2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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I've been thinking about Crystal hiring that PI, & wondering if Ron ever hired one...because if I was in his shoes, & my child was missing, & cops were at a standstill, I would. I would be begging for help & answers. I wonder if Ron or the Cummings offered to help pay. I don't know if the PI's charging Crystal, it really doesn't matter, but I guess if he's right on this, he'll be entitled to the reward money.
I believe somehow, someway Haleigh became incompacitated BEFORE RC went to work and that's why he called 90 times from work
Couldn't call 911 or take Haleigh to the hospital-it would show drugs in her system or some kind of physical abuse (head injury perhaps)
Either GGS went to help or didn't go at all (just a story to provide an alibi for LE that Haleigh was fine AFTER RC went to work and before bedtime)
ToC and J were called to help sometime that night as Misty had no vehicle
Jr. saw the dark man and the couch bouncing because they were trying to revive Haleigh (I don't want to believe sex abuse:banghead:-but can't rule it out either!
Haleigh Dies:furious:
They knew they would have to call and report Haleigh missing
It took time to clean up and get rid of drugs and work on story
Haleigh is disposed of in the river (maybe)- weighted down somehow (inside a container of some kind or perhaps a duffel type of bag
Ron came home and coached Misty on her 911 call and was losing patience with her (IMO he made it look like he was losing patience with LE)
That's it so far and it is subject to revising upon further discoveries!!:waitasec:

I can go with your entire theory except the sexual abuse, cannot or don't want to go that route.
I am so going to bed! Sweet dreams to all.
Here is the procedure Misty's lawyer would follow in order to enter the evidence you discuss in Court. Clients normally don't address the Court, their lawyers do, as we've seen in Casey Athony's case. Misty's lawyer would schedule a consult for his client with a forensic psychiatrist who would either transfer Misty from jail to a medical treatment facility or interview her at the Jail. He would write a report disclosing intimate details about the crime and precipitating factors and submit it to her lawyer who in turn would forward a copy of the report to the Presiding Judge and prosecutor. This is the procedure we follow in Canada.
Thanks, I guess I was referring more to her taking the stand, with a judge present. I think if Misty is charged, a judge & jury would want to hear her tell her side. I would, in a case like this.
I went to bed for 2 hours, but was unable to close my eyes. Little by little, it started making sense regarding what happened that last day. The neighbor at the bus stop overheard Misty arguing with someone (probably Tommy) over some bad drugs they had gotten. (Probably Joe or Tommy had sold them to Ronald) At some point they were all together and a fight erupted over these drugs, or the money they spent, on these drugs. I don't know if the fight was between Tommy and Ronald, or Cousin Joe and Ronald, but I have to believe Ronald was involved. I think Haleigh was fatally injured over a bunch of stupid drugs. Since her death revolved around drugs, they were all forced to take part in the cover up of Haleigh's death. I believe Joe and Tommy were the ones to dump the body, while Ronald took off to work. I've always thought TN and AS knew what happened, but now, I think their involvement was much less. I still think they knew about it, I just don't think they will be drug into this investigation. That's gonna be hard to take, but I believe LE will be looking at it as not enough proof to press charges. I still think a gun was involved. I believe when Misty says there was a fight over a gun earlier in the week, she was actually talking about that day. That would be the fight between Cousin Joe, and Ronald, that Ronald denied ever took place. Misty called her brother Timmy, at one point that night, so I'm thinking she told him what happened, and he drove over in the van that Chelsea says was moved while she slept. That makes every Croslin involved, except Hank and Lisa, and that's because they were at the hospital. This makes Tommy and Timmy accessories, and I'm not sure what Cousin Joe could be charged with, if he was having an altercation with Ronald at the time Haleigh was injured. I think the headless rats in the mailbox was Ronald's way of telling Tommy how he dealt with people that ratted him out. And one more thing. I think Hank Sr. was tipped off as to what actually happened that night, and that's the reason, he has hounded Misty to tell what she knows. It will be interesting to see just how many people get arrested in the next few days. Nearly all the Croslins, could be the guests of the County for a few years. I've been thinking about what Lindsy said to Tommy about losing her family. She knew this was coming down several weeks ago. She urged him to tell the truth no matter what! I think when LE came to her home to talk about the kids, they clued her in as to what was about to happen. This is gonna make a good book for LP. It's just too bad a sweet little girl like Haleigh had to die, because selfish adults put their drugs first, and their children in harms way!
I can go with your entire theory except the sexual abuse, cannot or don't want to go that route.
I am so going to bed! Sweet dreams to all.

