2010.04.26 - Tommy's Lawyer: "Tommy knows what happened"

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Well, that's what I'm saying. His lawyer says he knows what happened but he was not involved. You can't know 100% what happened if you were not there when it happened!!

I think he was involved, too, but we don't KNOW for sure, do we? That will be up to the courts to decide.

I don't know the legal definition of involved but IMO everybody who knows that something bad is happening or has happened to a small child and waits 14 months or until there is a deal to be made to report it is involved. Maybe they weren't involved at the start but by agreeing to a coverup they became so.
To me the rat story is = with "shut up or you'll end up like the rat did ,don't you dare betray me/us"

was this supposed toa revelation on JVM or from NG? I was looking for the transcript and thisis all I found. TIA


snip~MISTY CROSLIN, EX-WIFE OF RON CUMMINGS: I got up because I had to use the bathroom but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on. And I walked in the kitchen, and the back door was wide open. And I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And then I go in the room and she`s gone.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now Misty`s brother is throwing a wrench in that story. For the very first time right here on ISSUES on Friday night, Tommy Croslin`s attorney admitted to us that Tommy knows what happened to little Haleigh. Listen.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tommy knows something. but you -- you`re saying he`s not responsible but he knows what happened?

JAMES WERTER, TOMMY CROSLIN`S ATTORNEY: Again, I will say -- well, I will go with that, yes. I`m quite comfortable in you saying that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. So we`re seeing Tommy knows what happened but he`s not responsible?

WERTER; Correct.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: He says Tommy told him everything that happened. This is the first time we are hearing from a credible source, an attorney, that Haleigh didn`t just vanish in the dead of night mysteriously.

Plus, Misty`s own grandmother, Flo Hollars, makes some very, very, very disturbing allegations. ~ end

It sounds like Tommy's lawyer and Joe's lawyer are on the same page....almost.....Tommy knows what happened, but wasn't involved, Joe wants to say a lot but doesn't really know what to say....except his lawyer will say, Joe didn't HARM Haleigh.....it is all coming together.
To me this is a HUGE "bombshell". I think this means that Haleigh will get justice. It was not some random abduction (which we all knew anyway) and there is someone with knowledge that is willing to help LE. So it means either Tommy is guilty and is using this as his defense to deflect attention from his own guilt, or he really does know what happened and can help the police put together the evidence needed to prosecute. If he really doesn't know what happened, why would his lawyer let him say he did? Hopefully it is just a matter of time for them to get all the pieces in place.
I think the point is rather blatantly sending the message of "Dead Rat", or "Rats will be killed by me!, Luv RC!". Which does sort of reinforce the whole, not directly responsible, but involved in it and knows who is really responsible.

A dead rat could say "hey, look what happens to rats (as in narcs - as in drug informers), keep that in mind when discussing me and my lifestyle when being inverviewed by cops about Haleigh"

or a dead rat could also be menacing in a "Hey, remember me? Watch yourself. If you had anything whatsoever to do with harming my baby this will be you buddy."

I know a lot of guys who live in my neighborhood who would do something exactly like that. Many of them love their children and didn't murder them or participate in covering up their deaths. That said, many of them do not exactly provide a "leave it to beaver" home life for them.

IMOO a guy who puts a threatening dead rat in someones mailbox and isn't father of the year but does not automatically equal murderer or accomplice.
Mr Wherter stated last night on NG he was dying for an arrest to be made in this case... He also stated he had a good close (working) relationship with LE..Sounds to me like both he and LE know Tommy isn't the one responsible for what happened to Haleigh, nor is he going to charged with Haleigh's murder...JMO
Mr Wherter stated last night on NG he was dying for an arrest to be made in this case... He also stated he had a good close relationship with LE..Sounds to me like both he and LE know Tommy isn't the one responsible for what happened to Haleigh, nor is going to charged with Haleigh's murder...JMO


you lost me at "last night on NG"

Sorry, anything said there I take with a whole ocean full a salt.

you lost me at "last night on NG"

Sorry, anything said there I take with a whole ocean full a salt.

It was ToC lawyers who stated that not NG. He said in addtion to "dying for an arrest" that "ToC knew what happend and he was not involved". This lawyer seems very well qualfied. I'll go far as to say he is the best lawyer I've every seen on her show. I have no doubt he is telling the truth! He also said he was looking at three years for ToC but had one more charge to come in before that decision is made. He also will put NG in her place when he's talking and she jumps in. I like the guy and I think you would also. Now NG is another story.

