2010.05.07 Hank says Misty and Tommy didn't hurt Haleigh

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What they printed:

Croslin Sr. said: "I think they'll be found innocent, yeah, of not harming her. I don't know what happened -- what they know or what happened -- but I know either one of them didn't hurt that baby."

What HC, Sr. really Said:


@1:50: "...but I know that either one of them hurt that baby."

Print what he said. He may have misused "either" for "neither."

This has happened over and over in this case as far as the press goes. That is one of the reasons we have such a hard time figuring stuff out. The press just says and quotes whatever they think they heard or want to hear.
What Hank ACTUALLY said was:

"I think they'll be found innocent, yeah,... of not harming her. I don't know what happened -- I don't know what, what, what they know or what will happen -- but I know that either one of them hurt that baby."

Analyze that! :eek: The "journalist" should have written it exactly as spoken, or should have paraphrased without quotes.

Illiteracy aside, Hank doesn't know what happened. He even says, "I don't know what happened". In the video, he tries to convince everyone of his children's innocence. :rolleyes: In the meantime, those children have been telling varying tales about that night. Would the innocent do that? :waitasec:
"I think they'll be found innocent, yeah,... of not harming her. I don't know what happened -- I don't know what, what, what they know or what will happen -- but I know that neither one of them hurt that baby."

Let's face it. The Croslins's have their own version of the English language at times. If you replace the work "either" with the word "neither", it makes complete sense as to what he was trying to say. Of course, he's their father and he cannot believe that either one of his children would be capable of harming a child. It's natural. That's all the stock I put into his statement.
The way I read it, he did not deny any possible culpability his children might have. He admitted he's unaware of what they know about that evening. He stammered over it, it was hard for him to say it:

"I don't know what, what, what they know".

I doubt he'd want to get on national television and broadcast that he thought they were involved. He's probably got enough death threats coming in as it is. I think it was an honest statement, under the circumstances.

Relatives of the families involved do not have the benefit of looking on from the outside as we do. They are stuck in the middle of it, dealing with denial and other emotions. This can paint a very different picture.

These folk have made a lot of mistakes in their lives, but, personally I hope Hank Sr. and Lisa can find some work. I hope there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel for them.
"I think they'll be found innocent, yeah,... of not harming her. I don't know what happened -- I don't know what, what, what they know or what will happen -- but I know that neither one of them hurt that baby."

Let's face it. The Croslins's have their own version of the English language at times. If you replace the work "either" with the word "neither", it makes complete sense as to what he was trying to say. Of course, he's their father and he cannot believe that either one of his children would be capable of harming a child. It's natural. That's all the stock I put into his statement.

Exactly. This is a news station. Author should not add a word to a direct quotation. Even if the writer felt he/she had such liberty - change "either" to "neither." Otherwise, paraphrase.

I don't have an issue with HCs grammar or lack of. We all understood what he meant. I took umbrage at the writer of the news organization.
As for the either/neither debate drama, I think everyone really, really needs to see this case moving forward in some way - it's been dragging on too long - and justice finally done for Haleigh.
as for the either/neither debate drama, i think everyone really, really needs to see this case moving forward in some way - it's been dragging on too long - and justice finally done for haleigh.

It's normal for Hank to want to say that his children didn't actually kill Haleigh, but he had to know that they know and were involved in what happened. As far as finding work, drug users usually know lots of different people who are self employed due to having records and not wanting to have to pass drug tests. Hank and Lisa probably know quite a few people who might hire him even if it's temporary.
Maybe, since Hank doesn't know what happened, he should give Granny Hollars a call. :biggrin: I hear she has some ideas to share on the subject.
The way I read it, he did not deny any possible culpability his children might have. He admitted he's unaware of what they know about that evening. He stammered over it, it was hard for him to say it:

"I don't know what, what, what they know".

I doubt he'd want to get on national television and broadcast that he thought they were involved. He's probably got enough death threats coming in as it is. I think it was an honest statement, under the circumstances.