I know what you mean!:hug:
By the way, Tuba posted yesterday-
What 6:02 p.m. tonight (5:02 EST) reveals is first, that the scene inspection is thisclose to having actually dredged what was being sought.
Lets pray today is the day!!:praying:
I was just listening to Levi's radio blog show and I agree with Pat Brown's theory that Haleigh may have gotten her hands on drugs and od'd. I always thought it was strange that Haleigh's mattress was taken off her bed and put in her father's bedroom. Maybe that was done to keep a closer eye on Haleigh during the night if she shad taken something that she wasn't suppose to had taken. That mattress being placed in the bedroom is strange in itself since she had her own bedroom.
I don't know if Joe was involved in hurting or taking Haleigh. The short dream I got was a dish of pills, one full, one empty. So I think she got hold of them. Joe, Tommy and Misty may have been partying and maybe they gave her an oxy to get her to sleep, and she od, IDK. But the MH was staged, that has been my comment for this entire time. So if she wasn't sleeping, she now claims to know what happened, she was part of it. She helped stage the MH and dispose of Haleigh. I have to wonder if Joe left early, and Haleigh was found dead by Misty and called Tommy for help. Remember her and Ron fought, she turned off the phone. There was no laundry done, Ron said the bed wasn't slept in. Given what I see and what I "feel", I think she died of an over dose, of some kind and now Joe could be the patsy here. Just a thought running threw my head. This will be an interesting trail. Joe isn't going to want to admit he was there, let alone helped get rid of a body either.
if haleigh was taken alive and died elsewhere, i would think LE should be getting a search warrant to check out the magnolia street home. we have no evidence of death at green lane, but since lisa was at the hospital with hank, it would be logical to assume t & j took her to magnolia street and she died there.

of course if grandma flora is the source of the "joe did it" tip, we also have h & l saying she's kind of crazy--the call to le about hank beating lisa, the cops surrounding joe's home, etc---so who knows?
Just to add to my theory that there was a fight the day that Haleigh came up missing. I do believe there was a gun involved and Ron is at the center of all of this.

I think there is a lot of truth there and everybody had a hand in this. TN, GMS, Timmy, Jo, and Tommy. TN and GMS because they helped cover up the deed and Misty would've never been there had it not been for TN offering to pay her to babysit. Timmy, Jo, and Tommy for starting the altercation that led to Haleigh's demise. I think Misty's only way to deflect from Ron's family was to blame everything on her family.

Think about this for a minute: If Misty and Ron argued around 8:30p when the GMS supposedly left, I think Ron was told then that Haleigh had died from her injury and that info added to the 90+ calls made that evening by Ron. I believe that Misty was with one of the Cummings during the 8:30 fight over the phone or shortly after. NOW Ron is beyond himself and I think the phone call to Tommy around 9p was just to let Tommy know that the heat was really on now. All the while blaming Croslins for this tragedy. I think he called to give a threat. And because of that threat I think Tommy went to the mh to check on his sister because he could not get ahold of her over the phone because she had turned her phone off after talking to Ron. LE had phone records long ago and did not search this particular area. I'm quite sure if Misty had her phone on it would've pinged in that area, KWIM? but it didn't obviously because the area was never searched before now. so to me it's safe to assume that she did turn her phone off, as not to be detected in that area. But the phone went off right after GMS supposedly left (I think Misty left the mh when they did).
You've got Ron saying that he didn't ask Tommy to go check on Misty-I believe that too because he didn't make that call <looking for her> but to threaten Tommy, KWIM? We didn't hear why the phone call was made only what Ron DID NOT say in that phone call. So what did he say?
You've got Tommy saying Ron asked him to go check on Misty.
Neither one of them wanted to give the truth behind the phone call because it would've opened up a can of worms on the whole situation. If tommy would've told about what the phone call was really about-a threat from Ron....then LE would've wanted to know why the threat from Ron to Tommy....then they would have to tell about the fight...and so on and so on. Both of them were trying to avoid this from happening.

