2010.04.20 Levi Page article~"Don't clear Ronald Cummings yet!"

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Levi, we need to talk about the fact that you live in Tennessee right there with Granny Hollar. (wink wink, nudge, nudge) Time's a wastin'.

Seriously, good for you for sticking to your guns, even with the big guns running in the other direction.
I have very little time, so I just crammed them all into one. He is an attorney, he should have the intellectual capacity to answer more than one question at a time.

He talked in circles on JVM's show & I was rolling my eyes the entire time.

Don't know why these people go on shows if they just talk and flap their jaws without really saying anything of substance.

If his sole purpose was to discredit Grandma Flo & say Tommy knows what happened or wasn't involved, issue a press release for crying out loud.

We know you want answers. We want answers. We understand your method of questioning. We understand how these dang TV shows work (which really infuriates me). I wish they'd let you tie up these people and torture them to get the answers, but they won't. All I'm saying is one question at a time MIGHT get a good response, but with this cast of characters, one never knows.

I'd love to know why attorneys come on the show to take questions and then say, "I can't answer that."? :banghead: Teresa Neves did the same when she appeared on the Today Show the morning after the family had the jailhouse meeting with LE. She couldn't talk about anything that was said, and she sat there like a bump. I only saw it because I tuned in to see the interview about the rescue of Nadia Bloom.

Keep up the good work, Levi. Much of what you say makes sense. I say "much" in case we are wrong. :wink: One thing we can say, this gang has the Anthony family beat by miles! :eek:
Originally Posted by Emma Peel
Levi, your rat question made Tommy's attorney smile. I think that means something. It was a real smile, I think. Like you two were in on a funny secret. Like a wink. I don't know if you saw it yet, as you were busy on the panel, but go look! I think he answered your question more than you realize.

I thought his smile was something more like...now, you don't really expect me to answer that question, do you?

I thought he smiled because the rat question was his out for not having to answer the first part of the question about THE night. It was definitely a clear cut way to get out of answering anything. That's why compound questions to attorneys aren't a good thing.
JHMO, but I think Tommy's Attny relayed some interesting info to us all ... between the lines.

IMO he is coming across as very intelligent and somewhat tongue in cheek. ITA it is what he is not saying that is most interesting.
It is impossible for Ron to tell Misty ahead of time what to say etc as what we are seeing on TV is at least a month old.... there will be an arrest anytime I am sure with all the happenings lately. Ron was cleared for the millionth time.

so, it had been a month BEFORE we heard RC's attorney said '"He's still hoping that if Misty did know something -- and it appears she did -- he's hoping it was something she was forced to do, threatened to do, and that's why she wouldn't talk to him." ????

And.. fwiw, I thought LE has never said RC was "cleared" .. just that they were satisfied with his aspect of the investigation?
Ron was cleared for the millionth time.

When was RC cleared for the first time? Do you have a link?

In most cases, no one is cleared until the suspect is arrested for the particular crime. So far, no one has been arrested in connection to Haleigh's case.
whether Ron is "involved" or not LE has each of the players failrly secure right now so that there will not be anymore "accidents" and everyone will be able to testify at a trial. MOO
Did they report ratgate on HLN?

I really don't remember, If anything negative is said about Ron they skirt around it or totally dismiss it quick. It's hard to understand why they don't want any negative publicity on Ron. Instead they show the same tape of Misty in jail over and over again. I can almost repeat them with the players. Yes they are rerun that much.
Levi-is it possible for you to get Chelsea Croslin on your show?
It seems to me she had quite a bit to say before she got cut off on the NG show.

I just watched the interview with Ron and Misty with Greta again posted on Levi's page, at the top of this thread.

This time I only watched Ron's face;that was pretty telling for me. Why is Ron so worried about what the details of what Misty has to say? He is, you can see it all through the interview.

Misty looks like she could be his child in this video and is afraid of saying the wrong thing. Constantly looks to her left, apparently this reflects deception.

I'm getting off the fence..Ron is involved.

Good to see you coming down off that fence! Not an easy decision to make with all the hoopla in this case! I came off the fence after that interview! It didn't take long! Greta did a great interview-I wish she would still cover crime stories!

Levi, your question to Flora Hollars about Joe's juvenile arrest record was brilliant. It is information that everyone has wanted to know, but couldn't ever get an answer. Bravo!

I think a good question to ask would also be why Ron stopped cooperating with law enforcement once the phone records were obtained.

Since Chelsea is feeling talkative, I agree with Twall, is there any chance of getting her on your show?