Read his bio interesting.
Mr Wherter stated last night on NG he was dying for an arrest to be made in this case... He also stated he had a good close relationship with LE..Sounds to me like both he and LE know Tommy isn't the one responsible for what happened to Haleigh, nor is going to charged with Haleigh's murder...JMO

Just my honest opinion but in order for Tommy not to be charged with anything in Haleigh's murder there better be an overwhelming amount of proof to back that up. Just hearing Tommy knows what happened and wasn't involved disgusts me. For almost 15 months this person had knowledge of what happened to Haleigh and never said a word.....he lied and mislead investigators, he has been keeping innocent family members.... who've longed for information.... lives on hold and that is unacceptable in my opinion. Just as unacceptable as the murder itself. Like I say, just my opinion.

you lost me at "last night on NG"

Sorry, anything said there I take with a whole ocean full a salt.

Sorry about that, I found Mr. Werter to be totally upfront and above board in reference to the comments that he made concerning his client and this case...JMO
Just my honest opinion but in order for Tommy not to be charged with anything in Haleigh's murder there better be an overwhelming amount of proof to back that up. Just hearing Tommy knows what happened and wasn't involved disgusts me. For almost 15 months this person had knowledge of what happened to Haleigh and never said a word.....he lied and mislead investigators, he has been keeping innocent family members.... who've longed for information.... lives on hold and that is unacceptable in my opinion. Just as unacceptable as the murder itself. Like I say, just my opinion.

ITA, Elle, at the very least he has knowledge either before or after the fact. There is no way, IMO, if he knew what happened to HaLeigh and who is responsible and didn't report it for 14 months, he is just as culpable as the one who did the dastardly deed, IMO...

If one goes down, they should all go down, whoever held this information in..


Justice for HaLeigh!
Mr Wherter stated last night on NG he was dying for an arrest to be made in this case... He also stated he had a good close relationship with LE..Sounds to me like both he and LE know Tommy isn't the one responsible for what happened to Haleigh, nor is going to charged with Haleigh's murder...JMO

Thats what it sounds like to me too.
Sorry about that, I found Mr. Werter to be totally upfront and above board in reference to the comments that he made concerning his client and this case...JMO

I wish she had asked him when he made the comment about LE making an arrest if the person was already behind bars. That would tell a lot.

And I would also like some clarification, why is Tommy in custody. Was he with MC and RC on the sale with the narc or is it for something else? tia
I wish she had asked him when he made the comment about LE making an arrest if the person was already behind bars. That would tell a lot.

And I would also like some clarification, why is Tommy in custody. Was he with MC and RC on the sale with the narc or is it for something else? tia

same charges as DB, MC, RC and HS all five were caught on tape
Mr Wherter stated last night on NG he was dying for an arrest to be made in this case... He also stated he had a good close relationship with LE..Sounds to me like both he and LE know Tommy isn't the one responsible for what happened to Haleigh, nor is going to charged with Haleigh's murder...JMO

Morning EG (It's still morning in my time zone :))!

I want to use your post to jump off here: I had a thought last night as I laid in bed listening to my Husband talk as he got ready for bed himself.

The thought was this---If ToC really knows what happened to Haleigh but isn't culpable I'm wondering if he told his wife. To get it off his chest? Just speaking from the experience within my marriage but we've been married almost 2 decades---so I can't really compare to ToC and his wife. JMHO
Before I believe what Mr. Werter is saying, I would need to know more about his history as an attorney. Logic dictates that he would say whatever he feels will help his client escape from a 15 year sentence - like the one that befell Hope.
NOt dissing Mr. Wherter but he is, after all, a defense attorney. Being a mouthpiece and proclaiming his clients innocence and soon vindication is sort of his job. I just don't take any statements by attorneys of players too seriously, they are after all doing a job, and part of that job is spin, and public perception.
Just my honest opinion but in order for Tommy not to be charged with anything in Haleigh's murder there better be an overwhelming amount of proof to back that up. Just hearing Tommy knows what happened and wasn't involved disgusts me. For almost 15 months this person had knowledge of what happened to Haleigh and never said a word.....he lied and mislead investigators, he has been keeping innocent family members.... who've longed for information.... lives on hold and that is unacceptable in my opinion. Just as unacceptable as the murder itself. Like I say, just my opinion.

I never stated he would not be charged with anything in connection to Haleigh's murder, I stated... Sounds to me like both Mr. Werter and LE know Tommy isn't the one responsible for what happened to Haleigh, nor is he going to charged with Haleigh's murder...JMO
I do feel and believe though anyone and everyone who has been a "keeper" of such a horrific secret and has hindered this investigation by not speaking out or lying warrants severe punishment..JMO
Just saying, there has to be a reason that Lindsy made a trip to Mass to see Timmy and Chelsea. Every video or phone call I have heard, she didn't have the finances to be doing this on her own for sure. She has no job and three kids to care for. Thinking there must be some special reason behind this trip. I do think it is very possible that Tommy did send Lindsy a letter detailing his tale. I just don't know how anyone can believe it though without Tommy providing something that corresponds to evidence LE has or he led Le to evidence and LE now has it in their possession.

As for holding it for 15 months, that is yet to be seen. If Tommy is not involved it may be that the information came to him somehow. Sooner or later this tale will be known.

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