2010.04.30 Defense responds to JS order stepping down

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Their silly document doesn't matter. What Judge Strickland said to them in the document, is the very, very least of their worries!!!!

When are they going to get serious? I am thrilled that the judge scheduled all of their motions to be heard very, very soon. He seemed to be hinting to them the death penalty ones, however imaginative, are dead in the water.

Also I thought it was particularly funny that not only did J. Jordan stand them up when they wanted him to testify, now Kronk's ex family members have had a change of heart and have been avoiding being deposed for three months.Sitting in one's kitchen with Mort over coffee and donuts is a far cry from being sworn in and having to testify under oath to the State's Assistant Attorney! Seems their bag of tricks is getting pretty empty. It is back to the drawing board for Casey's boys.

I just remembered this was the first time George saw his daughter since she accused him of molestation. Are you still proud, sir?
I guess the defense is trying hard to get the news cycle on their response to the judge rather than have the reporters in George's face asking him are the allegations that he molested Casey bod faced lies. They must pace the floor thinking just shoot me every time something gets worse for them. They get desperate and do desperate, ignorant things, imo. Good grief!


TWG I thought that I was the only one that noticed that so I didn't bring it up today. (In regards to DP Motions) Of course they must file them, and he must hear them. But realistically they aren't gonna get squashed! It seemed to me today that although Judge Perry was very forthright he did drop quite a few hints here and there. I just do not know if JB et al managed to pick it up or not.
Glad these defense attorneys are not strategists in the military. We'd all be dead.


I just do not get it. Not only do they file such nonsense, but nobody there is familiar with english grammar at all! Do they not have somebody, anybody proofread these motions?
I agree ,but why? He chose to get into this case ,clearly not for the $$$. Supercilious & arrogant a.!

Hm. If the FLA Bar may have something to say about this antic development, could they sanction CM or do something sufficiently embarrassing that he will "have to" distance himself from the case? IOW could CM already be searching for the emergency exit? As experienced as he is he must have known he was inviting some scrutiny when he signed off on that frivolity.

(I know I know it is probably just ego... but what if he's been looking closely at the soles of those tight boots and seen the kind of mess he stepped into? A girl can dream right? :angel:)

I just do not get it. Not only do they file such nonsense, but nobody there is familiar with english grammar at all! Do they not have somebody, anybody proofread these motions?

I think they pass them around and rely on one another to proofread, which is a HUGE WASTE.
Sorry if this has been mentioned, I skipped some pages, but as a former Notary Public I am outraged that an attorney/notary of all people did not DESTROY their expired stamp/seal as required by law........just sayin.....oh, and BTW, if this pi@#ing contest doesn't end soon....well....ick....
I found it! Listen to Mr. Mason pronounce Mrs. Lyon's name, "I call Ms. Andrea Lyons." Even after she says it and spells it very slowly for the court reporter L Y O N, immediately he addresses her "Ms. Lyons...."


He furthermore totally reversed Mrs. Kenney-Badens name.

So yes, it is very hypocritical nearly all that the defense does, but when Jose ended the hearing with his little jab at the prosecution, I wondered if subconsciously Gillighan was making a little dig at Skipper.
Kidding. I am kidding.

I agree that Baez and Mason need to learn to proofread, especially if they are going to have the nerve to criticize a judge in writing.
If the defense was so overwhelmingly compelled to respond........they could have summed it up in one page and saved filing fees by merely offering one succinct statement representative of both their professional opinion and reputation.......

"We're rubber, you're glue. What you say..... bounces off of us and sticks to you."
I found it! Listen to Mr. Mason pronounce Mrs. Lyon's name, "I call Ms. Andrea Lyons." Even after she says it and spells it very slowly for the court reporter L Y O N, immediately he addresses her "Ms. Lyons...."

He furthermore totally reversed Mrs. Kenney-Badens name.

So yes, it is very hypocritical nearly all that the defense does, but when Jose ended the hearing with his little jab at the prosecution, I wondered if subconsciously Gillighan was making a little dig at Skipper.
Kidding. I am kidding.

I agree that Baez and Mason need to learn to proofread, especially if they are going to have the nerve to criticize a judge in writing.

Respectfully Snipped BBM

Hmmm not to be facetious, but maybe the ought to also learn to proofread their mouths. (Or think before they speak)
IMO I also think it is important that the record is set straight.

