2010.04.19 Judge Strickland IS stepping down

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Best line of the Order. Which is also his parting words ....

At its core, defense counsel's motion accuses the undersigned of being a "self aggrandizing
media hound". Indeed. The irony is rich.

I love this man!!!!!!!!
I love the Judge's smirk to the Prosecution. If you usually practice in one court (like local attys, public defenders, SAs), you generally try to keep up a civil and friendly relationship because you know you'll be seeing everyone again. Its one thing to disagree, its another to be rude or condescending. I bet there are times those prosecutors went home and cursed the Judge from here to the high heavens. But there's nothing to gain by being rude or unprofessional.

Even look at the Supreme Court! Justice Scalia and Justice Ginsberg are almost NEVER on the same side of the issue, but they're close friends and go to the Opera every month. It IS possible JB. And it doesn't call for anyone to recuse himself.
To echo everyone's sentiment, my mother had a second line to the saying, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Be careful what you wish for, you just might regret it."
This was just what everyone needed. This response should be attached to EVERY sunshine floral bouquet in the US.

This goes beyond subtle "gotcha" innuendo, this is grade A...... go down in history....... give the defense team nightmares for 4 years......time to up your anti psychotic dosage........ classic....... in your face...... Kiss My *advertiser censored** .......literary gold.

I sooooo wish I could be in the room when Casey reads it.
So does anyone else think it may be possible that MD will show up at the next hearing with a copy of his old blog written about Judge Perry, hoping to get it autographed???

I'm hoping he does. DM is taking this personal, so you really don't know what he has up his sleeve, but I bet it ain't pretty.
Kathi Belich on WFTV was just commenting on what a no nonsense Judge Perry is and that some of the motions JB made that Strickland put up with, the new judge won't.

Sounds like JB and Casey will be regretting what they wished for...... :truce:
So does anyone else think it may be possible that MD will show up at the next hearing with a copy of his old blog written about Judge Perry, hoping to get it autographed???

HAHA! I doubt it....but I'd pay LARGE to have JS autograph his order for me!
Last comment - this is really an embarrassment for AL. She used to fight for a cause. If she stays on this case, she's just enabling a circus. I hope she thinks about that before continuing on.
Page 4:

"At it's core, defense counsel's motion accuses the undersigned of being a 'self-aggrandizing media hound'. Indeed. The irony is rich.

Motion granted."




Stan Strickland, the man.........chose to call it out there. He has remained fair and IMO..at times....more than accommodating to the defense....AND praised by the defendant!

This motion sends a message that you shouldn't mess with what works....and you don't stir the pot between soundbites. Good for him!

He would have been unethical to later opine about the absurdity of the motion and instead he chose to kill 2 birds with one stone. Give em what they asked for, but get his rebuttal on the record.

I wonder.......will ABC be sending HIM on an all expenses paid cruise to the Bahamas? Um....that would be a NO!. Well done Your Honor.....well done.

And guess what.....he's entitled to share his opinion when responding to a motion like this. Wonder if team "Expired notary / spaghetti defense" will be dining at the Ritz tonight?????
So does anyone else think it may be possible that MD will show up at the next hearing with a copy of his old blog written about Judge Perry, hoping to get it autographed???

If he has an ounce of sense, he'll stay entirely clear of that court room.

So given that, yeah, he may opt to do what you just said. :rolleyes:
I can't help but laugh now about all of this.
JS will be missed, I thought he was way nicer to that child killer than he should have been but that's JMHO...
Now I hope, and I suppose am posing this as a question, Can Judge Perry go back through the motions now and reorder them? Judge, can we please see that video of the Casey the day the remains were found? :innocent:

Can the new Judge make this trial start earlier than previously ordered by Strickland?

I hope and pray this new Judge will put anyone in their place who walks into his courtroom like they own the thing!
Bye Bye Casey! I think you just put the last nail in your coffin courtesy of Mason and Baez!

I would love it if he told CA to take the gum out of her mouth. It certainly wouldn't surprise me if he did. Like I said, he runs a court room like a tight ship.
Raising my glass to Stan. Here's to you, Your Honor. What a class act
Good! Now this won't be an appeal issue, KC loses the judge she thinks wanted her to "look good" for a judge who may not think too highly of the racist comments in her letters to RA, and JS takes the helium out of the defense's "we won a big motion!" balloon by sticking it to them in the order.

I hope Judge Perry gives them $0 in the budget for Henry Lee and orders them to pay him in oranges as agreed.

You called it first, AZ! :clap: :blowkiss:

I kept hoping you were wrong, but I knew in my heart after trying to decipher that Rule, that it was going to happen. I hope they attach a copy of Mason's motion AND JS's Order as Exhibits A & B, respectively to that FL JEAC committee that is supposed to review that Rule this year. There could not be more perfect examples of why it needs to be amended.
I can't help but laugh now about all of this.
JS will be missed, I thought he was way nicer to that child killer than he should have been but that's JMHO...
Now I hope, and I suppose am posing this as a question, Can Judge Perry go back through the motions now and reorder them? Judge, can we please see that video of the Casey the day the remains were found? :innocent:

Can the new Judge make this trial start earlier than previously ordered by Strickland?

I hope and pray this new Judge will put anyone in their place who walks into his courtroom like they own the thing!
Bye Bye Casey! I think you just put the last nail in your coffin courtesy of Mason and Baez!

I wish the new Judge could issue an order to have KC's hands DUCT TAPED to stop her from playing with her hair.
Anyone have Judge Stickland email, so we can send him Congrats on his letter
an to tell him how we admired him?
so will this delay justice for Caylee even further?
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