2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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I know this will be an unpopular opinion but those letters, taken in isolation, do make me feel sorry for Casey - which was probably her desired effect. It will be interesting to see how much they influence the jury should they be admitted as evidence in the trial, and when viewed in conjunction with all of the evidence against her.

I do think that Robin is just as manipulative as Casey is in her own letters to Tracey calling her 'sista' as Casey does her, and telling Tracey not to be jealous of her relationship with Casey as she is only using her to reduce her prision sentence. As for Tracey actually being jealous of Casey - they all come across as complete nutjobs!!

I also don't think that Jose knew about the letters or that he set them up. Now the public knows the story which was 'all going to come out at trial'. Casey asked 'Zanny' to take Caylee away for a few days which is why she didn't report her missing. Now the prosecution has time to get all their ducks in a row to prove this false. None of this is a good thing for Casey's defense or for Jose himself. Lord knows he isn't capable of putting up a good defense in the first place without having to think on his feet when the prosecution now has time to build a case against the tale he is going to put forwards.
When I read some of the letters, (only made to page 60ish, couldn't take it anymore!), they immediately reminded me of my stepdaughter when she was off her meds/not on the right meds for her bipolar disorder. The grandiose ideas/plans, the rambling, jumping from one idea to the next, the high energy Casey blames on candy. All hallmarks of BPD. Thankfully, my stepdaughter didn't kill anyone (just beat up her sister), but eventually, with inpatient treatment and the right meds, she is better now. Even my DH, who doesnt follow the case, believes KC is bipolar too. He reminded me of the med school prof here in NJ, who killed her parents; she was bipolar and on a manic stint at the time. I seriously think she needs to be on meds, I bet she'd be a different person, one who doesn't drug and murder her daughter! Disgusting!

Also, will JB face any sanctions since KC admitted that he smuggles in contraband to her? For an "officer of the court", he really thumbs his nose at the law, doesn't he?
One also needs to remember that the remains weren't immediately identified as Caylee hence why the defense was barred from the crime scene. So it would be easy to assume that based on that knowledge and application of the law the defense was not informed of any specific information about the remains until they were positively identified. However this conversation is completely OT to the discussion of the letters. This would be more appropriate in the RA transcript thread or possibly the creation of a new thread specifically discussing Yuri's supplemental report.


I agree. There is a lot in the supplemental report that differs from the transcripts released. The nature of the sexual abuse allegations are different and I'm guessing this is because we haven't seen his interview with RA. Plus I am not seeing where the mention of chloroform was used, except for in this report.
My gut feeling tells me that Baez knew exactly what he was doing when he didn't interfere with these letters being seen by all but I can't figure what his angle is. I just find it strange that he has fought so hard to shelter and protect Casey from the public all this time but yet he doesn't seem to think twice in letting the letters be released. I dunno, it just seems a little 'stage' to me. I also found it strange how she always looked forward to seeing her mom in court - I always thought she was closer to George. And then she mentions how her mom was trying to captialize and brings up ABC. Just makes ya wonder. And as others have said, I think it is totally wrong that Baez is slipping her food and notes from mommy dearest. As with everything else, this too will fall in place given time.

IMO Baez knew that fighting the release was a losing battle, although that never seemed to stop him before. There is a lot of damning info in those letters and interviews.

My overall impression after reading all the letters and interviews is that Casey is manic and has a personality disorder. Could this be the beginning of justifying an insanity defense? Because after reading everything, I'm more convinced than ever that she did it. Perhaps an accident, but not really -- Maybe, just maybe, she wasn't consciously planning on her dying, but drugging, duct tape, and being left in a trunk in Florida temps certainly would make the average person realize death was a likely outcome.
I was just wondering, what difference would it make whether the letters were or weren't released, regarding how much trouble JB could get into for the contraband? Who cares if the public knows it, when LE already knew it? We're not the ones that get JB in trouble, it's LE, the judge, etc. And they saw the letters already. So does it matter? Just not sure how that works.
It is interesting that her "confessions" of Chloroform use and Zanny not being real are not found in writing. These 2 inmates that make these claims are trying to bargain their own sentences with these manufactured Bombshells, imo. I don't believe she would make any admissions, to anyone.
This has been driving me crazy; I thought it was Cindy, but it was George who denied knowledge of Baez bringing letters back and forth between KC and the A's: pages 249 and 250. IIRC, Orange County at one time had to remind people that bringing letters in is considered contraband. KC mentions Baez doing this several times in her letters and they talk about it in the jailhouse visit videos. Yet George flat out denies it:

Again I ask, why has Baez not been taken off this case? All this talk about Baez smuggling in Suduku puzzles, letters that the family emails to him to give to Casey and letters they write to her, he smuggles in as well. I would really like to know where those letters are? Can't the jail do a cell inspection? I thought this behavior on Baez's part is unethical? Is it legal for him to smuggle items and letters to Casey? :furious:

Again, I really don't think Baez took the time to read these letters and that is why he did not stop them from being released. He is lazy IMO. I just don't understand how the Bar has not kicked him off this case or his practice. I don't get it...