Relatives of the families involved do not have the benefit of looking on from the outside as we do. They are stuck in the middle of it, dealing with denial and other emotions. This can paint a very different picture.

These folk have made a lot of mistakes in their lives, but, personally I hope Hank Sr. and Lisa can find some work. I hope there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel for them.
It's hard for me to actually consider Misty a murder suspect, even though it's getting clearer & clearer that LE doesn't suspect Ron, (they must know something I don't). It's hard for me to imagine a scenario where Misty's the main culprit. I'm sorry, I just can't do it, so I can only imagine what her parents are going through.
Wasn't Hank Sr. working for an electrical co. when he had his accident? He was talking about it to Tommy.....and, he says he has pins in his knee that need to be removed but he can't find anyone to take him wherever he needs to go to have this done. Are there no social services in that town? I noticed a prescription bottle on the bedside table. How is he paying for that?
The way I read it, he did not deny any possible culpability his children might have. He admitted he's unaware of what they know about that evening. He stammered over it, it was hard for him to say it:

"I don't know what, what, what they know".

I doubt he'd want to get on national television and broadcast that he thought they were involved. He's probably got enough death threats coming in as it is. I think it was an honest statement, under the circumstances.

Relatives of the families involved do not have the benefit of looking on from the outside as we do. They are stuck in the middle of it, dealing with denial and other emotions. This can paint a very different picture.

These folk have made a lot of mistakes in their lives, but, personally I hope Hank Sr. and Lisa can find some work. I hope there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel for them.


Yeah that is what grandma's are for.
It's hard for me to actually consider Misty a murder suspect, even though it's getting clearer & clearer that LE doesn't suspect Ron, (they must know something I don't). It's hard for me to imagine a scenario where Misty's the main culprit. I'm sorry, I just can't do it, so I can only imagine what her parents are going through.

BBM...For the life of me, I cannot imagine LE not suspecting or knowing Ronald Cummings is the one directly responsible for whatever happened to Haleigh.. WHY he hasn't been charged yet is what is totally mind boggling to me IMHO...And I agree with Hank Sr. when he says neither of his children hurt Haleigh...I'm not saying they aren't involved in a coverup and aren't guilty of lying for the past 15 months, but I don't believe they killed Haleigh.. JMO
Hank stated that no one will hire him and they don't have a penny to their name. I can believe this, about no one hiring him, he has no education. He can't read or write. He has a bad injury to his leg and is in pain all the time. He has no way to get money to correct the problems. He was a dry wall hanger, no one is building now, so he is out of work. He also battles additions. They have arrests on them. Lisa is no better shape than Hank Sr. I don't see how on Earth they can dig their way out of this mess.

I also understand a parent not believing that their children would hurt a 5yr old little girl. What parent believes this, or would openly state it to the World if they did? In private they may have doubts, but not to us and the media. They are still their parents. We see this in so many cases. JMO

I agree with all you have stated Bern.

I am in no way defending Hank Sr.'s drug use or Defending Misty or Tommy. I do blame Lisa in the way she raised her children though. I feel that the parents drug addiction played a big part on how their children turned out IMO. IMO, Hank and Lisa can not be blamed for what ever Misty or Tommy have done regarding Haliegh.
I wonder if Hank Sr. is speaking out because he knows charges are coming?

I was touched while hearing Hank Sr. speak out about Haleigh and to her family.
Hank Sr. has stayed away from the media until now. IMO he is speaking out in hopes that people will rethink their opinions on Misty and Tommy, maybe he knows charges are coming their way soon. Hank Sr. expressing his feelings towards his children does not mean he knows what happen to Haleigh. I really don't think he knows the truth of what really happen that night. This whole group is a bunch of liars we know that. But if Hank Sr. and Lisa were not there, we can't expect them to tell LE or us anything, if their own children did not tell them the truth. I will assume that the same way Misty and Tommy have lied to LE, they have lied to their parents.

