2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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Clipped from today's news section:

UPDATED: Casey Alleges Family Abuse, Chloroform Use In Jail Letters
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 9:04:07 AM
In one letter, Casey wrote B-E-T-R-A-Y-A-L to describe her feelings about her mother. Casey wrote that she felt Cindy cares more about the national publicity than about her own daughter.

Casey and Adams had an agreement to flush the letters after reading them. But as Casey was writing the letters to Adams, Adams was forwarding them to another person for safekeeping. &#8220;This may be my only way out of prison sooner than my expected term. I only want to come home," Adams wrote to her friend, Tracy.

In that same letter, Robyn wrote "the only real question is: is there any useful information in those letters than can be used to convict her with murder?"

Anthony Family Denies Abuse Allegations
The Anthony family denies that there was any improper sexual behavior in their family nor was there ever a time when Casey told them of sexually inappropriate conduct by her brother or father.

Brad Conway, Anthony family attorney

Defense Response To Casey Anthony's Written Correspondence
The letters released today reflect the natural desire for companionship when isolated for 23 hours a day, and clearly demonstrate Casey's unconditional love for her daughter Caylee. Despite these intentions, it is obvious in the letters authored by Robyn Adams that her sole purpose and only goal in corresponding with Casey Anthony was to create &#8220;leverage to get out of prison early.&#8221; Furthermore, despite numerous inaccurate media reports, the letters written by Casey Anthony do not contain a single reference to chloroform or any admissions of guilt. Casey Anthony maintains her innocence and looks forward to her day in court.

-Liz Brown at the DePaul Center for Justice in Capital Cases

Video: Family Issues Revealed In Letters
http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer2...C&title=Family Issues Revealed In Letters

Video: Jailhouse Letters Released
http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer2...itle=Jailhouse Letters Released


Sooo....the A's deny any sexual abuse....surprise surprise surprise! Can't tarnish the perfect family, right?
Not that I believed Casey in the first place...
I read all the letters. First. Before reading these threads. Wish I had read the thread first, at least a little, so I would have known how to rotate the page! LOL

Some thoughts:
I, too, wish people who have not bothered to read the letters, documents, etc. would not post their OPINIONS about what is contained within the letters, documents, etc. Okay, I can see someone who hasn't had the time to read things yet asking "What do they say? What's in there?" But, come on, to then start speculating? It always just seems to cause such confustion.

For evidentiary value related to the actual murder charge, there don't seem to be any really, really big bombshells here IMO. Drivel, yes, lots of it. Interesting drivel for those of us who follow the case closely, absolutely! (To use an Anthonyism.)

The supplemental report certainly confirms George Anthony's visits to River's home. (See summary of LE interview with the gate guard named Jody.) Plus Casey's knowledge that
George either got fired or quit his job and continued to go out as if he was still working and no one knew where he had gone not only corroborates what was likely happening but also indicates she was getting info from either Cindy or Lee. (Who else would have passed this info on to her?) IIRC the time frame for this was supposed to be November 2008, which fits into the claims of River Cruz.

Casey comes across as a probably basically bright girl who is woefully undereducated. And yes, within her speech/writing patterns she inserts a whole lot of trite phraseology that somewhere along the way she has "internalized" as the mark of an "educated person". And Lee does this and Cindy does this.

I was struck by the fact that within her writings she more often refers to Jose Baez as "Baez" rather than as "Jose". Seems to indicate some sort of a distance between them IMO. And she does refer to thinking of him as being in a fatherly role. The crush she talks about is on "the other Jose" - "Jose #2". I believe his name is Jose Garcia. I saw no indication that the attorney returned these feelings.

Regarding Baez fighting the release of these letters: If there is nothing in there that would be considered to be evidence in the trial, would the funding provided by the State taxpayers pay for any type of a move to block the release of the letters? In other words, if the only reason for trying to block the release of the letters would be to avoid embarassment to the lawyers or family members, etc., would that even qualify for use of State funding?
I agree. Unfortunatly for KC, Robyn didn't flushy-flushy.

I would love to have seen Casey's reaction when she found out her bestest best friend forever didn't flush-a-roonie!

