2010.04.20 Levi Page article~"Don't clear Ronald Cummings yet!"

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Maybe Ronald is not an informant in the usual sense of the word, or on a regular basis. I think everytime he was caught with drugs, he squealed on whomever he had gotten them from in order for LE to go easy on him. He snitched, LE got the person Ronald got HIS drugs from, then LE got that person. It would then be up to that person to rat out his dealer, and on and on it goes.

That's what I've been thinking all along. When he gets into trouble, he squeals. Maybe the term isn't as popular in other areas, but I've heard snitches termed as "squealers" often enough. RC appears to be one who squeals frequently, judging by his lengthy rap sheet, and no major convictions. The boy's been doing dope for some time. I know Who Dat land has it's own code of language..... :waitasec: Undercover, he's not. Part of his rap sheet appears at the bottom of Levi's article.

I'll bet he's tried to do his share of squealing since January.

Levi's going to have another interesting show tonight. Talking to Grandma Flo, and discussing RC's possible involvement in Haleigh's disappearance and how his lifestyle contributed to it. Levi wants to know exactly how RC fits into this crime. Don't we all?

Levi has an interesting take on RC, and I think his article hits very important points: the marriage to Misty, his travels to NYC to be on TV and honeymoon, how much money has he gotten from media outlets and how he spend his cash. All quite interesting. AH mentioned on Levi's show last week how RC got out of paying for service in restaurants by guilting the managers with, "Don't you know who I am?" when Haleigh first "disappeared". His article was written before the show. I'm sure it'll come up in another column soon. Everyone was unhappy hearing about that.
Looking over Levi's article, I realized he, and all of us, are looking at these people and trying to apply logic. That just won't work in this case. Why they do things, why, why, why. Many of us have said, and so have people like Cobra and LP who have met them and have been in the mix with them for a time, we can't apply logic to people on drugs. Since so many in that group have a drugged lifestyle, logic doesn't compute.

Levi asks intellectual, common sense questions, and applies common sense to the situation - a child is missing and assumed dead, why aren't the family members acting properly? Why are they out dealing drugs instead of getting their lives on track? So many whys.

Levi's statement says it all: "How much more clear does it have to get? Ronald cared more about Misty, money, and "doing what he wanted to do." Than he did his missing child." I think the reason RC was ready "to do what he wanted to do" was because in his mind, Haleigh's chapter was closed. He knew it was closed before we did. The next morning, he was caught on video saying he'd give his life to have Haleigh's (life) back. What more can one say?

Drug informant thread here:
WAS RON a Drug INFORMANT? Discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
These people are all emotional cripples. There is no basis for logic. They can't be reasoned with using logic, you have to get on their emotional level. They are driven by their emotions, where as most of us have logic thrown in to halt us from behaving foolishly...not these folk.

RC, Misty cannot tell you the difference between what they feel and what they think. That goes for many in the case. This kind of thought process leads to life problems.

RC is seriously emotionally immature and lacks good judgement. When you throw his emotional volatility into the mix, it compounds his chances of ever leading a healthy lifestyle.

Ronald IS behind bars with everyone else! Along with "everyone else", Ronald was busted on drug trafficking charges and is currently housed in the Putnam County Jailhouse, since January! He's under their supervision.

LE has carefully phrased all comments and wording when speaking of this case. No one is a named suspect, no one is a person of interest, "the whole world is a suspect". LE hasn't excluded anyone. RC's attorney has NOT said he's been cleared, only that he's no long at the top of the list.

LE hasn't named Misty as a suspect, she's only the KEY. Who is the LOCK? Is the LOCK behind bars, too? Safe and sound where LE has control?

JVM, NG, and all those TV talking heads don't have anymore information than what we have. Unless LE says these people have been cleared, everyone is a possible suspect, including the Satsuma Five who were busted in January and have been ARRESTED and are housed in Florida jails: Ronald Cummings, Misty Croslin, Tommy Croslin, Hope Sykes, Donna Brock. Do you need a link? I can give you many.

