2010.04.21 - PCSO asks Bloggers and TV Personalities to back off....

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I respectfully disagree.

Years ago, a little boy in my child's class was murdered. The story as presented made a lot of people believe the mother killed her son, then came up with this lame scenario to cover her butt. Pretty much every time this came up, the people I spoke with, and myself included, were outraged the mother was still walking around free instead of being behind bars.

A little over a year later, the ex-boyfriend was arrested. It turned out the mother had agreed to go along with police and basically let the whole town think she was a child-killing , meanwhile, the ex, who had actually killed her son and raped her, felt free to call and taunt her on a regular basis, which is what gave LE the ability to track him down and arrest him. This also gave him a false sense of security, which kept him flitting around the area instead of leaving the country.

Because of this, I don't feel very entitled to information in an ongoing investigation. I have to assume LE knows what it is doing, as they are the professionals.


Exactly. And that's why LE will sometimes proclaim someone is 'cleared' in the media, the same way they will name folks as POI or Suspect. It will evoke reactions and actions, by a perp thinking they are cleared they are more likely to relax and get entrapped.
I respectfully disagree.

Years ago, a little boy in my child's class was murdered. The story as presented made a lot of people believe the mother killed her son, then came up with this lame scenario to cover her butt. Pretty much every time this came up, the people I spoke with, and myself included, were outraged the mother was still walking around free instead of being behind bars.

A little over a year later, the ex-boyfriend was arrested. It turned out the mother had agreed to go along with police and basically let the whole town think she was a child-killing , meanwhile, the ex, who had actually killed her son and raped her, felt free to call and taunt her on a regular basis, which is what gave LE the ability to track him down and arrest him. This also gave him a false sense of security, which kept him flitting around the area instead of leaving the country.

Because of this, I don't feel very entitled to information in an ongoing investigation. I have to assume LE knows what it is doing, as they are the professionals.

Respectfully Quoted Lanie :)

I can see both sides. I think we all would only want information that would not hinder the case. I can fully understand LE keeping certain information secret but I have to agree with the poster who said LE could and should squelch some of these wild rumors before they get this out of control.

There has to be some reasonable information that could be released, or the case explained in such a way that we would understand why there was no information. These things get so out of hand, it goes way beyond any sane idea of "on going investigation", we talk about these cases because they have become a circus. The combo of things that caused this latest uproar could have been avoided with each party following the suggestions so many have offered regarding this case.

The "news" needs to learn to report the FACTS. LE should be more forthcoming with information, even if that means to say "there is no information." Decent folks are being decent and those that aren't, aren't. Some adult along the way is not being decent and that is how we end up discussing these types of subjects. IMHO.

How can we ever say we are doing our best to find missing children and help victims of crime to seek justice, when we are busy trying to find out if the media is telling the truth or not? FWIW: I do blame the media more than LE on this one. I don't have enough knowledge regarding LE and how a investigation should or does work, but I still feel they could/can have better communication with the public. A poster said LE needs to "get behind the mike", exactly! Don't rely on the second hand reporting of the media "personalities", get in front of the camera's yourself. Or issue official statements.

That being said, thank you to LE for all the justice and service they have dedicated their lives to. It is much more hard to have respect for news people that do not respect the truth.

I'm hoping out of dignity for Haleigh this doesn't turn into a "Jerry Springer" type situation with both of 'em hollerin' and screamin' at each other and then taken off camera.

Do you think NG will allow them to talk to "each other'? She controls the show and who asks who questions - this is going to be a tough control over these two.

Yeah, Swag, I hope it doesn't turn into a brawl. Does anyone know if this show is live? I always thought it was. Fireworks tonight!
thanks for sharing that piece...I also wish someone would shut that grandma up....

ITA. After all this is NG still going to present the dueling Grandmas tonight?
What did Hardy and Croslins expect??????????