These letters confirm what so many have surmised about KC, but seeing her personality and thoughts in her own writing is so powerful.

I think Robyn actually summed it up perfectly when she wrote to her friend:
"I can see by her notes that she's not really all together up there. I cry every single day for my children and she's inviting me to Costa Rica???"
link:http://www.wftv.com/pdf/23069597/detail.html p. 13705
That monkey story was disturbing. The part about them decomposing and starting to smell...wow. How could she print a story like that, supposedly a joke, after all that's happened to her daughter. Of everything I've read so far, I think that's the most chilling.

I agree with you. Why would KC tell a story about decomposing monkeys? Then she talks about putting the dead monkey in the freezer to conceal the smell. Wonder if there is something in this sick monkey story that relates to how she hid Caylee until she dumped her body on Suburban Drive?
Still reading KC's notes, and apologies if someone has already commented on this...

She writes to Robyn that "Zany" (OT: KC loves her nicknames, doesn't she? And what a fitting nickname to refer to her mother? Wouldn't "Zanny" be spelled with 2 "n"'s?) took Caylee without her permission...

Immediately pictured KC returning to Hopespring on Father's Day after partying all Saturday night, expecting to see/pick up Caylee?

Perhaps Cindy left a note, saying that she would be taking care/seeking custody of Caylee until KC got her life together.

I can see KC being so enraged with fury and jealousy at her mother taking Caylee without her "permission" to go see Grandpa hours away - and furthermore, if Cindy did issue an ultimatum that day (verbal or written), I can see it pushing KC over the edge to the point where her plans became "tangled" and Plan B was set into motion...

I think that when Cindy and Caylee got home, KC may have been waiting and seething, and that's when the hit the fan...!!!:(

KC states she has unconditional love for her daughter but she actually demonstrates far more in written form her unconditional love for her "Cookie". JMO
I don't believe any mention of the blanket came up until a few days later when the A's returned home from the Ritz and CA mentioned to LE while they were finishing up with the house search about her people searched that area and there was nothing there. LE told her about the blanket and CA admitted one of Caylee's WTP blankets was missing. So that would have been after KC had her conversation with the inmate. JMO

This kind of refreshes my memory. I remember here on WS everyone was talking about why LE rushed to the Anthony house with a search warrant. We were talking about the bedding. How did we know?
after reading all the letters and police reports i have to say i see casey in a very young teen state of mind. perhaps if she is seen this way on trial along with her image change she will be portrayed not as the grown woman mom- sexy party girl but complete different image. when you think of casey now do you see her old look - short hair, sexy, strutting her stuff or her new look long hair, frumpy cllothes, ponytail, nervous touching her hair, wringing her hands? big difference in images. feel she was told to purposely let hair grow- as they can get haircuts in jail. many things i read shook me up a bit and i felt sorry for her. others had me shaking my head in - is this really how she thinks? surprised she said she had her period for 6 months and did not know pregnant- thats posible i now believe. also her seizures. she could have been scared of medical issues and her cancer scares. had to chuckel at her describing her clothing choices by others- she was concerned on cleavage showing - shows some good judgement of image-lol. man- if i was in jail i would not want to wear what they give her to wear to court! so- her alleged abuse of her is a open door of opinions. actually felt i got to know her a bit by reading her thoughts-- some were worth reading twice- some were off the wall- some were sad and some were deep in refecting her state of mind. i do not think the letters will hurt her- if jurors read them she does not sound like a killer- just a very mixed up young girl with some issues that are beyond belief.
I agree with you. Why would KC tell a story about decomposing monkeys? Then she talks about putting the dead monkey in the freezer to conceal the smell. Wonder if there is something in this sick monkey story that relates to how she hid Caylee until she dumped her body on Suburban Drive?

I'm just guessing, but I think a lot of what KC quotes in her letters came from all the "fan" mail she receives in jail including the print out of the monkey story. Someone may have mailed it to her as a sick joke, but it went over KC's dense head and she actually thought it was amusing. MOO
I think it is called "prison prayers". All criminals seem to reach out to God after they commit their crimes. Too bad they don't seek out God before they commit their crimes.

wasn't it way back in one of the ca interviews when ca told of how kc was the religious one of the crew???? that she prayed all the time and talked with her family about God and such????

