2010.04.18 Ron's comments about Misty per Shoemaker

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panthera, don't forget, he married her a little more than a month after his daughter disappeared and she recited her phony kidnapping story. I wonder if Ron is disappointed their married didn't work, too?
Can I scream now?

I read somewhere that Ron married Misty as she was threatening to leave to Massachuttes or Tennessee after Haleigh disappeared with her family and this way she stayed with Ron.

Also want to wonder why everyone or quite a bit of people are saying why didnt Ron kill someone or why didnt he beat people up? for one he is in jail and another reason is, then people would say wow look at him he is guilty as heck.
Good thinking - I believe you may be K RECT.

where is the link where law enforcement said this as I believe that there are STILL NO FACTS and only speculations and rumors flying. we dont even know what, if Ron said anything. I haven't seen any of this on the news this weekend. Anything on the internet is NOT FACTS at all. why is everyone getting so upset? no facts
The lawyer can't release on Nat TV what RC really said about MC but I don't believe disappointment is the word he really used.

I totally agree but it just gives a new reason for peeps to blame RC for something, anything but I guess it does keep the forums going.
I read somewhere that Ron married Misty as she was threatening to leave to Massachuttes or Tennessee after Haleigh disappeared with her family and this way she stayed with Ron.

Also want to wonder why everyone or quite a bit of people are saying why didnt Ron kill someone or why didnt he beat people up? for one he is in jail and another reason is, then people would say wow look at him he is guilty as heck.

I for one don't believe any of those things. I don't believe that even if Misty would have tried to leave, that she would have succeeded, and I do NOT believe for a second that Ron married her to "keep his enemies close". I do NOT believe that he divorced her 'cause "LE SAID SO"!!!

I think that if we are to believe the latest story coming from the Croslin camp, we should also believe that, had Misty called 911 IMMEDIATELY Haleigh may still be here.

How could he NOT be angry?

I however do NOT believe the latest "story". I don't and never did want Ron to kill anyone, but honestly ..... I wouldn't have blamed him if he(was innocent &) had...... Someone took his child, and she is no longer among the living..... can't blame him for those thoughts!!!!

I don't buy that he knew and/or suspected JO from the beginning and is perfectly OK with it now. Don't buy for a second, if he is totally innocent, that he is only "disappointed" in Misty's actions (or lack there of) for the past 14 months!

Not sure what Shoe was trying to prove here, but seems to me he needs to :shutup: . cause IMHO he is not making his client look very good, and/or any better than he did previously.

:shutup: :shutup: :shutup:

I read somewhere that Ron married Misty as she was threatening to leave to Massachuttes or Tennessee after Haleigh disappeared with her family and this way she stayed with Ron.

Also want to wonder why everyone or quite a bit of people are saying why didnt Ron kill someone or why didnt he beat people up? for one he is in jail and another reason is, then people would say wow look at him he is guilty as heck.

BBM Do you have a link for that?
Ron is disappointed....

And, oh yeah, Casey Anthony forgives Zanny, too. She said so herself.

.....some very understanding folks hanging out in central FL, ykwim? :innocent:
I read somewhere that Ron married Misty as she was threatening to leave to Massachuttes or Tennessee after Haleigh disappeared with her family and this way she stayed with Ron.

Also want to wonder why everyone or quite a bit of people are saying why didnt Ron kill someone or why didnt he beat people up? for one he is in jail and another reason is, then people would say wow look at him he is guilty as heck.

I for one don't believe any of those things. I don't believe that even if Misty would have tried to leave, that she would have succeeded, and I do NOT believe for a second that Ron married her to "keep his enemies close". I do NOT believe that he divorced her 'cause "LE SAID SO"!!!

I think that if we are to believe the latest story coming from the Croslin camp, we should also believe that, had Misty called 911 IMMEDIATELY Haleigh may still be here.

How could he NOT be angry?

I however do NOT believe the latest "story". I don't and never did want Ron to kill anyone, but honestly ..... I wouldn't have blamed him if he(was innocent &) had...... Someone took his child, and she is no longer among the living..... can't blame him for those thoughts!!!!

I don't buy that he knew and/or suspected JO from the beginning and is perfectly OK with it now. Don't buy for a second, if he is totally innocent, that he is only "disappointed" in Misty's actions (or lack there of) for the past 14 months!

Not sure what Shoe was trying to prove here, but seems to me he needs to :shutup: ... cause IMHO he is not making his client look very good, and/or any better than he did previously.

:shutup: :shutup: :shutup:

Am guessing that no one believes that possibly this is just lawyer bs to media.As lawyers are known for really schmoozing things up, trying to make their clients appear as innocent&forgiving as the virgin mary. I mean shoemaker is far from the 1st atty that ive seen thats tried to paint their client "overly" good&innocent. I mean we all know that RC is not the most innocent, that his lifestyle has&is nicely putting it, RISKY. And it is quite obvious to me that alot of what his atty is saying are not "quotes" from Ron, these are NOT type things that Ron has/is saying now or ever. But I dont believe that shoemaker is selling this as direct "quotes" from his client, hes just doing the job a lawyer does, goes overboard with the sugary innocence hes attempting to paint of his client, this is what hes paid to do.So, shoemakers not the first and certainly wont be the last lawyer thats guilty of doing this. That said, I find nothing to be bashing Ron for. He is not saying these stupid comments, thats what lawyers do.

