2010.05.10 - Casey Anthony Motions Hearing

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Yes, I believe it started with the Evidence garage Csi. Said he threw away his bench notes. I think it is obvious now that the States experts are being difficult hence the new motions required and response required and hearing on such matter.

Yes, I do believe Strickland was unfair and it was obvious to me. But for record, he ruled accordingly. Now we have to go over all these motions and rulings again. That is my opinion. Now the new Judge so far seems to be very fair to the defense and has an opportunity in doing so to get to the whole truth of the matter. I support that. thanks

BBM, I wonder if its not that the state's experts are being difficult, but more that they are unwilling to do the defenses job for them. Its been 2 years and it looks to me like the defense has not done anything until recently to prepare for this trial. The fact that JB STILL has to say to the judge.."Can I get back to you" or "We don't have that yet" is annoying to me. If KC was my daughter, I would be livid at the defense. Where exactly has the money JB made been spent? The defense is entitled to the facts of the case, they are not entitled to case notes made along the way from someones opinion. We are not in high school anymore, you can not cheat or short cut your way through exams. If you want to ace the final...get your pen and pad out and make your OWN notes. Study the facts, do some research and...present your case. Yes, that means go down to TES and go through all the documents. The state did, so can he. This is not a CLEP exam for goodness sake and he can not just show up and wing it.

I love the fact that JP is making him do the work and be more specific on his motion as to WHAT exactly he is asking for. He is always so broad because he is not prepared. Maybe now he can earn the money he received from the death of poor Caylee. or as he described her today " a small child" :furious::furious:

Yes, Jose..."a small child", with a HUGE community behind her to make sure that justice is served.
Yes, but according to her, Caylee was okay. She even talked to her on the phone. Also speaking of the first claim. That was when everyone was under the premise of June 9th. A false date. Le was asking questions based on a false date and Kc was answering questions on a false date.

I really wish Le would have waited and asked more questions once they knew the correct date, but from what I could tell, they reacted with anger and scared her into getting a lawyer. Now we have to wait. go figure.
Did Casey honestly look scared to you?
I respectfully beg to differ. In my opinion she could party all night and still be their to read to her child and feed her in the morning. Toddlers are in bed by 8 or 9 at the latest. The party does not start until 10-11. The Club closes at 2 so she could be home by 3 or so in the morning. She could still be a good mom.

IF she was working the night shift with the same hours we would not say she was a bad mom. If SA goes down this line, I think it will hurt them. I think they should use the party pics only to show state of mind while Caylee was missing and nothing more. If they start harping on her life style as a single mom and calling her a bad mom because of it...it might not click with a juror.

Just the opinion of a child raised by a single mother who although did go out and have a good time some nights, made sure my need was ALWAYS met and I was well cared for. She was always the last face I saw at night and the first I saw in the morning...usually telling me about her night.

Ya know; if Caylee was at home with C & G or any babysitter, sleeping safely (undrugged) in her own little bed - if KC was hanging from a different stripper pole every night of the week and twice on Sunday.. As CA told her boss she had Caylee the whole time she was on vaca in May(?) - no problem...

She "lost" her child mid June and from them on it was like she was part of the party circuit - Summer 2008 - Orlando Tour.

It isn't that she was partying, it was her partying from day 1 thru 31, not calling LE regarding her missing child, not looking for her missing baby (as she claimed) not going to work, looking for work or lining up private eyes - she was dirty dancing with girls, entering hot body contests and sitting on the beach with one boy - while talking to another on the phone, drinking and smoking a little weed and doing the nasty with whoever - as her baby was decomposing in the trunk. She was watching movies (about a kidnapping/murder) with the boy of the day as Caylee was lying dead - wrapped in a plastic bag and a laundry tote, with duct tape over her mouth and nose .

She spent her time playing 'House Mom' to Tony and his buddies - cooking for them, buying groceries for them with money stolen from her BFF, TAKING THE TRASH OUT FOR THEM - after she stopped mothering her baby!! She stole money (all of it) from her best friend who never did anything underhanded or ugly to her - claiming she was using it to find Caylee??

Then to be indignant about LE throwing her sorry azz in jail on a whim. No, she is where she belongs til the needle goes in and she starts counting backwards.

Quote Lanie: We're not talking about a single mother going out a few nights a week after baby goes to bed, this went way beyond that. And I can't remember, wasn't Caylee at the 'no clothes' party?

Hi Lanie! No this was rehashed repeatedly LE mistook something Amy said - I don't remember how the reply was worded but it sounded for a second that Amy said Caylee was there, it was a mis-statement. The home owner posts here occasionally - Caylee was not at the Anything but clothing party nor any other "adult" parties hosted at Lake V.

Amy & RR said KC would put Caylee down on a couch to sleep no matter what was going on and Caylee would sleep thru it all.