Many has cross the line in 14 months.... nothing new

Now Where Haleigh ?????
I'd just like to point something out, then I'll try to shut my mouth and not say anything further on this issue; One of the points that I've heard Levi raise (or at least attempt to) during his recent guest appearances, pertains to the source(s), in this particular case, Gma's source(s) for all of her recent proclamations and, as Levi pointed out, Gma Hollar can't even recall precisely who told her what - instead her reply, when asked for specifics, was something along the lines of "Oh one of em in Florida." Why is this so important? Its important, not only because any information pertaining to a missing, possibly murdered child case, should naturally be of the utmost importance, especially when aired publicly on national television - its important because it makes the difference between the individual who is simply publicly sharing their own personal opinion(s) and the person who genuinely has credible information relating to the case.

Let's face it, if NG and JVM invited guests on their programs simply to add another opinion to their panel of guests, we'd all be invited. Gma Hollars opinion is/has been given special favor purely because of her close proximity to the case; the family relation. IMO, that may be enough to get her (Gma Hollar's) foot in the door, so to say, but it shouldn't be enough to keep inviting her back when she clearly can't even give (or recall) the important specifics related to the information she's disclosing.

Sadly, due to NG's and JVM's lowered bar of standards regarding their guest's credibility, they've become nothing more than a public national forum whereby family members and others related to a criminal case can appear to duel it out. Sadly, it has become no different, IMO, than the Jerry Springer Show - chairs being flung across the room. As long as viewers realize this, there isn't any danger (take it with a grain of salt...) but unfortunately due to NG & JVM's programs covering true crimes and cloaked in a "fighting for justice" platform, people take what they and their guests say very seriously. The public's opinions then become prejudiced - not by facts, but by which guest, in this case, it will be Gma Hollar vs. Gma Sykes, is more likeable or seems more believable.

With so much potential to do so much good, what a shame that these programs have been reduced to this but, lets not kid ourselves, this is all about ratings and $$$ - nothing more and nothing less.

The public drives the media. As long as we listen and read, the television personalities and bloggers will speak and write. It's simple economics. We demand news; they supply it. When demand exceeds supply, meaning there is a dearth of strong news, the supply is strained and the end result is a substandard end product.

I've stated this repeatedly, and I'll say it again. We cannot cast blame without holding the mirror up to ourselves. Whether we click on the blogs directly or read quotes on other websites; whether we tune in NG or read the NG threads here at WS, we are still consumers contributing to the demand. If we are truly opposed to the aforementioned popular brand of shoddy journalism, we must examine our consciences and make the tough choice to boycott it completely.

Mydailyopinions, I respectfully used your post as a jumping off point. My post was not directed at you, specifically.

ETA: Lest I be perceived a hypocrite , I should add that I am not ready to make that tough choice and will contintinue to read and listen using common sense to discern the wheat from the chaff. ;)

Respectfully Quoted bessie :)

I agree with what you say for some people. But not all of us. I have no need for the way news is reported. I want FACTS. What show was that? Dragnet.

"The facts, and only the facts." When ever we start to criticize the media, we hear "they are just giving us what we want."

Well, I am speaking up in public to say: That is NOT what I want.

Bessie, what you are saying might be the sad truth of the matter more than I would like to believe, and so I do not dispute that what you are saying is a major factor. Although, (in that vein I would like to disagree) and I would like to find out that the majority of people feel the way I do. I get that some people must be tuning in, buying the papers, magazines, etc. and money is being made but I think people would still be interested in the facts. I come to Websleuths because I do not like the style of reporting in our world. Before the internet we HAD to listen to the media because there was no other source, and after being on WS for over a year: I know the facts are WAY more interesting than pumped up "bombshells."

As a WSer is fond of saying. "You can't make this stuff up." If the media had been reporting what we have been finding, discussing in these cases people would be just as hooked. But they don't have time to tell the whole story because there are commercials to air and money to be had...

FWIW: I agree with all the opinions put forth by WSers on this subject. Everyone is making a correct point.

We are about to find out what these "hosts" and networks are all about. If they proceed after Sheriff Hardy's request, well...it isn't about Haleigh is it ?

