2010.04.17 Shoemaker says Ron and families told to prepare for funeral

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DNA Solves
I am now wondering if a certain bridge search a couple weeks ago where LE was searching for a murder weapon from a 3-year-old murder did in fact not lead them to some concrete evidence about Haleigh's demise. The timing would make sense re getting dna back etc. Anyone have a thought?
I have been thinking the same thing.
Well, like someone just said, that would be up to Crystal and RC. RC is the parent and the one who had custody (just remebered that )so I imagine he would be the one to prepare. Did they give Crystal custody of Haleigh? I don't think so...darn..I forgot about that. Let's see how benevolent he is...oh nevermind, the family reads the sites and will adjust accordingly. I think that Granny Sykes has done most of the babysitting and is the one who had the children most of the time. They never say if she did or give her credit, but I bet she loved them very much.

I am bitter about the way the court handled the custody from 2005. I should be grateful that they finally gave JR to Crystal but it took a major arrest to get that to happen and a full year....my God. A child's personality and development takes place in the first four years. The work is cut out for this family to help him recover.

But if Ron is in jail would't he lose his custody of Haleigh?
When I link to the site I get a message.. Page Not Found
Thank you for posting this tidbit of information though..

I don't recall Ron mentioning Jo O that night either on the 911 call.. So I don't know..


I do know he adamantly denied on national tv on 03-16-09 on the NG show that Jo O was ever there that night. JMO

I don't hear anything about Joe in the 911 call at all unless it's when he says I'll kill the person......but never says Joe and your right he has said all along that Joe wasn't there.....:furious::furious:
Do we know if this has been confirmed by another source? (the tpoic of this thread) It seems as though a former FBI agent said a few things last week that have not as yet turned out to be true, so just wondering. I can't imagine LE saying it at this time, unless they are planning to file murder charges this week and want to get it out there now that she is dead, whether they have a body or not, for trial purposes.
"He's not surprised," Shoemaker said, "and [Cummings] said if you go back and listen to the 911 tape he made a comment that night about "Cousin Joe.""

This could mean he never said Cousin Joe but something he said was about cousin Joe, like why did you let her get stole or something.

The good thing is the lawyer is quoting Ron. He will have to explain it.
The lawyer says that Ron said that the sheriff said plan on making funeral arrangements.

That is the problem.
The lawyer says that Ron said that the sheriff said plan on making funeral arrangements.

That is the problem.

Well I would think that a lawyer in a high-profile case like this one would be pretty certain about "funeral" arrangements before he is interviewed stating the same. I would expect PCSO to jump on this asap if this isn't factual or Mr. Shoemaker opened up a huge can of worms, IMO. Nothing is simple in this case. Nothing.
But if Ron is in jail wouldn't he lose his custody of Haleigh?

I would say yes, Ron would lose custody.
Ron has lost custody of Jr. since Jan 2010.

I am under the impression that Crystal has custody of Jr. since Ron was arrested in Jan. I assume they would of granted her custody of Haleigh as well, even thought Haleigh was/is missing.

As for who makes funeral arrangements, I would think they both have a right to that, but that CS would be the one that LE would release any remains to if they found any since Ron is in jail or if LE felt Ron was one of the POI.
But I am no expert, so I could be wrong.
"He's not surprised," Shoemaker said, "and [Cummings] said if you go back and listen to the 911 tape he made a comment that night about "Cousin Joe.""

This could mean he never said Cousin Joe but something he said was about cousin Joe, like why did you let her get stole or something.

The good thing is the lawyer is quoting Ron. He will have to explain it.

Here is the thing..if Ron is not surprised and he claims he said it on the 911 tapes. Then why did he denied the fight with Joe?
Why did he say over and over again, if he knew who did this he would of had his daughter back and he would of shot them.

I did not see Ron going to TN to shoot Joe. Nor did I ever hear him say, hey I know who did this and LE will not follow the lead. I need my daughter found and if LE dose not pick up Joe I will take the law in my own hands. Is that not what people do when LE ignores or gives up on their love one? The go on a media frenzy until responds.

He did say in his 911 call that if he found the person who did it before LE he would kill them. But he did nothing..except for marry Misty, get a tattoo, stop working, and started selling drugs. The complete opposite of what he claimed he would.
I would say yes, Ron would lose custody.
Ron has lost custody of Jr. since Jan 2010.

I am under the impression that Crystal has custody of Jr. since Ron was arrested in Jan. I assume they would of granted her custody of Haleigh as well, even thought Haleigh was/is missing.

