2010.04.20 Levi Page article~"Don't clear Ronald Cummings yet!"

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You're right. I've been doing my show for two years.

I was covering Haleigh's case ever since she vanished. I became critical of Ronald Cummings late in the case. I always knew that there was something weird with him.

But that drug bust really just showed what sort of person he was. That he cared so little about his daughter, that his divorce from Misty was a sham, etc.

OT......Hi Tennessee neighbor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're right. I've been doing my show for two years.

I was covering Haleigh's case ever since she vanished. I became critical of Ronald Cummings late in the case. I always knew that there was something weird with him.

But that drug bust really just showed what sort of person he was. That he cared so little about his daughter, that his divorce from Misty was a sham, etc.

Levi, the beauty of you is that you are not swayed by famous opinions! You have your own investigative mind and you go full throttle with it. I for one, am so glad that Ron has not beguiled and bamboozled everyone. The true sociopath is a master at that. Keep on doing what you are doing and not everyone is going to like you, but alot of people love ya!
For some strange reason I keep having the feeling that Joe is not involved.....I wish I knew why but I have felt this since seeing his interviews lately....the rest of 'em, yeah anything is possible. I still wish I could understand where Jr was during all this...I don't think anyone has ever heard him in any of the calls,etc. just too weird for words.

I agree about Joe. They seem to be trying awfully hard to point the finger at him without coming out and saying "he did it". They were desperately trying to deflect the attention off themselves. You never heard any of them say "I think Joe is responsible, please investigate him". It was only "Joe liked to fish off this dock", "Joe liked to feed small animals to the gators", "Joe messed with me", "The van was moved and I know it wasn't Timmy", "Joe said "he'll get what's coming to him" after their fight"

I also agree about Jr. Where was he? As the story went, RC pulls up, MC tells him Haleighs gone, he tells her to call 911, she does. It's never mentioned he asked about Jr. He never says he ran to check on him. In the 911 call, you don't hear any mention of him by RC in the background. I would think we would have heard Jr with all the commotion going on, but maybe he was a very hard sleeper. I don't understand, though, the lack of concern about his well-being. If my daughter had just been kidnapped from the same room my son is in, I'm pretty sure he'd be in my arms by that point.
Thanks Levi for keeping her story out there. I love the fact you call it as you see it. If Misty wasn't home that night with the kids, lets say she gave them something to sleep, so she could do a drug run, and then comes home and finds Haleigh dead, maybe she doesn't know what or who killed her. Could she just think that it was Tommy and Joe, but is guessing? Is it possible she knows that Haleigh was assaulted but can't tell Ron that she left the kids alone? She can't say she gave her drugs, and that could have been the cause of death? She would be in a real bind her, she would have to call someone for help. Is it possible she called Tommy and Joe came along and they disposed of Haleigh, but later on she thought about it and is blaming them? There is something she is holding back and not telling. Tommy may have helped dispose of Haleigh, but is there is no proof on him or Joe that either one was there and now Misty is pointing a finger at them. I just don't understand Tommy's reaction to her saying he did this. In the earlier videos talking with his dad, he knows what she is saying and his reaction just isn't strong enough, in some he sends his love.

What if she told Ron, Haleigh died of a drug over dose, but she knows she wasn't home and it was something else? Tommy knows Misty wasn't home, Misty knows she wasn't home, and thinks it was Tommy and Joe, they both helped get rid of the body and Ron thinks it is his fault?
Levi - Not everyone feels what you call 'facts' are indeed really facts. Just because you claim it to be a fact, doesn't mean it's a fact.

Gramma Sykes claims she saw Misty in the evening and she was perfectly fine. She reiterated that on NG last night. If I recall, TN stated the same? The guy had to go to work. There are conflicting reports about Misty's condition that day. Flora wasn't there, Sykes was. I'm going with Sykes statement myself. Right?

Ron tirelessly searched for Haleigh. I was watching everything CLOSELY at that time. He was flat out told to go home and rest because he was constantly out there on horses, etc. when others didn't want to go out. Ask Tim Miller and LE. You make it sound like he didn't search and went out partying immediately like Casey. That is not 'fact'.

Instead of searching for her, he's out selling drugs? That was a year after her dissapearance.Just because you don't 'admire' him, doesn't mean you get to skew various facts, or choose to run with statements, etc. and ignore real/proven ones and factual scenarios.

I'm just saying you are clearly not objective when it comes to Ron. You may be right in that he is involved - but you are on a biased 'Witch Hunt'. And that's clear to me from your blogs, twitters, etc.

