2010.04.13 - What's going on in Tennessee? Joe talks to the media

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Nothing confirmed as fact unfortunately. Rumor that he took one and failed but nothing for sure. Maybe he will say.

:waitasec: I learn something new every day. Thanks for sharing, I never knew that Joe took one or that he failed. I must of been out sick. Darn, when did this come out? I totally missed this. TIA
PattyG just posted this video and update regarding Joe.
Thank You Patty!:blowkiss:

"snip" PG
InSessions (Jane) invited to Joe O's attorney's office to listen to the attorney ask Joe questions and also for InSessions to ask questions. This is suppose to happen around 4:00 PM EDT. However, there was no annoucement that this will be airing LIVE on HLN. Perhaps there may be "snippets" of the meeting on Issues or Nancy, or even perhaps Prime News. We just have to wait and see what happens.
HLN just ran new video of Joe walking near some trees (looking a bit like that Big Foot video from the 70s). The discussion is on Joe saying he has nothing to do with this.
Papa I feel the same!!! I am trying to use LOGIC in all this info that is coming out but SOMETHING just aint adding up for me. In regards to the what happen stuff I completely believe SOMEONE has spoken but my confusion comes in when I try to put together the who did what & all.
According to the below link a former FBI agent who is working for CS is the one who solved this case, and he states that it is because of him that they are at the site.
HLN just ran new video of Joe walking near some trees (looking a bit like that Big Foot video from the 70s). The discussion is on Joe saying he has nothing to do with this.

LOL-I thought the very same exact thing when I saw it
Does JOs lawyer have a good reputation ?

I called my son-n-laws father this morning, who is also an attorney here in Tennessee, and asked him that same question and his answer was.. YES..
But we all know how it can be with "The Good Ole Boy system...LOL..Not funny, really, but I was told he is a reputable attorney.. For certain..NG will know.. JMO
IF I knew I was guilty of homicide, and investigators had gone out of state to talk to me for an hour, I really don't believe I would then be going (voluntarily) on camera for an interview or presser with my attorney less than 24 hours later. I wouldn't want to press my luck that I could fake my emotions, statements and verbal tells that well.

I have no idea who did this, but that'd be pretty daring of JO to do if he was really guilty. JMO.
IF I knew I was guilty of homicide, and investigators had gone out of state to talk to me for an hour, I really don't believe I would then be going (voluntarily) on camera for an interview or presser with my attorney less than 24 hours later. I wouldn't want to press my luck that I could fake my emotions, statements and verbal tells that well.

I have no idea who did this, but that'd be pretty daring of JO to do if he was really guilty. JMO.

Nothing this family does is surprising.....they think they are invincible. Maybe this attorney wants National exposure and be invited on NG....

I think he is guilty...but the point is....why do atty's encourage this type of behavior guilty or innocent the client's best interest should be #1.... regardless of airtime or not it is not going to change anyone's opinion.
IF I knew I was guilty of homicide, and investigators had gone out of state to talk to me for an hour, I really don't believe I would then be going (voluntarily) on camera for an interview or presser with my attorney less than 24 hours later. I wouldn't want to press my luck that I could fake my emotions, statements and verbal tells that well.

I have no idea who did this, but that'd be pretty daring of JO to do if he was really guilty. JMO.

:waitasec: It must be something in the family genes that make this family so arrogant as to think that they can fool the public and LE. Here we have Misty failing polys and LVA, Tommy also reportedly failing poly, Timmy failing a poly per Tommy and now the cousin, Joe thinking that he can go on camera for an interview. I can't believe that Joe doesn't know anything about that evening. I can't understand how he could have been hanging with Timmy, Tommy and Misty and not at the least, know something about Haleigh. I think he has **** for brains, if he really does this.
Overstreet and his attorney plan to meet with the media this afternoon, Sirgo said the 20-year-old won't likely take questions.

April 14, 2010

"Snip" http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/...heriff-status-haleigh-cummings-case-unchanged

Late Tuesday two detectives from Florida brought Overstreet and his attorney in for a brief interview, said Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Kristin Helm, but the that agency is not involved in the case.

Overstreet's mother declined comment this morning at the family's home. Antioch is a part of Nashville.

His attorney, Shawn Sirgo, said this afternoon that Overstreet continues to deny involvement and hasn't been given any indication he's a suspect.

"He's been treated with the highest level of professionalism," he said. "Right now they're just trying to see how they can fill in the blanks."

He said the timing seems to only indicate that the investigation has gone into high gear, and they expected to be questioned again.

Sirgo has represented Overstreet for about three years. He declined to say what he represented him in regards to before Haleigh's disappearance.

Overstreet and his attorney plan to meet with the media this afternoon, but Sirgo said the 20-year-old won't likely take questions.

"He's not a sophisticated man by any means," he said. "It's not in his interest to make any statements. But it is in his interest to respond to these attacks on him."
Hardy hasn’t elaborated on whether anything has been discovered, but said Haleigh had not been found. He also hasn't elaborated on what evidence they are looking for or the tip itself.
Well, I agree with those of you who are utterly amazed at this family and cast of characters.

And, as many could say..."we don't catch them because they're the smartest." (LE re criminals, LOL)

Between the Casey Anthony family and this one, I think we're seeing a new level or breed of family cover-ups in crime. Throw so much cr(# around, muddy the waters more than ever, change your stories 5+ times, and one's got a much better chance of acquital. :furious: It used to be all the players wanting to get their stories straight with everyone else. Now it appears it might be best to have them all going different directions. Ugh.
I still cannot get news4Jax on this computer..........please update what is said.
I can't wait to see a video of it! TIA
There's something about being innocent that gives you the courage to do these things. Cousin Joe looks menacing, but I just don't believe Misty's story. If she was so afraid of Joe that she made up the intruder story, why not tell the truth, but change it to a "stranger" did it? Where's the evidence that backs up her story?
There's something about being innocent that gives you the courage to do these things. Cousin Joe looks menacing, but I just don't believe Misty's story. If she was so afraid of Joe that she made up the intruder story, why not tell the truth, but change it to a "stranger" did it? Where's the evidence that backs up her story?

Not trying to be argumentative, just pointing out that this is exactly what Misty and Tommy have done and I can't say innocent and their names in the same sentence without getting an eye twitch. LOL.

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