If all Shoemaker had said was that Ron was disappointed, we could chalk it up to him whitewashing hi client with semantics.

But he didn't just say that; he said outright that Ron is not angry.

Not being angry with someone who you have learned is responsible for either the death itself or coverup of the death of his precious daughter doesn't make a father look good.... much less does it look innocent, unless the father is known to be some sort of pacifist.

jmo, fwiw
I want to know how he explains how he can decide what to feel at this point, if he doesn't already know what happened...

ie, How does he know to be merely disappointed or beside himself in a rage, unless he knows Misty wasn't responsible or couldn't have saved Haleigh's life by speaking up. ...unless he already knows what happened?
I am wondering if the Ron is disappointed was a message he was sending to Misty. Like when people say I'm very disappointed in you to a child chastising them. Like Ron tellling Misty I'm disappointed that you didn't keep my secret as in to try and hurt her and get her to shut up. Because NOONE should disappoint Ronny boy
How could we believe those words came from Ron? Now maybe if he said, "I'm *effing* disappointed", we would say, well, yeah, maybe he said that. :waitasec:

Definitely some lawyer whitewash trying to make RC appear 'forgiving'. Did his attorney go to law school with Baez? :banghead:
"There's not anger. There's disappointment that she didn't feel she could come forward and tell him what may have happened that night -- if she in fact knew," Shoemaker said.

I don't know what to say.

"Hey, you watched silently nearby while someone took my heart, maybe to rape and to kill her. That's okay, I'm just a little disappointed that you didn't feel like you could tell me. You can always tell me everything, you know that. I'm not angry at you for what you did but you shoulda been honest"

The statement reads like someone's daddy finding out that his daughter lied about why she was punished at school.

It's very likely that it is Shoemaker trying to make Ron some kind of forgiving Jesus character but I can't believe he thinks this is gonna look good or believable...?? Maybe RC has numbed all his emotions with something and mild disappointment is just about all that he can do but it just doesn't sound like a real reaction from a father who lost his daughter and was betrayed by his wife.

I dunno... Maybe he has dealt with all this a long time ago. It's not like he didn't know that Misty was holding information back from him a long time ago. His emotional reactions weren't what we would have expected from him even then. Was he angry at the time? Maybe but he had a funny way of showing it: he married her. Wouldn't it be kind of hypocritical to be suddenly flaming mad at her now although it's not new information that she's been hiding stuff? LE have been saying it all along and if he's not been angry this past year why start now?
If this information is TS whitewashing his client and Ronald didn't say what he says Ronald said, it makes me wonder what else he has said that cannot be trusted to fully represent the truth.
IMO, Shoemaker's recent media comments have been nothing more than preemptive spin to soften the impact of possible charges coming for his client. Again, jmo.
Oh ppppppppppfffffffffffttttt. This ain't even *THUD worthy. Disappointed? That's all he can come up with is disappointment?
Does anybody think this is an attempt to whitewash Misty...? As in, she's not guilty of hurting Haleigh in any way, she's only been too afraid to talk because evil people made her so. "If she knew anything she must have been threatened and forced to do what she did, so it's not her fault, really... we're not angry, we're just disappointed that she didn't tell us." TS even still throws in the rider "-if she in fact knew", as if there is any doubt now.
where is the link where law enforcement said this as I believe that there are STILL NO FACTS and only speculations and rumors flying. we dont even know what, if Ron said anything. I haven't seen any of this on the news this weekend. Anything on the internet is NOT FACTS at all. why is everyone getting so upset? no facts

BBM..IMHO what you have stated isn't neccessarily fact. We can't always rely on MSM givng us factual correct information..
I listened to Levi last night, and found information revealed by the guests who were on the show quite informative.. The link can be found in the 04-18-09 Levi thread.. Of course, all just my opinion
Does anybody think this is an attempt to whitewash Misty...? As in, she's not guilty of hurting Haleigh in any way, she's only been too afraid to talk because evil people made her so. "If she knew anything she must have been threatened and forced to do what she did, so it's not her fault, really... we're not angry, we're just disappointed that she didn't tell us." TS even still throws in the rider "-if she in fact knew", as if there is any doubt now.

The LVA she took did, in fact, reveal she has been threatened, however results from an LDT she took revealed it was NOT cousin Jo..
And IMHO since she doesn't seem to have a problem throwing Tommy under the bus whenever it suits her fancy, I doubt he is the one who threatened her.. JMO
It sounds to me like Ron doesn't want to say anything bad about Misty. Why not? He knows his reaction to this news will be reported. Let's say that Ron rants and raves against Misty like most any normal parent would, so how would Misty react to that? She might become defensive, right?

He's placating her. Next we will hear that he forgives her.

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