2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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I just had a positive thought what if Kyron has been found safely and told that SM was holding him, because they needed to get the daughter away from SM it wasnt announced and now the judge has granted the restranng order and were waiting to arrest her til the baby was safe.
Once again just speculating at the possabilities here. It may not be anything bad about Kyron, it could be good. I know its far fetched but please keep the positive energy gong guys, miricles can happen.

I am not sure why, but I have had such hope the last few days. I would love for this to end happily.
IMO Getting divorced while you are RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of a nationwide missing child case it just as telling as if you were to get married while right in the middle of a missling child case! Oh, and don't forget the restraining order! Speaks more than just volumes - its lights up in NEON and blinds you!!!!!!

Just sayin..............................

You are exactly right! You would think that he wouldn't have time to think about himself or the state of his marriage. You would think that he would only be consumed with thoughts of his missing child. The separation and divorce could have waited. So, I have to agree - NEON SIGN HERE! He knows something, and it isn't good. It's very, very bad.
I'm sure you did. I guess I missed it - sorry. back to lurking

Haha wasn't giving out, was just excited someone else thought so too and that others reactions were back there somewhere in the middle of the thread!:woohoo::dance:
About darn time a parent of a missing child does not stand by the other parent when they could very well be the one that caused the child to go missing.

:clap: :clap:

Post of the day, IMO. Thank you! I couldn't agree more.
The judge granted the restraining order quick, is that normal, I thought there had to be a court date.. Why would a judge issue a restrainng order so fast?

Something has happened. Maybe LE witnessed or shared damaging info against SP. Perhaps, the poly's, the truck, her alibi were worthless. I wouldn't want the little girl around her if she harmed Kyron.

About darn time a parent of a missing child does not stand by the other parent when they could very well be the one that caused the child to go missing.

I so agree. I posted a while ago I was glad to see this. A Dad standing by his son.
High profile case like this, People Magazine, I'd think she's got a mailbox full of offers. But that's just my cynic saying that. Perhaps, I've been here at WS too long...watching Casey and Misty and ... and ... and...

I wonder if one of those offers is from Jose Baez (Casey Anthony case)...I wouldn't be surprised...and I would so advise her NOT to take it!
As a Portland parent, I so hoped it would not turn out to be a stranger abduction, for my own selfish sense of well-being. But I must admit, this feels worse. I can only pray that whatever has been done to Kyron, it was done in such a way that he never knew who it was who really hurt him. I can't imagine the horror of that realization in that little boy's mind.

I have so much respect for Desiree. She probably had her suspicions all along and yet, she held her composure through hours of interviews last Friday for the good of Kyron. I'm not sure I could have done it. She is one class act. Same for Kaine.

Let's hope this pressure works and Kyron comes home.
Something I do know about restraining orders is the fact that in order for the judge to sign off on it so quickly, there had to be proof beyond reasonable doubt that harm could come to another physical being. In other words, most of the time they take a day or 2 to get signed or thrown out/denied. This one was signed just about right away, meaning in the same day it was presented to the judge. They must have seen probable cause...which is very telling.

I am very sad for Kyron's family & friends, even the many people that he's touched since June 4th. Gosh, sometimes it sure would be nice to have a happy ending. Unfortunately, happy endings are few & far between.
i'll admit i was probably wrong about stepmom.

but i think trying to crucify as many people as possible based on hunches is ridiculous
I'm not trying to crucify any one and I never have.I just have from day one found both of thier behavior very strange in a missing persons case,especially of thier own son little Kyron.But I have never crucified anyone and I do not feel people should do that.I do honestly feel both of them should be looked at and I have from day one.
Have you ever attempted to retain a criminal attorney? This woman doesn't have a job. Her assets are not really hers to sell/dump. So long as she's not charged with anything, she doesn't have access to a court appointed attorney. She is in trouble. Maybe her parents have money.

Two retired school teachers.... doubtful.
I can't believe a family court judge would grant a RO, especially on this ex parte basis, without the other party being there, as a mere ploy on behalf of LE. KH would have had to make some sufficient showing, to meet normal legal standards, to get the order granted. I don't think a conspiracy theory will fly here.
The judge granted the restraining order quick, is that normal, I thought there had to be a court date.. Why would a judge issue a restrainng order so fast?

Having filed a RO in Oregon before I know that you can go in and file the paperwork and they give you a temporary RO for about 30 days and then you have a court date which also has visitation plans involved and at that point I think they can make the RO for a year, maybe more.
Well, I wonder if there will be an arrest tonight... :( The tiles are crumbling.
Hi Gibby, I'm wondering that too. I would think they'd wait till daylight. She must be expecting it, right?

I know I sound as cold as ice but I'm thinking of Kyron first and then his sister. Children are so helpless, and when they're victimized it is just so sad. xox
I'm not intending to imply any suspicion here, just pointing out an extraordinary statistical oddity in this case:

This is the second time Kaine Horman has -- with court support -- removed an infant child of his from its biological mother, at an age where it is extremely unusual for the father to have physical custody.

I haven't heard if the details of why he got Kyron at the age of 3 days have really been pinned down, but for a father to be in this situation *twice*, with two different mothers, for ANY reason(s), is just off-the-charts unusual.
You know how when you are working on a little connect-the-dots puzzle, and you get to that point where you really don't need to connect any more dots to know what the picture is?

Well, we're there.

Kaine waited a long time to make his move, but he was ready, wasn't he? (IMO)

I have to wonder what dots were connected for him over the weekend by the LE investigation that prompted his (and Desiree & Tony's) actions today.

They made it clear on Friday, on a national junket, that Kaine & Tony were speaking on behalf of ALL FOUR of Kyron's parents.

Today - Not anymore. That family statement came from but THREE of Kyron's parents.

So...what happened?

Did they find Kyron?
Did forensic evidence come back?
Did witness statements confirm Terri left school with Kyron?
Did video reviews?
Did the searches find other evidence?
Did Terri fess up with regard to her involvement?
Did Terri confess?
Did Terri give up another perp?
Did another perp give up Terri?

Loved your post and agree with almost all of it. :crazy: When I watched the 20 minutes of raw video, every time they said "family" I thought...hmmmm....which part of the family?

Since I have thought it was Terri from day one, I was listening and watching intently for whether Desiree and Kaine also knew it was Terri.

I do not think they were referring to all FOUR parents when they referred to "family". Certainly, it wasn't clear that they were including all four. When the statement came out today with only three names, I was not at all surprised. ;)

The rest of your post is right on. Love ya Emm!
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