There was also a comment about Caylee being at a club one nite - not sure of the circumstances but so far don't know that it was ever verified.
Something I noticed,
In regards to the before and after photos, there seems, to me, to be something stirring or some sort of disagreement with the dates...Baez refers to them as before and after June 16 but the SA refers to them as before and after June 15.
They both put emphasis on the dates when speaking to the Judge..
ok i dont have the time to go thru and give my usual onelines tonight, but from what i saw on another site, todays hearing consisted of.

1) casey's blouse buttons unbottened

2) mason checking out her *advertiser censored*

3) Baez being unpreared again, and blaming the state (again)

4) casey saying 'happy mothers day' to cindy (barf!)

5) no motions being decided.

does that about sum it up?
I think this is the double edge sword for both sides. I interpret the party pics as someone who does not know their child is missing. When did the defense refer to them as ugly coping? I do remember Jb stating that Kc had a compelling reason for her actions, but do not know that he said it was ugly coping. I doubt the defense will go down this road. IMO
Here's one report of the defense's claim of "ugly coping".


ETA: it was in reference to him bringing up another case.
Well one thing different today, Baez managed NOT to mention TES, however he did manage to get a clip of Tim and Mark in his pathetic, sloppy 2 min presentation.

I was "quite frankly"(sorry, couldn't help myself! :) ), embarressed by the defense's attempt at a condensed version of KC's first few months after the world found out her daughter was missing "trailer making". It was, kindly put, an amateurs attempt at .....???? something:waitasec:.

Whatever it was...It sure fell short and fell flat IMO.

id love to know where baez and company think casey can get a fair trial.


maybe the penguins havent heard about her?
ok i dont have the time to go thru and give my usual onelines tonight, but from what i saw on another site, todays hearing consisted of.

1) casey's blouse buttons unbottened

2) mason checking out her *advertiser censored*

3) Baez being unpreared again, and blaming the state (again)

4) casey saying 'happy mothers day' to cindy (barf!)

5) no motions being decided.

does that about sum it up?
JP ruled that it wasn't a defective indictment...motion DENIED!
Exactly. I'm the only one I know in my "circle" who cares still about the case. So I don't openly talk about it because no one knows all the facts and what's been going on in the past few years like those of us who blog regularly on it.

Even the local talk radio shows I listen to regularly..though they don't often, every now and then something will happen in the news and they'll mention Casey for a while. I used to call in to "set them straight" but that got exhausting so now I just yell at my radio because they don't know what they're talking about most of the time and shouldn't be coming to any conclusions based on what they know, which is just a TINY percentage of what's "out there".

"Quite frankly", even in Orlando which would have the MOST coverage, most people don't give a carp anymore. People are sick of her, sick of seeing her mug on TV, can't understand why anyone's giving her attention, and so they choose not to give her any attention anymore. Which is great, IMO. KC, you can officially retire the celeb sunglasses. The "famous" factor has worn off, now it's time to start facing reality..I don't think you're ready. JMO.

southernbrunette, while I see where you're coming from I also see how the defense can use this same "most people in Orlando don't give a carp anymore" argument in any given area to try and purport that any given area is "saturated"--everyone in every area is so "over" the case that they have their minds made up and therefore the defendant cannot get a "fair" trial there. Or there. Or there. Or anywhere. Except Miami. :waitasec:
Something I noticed,
In regards to the before and after photos, there seems, to me, to be something stirring or some sort of disagreement with the dates...Baez refers to them as before and after June 16 but the SA refers to them as before and after June 15.
They both put emphasis on the dates when speaking to the Judge..

June 15th is the date that Caylee was videotaped visiting her great grandfather at the assisted living facility.

June 16th is the date that the GA said he last saw Caylee (at home when he was watching Food Network and later walked KC and Caylee to the car where KC was dressed for work).

I would presume that JB is counting on GA having been truthful that he did indeed see them that morning.

I would presume that the SA is going by the last documented proof that someone other than the Anthony's saw Caylee alive.

The discrepancy is rather curious but I will withhold my speculation.
Something I noticed,
In regards to the before and after photos, there seems, to me, to be something stirring or some sort of disagreement with the dates...Baez refers to them as before and after June 16 but the SA refers to them as before and after June 15.
They both put emphasis on the dates when speaking to the Judge..

Good catch Intermezzo!

It is my understanding that the only person who claims to have seen Caylee on the 16th is GA, who says he saw KC carry Caylee out of the house that day. Correct?
Exactly. I'm the only one I know in my "circle" who cares still about the case. So I don't openly talk about it because no one knows all the facts and what's been going on in the past few years like those of us who blog regularly on it.

Even the local talk radio shows I listen to regularly..though they don't often, every now and then something will happen in the news and they'll mention Casey for a while. I used to call in to "set them straight" but that got exhausting so now I just yell at my radio because they don't know what they're talking about most of the time and shouldn't be coming to any conclusions based on what they know, which is just a TINY percentage of what's "out there".

"Quite frankly", even in Orlando which would have the MOST coverage, most people don't give a carp anymore. People are sick of her, sick of seeing her mug on TV, can't understand why anyone's giving her attention, and so they choose not to give her any attention anymore. Which is great, IMO. KC, you can officially retire the celeb sunglasses. The "famous" factor has worn off, now it's time to start facing reality..I don't think you're ready. JMO.