BBM - What instantly struck me about this statement was that RC wasn't just selling drugs nearly a year after Haleigh's disappearance...he was CAUGHT selling drugs. I don't think many dealers get caught their first time out selling drugs but they do seem to get more comfortable in the role of being a drug dealer and may tend to throw caution to the wind thinking they are not going to get caught. IMO, I don't think the dealing, or using, of drugs was something that RC got into after Haleigh's disappearance.
Levi - one thing I am curious about and think your thoughts might be very interesting about Ron is why he tells Cobra about Shell Harbour boat ramp and why he tells Tim Miller about the same location but yet LE does not search this area intil last week. Just to my way of thinking, Ron never bothered to float this to LE, and perhaps he didn't because he already knew something. Just seems to me he attempted to manuever several in that direction when he should have been sending LE. I do find this quite strange - any thoughts ?
What is their to like about Ronald?

Let's just say he is not involved.

Here are the facts:

If he is not involved, he cared so little about his children that he left them with a 17-year-old who just got off a drug/sex/drinking spree.

He married the woman that holds the key to what happened to his daughter.

Instead of searching for his daughter he is eating cake with Misty, celebrating, getting tattoos etc.

He warns Misty not to talk to Donna Brock when she was undercover at TES. (Yeah like he married her/trafficked drugs w/ her to get her to crack ::rolls eyes:: )

Instead of searching for her, he is out trafficking prescription medication. Decapitating rats and stuffing them in the inlaws mailbox. he is fighting with his in laws. he is getting involved in road rage incidents.

There is absolutely nothing to like or admire about him at all.

I've tried to feel sympathy for him, but I can't.
I totally agree as I said before u don't leave your kids with someone who clearly said she didn't want to watch kids Because she was exhausted from partying and I can't. Believe. One of the grandmothers didn't step up and watch them. .and why would gggs only wash the kids cloths they are all hiding something
Levi - one thing I am curious about and think your thoughts might be very interesting about Ron is why he tells Cobra about Shell Harbour boat ramp and why he tells Tim Miller about the same location but yet LE does not search this area intil last week. Just to my way of thinking, Ron never bothered to float this to LE, and perhaps he didn't because he already knew something. Just seems to me he attempted to manuever several in that direction when he should have been sending LE. I do find this quite strange - any thoughts ?

Hi Raisin,

I'm not Levi but I think that since Ron was not at the top of the list and there was no evidence of Haleigh being dead, they couldn't justify the cost of a dive and search. In the beginning, they treated the case as an abduction and Misty was the key. So Ron mentioning wasn't enough to do a search of the River. If he insisted and had a "hunch" or some kind of evidence, it would have been done IMO. But if Ron knew too much, he would have been a suspect too.....so he could only mention it in passing.
Hi Raisin,

I'm not Levi but I think that since Ron was not at the top of the list and there was no evidence of Haleigh being dead, they couldn't justify the cost of a dive and search. In the beginning, they treated the case as an abduction and Misty was the key. So Ron mentioning wasn't enough to do a search of the River. If he insisted and had a "hunch" or some kind of evidence, it would have been done IMO. But if Ron knew too much, he would have been a suspect too.....so he could only mention it in passing.

Bern, thank you. But I still don't get it. This group has been trying to point the finger at Joe from very early on in this case. I can't for the life of me figure why LE would go talk to Joe and then ignore all these rumblings for 14 months. The mere fact that this search took place now, when these folks are locked up and trying to weasel out somehow tells me they never took these stories directly to LE themselves but they were sure hoping someone would so they would not implicate themselves in the process. Right now by telling these stories, they certainly have implicated themselves - sounds desparate to me. I don't buy LE not listening to what Ron had to say, abduction or not, especially since all these claims have half of WS believing Joe did it. This is one of the most illogical things to me.
I totally agree as I said before u don't leave your kids with someone who clearly said she didn't want to watch kids Because she was exhausted from partying and I can't. Believe. One of the grandmothers didn't step up and watch them. .and why would gggs only wash the kids cloths they are all hiding something

BBM Like other posters on other threads have said - I can see where she might do the kids laundry. In all of the pics we have seen, Haleigh had on adorable outfits and way before Misty was in their life. I have a DIL who overwashes everything, very often ruining it before the end of the season. But with kids dirty clothes still there after Haleigh went missing and a trip to her house for a special outfit for school, that excuse doesn't wash.

I doubt very much any of them will appear again to be questioned but I'd like to know why GGMS didn't mention seeing Lindsay there. Lindsay said she was there when the laundry was delivered... The more they step forward with new info, the more they contradict themselves and each other.
Hi Raisin,

I'm not Levi but I think that since Ron was not at the top of the list and there was no evidence of Haleigh being dead, they couldn't justify the cost of a dive and search. In the beginning, they treated the case as an abduction and Misty was the key. So Ron mentioning wasn't enough to do a search of the River. If he insisted and had a "hunch" or some kind of evidence, it would have been done IMO. But if Ron knew too much, he would have been a suspect too.....so he could only mention it in passing.

