2010.06.26 9-1-1 call from Horman's home

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This is really heartbreaking! Poor Kaine.....but good on him for getting himself and the baby out of that house. And thank god he has the support of Desiree and Tony.

Mrs. G. U remind me of TB....., a young sleuth from my childhood. I believe her best friend's name was Honey.
Such a beautiful, bright and curious little boy Kyron is. Just who we would all love to have as a son, at least I would. All I can hope for is that God has held him in his big hand through whatever he has gone thru. And we have to keep up hope he is alive even tho as Sleuthers we do see the hard reality of life. xox


Me too, Scandi, me too.
In California if a neighbor calls in a complaint of domestic violence the police have to take in the person doing the abusing, I believe. It becomes the State charging the abuser. But I don't know Oregon laws. Just wondering - The Hormans may have been arguing, but no one got taken in. Was the call to report Kaine trying to leave with the baby perhaps? Or was it an intruder?

My brain is literally spinning.
What happened Saturday night is the main question? The final straw must have been some kind of information that Terri could not explain away and then Kaine knew ...........
My gosh looking at the area they live at how could they search all that in just a few days? that alone is weeks worth of searching with hundreds of people.

That is why I feel the chances that Kyron is still in the search area are definitely above zero. What you can't even see in that picture is how steep and muddy many of the areas were.

It's kind of like many medical tests. If the test comes back positive (Kyron is found), you know you have whatever it is they were testing for. If it comes back negative (Kyron is not found), well, there's still a chance you might have it.
I am catching up tonight - just finished this thread....

Any thoughts regarding the saturday 911 call, and how Kaine moved out that day according to the court docs, and TH's seeming ignorance of it all on Monday? When she "thumbs-up-ed" the press and said Kaine did not move out?

Because, if the assumption is that he took daughter Saturday when he moved out...what did she think was going on? Where did he say he was staying? Where did he tell her he was staying for her to be so clueless or comfortably in denial?

Sorry, these are questions, not theories - fishing for ideas on this thread, as I am not sure what the 911 call was about. I assumed it was media or outside threats/trespassing...but it certainly could have been a domestic dispute between any of the family members, not just the ones that live there. That Kaine left that day, though, and Monday TH was "fine" - whether she's ill, or actually clueless - I am just wondering what the thoughts are milling around with us here about the connection of the 911 call, KH and daughter leaving, the divorce papers etc., and TH saying she was "blind-sided" Late Monday afternoon. By that time, there was the 911 call, and KH and daughter had potentially been gone 48 hours...

Monday evening was an almost "real-time" inside insight for those of us online that night - things happened in 2 hours like I've never seen before (big new info released re Kaine moving out, first media response from TH - denying it, emergency statement from all family (except TH) released through LE supporting investigation/defending any actions as in the best interest of the children, news of divorce/RO served at 6, TH's friends at her house saying she thought LE was on her side this whole time...) all from like 4:30 to 6:30 pm. I know I jumped off the fence ASAP...

...but, today it is all highly strange again to me now...

TH would have to be really, really troubled in my opinion to have not revealed anything, even a casual give-away, given that she hadn't seen Kaine or her daughter and had been by herself for up 48 hours, when she gave the "everything's fine" to the media. I am going crazy again. Sorry WS...!

This just got stranger, just as I thought it was closing in on an obvious situation.
Also Saturday, a 9-1-1 call came in from the Horman's home at 5:46 p.m., regarding "threats" at the property. The sheriff's office declined to allow its release, citing the ongoing investigation.


Has anyone heard anything about this? How can a threat Saturday night have something to do with Kyron missing June 4th? The Anthony's had tons of threats so why would LE not release it.? Is this what led to the restraining order?

IDEAS, and Theories please.

My current theory is that fighting and questions/ accusations came to a head Saturday in the Horman home and led to Terri threatening Kaine, possibly a firearm was involved, and that's when Kaine made the decision to get out of dodge. Monday morning I bet was when he filed for RO and divorce. I suppose Saturday was when he left the home with the baby.

Of course its very early and I just woke up, so my theory may change as the day wears on.