As for who makes funeral arrangements, I would think they both have a right to that, but that CS would be the one that LE would release any remains to if they found any since Ron is in jail or if LE felt Ron was one of the POI.
But I am no expert, so I could be wrong.

I hope and pray that BOTH SIDES do this together.
I'm just wondering if it's premature to talk about funeral arrangements because there is nothing to bury at this point. If they were sure she was dumped at the docks and thought that they could find her remains at the search it might explain the funeral comment but I read somewhere they said they didn't find any human remains after they wrapped up the search.

So... either she used to be there but now there is nothing left to find, in which case there will be nothing to bury, ever, or she is somewhere else altogether in which case things are back where they started from, knowing one more place where she isn't.

I'm rambling but my point is, if LE mentioned funeral arrangements (as opposed to, say, a memorial service) it seems to imply they were pretty confident they were going to find her. Just wondering if it changed since they didn't find her at the docks.
Is it possible that they did find something, told the family about it... and are trying to keep it private- as to not have so much media attention?
If this is true, that LE has stated this, then I believe they found at least one bone and have received confirmation that it is Haleigh's. They could have found something before last week, before the media was informed they were looking. They have no obligation to tell public they found her until they have confirmed absolutely and even then not certain they have to reveal everything they know. But I still would want to hear this directly from LE, have we heard that? I no longer trust any other sources at all, and even LE tends to be as vague as possible.
Very impressive lab examining collected materials. Snipped from article posted by AngelWhoCares in Today's Current News very early this morning:

Anthropologists from the C.I. Pound Human Identification Lab at UF were at the search site in southeastern Putnam County and are now involved in testing to determine what the collected materials may be. The lab has assisted in a number of high-profile cases, including identification of victims of the 2001 World Trade Center bombings in New York and the slaughter of Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family in 1918.

"They work with medical examiners' offices and law enforcement agencies in the state in cases where there are questions about the circumstances surrounding a death," UF spokesman Steve Orlando said. "They have worked on some really large cases and some complicated cases. They can do all of the testing and analysis at the lab."

I don't think they found any bones before they called the family. If they had, and DNA had been run, GGS would not have made the comment about having to prove there was a body.
If this is true, that LE has stated this, then I believe they found at least one bone and have received confirmation that it is Haleigh's. They could have found something before last week, before the media was informed they were looking. They have no obligation to tell public they found her until they have confirmed absolutely and even then not certain they have to reveal everything they know. But I still would want to hear this directly from LE, have we heard that? I no longer trust any other sources at all, and even LE tends to be as vague as possible.

I can not recall where I read this, but it could be one or more of the reasons LE has not came out and said they found remains.

1.If LE suspects a family member they can lie to them and tell them they have not found the body/remains yet until LE builds their case and it goes to trial.

2.If bones were found, even if LE and the Anthropologist feel they are human, they rather not risk putting the false information out there and they will just wait for positive ID. The remains could belong to someone else. Remember, little Trenton Duckett is still missing.

3.As you stated above, LE has no obligation to tell the public anything. Nobody has been charged yet in the crime, so technically it is just a Homicide investigation at this point.
Is this an attempt to say "I said look at JO" first?

Why is he saying there might be false leads, yet 1) saying he was the one to mention JO on the 911 call (if in fact that's even true) and 2) Tim M. says RC told him to look in that same spot in the river because JO liked to fish there?

Hinky, hinky, hinky, IMO. Makes no sense.

Just to add to the hinky, hinky, Ron has stated several times that while LE was interviewing Misty that night he knew she was lying. So, um, duh, why didn't he say something that night?

This case has been confusing for so long everyone involved who knew relevant information should be so ashamed of themselves. Haleigh was an innocent little girl who loved her brother. (IMO)

Novice Seeker
I don't think they found any bones before they called the family. If they had, and DNA had been run, GGS would not have made the comment about having to prove there was a body.

What a strange comment from GGS to make IMO

Novice Seeker
With regard to the funeral arrangements. The legal next of kin would be both parents. That does not change by who has custody. Now in many cases it is the person that has custody that takes the lead. But many times families do work together.

In many states not all, it takes the authorization of all persons who are considered next of kin in order to cremate. Remember this is State by State so I am not sure what State Law is in FLA. In addition the funeral home or company that owns the funeral home may have additional requirements which are more strict than state law. Having one person incarcerated does not change that. The paperwork is sent to the jail and generally the ombudsman takes care of bringing in the appropriate people get the paperwork signed and notarized.

With regard to the Funeral Service that term is loosely used. At a Memorial Service no body is present. Sometimes cremated remains are present at a Memorial Service. So in reality the service would be a Memorial Service if no body has been found.

I hope this helps.

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