I seen them all get arrested and I also believe that if Rons cell phone records did not match up with what he said, he would have been arrested in the beginning like KC was. I also think that if Misty was covering for him, she would have said something when he divorced her. this is my opinion ..
Names are one thing. Getting a childs name tatooed on is extremely common, and nothing unusual there. Even some token symbols such as the footprints you describe. But getting your childs face tatooed on yourself, at a specific age, is extremely extremely uncommon. And it is almost always done as an expression of loss or mourning. It is a living memorial. In and of itself it could go either way, although it does lean heavily towards an act of mourning. But coupled with the sudden wedding because it is what Hayleigh wanted? Sorry, no way. It is just extremely indicative that he knew back then that his daughter would not be coming back.

well I dont know where you live but where I live and my stepson included are all VEry dramatic in their actions and get tatoos of things I have never seen or thought of...so I guess it depends on where you live etc.... JMO
I seen them all get arrested just like you did and I also believe that if Rons cell phone records did not match up with what he said, he would have been arrested in the beginning like KC was. I also think that if Misty was covering for him, she would have said something when he divorced her. this is my opinion just like you have yours....you have that right and I have two sons in the military and that tells me I have the FREEDOM to say what I want as you do.....

Ronald Cummings was called, with his lawyer, to come into PCSO in August, I believe, to review the cell phone records they'd received. I'm not sure why the delay in receiving those records, but I believe it has something to do with Teresa Neves being the account holder and having to go through her to get them.
It may be a normal fad, but it is NOT normal to get a tattoo of your child that has only been missing for approx. 3 weeks.
Not to mention, the $400 that this *donor* paid, could have been put to much better use: Searching for Ron's missing daughter.

Well I can tell you that he didnt pay actual money for the tatoo it was donated by the tatoo artist and there was a reward fund and a fund to help the family with needs and I was emailed as I wanted to help the kids out and asked what I could send and Ron said not one thing, he said he didn't need money and the son had what they needed so personally I was told he didn't want it and he was not allowed to buy cigarettes and beer with the donated money as he is not the one in charge of it. I think everyone acted this way towards Mark Lunsford too as the area he was from and look what happened to his daughter and he didnt do it.
Well I can tell you that he didnt pay actual money for the tatoo it was donated by the tatoo artist and there was a reward fund and a fund to help the family with needs and I was emailed as I wanted to help the kids out and asked what I could send and Ron said not one thing, he said he didn't need money and the son had what they needed so personally I was told he didn't want it and he was not allowed to buy cigarettes and beer with the donated money as he is not the one in charge of it. I think everyone acted this way towards Mark Lunsford too as the area he was from and look what happened to his daughter and he didnt do it.

BBM: I'm curious. Does this statement mean then, that IF he were in charge of it, that's what he'd have spent the funds on?
BBM: I'm curious. Does this statement mean then, that IF he were in charge of it, that's what he'd have spent the funds on?

Of course that's what he would've spent the money on, Debs! That and peanuts, pills, guns, cars and Teresa's Rent! (LOL) jus sayin'
First of all, I never said there was anything funny about Haleigh's murder. Let's clear that up now. Geraldo saying that shocked me because I always suspected Ron was a drug dealer but when he said that I thought it was funny because I suspected that Ron was connected to drugs but NOT an informant. So, in other words, Geraldo threw me off with that question. If Geraldo wasn't close to having an idea about what was going on down there...why was Ron arrested later for selling drugs and seen on VIDEO popping pills? He may not have gotten the informant part right, but IMO, he was right on about the drugs. People knew all along this boy was into drugs. If Haleigh's murder involved drugs, in any kind of way, then yeah it is everybody's business because everybody's trying to help him find his daughter.

JMO though

So without knowing a person how would you know he was a drug addict or dealer? I also wonder if the Cop (informant) is a drug dealer and an addict. I have to say yes as I saw him on a video tape. That statement would be true if I believed everything I saw instead of finding out the facts first. I have my assumtions but won't write them down here as I always get shot down for giving these people the benefit of doubt as no one has been arrested in Haleighs disappearance yet.
So without knowing a person how would you know he was a drug addict or dealer? I also wonder if the Cop (informant) is a drug dealer and an addict. I have to say yes as I saw him on a video tape. That statement would be true if I believed everything I saw instead of finding out the facts first. I have my assumtions but won't write them down here as I always get shot down for giving these people the benefit of doubt as no one has been arrested in Haleighs disappearance yet.

You saw the video, right?? What do you think Ron was doing?? Why do you think Ron was there?? Ron was not joyriding, he was dealing pills and popping pills on tape. What would you call it? I will never give Ron the benefit of the doubt. EVER.

JMO though
rc must have been living on Buchanen before Green because he lived next to his landlord...but only for three months. I believe he moved there in late aug before school started. rc moves often. Don't know how long he had been apart from Amber...but could have been about the same time because that is when misty warned him about his son and thought he should step in and try to get custody.