It never was about Haleigh. It's always been about money and ratings.
The complete and utter falsity of Misty being shown "Haleigh's bones" and the hurt that rumor alone dumped on the families. These people just had to swallow LE telling them that the case has changed and that Haleigh is likely deceased - now they have to listen to NG saying Haleigh's bones were on display for a potential suspect to view. This "reporting" was totally out of line and completely disrespectful, not only to the families but to Haleigh as well.


BBM. Well said! Exactly. Crossed the line of any human decency and respect for a life.
I'm pretty sure all these rumors, allegations and media frenzies are stirring up the locals. I can see LE getting bombarded with tons of calls a day from people asking questions, wanting to know have they found Haleighs body, providing false leads and sharing personal theories. That's a lot of time and energy wasted trying to keep the roars down to a minimum.
Theres just as many rumors flying around here, too. :waitasec:

...and horrible talk about innocent people!

Respectfully Quoted Theres :)

I do understand where you are coming from and I am not disagreeing except in opinion ( :rolleyes: huh? LOL), it's just that has not been my experience here at Websleuths. In my experience, rumors on WS are put in the Parking Lot. You always know what you get at WS. If someone is speaking "rumor" there is always someone to challenge the information someone posted. The majority of posts cite references, links, proof. While those that are opinion are clearly stated as such. There is no shuck and jive going on here.

In my experience of WS, I have never seen horrible talk of completely innocent people. The players being discussed, IMHO, are always reasonable when looked at from a investigative/sleuthing perspective. I.E. Zenaida Gonzales in the Casey Anthony case was not allowed to be sleuthed.

People are going to talk, people have a right to make sense out of their world but these news programs and their "personalities" are a whole 'nother ball park. It is about money and power and that is wrong.

Again, IMHO everyone here is in the right and I have agreed with everyone's points, I feel they are all valid. For the most part, this is truly the work of the media, along with certain steps LE could take to curb the media's ability to take advantage.

My thoughts are, if the media coverage (NG and HLN) was a focused discussion of the 'facts' then it would become productive and constructive. Like brainstorming you'd get somewhere, make progress and, even maybe yield a result or lead.

You do sometimes see this on JVM with the panel and an interesting and illuminating discussion results.

However, the situ today where these shows engage more in gossip, rumors and, speculation you actually have a negative effect and impact to the case. You are creating a lot of confusion, mis-leading information, polluting communication and, wasting time on things that don't need another minute. A distraction.

It does a dis-service to LE, a dis-service to the viewer community and, a dis-service to the victim -- in this case HaLeigh.

These shows can be a powerful force to aid LE that can truly seek justice. Justice for HaLeigh.
Theres just as many rumors flying around here, too. :waitasec:

...and horrible talk about innocent people!

You are doing to Websleuths what you are accusing us of doing. You state something as fact but show nothing to back it up.

If you can show me one thing that is a horrible rumor that is not based on a report from the main stream media or from a blogger trusted by Nancy Grace and/or JVM then please do so. If you can show me horrible things being said about innocent people then please do.

I have a feeling you might be mistaking people's opinions of case players as saying horrible things about innocent people.

Every single person in Haleigh's case and Caylee's case is innocent because no one has been convicted yet. However, Websleuths is not a court of law and therefore we allow opinions on who is guilty and who is not.

You are wrong about Websleuths. We are not perfect but we do more than anyone else on the Internet to try and keep the discussion from becoming free for alls based on nothing.

Please provide me with the examples in a PM or email me at tgrif@xmission.com

If the information you provide me turns out to be what you say it is I will be the first one to say so and to try and fix the problem.
Something else that may have attributed to this is the following;

Posted on Nancy Grace's Blog by Natisha Lance
April 21, 2010
Haleigh's family told to make funeral arrangements, did cops find a body?
Posted: 07:53 AM ET
(Snipped and underlined by me)

According to Merchant he presented two options to parents Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield about a funeral for Haleigh: The couple could wait seven years for Haleigh to be declared dead by the state of Florida and then be issued a death certificate or they can go before a judge before the seven years lapses to request a death certificate.