Cm was only responding to the things that Judge Strickland put in his motion that were unnecessary. Judge Strickland had opportunity to just acknowledge the law and step down. He added what needed not be added. I think it is important that the record is set straight.
Why would Judge Perry care one way or the other? This is not his battle and certainly he can not allow it to have any bearing on the case. Judge Strickland admitted his wrong doing, he stepped down. End of story as far as he is concerned. For Judge Perry to allow this to effect his decision making is to say it is not over, Judge Strickland is still causing affect on the case. IMO

Judge Strickland never admitted to any wrongdoing - there wasn't any wrongdoing. IMO Having been very fair, overly fair to the Defense, no one would want to see this "Hi how are you Mr. Blogger" conversation become an
"appellate court" issue down the road.

Judge Strickland Steps Down From Casey Anthony Case
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:12:11 AM
Reported by Amanda Evans and Jacqueline Fell
"Legal analyst Will Jay said if Strickland hadn't removed himself from the case, every motion could have been argued again, especially if Anthony is found guilty."

Judge In Anthony Case Steps Down
Defense Alleged Inappropriate Relationship With Blogger
POSTED: Monday, April 19, 2010
UPDATED: 7:31 am EDT April 20, 2010
Strickland said that if he did not step down, allegations of wrongdoing
could be renewed each time he turned down a motion from the defense.

"The cumulative effect will be to elevate an otherwise meaningless situation into a genuine appellate issue," Strickland wrote.

Central Florida News 13, WESH — posted by halboedeker on April, 19 2010 5:22 PM
Casey Anthony: Judge Stan Strickland leaves the case, cites irony
WKMG’s DeForest spoke to a legal expert who predicted that Strickland’s rulings will remain in place and Perry will continue the murder trial as it would have under Strickland.

Defense Wants Judge To Step Down After Learning Of Friendship With Blogger
POSTED: 11:54 am EDT April 17, 2010
UPDATED: 1:49 pm EDT April 17, 2010
Attorney: Anthony Judge Recusal Defense's Worst Move
"There is little doubt that one day the defense will look back on the motion (as) the worst move they've made," Hornsby said. "Judge Strickland has
previously shown a fairness to Casey in the way he sentenced her in the check case
, and now they don't know who their judge will be." Hornsby said the No. 1 rule in criminal defense is to know the judge presiding over the trial.

WDBO Local News By Robyn Sidersky @ April 19, 2010 8:53 PM
Judge leaves Casey Anthony case
"I think the defense has made a massive mistake," said Orlando attorney Mark NeJame.

By Mayra Cuevas-Nazario and Beth Karas, In Session April 20, 2010 5:10 p.m
Although Strickland denied wrongdoing, he acknowledged that repeated accusations of bias would be disruptive at a trial.
"Since the undersigned has now been accused of bias and wrongdoing, potentially each denial of a defense motion will generate renewed allegations of bias," Strickland wrote.

Long yes I know although I didn't find an article of Judge Strickland admitting any wrongdoing
Judge Strickland did nothing wrong.
It was the blogger.
He should have kept his mouth shut.

And when the PI from the defense knocked at his door, he saw an opportunity (his own words).
The blogger then embellished the story, that the Judge called him when he was in the hospital, then he changed his story, the judge called me after I came home from the hospital.
The blogger also wrote about having lunch with the Judge and others.
Hahaha, that was joke, he later wrote.

I put blame by the blogger and nobody else.
This may better belong on the legal questions thread, but I am trying to figure out, what exactly is the purpose of this motion? Is there any legal reason for filing it? Can the motion in fact produce any effects? Who would even hear it? JS recused himself. I can't see any other judge on the circuit in any positive way responding to this. Judges dress down attorneys. Attorneys to NOT discipline judges! Can you even file a motion to appeal a motion that you in fact won? (The judge did recuse himself). Doesn't this sort of motion of protest and whining fall into that less than gray area that the bar tends to frown apon?
I was just reading about a local case where the defendant's attorney's filed motion after motion after motion to basically impede the progress of the trial and just throw everything against the wall.
The defendant was convicted and is now appealing based on the fact that his attorney filed too many motions and it biased the court against him. :floorlaugh:

Oh crikey I shouldn't laugh because that would be about par for this course.
I was just reading about a local case where the defendant's attorney's filed motion after motion after motion to basically impede the progress of the trial and just throw everything against the wall.
The defendant was convicted and is now appealing based on the fact that his attorney filed too many motions and it biased the court against him. :floorlaugh:

It's called throwing spaghetti at wall and seeing what sticks. I honestly believe that the defense is trapped by their client. She wants to be on a beach suntanning by the sea in Miami...not in jail. She won't cop to sh**. For all of the attacking I have done of the defense attorneys...they are still bound to their client and their client's wishes. Which...well...:ashamed: not me, but KC should be. JMO. I know nada.
Hm. If the FLA Bar may have something to say about this antic development, could they sanction CM or do something sufficiently embarrassing that he will "have to" distance himself from the case? IOW could CM already be searching for the emergency exit? As experienced as he is he must have known he was inviting some scrutiny when he signed off on that frivolity.