MOO...Kaine decided to leave and take K with him. TH freaked out, called 911 and at some point made a verbal threat to Kaine regarding using a firearm in some way if he were to remove K.

Regarding the domestic violence laws in Oregon...I have quite a bit of first hand experience with that, but it was from 10 years ago so things may have changed. They don't have to make an arrest unless someone has been assaulted and wants the other person arrested. If a child is witness to physical violence then an arrest will be made. They strongly advocate for one party to leave the residence for 24 hours so that everyone can cool down and I have heard of instances where they make an arrest just to separate the fighting couple. This is just from my experience, and things certainly could have changed. I am now lucky enough to live a life where I am ignorant to these things, thanks to my wonderful husband of 9 years:)
I noticed the call I heard was at 5:18 and the article says 5:46. Could there have been separate calls and they just didn't "televise" the second one? Also, I thought the address I heard was not the Horman's but very close. I could be wrong.
My current theory is that fighting and questions/ accusations came to a head Saturday in the Horman home and led to Terri threatening Kaine, possibly a firearm was involved, and that's when Kaine made the decision to get out of dodge. Monday morning I bet was when he filed for RO and divorce. I suppose Saturday was when he left the home with the baby.

Of course its very early and I just woke up, so my theory may change as the day wears on.


I'm thinking along these same lines but I'M STILL NOT CONVINCED SHE'S INVOLVED. Imagine being in the media and basically tried and convicted of something one had nothing to do with, except to happen to be the last person to see Kyron. She'd go out of her mind, I know I would, if the accusations were flying. She may have threatened to kill herself or something along those lines, consequently causing the rest of the family to put even more focus on her because at this point she looks 'nuts.' See where I'm going with this???

There is too much finger-pointing in this case for my own comfort. Once we find out the whole story, we're all going to go, "of course," but right now it seems someone's being protected and I don't think it's her.
My concern at 6am today after my updates is that this family is having a breakdown - Terri involved or not...How would this have all happened: Kaine and daughter moving out - and the 911 call - and then TH finally talking to media only to say all is fine and Kaine did not move out. And released/expressed in media in 3 hours Monday. Seriously, according to the court doc, KH moved out that day. TH would not have seen him or her daughter, and would have been aware of his going away (how many things would any parent have to leave the house with to take care of their daughter for an undetermined amount of time (I went through certified training 8 years ago for domestic violence - - I am aware of what steps Kaine could have secretly taken - but that takes quite advanced planning and safe houses)), and Kaine's statement on Monday that he'd been with investigators/LE all day...I am just highly curious how coordinated this was, as to lead TH to think things were fine (assuming she's not mentally ill and is in la la land).

Kaine and daughter (and I would assume items to take care of daughter?) leave Saturday - - - is KH that in the loop of investigative info that he gave some sort of false "I'll be back" to TH? Or did he flee and make his move for divorce/RO due to the Saturday 911 call? If so - surely TH would have noticed things missing, because that would have been a more sudden move (less planning). Anyways, in normal circumstances, TH and kH would have been in contact if he took the daughter Saturday, by Monday. And....she was so clueless on Monday, I don't know what to think.

Something is VERY not adding up here (in this aspect - NOTHING adds up in this case - but: 911, KH leaving, TH acting in the dark, and all of this weekend's business....Weird). The only thing that would make sense is TH being HIGHLY ill. And there would have been reporting from friends or even the WW reporter if she was super visibly ill. Which IMO would be the only explanation for appearing ignorant of developments and/or bearing her husband and daughter being gone Saturday through Monday: mental illness.

Something just got very very stranger to me about this case and TH/KH tonight.

I have no idea what actually happened, but if some sort of confrontation happened and the police were called, it would be normal to tell someone to leave for a day or so, for a cool down period. This could be the source of the media reports, allegedly from KH friends, that LE told him to take his daughter and leave. Maybe she expected that he'd be coming back after that? She had to know there was trouble, and maybe isn't totally in touch with the gravity of this situation.
Any thoughts regarding the saturday 911 call, and how Kaine moved out that day according to the court docs, and TH's seeming ignorance of it all on Monday? When she "thumbs-up-ed" the press and said Kaine did not move out?

