides the state has put a lot more work into preparing it's case than the defense has ... that's pretty obvious ... so I'm not getting what Mason is saying here ... seems he wants to end his career with a bang ... he made some pretty big statements today ... he may be a reknown even well-respected defense lawyer but he sounded like blowhard Macaluso to me ... JMHO
When they said he has tried 50 murder cases successfully does that mean he has a perfect track record, trying 50 murder cases total and all ending in aquittals? Or 50 out of all the cases he tried ended that way? If he has a perfect track record I'm scared!

Well there's one guy he defended in FL, can't remember his name, he killed 4 people and is sitting on death row ... success? I think not
Ok, how long will it be before KC starts writing Mrs. CM on her yellow legal pad? :) CM has charisma, no matter how irritating he can be, he is experienced and even KC has got to notice the diference between him and JB! She is loving the attention of yet another male, you could see that today.

Uh oh, Baez is going to get jealous! Casey is supposed to be HIS girl! All that time in the office...this could get interesting!
Ok, how long will it be before KC starts writing Mrs. CM on her yellow legal pad? :) CM has charisma, no matter how irritating he can be, he is experienced and even KC has got to notice the diference between him and JB! She is loving the attention of yet another male, you could see that today.

Do you think that while KC writes 'Mrs. CM' on her yellow legal pad, LA will be wherever he is doodling 'CMA CMA CMM'?
Well there's one guy he defended in FL, can't remember his name, he killed 4 people and is sitting on death row ... success? I think not

Nelson Ivan Serrano on death row after being defended by Cheney Mason.
I agree. I understood what he was saying but I found it distasteful and disrespectful to both the victim and the legal process. He is not the centre of this, Caylee is not some satellite orbiting his sun.

ITA. I'm a Southerner, so I'm double offended by the way he was in court today. Good ol' boys are right up there with Ku Klux Clan to me. I don't like the South being smeared by people like him.

And I don't care if it's gallows humor, it is inexcusable to talk about this case like it's a Hollywood production rather than about a murder of a two year old child! I wonder if CM has any grandchildren. How can he be so cavalier about this like it's a piece of cake?

He's either crazy, or because he's about to retire he was probably like "Oh, why not?" Like the defense team needed another character to make themselves look worse...
I felt his courtroom antics and attempts at humor were completely inappropriate today. There is a time and place and this was not it. His comments about taking the case because "it's gonna be fun", I found peculiar and revolting. He didn't respond with, because KC is innocent or KC is not guilty, he responded with because it's gonna be fun. WTH? Where is the AL drama of saving this young pretty girl's life carp? (although I'm not missing it by any stretch of the imagination)

I see some potential problems with the Cheney/Baez duo. I don't feel they compliment each other and JB seems to thrive on the front seat LEAD thing. Don't know - that will be entertaining to watch. I do like the way JS reeled Cheney in on several occasions. I don't believe he's going to put up with the courtroom antics.
Praying for Justice for Little Caylee
He seemed likable to me. So he's old, is there anything wrong with that? He seemed to lighten up the atmosphere. Its good to see Kc smile, its time to stop the name calling and get back to the evidence. If Kc walks, its because she is truly innocent, not because this man made her innocent. There is nothing to be afraid of. If the evidence is there, then it will show she is guilty. So far, the evidence just isn't there in my opinion.
I am getting more and more disgusted by the people who are coming out of the woodword for this woman. It's also leaving a general distaste for defense lawyers. Here she is, conning people from family, to friends to the general public, day in, day out, never supporting herself or her child (regardless of her innocence/guilt), the only way she has managed to make a dime is by exploiting her own poor dead child and somehow she manages to have a team that rivals O.J. As much as I love America, it turns my stomach how easy it is for people to have so much that they do not deserve.
He seemed likable to me. So he's old, is there anything wrong with that? He seemed to lighten up the atmosphere. Its good to see Kc smile, its time to stop the name calling and get back to the evidence. If Kc walks, its because she is truly innocent, not because this man made her innocent. There is nothing to be afraid of. If the evidence is there, then it will show she is guilty. So far, the evidence just isn't there in my opinion.

If KC walks it's because she's truly innocent? Really? Wow...OJ must really be innocent cause the dude walked! Sorry! I couldn't resist that one!
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