2010.04.20 - Nancy Grace.

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So, we hear at the start of the show about Crystal and Ron meeting to discuss Haleigh. Does anyone know where NG got that info from ?
Sorry I don't. I haven't had a chance to read the other threads though. :waitasec:
Searchfortruth said:
So, we hear at the start of the show about Crystal and Ron meeting to discuss Haleigh. Does anyone know where NG got that info from ?

According to this article, Crystal isn't even planning a funeral at all

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I think the point he was making was that Cousin Jo was staying at Chelea & Timmy's > Chelsea & Timmy had the blue van > BUT somehow Chelsea & Timmy are eliminated from the equation (ie, based on Chelsea's account...). He isn't saying that they are/were eliminated by LE - As a reminder he states that LE has all of the phone records therefore they know who was AND who wasn't called, and thereby who was involved that night. LP does not believe that cousin Jo was involved. Conveniently, Chelsea & Timmy can claim that "Jo did it" because he was staying at thier home and could have had access to the van/van keys - IMO, LP is summing it up by essentially saying that the phone records don't lie - apparently he believes (maybe has inside knowledge?) that those phone records reveal calls to Chelsea and/or Timmy - not to Cousin Jo.

I totally concur with your interpretation of LP's comments. I understood it this way as well.
According to this article, Crystal isn't even planning a funeral at all

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Thank You !!!!

From the article...

PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- According to the attorney representing Haleigh Cumming's mother, Crystal Sheffield, the family is not in the process of making funeral plans for the girl.

More at link...

I think the point he was making was that Cousin Jo was staying at Chelea & Timmy's > Chelsea & Timmy had the blue van > BUT somehow Chelsea & Timmy are eliminated from the equation (ie, based on Chelsea's account...). He isn't saying that they are/were eliminated by LE - As a reminder he states that LE has all of the phone records therefore they know who was AND who wasn't called, and thereby who was involved that night. LP does not believe that cousin Jo was involved. Conveniently, Chelsea & Timmy can claim that "Jo did it" because he was staying at thier home and could have had access to the van/van keys - IMO, LP is summing it up by essentially saying that the phone records don't lie - apparently he believes (maybe has inside knowledge?) that those phone records reveal calls to Chelsea and/or Timmy - not to Cousin Jo.

Hmmm...Play along with me a minute and pray I don't confuse too many - I'm pulling things from a couple of threads I have read today.

I follow what he is saying, perhaps TiC and ToC were called over to help sis while JO was snoozing. On another thread today there was much talk of a call to 911 PRIOR to Misty's, around 2:15 AM from the residence of Timmy and Chelsea.

Could it be Chelsea awoke to see the van leaving, thinking it was being stolen, she dials 911; maybe gets a good look and sees it's Timmy in the van and/or realizes he isn't in the bed afterall, hangs up...?

Just pondering here. I know there has been much talk of that odd call. I would think LE sends someone out on all 911 hang ups, or at least makes the callback. I don't know.

The hit on the dumpster always bothered me too. Makes sense she would know LE is going to be crawling all over the vicinity SOON, would want Haleigh as far away as possible.

Another question that comes to mind while I was just typing that, with so many on the fence as to RC involvement (myself included), if he were involved, why make that call at 3AM? If this is something they, including Ron, so elaborately planned, why not wait until daylight to make the call? He could have said he eased on in with the lights off, never even noticing Haleigh wasn't where she was supposed to be until they got up for school the next morning. Would have bought themselves at least a couple more hours to get it all straight if he were involved.

Sorry, I know I just threw a bunch of stuff against the wall there. Always interested in what everyone thinks.
I don't know, but he's also convinced that Misty is the ONLY one who knows exactly how Haleigh died (how her demise came about? I don't remember his exact wording) I saw this snipped from an interview in a post here and then heard him say it again on NG tonight.

So, yes, what exactly does he know? Or is he just going on theory like the rest of us?

Personally, I think he just may know something...JMO
I have just finished reading the JVM thread, and getting ready for NG on the re-run. Could you guys hold on till I get caught up?
But, seriously......will someone tell me when PattyG gets her youtube of JVM set up for viewing. I'd probably never find it without some help. Could someone send me the link in a message? Thank you!
seanymph-your post makes total sense to me. Very possible the mysterious 911 call came from Chelsea thinking the van was being ripped off. You might be right on the money!!! That would place Timmy in the mix and cousin Joe might have been passed out higher than a kite so the Croslin klan figured they'd pin it on cousin Joe who couldn't remember chit about that night. Maybe he really wasn't involved in the happenings of that night. If it's good enough for LP, then it's good enough for me **wink wink**
Another question that comes to mind while I was just typing that, with so many on the fence as to RC involvement (myself included), if he were involved, why make that call at 3AM? If this is something they, including Ron, so elaborately planned, why not wait until daylight to make the call? He could have said he eased on in with the lights off, never even noticing Haleigh wasn't where she was supposed to be until they got up for school the next morning. Would have bought themselves at least a couple more hours to get it all straight if he were involved.

Sorry, I know I just threw a bunch of stuff against the wall there. Always interested in what everyone thinks.

~snip by me

IMO~ Calling at 3AM, and having Haleigh disappear sometime after he left to go to work, and sometime before he came home from work simply gives him an alibi.
I want to thank all of you for your play by plays tonight. I could not catch NG and I am so grateful to all of you!
~snip by me

IMO~ Calling at 3AM, and having Haleigh disappear sometime after he left to go to work, and sometime before he came home from work simply gives him an alibi.

Good point. That's why I appreciate being able to throw those things out and get the feedback.

Hope all my pondering isnt O/T for the "Nancy" thread since they were all things brought up on the show tonight, except the odd 911 call, which I brought back around to the possibility of LP putting TiC in the midst.
They better hope these bones were human...funeral means human remains.
I hope that I do not get a TO for this question, and it most likely is OT to the rest of the thread but why does NG always call Ron, Haleigh's Dad, yet Crystal doesn't get called by her name or Mom only the "bio mom"......who else is considered Haleigh's mom???

I would really like to know this.....it really bothers me, I mean Crystal is her MOM, MOMMY, MOTHER.....no one else is so....yeah....

seanymph-your post makes total sense to me. Very possible the mysterious 911 call came from Chelsea thinking the van was being ripped off. You might be right on the money!!! That would place Timmy in the mix and cousin Joe might have been passed out higher than a kite so the Croslin klan figured they'd pin it on cousin Joe who couldn't remember chit about that night. Maybe he really wasn't involved in the happenings of that night. If it's good enough for LP, then it's good enough for me **wink wink**

IIRC, the scanners don't think a 911 call happened @ from 116 Tyler that night.

The Officer who was at Tyler was recorded on the scanner -she was responding that she was at Tyler. Rolling back the scanner tapes, ACTUALLY, she'd first gone to Ron's trailer as a response to the missing child 911 call, then, upon getting info @ Ron's, she went to check 116 Tyler as possible place where Haleigh could have wandered to, and then radioed from Tyler back to officers that were at Ron's trailer that she was at Tyler. So... the scanners believe that is all there is to it.

This is also how Scanners knew there were significant portions of the 911 calls redacted - by rolling back scanner tapes and figuring out times.

Gee I hope that makes sense...if not, Grandmaj & Wasalurke are so good at translating...they'll save me!!
I missed the first showing of NG today, and am now watching the re-broadcast. Right now Art Harries just said LE showed Misty bones when she was taken to the boat dock. I wonder if the bones they showed Misty were human or animal bones?
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