I remember there was a fuss aout JB taking his computer into the jail. We speculated that he was doing it so K C could communicate privately with the A's.IIRC ,JS allowed him to continue bringing the computer in. Does anyone remember this? Am I way off base? LOL
I was just wondering, what difference would it make whether the letters were or weren't released, regarding how much trouble JB could get into for the contraband? Who cares if the public knows it, when LE already knew it? We're not the ones that get JB in trouble, it's LE, the judge, etc. And they saw the letters already. So does it matter? Just not sure how that works.

Good questions.
On page 79 Casey mentions how much she loves stickers. Considering that the heart shaped sticker was found on or near the remains....that is just mind blowing.
It is interesting that her "confessions" of Chloroform use and Zanny not being real are not found in writing. These 2 inmates that make these claims are trying to bargain their own sentences with these manufactured Bombshells, imo. I don't believe she would make any admissions, to anyone.

But the thing is, at least one of those inmates is now in Federal prison. So much for bargaining sentences, unless they're trying to get the sentence shortened. And there's no evidence that's surfaced proving any bargaining, yet anyway.
It is interesting that her "confessions" of Chloroform use and Zanny not being real are not found in writing. These 2 inmates that make these claims are trying to bargain their own sentences with these manufactured Bombshells, imo. I don't believe she would make any admissions, to anyone.

It may not be true,but the recipient of the letters has already been sentenced and she did not use any of the letters or conversations.
This has been driving me crazy; I thought it was Cindy, but it was George who denied knowledge of Baez bringing letters back and forth between KC and the A's: pages 249 and 250. IIRC, Orange County at one time had to remind people that bringing letters in is considered contraband. KC mentions Baez doing this several times in her letters and they talk about it in the jailhouse visit videos. Yet George flat out denies it:


Yet "River" states that he told her it was the truth. ???
I remember there was a fuss aout JB taking his computer into the jail. We speculated that he was doing it so K C could communicate privately with the A's.IIRC ,JS allowed him to continue bringing the computer in. Does anyone remember this? Am I way off base? LOL

Yes, I remember the fuss about JB and the computer.
I remember there was a fuss aout JB taking his computer into the jail. We speculated that he was doing it so K C could communicate privately with the A's.IIRC ,JS allowed him to continue bringing the computer in. Does anyone remember this? Am I way off base? LOL

No, not off base Miss James, that was a point of contention a long time ago, he wanted to take his laptop in to the jail, to 'work'- lots here speculated he was forwarding emails or connecting to Skype.
Personally myself I'm waiting to see when and if the A's and defense will respond to these letters and sworn statements from the inmates. That and I'm curious how GA and LA will respond specifically to the sexual abuse allegations.
Interestingly I believe the statute of limitations would be up on such claims of sexual abuse?


My guess is that Cindy will say, just because George is a moocher, it does not mean he's a cheater or predator. :crazy:
:Ah ah ah CHOO!: Sorry...I just got a message from Daddy...he says that KC is going down..
This girl is absolutely a joke!
It is interesting that her "confessions" of Chloroform use and Zanny not being real are not found in writing. These 2 inmates that make these claims are trying to bargain their own sentences with these manufactured Bombshells, imo. I don't believe she would make any admissions, to anyone.

I'm sure the Defense will try to discredit their statements too, but I don't think either person stands to gain anything tangible from their comments.
But the thing is, at least one of those inmates is now in Federal prison. So much for bargaining sentences, unless they're trying to get the sentence shortened. And there's no evidence that's surfaced proving any bargaining, yet anyway.
I am no legal eagel, but the feds usually don't reduce sentences after they have been handed down. Anyone know anything about this ?
I'm sure the Defense will try to discredit their statements too, but I don't think either person stands to gain anything tangible from their comments.

How about $$ from the media?
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