I also find it so hard to believe that she would even write that she "forgives" zany (even after the death of her child--presumably at "zany's" hands!!) yet hold on to so many other fruitless grudges....as for her hatred of Jessie--think it was do to his being honest about her lying and such...didn't mix alot of words---I do wonder what she thinks of tonE after his conversation with Lee???? especially the part of her never shutting up and Lee was the same way......
Still reading KC's notes, and apologies if someone has already commented on this...

She writes to Robyn that "Zany" (OT: KC loves her nicknames, doesn't she? And what a fitting nickname to refer to her mother? Wouldn't "Zanny" be spelled with 2 "n"'s?) took Caylee without her permission...

Immediately pictured KC returning to Hopespring on Father's Day after partying all Saturday night, expecting to see/pick up Caylee?

Perhaps Cindy left a note, saying that she would be taking care/seeking custody of Caylee until KC got her life together.

I can see KC being so enraged with fury and jealousy at her mother taking Caylee without her "permission" to go see Grandpa hours away - and furthermore, if Cindy did issue an ultimatum that day (verbal or written), I can see it pushing KC over the edge to the point where her plans became "tangled" and Plan B was set into motion...

I think that when Cindy and Caylee got home, KC may have been waiting and seething, and that's when the hit the fan...!!!:(

From what CA stated her and Caylee got home about four, and CA fed Caylee then went into the pool. KC arrived put her bathing suit on to join them, and CA said, she was taking Caylee out of the pool because it was getting chilly. Maybe KC wanted to play with Caylee in the pool, and CA said no she is going inside. KC might have flipped out at CA for "playing mommy to Caylee" again. Maybe that is what caused the two to get into another fight. Who knows when you are dealing with two liars!
I think these letters will hurt her in court. To me it shows that yes she does mention Caylee a few (and notice I said few) times but then within two seconds she was onto a totally different subject. A mother who mourns the loss of a child could never switch gears that quickly IMO.

When Caylee was first reported missing they had the date wrong by a week. What mother would forget the exact day that her daughter disappeared. If I were on the jury, that one fact alone would make me say guilty, I would not even have to hear the tons of other evidence against her.
BBM ~ Isn't the statue of limitations 20 years post the 18th birthday of the victim????? Or something to that affect. Is Florida different in this situation???

Not that I believe Casey is anyone's victim....(IMO)....... just saying about statues

Well to be honest I'm not entirely sure, but from reading the info at the link.


Felony that resulted in death: none; perjury in official proceeding that relates to prosecution of a capitol felony: none; Capital or life felony: none; 1st degree felony and 2nd degree felony for abuse or neglect of aged or disabled adult: 5 yrs.; others: 3 yrs.; other felony, violation of securities transaction: 5 yrs.; violation of environmental control: 5 yrs. of date of discovery; any offense which fraud or breach of fiduciary obligation is a material element: 3 yrs.; misconduct in public office: within 2 yrs. of leaving office or any above limit, whichever is greater; sexual offenses (battery, assault, intercourse under age 18): begins running at age 16 or when violation is reported, whichever is earlier.

So after looking at 794.011 Sexual battery for Florida. Lee's statute of limitations would be up because his would be a 1st degree felony and would start when Casey turned 16. The limitation on such is only 5 years. I'm not sure what factors Lee's age would be.

However Casey said GA sexually assaulted her when she was younger. If Casey was under 12 that would be a capitol felony in Florida and would have no statute of limitations.

So if this was true (which I question) then GA could still be charged and prosecuted.....in theory. I didn't realize Florida listed that as a capitol felony.
I believe both inmates were polygraphed.

"believe" as in you think so? Or "believe" as in you think you read that somewhere? Because if they (especially Robyn) passed a polygraph that could be huge, imo.
I agree with you. Why would KC tell a story about decomposing monkeys? Then she talks about putting the dead monkey in the freezer to conceal the smell. Wonder if there is something in this sick monkey story that relates to how she hid Caylee until she dumped her body on Suburban Drive?