(I know I know it is probably just ego... but what if he's been looking closely at the soles of those tight boots and seen the kind of mess he stepped into? A girl can dream right? :angel:)

Here's a question for your ydontdivein and anyone else who might see this.

Mason has only been on the case for a couple of weeks. And yet, I genuinely believe he is the author and instigator of two of the biggest "fall face first in the mud" actions the Defense has pulled this year.

First, cause he wanted to be the big hero, I think it was his idea to write the motion to recuse Judge Strickland.

And second, I think he's the one who wrote the reponse to the recusal order.

And we were commenting why he had nothing to say after the court hearing and just minced past the cameras? And why he just sat there and wasn't really part of the defense "unit"?

I think Bah-ezz had a temper tantrum - a huge one when he saw the public reaction to JS recusing myself, and blew his top again when Judge Perry took the case.

Today, clearly, Casey looked PO'd at the conclusion of the hearing. I think she said to Baez - you've got some splainin to do, woodchuck.

IMO - I think Baez & Lyon(s) told Mason to "Zip It"!
Whoever wrote this motion might want to get that PI to do some more work for 'em, 'cause I think they missed a LOT in the scheme of things. I will be back later when I have more time to rip this one to shreds. Are they just dumb or what? Gluttons for punishment? Something...gotta have the last word I guess...Sad sad sad bunch. They are all so egotistical and every single word His Honor said in HIS motion was TRUE and it must have stung them...a LOT!
Here's a question for your ydontdivein and anyone else who might see this.

Mason has only been on the case for a couple of weeks. And yet, I genuinely believe he is the author and instigator of two of the biggest "fall face first in the mud" actions the Defense has pulled this year.

First, cause he wanted to be the big hero, I think it was his idea to write the motion to recuse Judge Strickland.

And second, I think he's the one who wrote the reponse to the recusal order.

And we were commenting why he had nothing to say after the court hearing and just minced past the cameras? And why he just sat there and wasn't really part of the defense "unit"?

I think Bah-ezz had a temper tantrum - a huge one when he saw the public reaction to JS recusing myself, and blew his top again when Judge Perry took the case.

Today, clearly, Casey looked PO'd at the conclusion of the hearing. I think she said to Baez - you've got some splainin to do, woodchuck.

IMO - I think Baez & Lyon(s) told Mason to "Zip It"!
Mr. Mason is at the end of his career. He has thrown caution to the wind and is pulling out all the stops, and having a lot of fun doing it. He is a loose canon for certain...nothing to gain and nothing to lose-he is just having fun on the taxpayers dime...:furious:
Did everyone note that Marinade Dave was once again sitting with the Anthony clan? How pro-defense do you have to be to be recognized as one of their own camp? I mean, come on Baez and company! The headlines of the blogs are not the MEAT of them, and the MEAT is that Mr. Marinade IS pro-defense, is a well known Anthony lover, gave YOU his business card, was chatting with Brad Conway and SAW the motion apparently BEFORE the court ever did...so your motion? It falls far out in left field and ends up making only YOU and your team look bad, and thereby your lousy client too...Silence is golden...ever heard it?
Mr. Mason is at the end of his career. He has thrown caution to the wind and is pulling out all the stops, and having a lot of fun doing it. He is a loose canon for certain...nothing to gain and nothing to lose-he is just having fun on the taxpayers dime...:furious:

Seriously Magic-Cat - agree. Tell me now - after the management hearing today, did he look all full of himself - proud, strutting, like the last time we saw him on camera?

I really thought he looked deflated and almost fearful when they walked out of the courthouse, the way his eyes were tracking around. As if he was really afraid someone was going to jeer at him or ask him an embarrassing question.
Think of the time that it took to compose that motion. It was quite in depth and a bit complex, so one can assume that it took the better part of perhaps an hour or more. Hmmm...could THAT hour be the one that could have saved their client? Could THAT hour so frivolously WASTED on this tit for tat have been the one single hour that could have made the difference for their client? And do they get to bill for that hour at a rate of what $150 or more per hour? This is a blatant diregard for their own client. They should be thinking more about HER and less about their own pathetic EGOS...pitiful...pitiful...did I say pitiful? Yeah...pitiful!!!

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