Ron did not tell LE....he told other people....Cobra...Tim Miller. Ron put the "word" out but we don't know when or if LE got the word. That keeps Ron in the clear because he could always say "it never happened" or "I heard it from so and so and told them."
Bern, thank you. But I still don't get it. This group has been trying to point the finger at Joe from very early on in this case. I can't for the life of me figure why LE would go talk to Joe and then ignore all these rumblings for 14 months. The mere fact that this search took place now, when these folks are locked up and trying to weasel out somehow tells me they never took these stories directly to LE themselves but they were sure hoping someone would so they would not implicate themselves in the process. Right now by telling these stories, they certainly have implicated themselves - sounds desparate to me. I don't buy LE not listening to what Ron had to say, abduction or not, especially since all these claims have half of WS believing Joe did it. This is one of the most illogical things to me.

This is so messed up! I think Tommy had to fess up about the disposal of the body, because Misty was trying to pin him and Joe for her death. I don't think she knows for sure, what happened to Haleigh, she is guessing and hoping she is right. Ron may think he is guilty because Misty TOLD him she died of a OD, but didn't fess up to not being at home. Tommy MAY have been there earlier, but he knows Misty wasn't home to prove it, but she called him to dispose of Haleigh. So they are ALL guilty, but Joe makes the best scape goat. Just some thoughts to think about about...
Here's a question that has been bugging me since I heard it the other day.

Why does/did RC WANT to be put into gen pop? Does he have "friends", "connections" or otherwise "business associates" in gen pop that could "help him out"?
Here's a question that has been bugging me since I heard it the other day.

Why does/did RC WANT to be put into gen pop? Does he have "friends", "connections" or otherwise "business associates" in gen pop that could "help him out"?

Easier to get contraband ? don't even tell me so he can look for Haleigh, according to TN, that is what landed him in jail in the first place.
Easier to get contraband ? don't even tell me so he can look for Haleigh, according to TN, that is what landed him in jail in the first place.
aahhh - contraband - maybe. ya know they say you get the best drugs IN jail. Maybe he's needin' his fix and he knows someone in gen pop that can certainly get it for him.

Interesting. Thankx raisincharlie - hadn't thought of that.
Oh I love that article. I'm glad someone is pointing him out.

I just don't think this case can be resolved until all the parties involved are exposed. LE can't want to get this case closed so bad, they don't see what is my opinion, pretty compelling evidence that all involvement has not been revealed... (although before anyone points this out-I know that LE knows more than we all do)-I still don't think they have this figured out correctly-and if they arrest and charge JoeO, Misty, Tommie and call it even, I will know that justice has not been served... JHMO!
Here's a question that has been bugging me since I heard it the other day.

Why does/did RC WANT to be put into gen pop? Does he have "friends", "connections" or otherwise "business associates" in gen pop that could "help him out"?

has got to be reason...

BBM Like other posters on other threads have said - I can see where she might do the kids laundry. In all of the pics we have seen, Haleigh had on adorable outfits and way before Misty was in their life. I have a DIL who overwashes everything, very often ruining it before the end of the season. But with kids dirty clothes still there after Haleigh went missing and a trip to her house for a special outfit for school, that excuse doesn't wash.

I doubt very much any of them will appear again to be questioned but I'd like to know why GGMS didn't mention seeing Lindsay there. Lindsay said she was there when the laundry was delivered... The more they step forward with new info, the more they contradict themselves and each other.
i agree .. i dunno i just find all of that thinking they are above the law and thinking they are gonna finally be the ones to get away with it ..is getting out of hand and has been for quite some time now .. the family needs to realize by hiding ANYTHING they are putting themselves and THEIR children in jeopardy (brothers sisters cousins ect)..if they all get carted off to jail who's gonna take care of their kids?(it wont be tc mc or rc anyway why protect them ? from the death row ? well if they had any hand in it they deserve it however if it was an accident i dont see why theyd get the DP the more they lie coverup ect then i can see why they would .... they need to stop protecting hiding things for these people and they need to realize the truth ALWAYS comes out even if its years from now cuz it always does .. LE will catch up with this sooner or later ...theres no more hiding folks for those of you that are trying to protect them stop before YOUR lives are ruined why should you pay for what someone else did .... you best just fess up with what you know and get this over with .u all claim to love haliegh then PROVE it .. this case is starting to be more nuttier than the anthony case ..

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