Amber .. is that Crystal Sheffields (sp?) cousin that was partying with Misty, Nay-Nay and WBG?
So without knowing a person how would you know he was a drug addict or dealer? I also wonder if the Cop (informant) is a drug dealer and an addict. I have to say yes as I saw him on a video tape. That statement would be true if I believed everything I saw instead of finding out the facts first. I have my assumtions but won't write them down here as I always get shot down for giving these people the benefit of doubt as no one has been arrested in Haleighs disappearance yet.

You may be right... from what I know (which isn't much) some of the biggest dealer's do not "partake" in what they sell.
A- they know is addiction dead end street... too easy to taking a little "off the top" so to speak...
B- if arrested and tested they come up squeaky clean...
You may be right... from what I know (which isn't much) some of the biggest dealer's do not "partake" in what they sell.
A- they know is addiction dead end street... too easy to taking a little "off the top" so to speak...
B- if arrested and tested they come up squeaky clean...
But we know that Ron DOES partake. From his own mouth we have heard him speak of making enough money to be able to eat pills. We have heard him tell UC he likes to get high. We have him putting a pill into his mouth as soon as the girls get in the car and turn them over to him.

Why is this up for discussion, when out of the man's own mouth he admits to using and liking drugs? From video we see him being unable to wait less than a few seconds before "partaking" of the drugs.

Dealing versus Using: Would Ron Cummings somehow be a better person if he were "just" dealing and not "partaking"?

I'm really not understanding where this is leading, in terms of Ronald Cummings and his character ~or lack of one.

Just my thoughts.:waitasec:
Well bottom line for me here is Ronald Cuimming is HaLeighs father. He should not be caught in lies. He should not be putting "only God can judge me" on his friggen truck. He is her FATHER.

All the other players, I don't care how they act. They are NO relation to HaLeigh in my eyes, that includes Misty. I am sorry, but, she knew HaLeigh for what 6 months Max, don't tell me, with Misty's life style & shenanigans, that she LIKED babysitting all the time.

HaLeigh mights be Ronalds "heart", BUT, she is HIS "flesh and blood" - He should treat HER homicide with the most loving respect he can offer. Instead, he disrespects the whole thing and anyone trying to help.

IMHO, If Ronald wants to say HaLeigh is his "heart" then he should ACT like it!
But we know that Ron DOES partake. From his own mouth we have heard him speak of making enough money to be able to eat pills. We have heard him tell UC he likes to get high. We have him putting a pill into his mouth as soon as the girls get in the car and turn them over to him.

Why is this up for discussion, when out of the man's own mouth he admits to using and liking drugs? From video we see him being unable to wait less than a few seconds before "partaking" of the drugs.

Dealing versus Using: Would Ron Cummings somehow be a better person if he were "just" dealing and not "partaking"?

I'm really not understanding where this is leading, in terms of Ronald Cummings and his character ~or lack of one.

Just my thoughts.:waitasec:

~BBM I'm with you here... Ron would be a "small time dealer" not a big kahuna ...
I wouldn't really call him a "dealer" in the sense...
He was ummm...dispensable (is that the word?)
not sure what word to use.
In other words if he got arrested the dealers "business"/revenue would not suffer.

Ron would buy some... sell a some.... to make more money... to buy more and sell a little more.

To some Ron can do no wrong.
By law you can't pop a pill or even carry it in your pocket without having it in a properly labeled container from a pharmacy...
IIRC, Ron kept saying NO One Knows where I live, NO one!
That makes no sense to me...........the school, bus driver, former neighbors, the Cummings and Croslin families all knew..............
did he mean no DRUG DEALERS knew where he lived?
I just think that was 1 of his ODD statements...........

just like "I put the lock up high so Haliegh couldn't reach it and it is ALWAYS locked!
It was at average height and yes a 4-5 year old could open it.
Anyone could of unlocked the door at any time.........why did RC insist the door was always LOCKED???

RC volunteers info that never made sense to me. IMO
So without knowing a person how would you know he was a drug addict or dealer? I also wonder if the Cop (informant) is a drug dealer and an addict. I have to say yes as I saw him on a video tape. That statement would be true if I believed everything I saw instead of finding out the facts first. I have my assumtions but won't write them down here as I always get shot down for giving these people the benefit of doubt as no one has been arrested in Haleighs disappearance yet.

You mean Haleighs homicide.

Does anyone have the transcript where Ronald talks about locking the door? IIRC he says " I locked the doors "

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