Those were my thoughts exactly...including the reference to freezing the monkeys to conceal the smell. Just wow...I can't shake the disgust I feel about this since reading that in her letters.
after reading all the letters and police reports i have to say i see casey in a very young teen state of mind. perhaps if she is seen this way on trial along with her image change she will be portrayed not as the grown woman mom- sexy party girl but complete different image. when you think of casey now do you see her old look - short hair, sexy, strutting her stuff or her new look long hair, frumpy cllothes, ponytail, nervous touching her hair, wringing her hands? big difference in images. feel she was told to purposely let hair grow- as they can get haircuts in jail. many things i read shook me up a bit and i felt sorry for her. others had me shaking my head in - is this really how she thinks? surprised she said she had her period for 6 months and did not know pregnant- thats posible i now believe. also her seizures. she could have been scared of medical issues and her cancer scares. had to chuckel at her describing her clothing choices by others- she was concerned on cleavage showing - shows some good judgement of image-lol. man- if i was in jail i would not want to wear what they give her to wear to court! so- her alleged abuse of her is a open door of opinions. actually felt i got to know her a bit by reading her thoughts-- some were worth reading twice- some were off the wall- some were sad and some were deep in refecting her state of mind. i do not think the letters will hurt her- if jurors read them she does not sound like a killer- just a very mixed up young girl with some issues that are beyond belief.

Not trying to be rude...but while she may not "sound" like a killer to some, she is a killer who did not report her daughter missing for 31 days and partied like a rock star the entire time. She rode around with decomp from her dead daughter and described it as a dead squirrel. As far as I'm concerned she could walk into court for her trial in a nun's habit, but it won't hide the fact that she is a cold blooded killer.
I think these letters will hurt her in court. To me it shows that yes she does mention Caylee a few (and notice I said few) times but then within two seconds she was onto a totally different subject. A mother who mourns the loss of a child could never switch gears that quickly IMO.

When Caylee was first reported missing they had the date wrong by a week. What mother would forget the exact day that her daughter disappeared. If I were on the jury, that one fact alone would make me say guilty, I would not even have to hear the tons of other evidence against her.

It was the grandparents who first threw out the early date (July 9th). Casey's statement was "31 days ago"
This kind of refreshes my memory. I remember here on WS everyone was talking about why LE rushed to the Anthony house with a search warrant. We were talking about the bedding. How did we know?

Exactly! So if LE knew there were other items found with the body JB had to over hear that info too. JB, LKB, HL, and I think a botanist were at the site when Caylee's remains were found that day. JB could have been the one who told KC when he went to the jail to talk to her on December 11. The only other persons would be the A's due to LE going to the house for items relating to things found with the remains. So take your pick it was JB or her parents via DC. My vote is JB.
I'm just guessing, but I think a lot of what KC quotes in her letters came from all the "fan" mail she receives in jail including the print out of the monkey story. Someone may have mailed it to her as a sick joke, but it went over KC's dense head and she actually thought it was amusing. MOO

Well, that's the best explanation of that gross story that I've seen so far! How did that not gross KC out? But, then again, I go back and remember some of her Photobucket images and it all fits together like puzzle pieces. Her mind is a very scary dark place!! Poor Caylee!
Casey wants out of Jail, and hopes no one will notice who she is. I think Casey knows many people believe she is guilty and that her life on the outside of the bars would not be great. She talks about changing her name, she even asks Robyn what name would you give me? She talks about changing her hair color to blonde to red, to even highlights. Traveling the world is in her thoughts, but she doesn't realize the whole world knows who she is already. No makeover would help her. She even states she misses being a part of society. Casey is dreaming about lah lah land, massages, the sun shopping etc. She can kiss that all goodbye. I really would like to know why she feels so confident she will be out soon, even in one of Robyns letters she stated Casey didn't seem to worry to much about her case.
She asks Robyn what song describes your life right now or the way you feel? Casey's reponse is mine is By Fiona Apple I'm a Bit** I'm a mother she crosses out corrects it with lover I'm a child I'm a mother, I'm a sinner I'm a saint. She then go's onto talk about demons.
Casey states that one of her friends has stuck by her side and sent her a letter, wonder what friend this is?
Seems like Jail is doing Casey good, remember when she was out on bond all smiles and shades on. Her letters now complain of cold showers, nasty food, loud people etc.
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