2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Kaine, via his attorney, in his legal filing, stated that Terri wrote that she tendered payment of $350k to her attorney:

PDF page 1

Respondent has indicated in a written communication to a third party that she tendered payment of $350,000 to her attorney Stephen Houze


The written communication from Terri offered as proof, however, contains no reference to any amount paid:

Terri: Yep. Guess how much he costs?

Cook: Zillions?

Terri: (redacted)

Terri: 350 K


(scroll down to bottom of page for document)
I totally agree with your first paragraph, although I'm not sure we can totally separate "the Kyron case" from the divorce proceedings since Terri is clearly under suspicion for his disappearance and that has an impact both on Kaine's wanting a divorce and custody of the daughter.

I'm wondering which nasty allegations you're referring to as being not relevant to divorce/child custody issues. Should he have not brought up the MFH plot or the lurid sexting messages at all? And if not in a filing, then what other way to include them in the legal proceedings? Thanks.

The MFH was legitimately brought up in the motion for a RO because it was the entire basis for the order. I'm thinking about the lurid details of the sexting and alleged sexual affair between Terri and MC. Those details were needlessly thrown into his contempt motion. All he had to allege was that TH disclosed the contents of the sealed order to MC. The fact that he believes she was also sleeping with MC and had sent him naked pictures and hundreds of dirty texts were made-for-media facts gratuitously inserted in his motion. They are completely irrelevant to the question of whether she knowingly violated a court order.
IMO, that is the major problem with this motion....Kaine has no financial obligations for any debts incurred after the date of filing and/or separation. Houze was hired AFTER Kaine filed. Therefore, Houze would not be a marital debt.

Does Kaine have the right to know if Terri had hidden assets used to pay for her attorney?
how about: "the bad husband made her do it".

I have no doubt someone has private detectives all over Kaine's bidness. Whether they are working for LE, Houze, her divorce lawyer ... Should there be any more skeletons in Kaine's closet, they will be outed in time. JMHO

Who knows, the GJ may have already heard an earful from the friends.

I've said before that it takes 2 to Tango this badly. This was not a happy home. nuh uh. :cow:

ITA. If I were to meet Kaine in person, I don't think I'd like him. He seems aloof and detached, almost snobbish sometimes. The email that he sent out to his colleages right after Kyron went missing made me gag. I don't like the way that he treated Desiree when they were married. I don't like that he seemed way out of touch with what was going on in his family in the months prior to Kyron going missing.

Even though I don't like him, I want him to know what happened to his son and for the perp to be prosecuted to the hilt. Even though I don't like him, I do feel horrible for what he's going through.
Citigirl..post # 140...Please, you need to remove Terri's son's name..He is a minor. I think..
I totally agree - it often is a HUGH difference. Don't forget to take into account the redacts:

Terri - yup, guess how much he costs

MC - Zillions?

Terri - 350K
redact X 5................end of what we were told

Who knows what the 350K was actually in response to. all just my opinion

Eyes, I can't even go there I just had dinner.:sick:
Yes, why wouldn't Kaine want the best for both Kyron and baby K? He's openly stated he believes Kyron is alive - that's certainly not a secret after all the press conferences. Although I haven't read anything specifically about this, my assumption is that when he says (attorney says, documents say) "children" he means Kyron and baby K - his two children.

I have no problem with Kaine wanting the best for both of his children in an eventual divorce settlement. I'm also aware that Kaine and Desiree have both stated that they believe that their son is alive, but that doesn't mean that it is so. What's the rush with the divorce all about? Is it going to help find Kyron?
I have no problem with Kaine wanting the best for both of his children in an eventual divorce settlement. I'm also aware that Kaine and Desiree have both stated that they believe that their son is alive, but that doesn't mean that it is so. What's the rush with the divorce is all about? Is it going to help find Kyron?

It might, if he legally forces her to testify in a custody dispute and it releases information that leads to evidence, sure.