We can not fault Hank Sr. or Lisa for that. All they can do is try to get the truth and it seems that Hank Sr. has tried, but if Misty and Tommy lie there is nothing they can really do. I know some say they would beat the truth out of their kids, and maybe Lisa did get a little physical with Misty at one point. Misty did try to put a restraining order on Lisa last year. However, I don't feel that a beating would make Misty tell the truth. What ever it is Misty is hiding she will take to the grave with her IMO. I feel she is protecting Ron, Herself, or maybe someone else. I feel she had something to do with what happen to Haleigh, but was not the one to cause her demise. JMO for today..

I feel Hank Sr. is speaking out to express his support as a father. Hank Sr. and Lisa are both on probation and may not be allowed to visit Misty or Tommy in jail any longer and this could be their way of saying....Hey, we are still here supporting you.

I have to give Hank Sr. a little bit of credit, he is not acting like Cindy Anthony. He asked Misty in Jail to please tell the truth, I will assume that before that he pleaded with her as well to tell the truth. But just because he told her/asked her to doesn't mean she would tell him or her mother. I know most feel that all drug addicts are bad, and yes they are bad for using, but not all have a cold heart, not all would kill for their drug. Most will lie and steal though. Not saying that Misty or Tommy didn't have anything to do with what happen to Haleigh, just saying that Hank Sr. seems to have been trying to get the truth out of Misty and is genuinely concerned for Haleigh. He sends out a heartfelt message to "All" of Haleigh's family from both sides, he has been the only one to express any concern in that family. There is a lot of finger pointing going on between the players, but Hank Sr. seems to really have some compassion for Haleigh. Something I have not seen any of them have.

Grandma Hollars said on NG that Hank Sr. and Lisa also have a serious drug addictions and that may be true. From listening to what Hank Sr. has said in the past, he moved to FL to try and make a better life for his family. Even though it apparently went sour. Misty was out of control and it was probably to late...but it seems as if he was trying at some point.

If I am not mistaken Hank Sr. had a drywall business (or worked in drywall), and was trying to make a honest living at some point. Seems as if he was working on trying to make a living and have a better life for his family that all have serious drug addictions from what I can tell. He ends up in an accident right before Haleigh goes missing and loses everything. Ends up with pins in his legs and in a wheel chair. If he is taking pain meds for that I don't see anything wrong with it. Even if he still needs pains meds, it seems like he got hit pretty hard, and if I am not mistaken he was walking when he got hit and that makes the impact worse IMO.

With that said, what ever Misty and Tommy did...Hank Sr. is not the one to blame here.
It is still the fault of Ronald for leaving Misty with the children. We really don't know who all is to blame, with the exception of Hank Sr. and Lisa. They were not the ones that caused what ever happen to Haleigh happen IMO. Hank was laid up in a hospital that night. What ever happen to Haleigh stills falls back mainly on Ronald and Misty IMO. IMO, Timmy & Chelsea may also be involved in knowing more, as well as Tommy.

I feel Hank Sr. is in denial and lost control of his children a long time ago.

Hank Sr.: "I know my daughter and son didn't hurt Haleigh." (That is his opinion, what his heart is telling him. It does not mean he knows the truth though. What parent would believe/admit their child would hurt another child?)
Hank Sr
.: "My heart goes out to Haleigh's parents, Ronald (Cummings) and all of them. I don't know what happened that day. I still don't know what happened." ( I am glad that someone finally has said something heart felt to Haleigh's family.)

Hank Sr
.: The case has destroyed my family. ( No, Misty is the one to mainly blame in destroying the family!)

Hank Sr
.: "They didn't hurt that baby. That's the one thing I can tell you," he said of his son and daughter. "They don't have the heart to do that." (That may be what he feels, after all he is their father and should know if they are violent. But it doesn't mean they didn't hurt Haleigh or cover up for who ever did.)

:truce: :truce:
I agree with all you have stated Bern.

I am in no way defending Hank Sr.'s drug use or Defending Misty or Tommy. I do blame Lisa in the way she raised her children though. I feel that the parents drug addiction played a big part on how their children turned out IMO. IMO, Hank and Lisa can not be blamed for what ever Misty or Tommy have done regarding Haliegh.
I wonder if Hank Sr. is speaking out because he knows charges are coming?