Ditto, I'm in the same boat. Most of my friends don't really care, they more or less humor me when I start talking details. :crazy:

Know whatcha mean about yelling at the radio. And even some of the Newscasters, when they get the details wrong. :banghead:

And, contrary to what Baez said today in court, I do not believe that there were 'protesters on every corner" when he took her home from jail. maybe a corner or two, near the jail and near their house, but he really did blow it up out of proportion. There AREN'T any corners on the 408, dude. heh

As someone who has followed this case from the 31st day, it really has died down here quite a bit.
I find it interesting that JB chose to use the words "ugly coping" as and explanation (defense move) of the party pictures of KC.

To my understanding the phrase was coined by this man:

Who wrote a book where it was mentioned (I have not read yet but will) review here:

Again to my understanding this term was coined to describe one of the types of behavior seen in bereaved parents of deceased children.

Certainly JB will backpeddle from this term. To use it implies that KC was experiencing ugly coping during the time those pictures were taken while Caylee was "missing".

IMHO his use of that term implies and we can infer she knew Caylee was deceased while she shook her groove thang. (sorry got sassy there!)

I don't see this being the defense strategy. IMHO Oh but I'm still waiting for that Aha reason he said would make us all say to ourselves "now I understand" or something to that effect.

All of the above my opinon.
June 15th is the date that Caylee was videotaped visiting her great grandfather at the assisted living facility.

June 16th is the date that the GA said he last saw Caylee (at home when he was watching Food Network and later walked KC and Caylee to the car where KC was dressed for work).

I would presume that JB is counting on GA having been truthful that he did indeed see them that morning.

I would presume that the SA is going by the last documented proof that someone other than the Anthony's saw Caylee alive.

The discrepancy is rather curious but I will withhold my speculation.

Good catch Intermezzo!

It is my understanding that the only person who claims to have seen Caylee on the 16th is GA, who says he saw KC carry Caylee out of the house that day. Correct?

I agree.
Baez is probably going with June 16, since George said he saw them that day.
The SA is going with June 15 because it is the last documented proof, other than a Anthony family member that saw Caylee.
I just found it very curious when they were speaking and putting emphasis on June 15 (SA) and June 16 (Baez)
Oh well..onto part 3 of the hearing.
June 15th is the date that Caylee was videotaped visiting her great grandfather at the assisted living facility.

June 16th is the date that the GA said he last saw Caylee (at home when he was watching Food Network and later walked KC and Caylee to the car where KC was dressed for work).

I would presume that JB is counting on GA having been truthful that he did indeed see them that morning.

I would presume that the SA is going by the last documented proof that someone other than the Anthony's saw Caylee alive.

The discrepancy is rather curious but I will withhold my speculation.

But which truth is he full of? The one where KC said see ya and Caylee kissed him "bye-bye", the one where KC carried Caylee out of the house (was this GA who said this?) or the newer truth - where GA carried Caylee to the car? :waitasec:

For someone who remembered what Caylee was wearing down to her back pack and shoes - he has a hard time remembering where he was when he said good bye...

Was it verified that the sales / repair guy who gave Caylee a Beanie Baby said he saw them on the 16th? :chicken:
June 15th is the date that Caylee was videotaped visiting her great grandfather at the assisted living facility.

June 16th is the date that the GA said he last saw Caylee (at home when he was watching Food Network and later walked KC and Caylee to the car where KC was dressed for work).

I would presume that JB is counting on GA having been truthful that he did indeed see them that morning.

I would presume that the SA is going by the last documented proof that someone other than the Anthony's saw Caylee alive.

The discrepancy is rather curious but I will withhold my speculation.


I'm curious about your thought process????

I rather tend to go with the State on this one. I don't think GA intentionally lied in the beginning. I just think he was mistaken about the actual day. Getting them confused. But I'm inclined to believe Caylee died during the late hours of the 15/early morning hours of the 16th. Either way Caylee wasn't alive to see the early afternoon of the 16th.
In regards to the motion about the cv's etc...from the crime labs...benchnotes etc...
Baez is not up to date or does not have all the info it seems and IMO LKB, as co-counsel, and author of these motions(I think) should have been at this hearing arguing those points.:twocents:
With all the discussion and debate abt KCs party pics the question I have is this:
Did KC think to herself "Oh, I need to look for my Caylee (and the Invisa-Nanny) today. Maybe she'll take my kidnapped child to a dance club-When I go out with my friends tonight I'll search for them both! Hhmmm...Blue dress or black dress? I'll wear the Blue dress...showing some skin might loosen some lips and help get people to start talking."
Now after KC got to the club and searched everywhere for her DD and Zanny (NOT), we know KC didn't find them. So what does she tell herself? "Oh well, they're not here...I might as well dance w/ another female and shake my fanny :behind: on the stage since I'm all dressed up and ready to partaaay!".

Sorry everyone...I still can't believe KC actually believes this lie will fly :sheesh:
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