But more than that I don't think all of Kaine's actions at this moment have to necessarily be tied to the act of finding Kyron. Perhaps he's seeing a priest for comfort - won't help him find Kyron, but might bring him peace in his heart. Perhaps he believes that he must do everything in his power to disconnect from Terri in every possible way in order to focus his emotions on his children, or to release anger in a constructive way. Perhaps he believes in his bleeding and justifiably paranoid heart that as long as he's still technically married to her he's in danger and so are his children - like the way someone who has been violated will double and triple check a door lock. Does it matter what his private emotional state is that makes him (IMO completely understandably) want to divorce Terri ASAP? If he has a legal right to and it brings him any measure of peace or feelings of safety, I hope he and his attorney can do it.
IMO, the redacted portions of the text messages, are messages MC was sending and receiving from someone else other than Terri.

Kaine's attorney would need to show exactly what order and times these text messages took place (such as in the form of a monthly bill) and not just snip them together like the newspaper has done for us. This is why all text messages from that time period are shown on the exhibit.

IMO, the conversation makes sense in the order it is without the redacted sections, making the redacted sections not part of the convo.
Thanks, Em. Do you know the answer to my questions? Who are the "children" Rackner is referring to?

Sorry, I don't know..Kyron is not her son..Kaine is not J's father.. Unless the judge ruled she couldn't have contact with her OWN son..Or could it be the judge included Kyron in the RO?
Sorry, I don't know..Kyron is not her son..Kaine is not J's father.. Unless the judge ruled she couldn't have contact with her OWN son..Or could it be the judge included Kyron in the RO?

Kaine's two children - Kyron and the baby.
And IMHO. Both names you mentioned are guilty..
And I don't know how long the waiting period is but TMH's daughter had just been taken from her and Kyron was missing...Under those horrific circumstances sexting with someone I just met would not be my priority..I wouldn't even entertain the thought...I would be out of my mind with grief..JMHO

bbm....Of course, almost anyone, I would think, would be grief stricken. and i hope that you are never in the position terri finds herself in. But only if you were - could you actually then know, what you would do or how you would act in an attempt to console your grief or sorrow.

everyone deals with grief in their own way - there is no right or wrong way, in my opinion. unless it is hurtfull to someone else, i guess.
IMO, the redacted portions of the text messages, are messages MC was sending and receiving from someone else other than Terri.

Kaine's attorney would need to show exactly what order and times these text messages took place (such as in the form of a monthly bill) and not just snip them together like the newspaper has done for us. This is why all text messages from that time period are shown.

IMO, the conversation makes sense in the order it is without the redacted sections, making the redacted sections not part of the convo.

I agree - the conversation does make sense even with the redacts. Does it reflect the conversation accurately is the question.
Wouldn't her attorney have said something about it being a lie or a fraud that she sexted MC when he responded to the RO petition since it was used as an argument there?

"Respondent's reputation is being slandered by this petition because Respondent never sent this person any photos of her hoohah like the Petitioner alleged. It must have been one of a number of people who had free access to Respondent's phone, and Respondent contends that the petition maligns her and should be ruled unlawful because of unjust allegations. Just because it was her bat phone doesn't mean it was her bat..."

It was in the OSC re: Contempt. IMO, her attorney would ignore it because it had NOTHING to do with the contempt. Also, the sexting claims as well as other allegations help to prove the abatement motion...that the divorce is being used for reasons other than the divorce. TH's attorney by not responding to any of the irrelevant allegations has kept his hands clean by only responding to divorce related issues.
I am only on page four right now, but I gotta say this, so take it as you will.

1. Irregardless that Terri's STEP-son is missing, she is still a woman, a human being. Not to get all weird here, but sexual things are very normal to some human beings. Maybe Terri was lonely and incredibly depressed by her STEP-son's disappearance, and this man is showing her attention. She gets wrapped up in it, makes an error in judgment, and here we are. Saying "OMG she's sexting while her step-son is missing" is like saying "OMG she ate breakfast while her step-son is missing" or "OMG she took a shower while her step-son is missing". Maybe she likes sex. Maybe she's a nympho. Maybe she has low self-esteem.

2. I went to the store the other day and I bought a 12 pack of toilet paper. It costs 10.99$. However I had a coupon so I only paid 8.99$.
My favorite iced tea costs 6.99$ for a six pack, but because it was on sale, I only paid 4.99$.....of course this was all without tax and my super saver card discounts :D
I think we all get where I'm going, right?
She doesn't say "I paid 350k", she said he "costs 350k". IMO, that doesn't tell me how much she physically wrote the check for.