TH would have to be really, really troubled in my opinion to have not revealed anything, even a casual give-away, given that she hadn't seen Kaine or her daughter and had been by herself for over 48 hours, when she gave the "everything's fine" to the media. I am going crazy again. Sorry WS...!


And nobody in the press had a CAMERA with them to take a pix of this? I find that incredibly bizarre :waitasec:

Anyone who's seen her pix from just 5 yrs ago has to wonder what happened to Terri since then..She looks totally diff (not talking about her body) & it has to be from something..My guess is it's a problem with her mind & it began long before Kyron went missing.
wow - I wake up to this. Why won't they release the 911 call? I don't see how that would hinder the investigation.
And as the argument continues out in the driveway when the husband tries to leave, taking the couple's 18-month-old daughter with him, the wife calls 911 and states her husband is threatening to drive off with their daughter and never come back.

Upon arriving, and hearing both sides, law enforcement tells the husband to take the baby and go stay somewhere else.

The husband telephones his lawyer and tells him how crazy the wife was acting, that she was grabbing at their daughter and he was really afraid she was going to hurt the child, that she was acting really psychotic.

After speaking with law enforcement, the attorney learns that the wife failed a lie detector test and immediately files for a restraining order and sole custody of the child on behalf of his client.

This is just speculation. That's why I did not use names.
My concern at 6am today after my updates is that this family is having a breakdown - Terri involved or not...How would this have all happened: Kaine and daughter moving out - and the 911 call - and then TH finally talking to media only to say all is fine and Kaine did not move out. And released/expressed in media in 3 hours Monday. Seriously, according to the court doc, KH moved out that day. TH would not have seen him or her daughter, and would have been aware of his going away (how many things would any parent have to leave the house with to take care of their daughter for an undetermined amount of time (I went through certified training 8 years ago for domestic violence - - I am aware of what steps Kaine could have secretly taken - but that takes quite advanced planning and safe houses)), and Kaine's statement on Monday that he'd been with investigators/LE all day...I am just highly curious how coordinated this was, as to lead TH to think things were fine (assuming she's not mentally ill and is in la la land).

Kaine and daughter (and I would assume items to take care of daughter?) leave Saturday - - - is KH that in the loop of investigative info that he gave some sort of false "I'll be back" to TH? Or did he flee and make his move for divorce/RO due to the Saturday 911 call? If so - surely TH would have noticed things missing, because that would have been a more sudden move (less planning). Anyways, in normal circumstances, TH and kH would have been in contact if he took the daughter Saturday, by Monday. And....she was so clueless on Monday, I don't know what to think.

Something is VERY not adding up here (in this aspect - NOTHING adds up in this case - but: 911, KH leaving, TH acting in the dark, and all of this weekend's business....Weird). The only thing that would make sense is TH being HIGHLY ill. And there would have been reporting from friends or even the WW reporter if she was super visibly ill. Which IMO would be the only explanation for appearing ignorant of developments and/or bearing her husband and daughter being gone Saturday through Monday: mental illness.

Something just got very very stranger to me about this case and TH/KH tonight.


My thoughts, too. The whole thing smells hinky to me..... him moving out with the baby and then filing for divorce and a RO two days later is just sneaky. If Terri was such a threat to them, if she has such serious mental issues... why wasn't SHE arrested? Why advise Kaine to move out?
Something about Kaine really bothers me... he seems almost robotic, no emotion. His expression in those recent interviews is just........ off.
MOO..I don't doubt that 911 incident did involve the threat of a gun on THs part.. The LE probably did ask the father to leave with the baby... They may have down played it, because they don't want to put her in jail for that... and have her get out and do something much worse... It's possible that her family has moved into that house for a reason... to hopefully get where Kyron is out of her.... and also to keep an eye on her from the inside of the home...I think she may be very unstable and the LE knows it...They are playing with a time bomb, possibly... I think they may be biding there time until they have a solid case on her, or maybe hoping that she may lead them to Kyron...

I think she's very unstable/snapped so to speak...thats why she didn't realize that the father and baby had probably left for good.. The LE are handling this with kids gloves..big time...JMO

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