I was touched while hearing Hank Sr. speak out about Haleigh and to her family.
Hank Sr. has stayed away from the media until now. IMO he is speaking out in hopes that people will rethink their opinions on Misty and Tommy, maybe he knows charges are coming their way soon. Hank Sr. expressing his feelings towards his children does not mean he knows what happen to Haleigh. I really don't think he knows the truth of what really happen that night. This whole group is a bunch of liars we know that. But if Hank Sr. and Lisa were not there, we can't expect them to tell LE or us anything, if their own children did not tell them the truth. I will assume that the same way Misty and Tommy have lied to LE, they have lied to their parents.

We can not fault Hank Sr. or Lisa for that. All they can do is try to get the truth and it seems that Hank Sr. has tried, but if Misty and Tommy lie there is nothing they can really do. I know some say they would beat the truth out of their kids, and maybe Lisa did get a little physical with Misty at one point. Misty did try to put a restraining order on Lisa last year. However, I don't feel that a beating would make Misty tell the truth. What ever it is Misty is hiding she will take to the grave with her IMO. I feel she is protecting Ron, Herself, or maybe someone else. I feel she had something to do with what happen to Haleigh, but was not the one to cause her demise. JMO for today..

I feel Hank Sr. is speaking out to express his support as a father. Hank Sr. and Lisa are both on probation and may not be allowed to visit Misty or Tommy in jail any longer and this could be their way of saying....Hey, we are still here supporting you.

I have to give Hank Sr. a little bit of credit, he is not acting like Cindy Anthony. He asked Misty in Jail to please tell the truth, I will assume that before that he pleaded with her as well to tell the truth. But just because he told her/asked her to doesn't mean she would tell him or her mother. I know most feel that all drug addicts are bad, and yes they are bad for using, but not all have a cold heart, not all would kill for their drug. Most will lie and steal though. Not saying that Misty or Tommy didn't have anything to do with what happen to Haleigh, just saying that Hank Sr. seems to have been trying to get the truth out of Misty and is genuinely concerned for Haleigh. He sends out a heartfelt message to "All" of Haleigh's family from both sides, he has been the only one to express any concern in that family. There is a lot of finger pointing going on between the players, but Hank Sr. seems to really have some compassion for Haleigh. Something I have not seen any of them have.

Grandma Hollars said on NG that Hank Sr. and Lisa also have a serious drug addictions and that may be true. From listening to what Hank Sr. has said in the past, he moved to FL to try and make a better life for his family. Even though it apparently went sour. Misty was out of control and it was probably to late...but it seems as if he was trying at some point.

If I am not mistaken Hank Sr. had a drywall business (or worked in drywall), and was trying to make a honest living at some point. Seems as if he was working on trying to make a living and have a better life for his family that all have serious drug addictions from what I can tell. He ends up in an accident right before Haleigh goes missing and loses everything. Ends up with pins in his legs and in a wheel chair. If he is taking pain meds for that I don't see anything wrong with it. Even if he still needs pains meds, it seems like he got hit pretty hard, and if I am not mistaken he was walking when he got hit and that makes the impact worse IMO.

With that said, what ever Misty and Tommy did...Hank Sr. is not the one to blame here.
It is still the fault of Ronald for leaving Misty with the children. We really don't know who all is to blame, with the exception of Hank Sr. and Lisa. They were not the ones that caused what ever happen to Haleigh happen IMO. Hank was laid up in a hospital that night. What ever happen to Haleigh stills falls back mainly on Ronald and Misty IMO. IMO, Timmy & Chelsea may also be involved in knowing more, as well as Tommy.

I feel Hank Sr. is in denial and lost control of his children a long time ago.

Hank Sr.: "I know my daughter and son didn't hurt Haleigh." (That is his opinion, what his heart is telling him. It does not mean he knows the truth though. What parent would believe/admit their child would hurt another child?)
Hank Sr
.: "My heart goes out to Haleigh's parents, Ronald (Cummings) and all of them. I don't know what happened that day. I still don't know what happened." ( I am glad that someone finally has said something heart felt to Haleigh's family.)

