2010.04.05 Hearing Today Monday 10am EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Mr. Mason said "If we can prove with evidence at least a reasonable doubt that somebody else had to put that body there when she could not have, then logic 101 controls. That means that somebody else was involved. Doesn't mean that somebody else did the actual killing."

That statement to me sounds like they know that KC killed Caylee and that someone else put her body there. Did anyone else take that to mean the same thing?

Sounds like he is trying to prove that even if someone moved the body, KC killed her.

Who exactly is he working for??
RE: MN stating JB could go to office -- JB "We shouldn't have to go to his office", accuses MN holding pressers just to get info out (what?!?)

I think JB's comments regarding MN are purely sour grapes. He's just mad that MN let the public know how JB operates and told the truth that behind the scenes and ridiculous, repetitive motions, JB isn't doing anything to resolve the issue himself! JB is to busy calling his own pressers to bother with his own share of the work. Sheesh!

Way to go MN! keep up the pressers and expose the shenanigans that are costing us a fortune!
KC and the other inmate discuss in the letters what they want to do when they get out of jail. Is this an OJ moment of, KC didn't kill her daughter, but doesn't discuss that if she gets out of jail that she wants to find the real killer. I bet she doesn't mention looking for the "real killer" if she gets out of jail.
JB & CM just yammering about the body could not have been there. JJ & LB prove that. SA hendering their investigation, hiding witnesses (including an LEO)

Is it just me? Or didn't, just last week, we read the statements released from the SA - JJ, LB, TM, etc. that said (paraphrasing) "we weren't in the EXACT location the body was found, because that area was knee deep in water...."

I mean, WHAT? JB - can't you read like the rest of us. Geeeesh
Mr. Mason said "If we can prove with evidence at least a reasonable doubt that somebody else had to put that body there when she could not have, then logic 101 controls. That means that somebody else was involved. Doesn't mean that somebody else did the actual killing."

That statement to me sounds like they know that KC killed Caylee and that someone else put her body there. Did anyone else take that to mean the same thing?

Holy cow! Mason said that in court today? (I was not able to see the proceedings).

Wow. Sounds like they want to bring another one down with them, with no intention of proving Casey innocent. Interesting.....and bizarre. What's in it for Casey???? If someone else is involved, just squeal and cut a deal that way. This makes no sense to me.
If the other persons on the tape step forward and allowed the release of the tape, then it would be fine.

The point is, it's against the law to record anyone without their knowledge. Which is why when a business calls you or you call a business, you here a recorded message that says the call MIGHT be recorded. Just to CYA.

We know JJ knew he was being recorded, the other person I believe was Mort. So it's all up to Mort. I would think that the Defense only had to show up with a statement from Mort saying he OK'ed the taping being released.

Didn't we see in the most recent discovery already that Mrt and another woman signed a release saying they were not hurt by the recording and agreed not to file complaint or charges? I seem to recall this.
Forgive me for coming in at the tail end of everything. Did someone say Lyons is no longer working for KC?
Forgive me for coming in at the tail end of everything. Did someone say Lyons is no longer working for KC?

She wasn't there today, but have not heard she is off the case.
All the commentators I have heard agree that this was a waste of time and could have been settled in 5 minutes.

Sorry, These are all my words and Not verbatim. LOL! I can't listen and type at the same time. Just wanted to add a disclaimer to my posts.
Forgive me for coming in at the tail end of everything. Did someone say Lyons is no longer working for KC?

she wasn't present at the hearing, I think people are speculating that she is no longer part of the defense. There is no official word on that.
God, JBs incompetence is unbelievable. Has he worked as a lawyer before? His only job is to find SOME KERNEL of reasonable doubt, and get SOME JUROR to buy it. And he's asking... MN to do it for him?

"Listen, I don't want to come to your office and look through all the files to DEVELOP MY OWN LEGAL STRATEGY.. so, be a pal and pick out the files you think give me some reasonable doubt, okay?"
CM saying all evidence is exculpatory. No place of death, time of death, cause of death or who did it. Wants to do something relelvant at this point in his life. He was asked to join the defense.

He may want to remind himelf how all of things were missed. His client would not talk to police about anything relevant. She was buying time just so these very questions could not be answered.
Forgive me for coming in at the tail end of everything. Did someone say Lyons is no longer working for KC?

She was whining about travel expenses the last time they were in court. Doesn't surprise me she wasn't in court today. To my knowledge, she's still active on the case.
Holy cow! Mason said that in court today? (I was not able to see the proceedings).

Wow. Sounds like they want to bring another one down with them, with no intention of proving Casey innocent. Interesting.....and bizarre. What's in it for Casey???? If someone else is involved, just squeal and cut a deal that way. This makes no sense to me.

Not in court, but in an interview on In Session afterward. I rewound it several times to make sure that I had the wording correct. It was a WOW statement.
Mr. Mason said "If we can prove with evidence at least a reasonable doubt that somebody else had to put that body there when she could not have, then logic 101 controls. That means that somebody else was involved. Doesn't mean that somebody else did the actual killing."

That statement to me sounds like they know that KC killed Caylee and that someone else put her body there. Did anyone else take that to mean the same thing?

Wow! He just said that today?
I really don't understand how JB can argue that searchers were in the very exact spot Caylee's body was found and there was no body. It's not like searchers mark their paths with flags or something. And how could any searcher say for positive that they were at an exact spot in the woods? It's just not possible. Besides, how do they know an animal or weather didn't move her body from another spot. I don't know, this is all bs, imo.
:seeya: Hello to all of our guests! We'd love it if you'd join us on WS and let us know what you think about all of this! :blowkiss:
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