Link to NL's entire article here;

Now, in contrast to the above, an article by the Gainsville Sun;

Haleigh case update: No human remains in St. Johns
By Lise Fisher, Staff writer
Published: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 2:12 p.m.
(Snipped and underlined by me)

Asked how officers reached the decision that this was now a homicide case, Bowling said, "It's a lot of information over the last few weeks. None of us believe we are looking for an alive child anymore."
But, he said, officials also have not told family members to "prepare for a funeral."
Various news reports have said Haleigh's family were told to make funeral arrangements.
"We would never tell them something as cold-hearted as prepare for a funeral," he said, adding that the family would be told if the girl were found.

Link to the entire article here; http://www.gainesville.com/article/20100421/ARTICLES/100429898/1109/sports?p=2&tc=pg

Notice that Maj. Gary Bowling's statement, in the Gainsville Sun, was written in quotations while Det. John Merchant's, in Natisha L's article on NG's blog, was not. Nonetheless NL's use of "according to..." has implications and this, IMO, may be partly what has prompted the PCSO to speak out on this issue. This is blatant inner-agency contradictions reported by the media and does not bode well for the department to leave it unchecked. MOO ~

ETA: I very respectfully inquired about this issue (above) but my post never made it past moderation on NG's blog and although I supplied my email address, I have not received a personal response either - as of yet. The article remains unchanged on NG's blog site...
I respectfully disagree.

Years ago, a little boy in my child's class was murdered. The story as presented made a lot of people believe the mother killed her son, then came up with this lame scenario to cover her butt. Pretty much every time this came up, the people I spoke with, and myself included, were outraged the mother was still walking around free instead of being behind bars.

A little over a year later, the ex-boyfriend was arrested. It turned out the mother had agreed to go along with police and basically let the whole town think she was a child-killing , meanwhile, the ex, who had actually killed her son and raped her, felt free to call and taunt her on a regular basis, which is what gave LE the ability to track him down and arrest him. This also gave him a false sense of security, which kept him flitting around the area instead of leaving the country.

Because of this, I don't feel very entitled to information in an ongoing investigation. I have to assume LE knows what it is doing, as they are the professionals.

Wouldn't that be interesting if LE is doing anything similar with Ron? Maybe Crystal is in on it.
You are doing to Websleuths what you are accusing us of doing. You state something as fact but show nothing to back it up.

If you can show me one thing that is a horrible rumor that is not based on a report from the main stream media or from a blogger trusted by Nancy Grace and/or JVM then please do so. If you can show me horrible things being said about innocent people then please do.

I have a feeling you might be mistaking people's opinions of case players as saying horrible things about innocent people.

Every single person in Haleigh's case and Caylee's case is innocent because no one has been convicted yet. However, Websleuths is not a court of law and therefore we allow opinions on who is guilty and who is not.

You are wrong about Websleuths. We are not perfect but we do more than anyone else on the Internet to try and keep the discussion from becoming free for alls based on nothing.

Please provide me with the examples in a PM or email me at tgrif@xmission.com

If the information you provide me turns out to be what you say it is I will be the first one to say so and to try and fix the problem.

Tricia,:clap: I couldn't have said it better. Websleuths is a community forum that allows Sleuthers to discuss a case from every angle in order to form our own opinions and thoughts as to what happened. However, what we as Sleuthers do not participate in is producing or furthering gossip, rumors or innuendo. If there is information being brought up that we are unsure of then it is contained until us Sleuthers can properly research this information to determine its validity. Unless it can be found to have merit to the case it is dropped.

One of the greatest things about sharing our opinions and thoughts about a case are the spectrum and variety of professionally educated minds that do discuss and share personal opinions about a case. Personally, there have been several that I have found very informative. To suggest that we simply spread or create gossip is offensive and insulting to us.

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