Hank Sr
.: The case has destroyed my family. ( No, Misty is the one to mainly blame in destroying the family!)

Hank Sr
.: "They didn't hurt that baby. That's the one thing I can tell you," he said of his son and daughter. "They don't have the heart to do that." (That may be what he feels, after all he is their father and should know if they are violent. But it doesn't mean they didn't hurt Haleigh or cover up for who ever did.)

:truce: :truce:

Great post, I try to stay focused here, because to start flinging stones doesn't find Haleigh. I won't bring her back and the cast of characters is long in this case. You won't find any "Father of the year awards" but I don't think Hank Sr. is to blame here. He made bad decisions, decisions that sunk the boat, and his kids. LE has to put pressure where they can to get people to force or use what they can to get people to talk, that is what you are seeing. They know HC Sr. doesn't get the blame but maybe he can exert enough pressure on his kids to tell the truth, so far it is not working. Lisa in the videos shows how immature she is, she is like a little sister to Misty, not a mom. Think about how Misty was raised if you can imagine it. Tommy is the best bet now for the truth.
Guys, Lets not forget Lisa and Hank were only 16 and 17 years old when they started having these 3 kids.
The way I look at it, they were only kids themselves...kids raising kids.
BBM...For the life of me, I cannot imagine LE not suspecting or knowing Ronald Cummings is the one directly responsible for whatever happened to Haleigh.. WHY he hasn't been charged yet is what is totally mind boggling to me IMHO...And I agree with Hank Sr. when he says neither of his children hurt Haleigh...I'm not saying they aren't involved in a coverup and aren't guilty of lying for the past 15 months, but I don't believe they killed Haleigh.. JMO

Maybe they do suspect Ron, Em... they just don't have what it takes to charge him right now. Suspicions alone are not enough, as we all know. It takes some good solid evidence pointing to that person.
Maybe all this focus on Tommy and Misty is to make them antsy so they will talk.... and talk and talk and talk.
Guys, Lets not forget Lisa and Hank were only 16 and 17 years old when they started having these 3 kids.
The way I look at it, they were only kids themselves...kids raising kids.

My mother had me when she was sixteen.
My Aunt had my cousin when she was barely seventeen.

My Aunt grew the F up and raised her kids. Still married to the same man after 35 plus years, three healthy and overall well adjusted kids.

My mother, mentally ill, refused treatment, self medicated with prescription pills (doctor shopping long before it was trendy!), drinking, bringing pedophile men into the house, dead before she was fifty.

Being teen parents doesn't make me feel any sympathy for Lisa and Hank. They did a piss poor job and put drugs ahead of raising their kids. The generation that raised Lisa and Hank to be teenage drug addict parents (that have two kids in jail and dead five year old directly tied to them) didn't do a better job and certainly didn't intervene on their grandchildrens behalf. Which to me SCREAMS that age and maturity have nothing to do with the parenting choices made by this whole crew.

No one, and I mean no one, has done better when they knew better. The ones in their forties are still being arrested on drug and theft charges. Everyone say a prayer for the little ones in the current generation. They aren't off to any better of a start. Lindsy shows *some* hope of doing better, maybe.
Hanks entire statement only says one thing to me:

He believes Haleigh's death was unintentional.

Something horrible happened, the exact details he doesn't know.
Clearly he knows they are lying and they are deep into the disposal and cover up.
He specifically says his heart breaks for Ron (which to me says it did happen on Misty's watch not Ron's, not that that makes him any less responsible since he left her in Misty's care).
disability is a long and tiring process. It took me 6 yrs and every dr i was sent to by the gov said i was 100 percent disabled still i had to hire a lawyer and go to court.
as for free courses to learn to read i have a feeling even if he could find one it would be no walk in the park to get to them. No public transportation.
the resources that are readily available in larger towns with a larger population with better incomes are not always so in the smaller countys.

Of course he should have bettered himself in the past when he had a chance to, now its not so easy.

What happened to the car that Lenny P bought for them?

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