2010.04.18 Ron's comments about Misty per Shoemaker

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Yep, Ron's attitude was down right deplorable when they went to get the marriage license, he acted as though he had to sell his best friend...but the last time We saw them before the "split' they were all over each other. So what changed? Where is Donna in all this now?

Sitting in jail right along the rest of the Get-A-Long Gang. I'm really surprised that she hasn't bonded out to be honest. We've heard next to nothing from or about her.
I read somewhere that Ron married Misty as she was threatening to leave to Massachuttes or Tennessee after Haleigh disappeared with her family and this way she stayed with Ron.

Also want to wonder why everyone or quite a bit of people are saying why didnt Ron kill someone or why didnt he beat people up? for one he is in jail and another reason is, then people would say wow look at him he is guilty as heck.

Gosh, I've never heard this either Bbuddys and haven't been able to find it anywhere here, although I have to admit that I'm not a very good 'searcher', lol! IIRC, Misty went to Tennessee after they split up for a short while. (not even positive of that though) but I've never heard what you posted. Do you remember if it came from the rumor thread or maybe could narrow down where you read it? TIA!
RC has a new mug shot. Gold necklace and hoop earings. Do they do requests for improved or preferred PICS at PCSO? I know that celebrities can get preferential treatment sometimes but I never thought they would allow jewelry in a mugshot.

I bet MC got that tattoo, so RC would know he is her heart. MC will never give up RC even if it means she stays in prison for the rest of her life. JO is the prime target for MC to go after. He messed with her when she was young, and as she told LE "he is crazy". If I remember correctly LE said RC placed 90 calls to MC the night Haleigh went missing. Why would RC call MC so much? Perhaps, he was plotting with her about disposing Haleigh's body.

I doubt Haleigh would take any pills, because as soon as she would put them in her mouth she would spit it out. As TN stated they taste "nasty". So, I'm leaning towards someone hitting Haleigh with an object or a fist to her head. Who was the one who talked about hitting the kids when they were bad as per CWS...RC. I remember that interview clearly and found it strange that he would bring up CWS standards for hitting his kids. How would he know their standards? Did someone report him to CWS for abusing his kids before. RC has a terrible temper, and as per Crystal he beat her even when she was pregnant with his child.

Just another theory to throw out there- When RC said, he picked Haleigh up at the bus stop, and let her sit on his lap while driving home could it be possible that RC stopped the car quickly, and Haleigh hit her head? These type of head injuries can cause death just like in the case of Natasha Richardson.
LOL, You scared me Whisperer! I thought if they are letting him wear his beloved gold chain then we have a real big problem! Anyway, that's just Ron's 2nd booking photo right after they were arrested. Remember in his first one he was grinning like a cheshire cat..

Here is a link to the 1st one~

Here is #2~

You are correct, that is his second photo shoot. LOL. He was all smiles, wonder if he is still smiling? Art has the two pictures side by side on his site. I recall Ron asked TN for his chain on her first visit. She said they told her he couldn't have it. I found it odd that he wanted it in jail. What good will it do if he had it in jail?
LOL, You scared me Whisperer! I thought if they are letting him wear his beloved gold chain then we have a real big problem! Anyway, that's just Ron's 2nd booking photo right after they were arrested. Remember in his first one he was grinning like a cheshire cat..

in the first one he looks like he is "trippin balls" (high as a kite)
He looks hoot owl eyed to me. (jacked up on opiates)

wonder if they did a tox screen... lol
Ron's upset - why is it things like this are about Ron ? How come he is not upset about the status of his missing little girl, Haleigh. Remember her Ron ?
RC has a new mug shot. Gold necklace and hoop earings. Do they do requests for improved or preferred PICS at PCSO? I know that celebrities can get preferential treatment sometimes but I never thought they would allow jewelry in a mugshot.