Thank you for all you do! :clap:
It is impossible for Ron to tell Misty ahead of time what to say etc as what we are seeing on TV is at least a month old.... there will be an arrest anytime I am sure with all the happenings lately. Ron was cleared for the millionth time.


I have never seen he was cleared the first time let alone the millionth time. Do you have an article stating Ron has been cleared?

I have never seen he was cleared the first time let alone the millionth time. Do you have an article stating Ron has been cleared?

Doc, I think people are confused. When LE stated that Ron and Crystal were not suspects, some people thought that meant he was cleared. That's not how I interpreted that. when LE made that comment, someone asked about Ron and Crystal, therefore, police said they were not suspects. At that point NOONE was a suspect not even Misty (and she was the "key"). If someone would've asked about Misty, Tommy, or JO, IMO, LE would've said the same thing, KWIM? At that point LE had NO suspects. Hale, we're just now hearing that they have POI"s. Still NO suspects at this point just POI's.

People are confusing that with Ron being cleared. Remember LE, at one time, even said......"The world is a suspect" (or something like that).
whether Ron is "involved" or not LE has each of the players failrly secure right now so that there will not be anymore "accidents" and everyone will be able to testify at a trial. MOO

My bold

I agree Re: some of the players are secure. LE looks like they have stopped Lisa Croslin from even seeing Misty in jail.
I was wondering in the transcript from NG...when were these calls released anyone know?

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I can`t believe they won`t let mom come see me.

HANK CROSLIN: Because of this other charge.


[3/4 of the way down transcript]

(Transcript NG show Aired April 23, 2010)


BTW: Levi I think you're doing a GREAT job!!!
Keep up the good work {{ HUGS }}
About RC being cleared...I've never read or heard that directly clears him from LE ...anywhere..only from NG's mouth and himself and blogs.
I found it interesting that they are withholding Tommy's new tapes according to his lawyer for evidence purposes...is that also why we never hear RC's?..and the ones we have are spliced?
Wow, unbelievable! I just finally read Levi's article and then watched the you tube video of RC at the tattoo parlor and I hate to judge people but he does NOT act like the father of a child who has only been missing for a few weeks. (at the time of the video) He has an attitude, complains of just wanting to be left alone and he really does come across as someone who is mean and aggressive. The part at the end where he say's almost as an afterthought to his daughter that he loves her always was painful to listen to in a way I can't explain. Not normal.


This whole situation makes me sick. I hope LE is successful in getting everyone responsible.

The tatoo itself was one of the really telling points with Ron. He took the time and money to get his daughters face tatoo'ed on himself. When she had been missing for a month and police were still searching for a live or kidnapped child. There is normally only one reason why someone gets their childs face tatoo'ed on like that. It is a memorial. This coincides with his marriage to Misty "because it's what Hayleigh (would have) wanted." These are the actions of a parent who knows with absolute certainty that their child is dead. Not one that has even the slightest hope that the child is simply missing.

Ron has known all along that Hayleigh was dead. It's just obvious from watching him. So regardless of whether he was involved in the death, he has known and been involved in misdirecting or covering it up.
Ron got tattoos of both children....just to clarify.
SoSueMe, thanks. I quess I just stumble on the fact that LE confirmed the area around Shell Harbour was never searched and the data collected in the past few weeks led them there.

This pretty much tells me Ron or any of them for that matter, even those he did tell, never relayed this information to LE. One sure does have to wonder why a man missing "his heart" wouldn't bother with telling LE this supposed important information right away. Seems to me Ron couldn't tell it to LE right away or ever. Sure makes him look guilty of something doesn't it ?

Great post raisincharlie. Without much thought, I can see Ron being guilty of not wanting his daughter found or searched for. He added nothing to the search. He couldn't or wouldn't even answer questions from the 911 operator. A good starting point to recover his missing daughter would be to describe what she was wearing when she disappeared. Instead he make an excuse for not knowing what she was wearing. jmo
My belief is, he wants to get to ToC!

Once he tells his jailmates about ToC possibly murdering his child, they will do it for him...honor amongst theives..you betcha when a child is involved..JMHO

We heard how Inmate Anthony has been chastized being called a baby killer, imagine if these men get ahold of ToC??? Besides "tossing his salad", they will no doubt about it, do him in...JMHO I do hope he's being kept in PC for his own good...I'm sure he is segregated from the others, CO's know what happens to guys that harm children...JMHO

Justice for HaLeigh

Justice for HaLeigh

I just do not believe that all inmates would be fooled by RC's "charm" :loser: There will be those that have RC's number and he may be on the losing end of a shank for hurting his own child.

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