JMO, IMO, IMVHO, MOO, and all that jazz.
I totally agree - it often is a HUGH difference. Don't forget to take into account the redacts:

Terri - yup, guess how much he costs

MC - Zillions?

Terri - 350K
redact X 5................end of what we were told

Who knows what the 350K was actually in response to. all just my opinion

I am almost certain that the court redacted the other texts before releasing the document. Do you think that the court would redact those texts with intent to "fool" the public?

If you look at the times of the texts, it's obvious what the 350K was in response to.
snipped and bolded by me......desquire, could you explain the bolded statement more? I don't understand what your driving at. TIA

I just meant that Terri has to be concerned that this will be one of the ugliest and most public divorce proceedings Oregon has ever seen and that can only hurt Terri if she's ever tried for Kyron's disappearance. Nobody comes out of an ugly divorce looking like Mother Theresa, we've all done or said things in our lives that we are not proud of and that we wish we could take back. I suspect Terri has more than her fair share of such moments. Terri can be sure that Kaine and his lawyer will throw as many of these unflattering things into court motions that are instantly released to the press as they can think of. Against the backdrop of the Kyron case, even ordinary things can be made to look sinister. And all of that is going to be front page above the fold and breaking broadcast news. She is going to be tried and convicted in the public mind based on statements that don't need to be proven and that may not have any relevance to Kyron whatsoever. By the time that divorce proceeding is done, there won't be a potential juror anywhere who hasn't heard something really bad about Terri Horman, there will be nobody left who's willing to speak up in her defense, and every witness called to testify - no matter how objective and honest - will have those things in the back of their mind coloring their recollections or presentations.
I still can't shake the thought of MC being a mole.

And does anyone have a link to where it said MC actually sent photos back? I thought I remember reading they were only found on his phone.

IMO. MC being a mole is in all likelihood likely a reference to his intellect.

There's a bunch of linkies, but this one's a hoot, courtesy of Nancy Grace, ("not the churchlady")


MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, this information is coming from police, Nancy, because in the court documents, Kaine Horman says that police have told him about this alleged affair and have told him about the phone records, which show hundreds of graphic text messages and photos of Terri Horman sent to this person, Michael Cook, in various stages of undress. Now, this started around June 30 and has continued. Michael Cook has denied that he ever had a sexual relationship with her, but he has admitting to sending sexts to her.

GRACE: OK, Matt, what do we know about the photos? Were the photos sent, what, over her telephone or from her computer?

ZARRELL: From what we understand, they were cell phone records. Police have obtained these cell phone records and informed Kaine Horman on June 30th that these texts were starting to take place. And police looked at it and the explanation they gave is graphic images, various stages of undress.

GRACE: Now, are the alleged photos of Terri Horman, the stepmother, or of the man?

ZARRELL: Now, we believe that there are photos of Terri Horman. Michael Cook has admitted to sending graphic text messages with Terri Horman. We do not know if he sent photos back, Nancy.

GRACE: Now, wait a minute. I don`t understand what you just said, Matt Zarrell. You`re telling me that he sent photos with her? He`s in some of the photos?

ZARRELL: No, he`s -- he admits to sending texts to her, graphic texts to her. We have not seen anything about him sending photos of himself to her. But we...

GRACE: Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Stop, Matt. Hold on. Am I actually seeing the alleged lover, Michael Cook, with a stack of missing Kyron flyers in his hand? Is that what he dares to have in his hand while he is having an affair with the stepmom? Is that who that just was, Matt Zarrell?

ZARRELL: Yes, it is. And apparently, he organized a vigil for Kyron.

GRACE: OK. Lillian Glass, Dr. Lillian Glass, psychologist, body language expert, how can he deny he`s having an affair? And look, I don`t care. I don`t care. Cats and dogs sleeping together. I am not the church lady. But when I am looking at a possible child murder and a confirmed child disappearance, and the person, the stepmother who was with him last, who comes up with a story about him missing from his own elementary school -- she walked him down the hall -- now I find out in the days, the hours after she reports him missing, she`s hot and heavy with her husband`s high school friend, and she`s texting hundreds of messages and nasty photos of herself? She`s not worried about Kyron!
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