I don't think that one is new. Only working from memory here, but I believe it is the one from the altercation with Misty's family at GGS.
So, LE tells Ronald that Haleigh is dead. Misty has confessed that Cousin Joe took her to the river, and tied cinder blocks to his precious little daughter and threw her in for the alligators to eat. Ron is very, very disappointed in Misty! He just hopes she was forced to lie to him, maybe even threatened! Did he hear the part about feeding her to the alligators? Did he hear the part about his daughter being dead? What happened to the outrage we heard on the 911 call when she had only been missing for a few hours? He was going to kill the perp, and he didn't care if they put it on tape. I guess in his mind, that's just water over the dam, can't cry over spilled milk, etc. As long as Misty lied to him because she was threatened, that's cool? If my daughter was missing, and I found out my husband knew what happened, but didn't tell because he feared for his life, that little scenario would come true! I'd kill him myself!
So, LE tells Ronald that Haleigh is dead. Misty has confessed that Cousin Joe took her to the river, and tied cinder blocks to his precious little daughter and threw her in for the alligators to eat. Ron is very, very disappointed in Misty! He just hopes she was forced to lie to him, maybe even threatened! Did he hear the part about feeding her to the alligators? Did he hear the part about his daughter being dead? What happened to the outrage we heard on the 911 call when she had only been missing for a few hours? He was going to kill the perp, and he didn't care if they put it on tape. I guess in his mind, that's just water over the dam, can't cry over spilled milk, etc. As long as Misty lied to him because she was threatened, that's cool? If my daughter was missing, and I found out my husband knew what happened, but didn't tell because he feared for his life, that little scenario would come true! I'd kill him myself!

Well he had mixed feelings, he finally got his approval to go into the general population of the jail on the same day.
You are correct, that is his second photo shoot. LOL. He was all smiles, wonder if he is still smiling? Art has the two pictures side by side on his site. I recall Ron asked TN for his chain on her first visit. She said they told her he couldn't have it. I found it odd that he wanted it in jail. What good will it do if he had it in jail?


I'm sure that gold chain could be traded for favors and contraband. That's why he wanted it.
Well, I do believe that LE tried to convince Ron to divorce Misty and that LE told him that they thought they had a better chance to break her. Ron wanted most of all to get to the truth, so that's why he finally did divorce her, IMO. It turns out that LE was right.

I also think that, contrary to public opinion, Ron was in touch with at least some persons in LE the whole time.

If all along Ron wanted to get to the truth, why did he hire an attorney and stop talking with LE once they had the phone records?
I, for one can not believe Ron following the advice of LE for any reason. Did the cops also tell him to marry her? Sorry, I can't buy any of this. An attorney's job is to show thier client in a good light. Shoemaker is doing his job.
If all along Ron wanted to get to the truth, why did he hire an attorney and stop talking with LE once they had the phone records?
I, for one can not believe Ron following the advice of LE for any reason. Did the cops also tell him to marry her? Sorry, I can't buy any of this. An attorney's job is to show thier client in a good light. Shoemaker is doing his job.

Absolutely. And why did Ron warn Misty about Donna B? If he was trying to get at the truth, and at that point, had been unsuccessful, why not let someone else give a crack at it...someone like Donna B? No, not Ron, instead he warned Misty. Why would he do that if he himself was trying to get at the truth? Nope, don't buy that one either..He warned Misty (Donna B) just like HE warned Tommy (Ratgate) about telling on him. Oh, Ron is definitely trying to hide something. I think that's why we see the situation now boiling down to at least Misty and Tommy....they have information, no doubt in my mind. IMO, this has been about Ron from day one.

..It doesn't make sense.
Ronald hopes Misty was forced to hold info..and is not mad.

Means to me, Ronald (along with the rest) are still hoping the JOE DID IT explanation will fly. They are all sure pushing for it.. imo.
But if Crystal is saying she is all torn up as to how people didn't talk until now and hopes the sick individuals will B.I.H. for not talking ...fit the Joe scenario?

Joe is not a new name thrown in.. they have been talking about him from day 1.
So more people than Misty held back the Joe story?

Why would any of them be afraid of Joe (realistically)? Does that make any sense? It's a really weak notion to me.

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