This is all jmo but I grew up around people like them and I've seen things happen and people involved go into cover your azz mode. They had to keep the fight quiet because it led to something else more horrific.

For example: a group of girls come to your house to fight your daughter. Boy problems. During the mist of the fight, your daughter falls and hit her head on the curb. DIES. Every girl that showed up at your house is going to be charged with killing her...why? because they all knew they were going over there to fight and because your daughter died behind that it makes them all guilty of the end result.
there is enough blame to go around in this group. Blame for leaving the kids with her in the first place, blame for lies, covering up, statements about her being "the best GF Ron ever had",. It goes on and on. Haleigh and Jr were at the center of the storm, and Jr was lucky to get out. JMO BBL
I am not good at this sleuthing- amazed at what a lot of you find out. I have no idea what really happened but I believe Tommy is involved. I have read ever word written by all of you. At the beginning, many wondered why the brothers were not talking and why we heard nothing from them. They were sleuthed and nothing could be found but what type of work they did. After Haleigh went missing Tommy started getting into trouble. He started getting stoned. He may have done drugs before but not like the last year. I think Missy would lie to her Father, Mother and anyone. Whatever happened has affected Tommy and I believe he is the one that finally broke. Not sure about Timmy but he sure left town quickly.
My theory is PB's theory...for today anyway lol.

The Daily Profiler: Criminal Profiling Topic of the Day:
Apr 14, 2010
"Snip" http://patbrownprofiling.blogspot.com/2010/04/criminal-profiling-topic-of-day-why.html

Criminal Profiling Topic of the Day: Why Ronald Cummings knows what happened to Haleigh. And how Joe fits into their plan.

I was just heading over here to post that link... :)

Plausible...and fits my general belief that RC is not 'just a grieving father'.

When the case first broke, I never envisioned it involving drugs. My vision at the beginning was that Haleigh had wet the bed and an angry RC went too far with his discipline. Then the cover up ensued. RC had to get to work for alibi so TC, MC were left to handle the disposal. Now, however, the drug scenario makes more sense...
My theory is PB's theory...for today anyway lol.

The Daily Profiler: Criminal Profiling Topic of the Day:
Apr 14, 2010
"Snip" http://patbrownprofiling.blogspot.com/2010/04/criminal-profiling-topic-of-day-why.html

Criminal Profiling Topic of the Day: Why Ronald Cummings knows what happened to Haleigh. And how Joe fits into their plan.

Lol @
...even while rumors are flying that Misty's cousin, Joe Overstreet kidnapped and killed Haleigh because he couldn't find Ronald's gun that he came to steal (what doofus came up with that idiotic scenario)...
I have to go with Pat's theory too, it fits with what we know about this group.
Lest we all forget with our theories, remember Tommy was one of the last people to see Haleigh alive at the MH. Remember him and his kids over there about 5 playing with Haleigh? Interesting that he was part of the "alibi", I think.

My opinion only
I also remember Misty Stated “she was riding her bike and popping wheelies” “She was Fine Then”.
I urge anyone who is unsure of rons' involvement in this case to go back and watch the very first interviews and tapes. His body language, eyes, and words are quite telling, IMO. I was suspicious of him right from the start due to these videos. Pat Brown is right on, imo.
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