2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

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O/T But Cindy has closure on her grandchild. Beth does not have closure on her daughter. Somewhat confused by the comparison. :waitasec:

Oh, me too, believe. I was confused why Ashleigh Banfield even asked that question. The two situations are not even close to being alike.

Cindy's reply was an insult to Beth, imo. Beth has more grace and integrity in her pinky finger than Cindy has...well, period. I doubt Beth appreciated the comparison at all.
I was looking at that comment today from Cheney, plus some of the information in the Ineffective Assistance of Counsel thread, and it suddenly dawned on me one strong reason why AL departed. While I don't think her ego is such that she cannot tolerate a loss or a failure, I think her practice and her long term goals and crusade are such that they cannot tolerate getting dragged into an IAC appeal or the risk of such a finding. The client isn't listening to her, the co-counsel isn't listening to her, best to get out while Chenney is still on board to fill the DP qualified slot. Better to avoid having to defend herself from this circus later.
I was looking at that comment today from Cheney, plus some of the information in the Ineffective Assistance of Counsel thread, and it suddenly dawned on me one strong reason why AL departed. While I don't think her ego is such that she cannot tolerate a loss or a failure, I think her practice and her long term goals and crusade are such that they cannot tolerate getting dragged into an IAC appeal or the risk of such a finding. The client isn't listening to her, the co-counsel isn't listening to her, best to get out while Chenney is still on board to fill the DP qualified slot. Better to avoid having to defend herself from this circus later.

Plus she got all the publicity she desired, and moved on....
I think the fact that they have all pulled aside, stepped out, starting to focus on other cases shows they plan to try and cut a deal with the state. If the experts who will be looking at the evidence tell JB they can't do much of anything on the stand it is over. jmo

I know nothing, but I have seen so many deals made for far less than what I expected. I am worried that a plea deal would not result in LWOP. Very worried.
To get back on the subject, one of the reasons Casey thought she would get away with killing Caylee was that she saw Caylee as hers, and did not even comprehend that she was committing a crime against the state, but only getting rid of what belonged to her. In addition, Cindy has the same attitude; she believes that Casey and Caylee both as belonging to her, and the rest of us should stay out of it.

Snipped by me.

I think you're spot on about your above observation. I get the impression that Cindy thinks we should just stay out of Caylee's murder because it's a "family matter".

I know nothing, but I have seen so many deals made for far less than what I expected. I am worried that a plea deal would not result in LWOP. Very worried.
I can't locate the thread I previously posted this on, but: the state has NO reason to offer Casey a plea deal. Her limited immunity offer expired, they have the body, located with no help/cooperation from Casey. The only benefit of her pleading Guilty, would be to spare a trial, she would go straight to the sentencing phase, and Judge Perry- HHJP, is willing to hand a woman the Death Sentence. I have no worries here, it is a slam dunk case!:snooty:
Plus, there is no accident theory (hence no manslaughter or 2nd degree murder possibilities), no plausible SODDI, there is no nanny, Casey is a convicted felon and proven liar to LE, she had no job, and she was the last one seen with Caylee, and the circumstantial evidence is very strong!
Clearly, she wasn't out searching for Caylee when she told noone else Caylee was missing and she's on videotape/photos renting movies, cashing forged checks, buying alcohol and bras, getting tattoos, and dancing...
I completely agree with you and think A Lyon herself provided a little clue (and slam) when she posted this blog on June 30th, shortly before news of her quitting hit the media....

"But here is what I know -- most people don't know these defendants intimately. They don't know their life stories, what circumstances drove them to be where they were and now are, and can't see their humanity until it's placed before them in a sentencing hearing -- if they are lucky enough to see a sentencing hearing done by someone competent and who cares."[/

Little jab at Team Baez ya think? :croc:

Sounds to me like there was some longtime distention going on within the confines of the defense team regarding actions and overall motives....


Another hint may be the tidbit AL wrote about having once represented the woman who had been molested. :waitasec:

What I'm curious about is even though AL has left the team but will still be readily available to the team if needed, why and how is the team able to retain the MS and the PI that came through AL?
Does it really make a difference if prisoner was molested or not?

I don't see this as an excuse to murder an innocent child who has nothing to do with it, IMO...I see this as self serving to garner sympathy.

I was raised in an abusive household, I have never thought to take another's life. Instead, I left my home. I went out on my own, finished school, gotten my own apartment and raised three children. I made sure my children would never see physical abuse. I vowed to be a better parent...

If Inmate Anthony didn't like her present living conditions, she could have left. Instead, she hangs around since she's a mooch, had her expenses and Caylee's taken care of but at what cost??? If mother was too controlling, too domineering why stay??? Why not become a truely independant woman, be your own queen of the castle? Prisoner is too lazy, prisoner wants her cake and wanted to eat it as well. She didn't have to stay under Cindy's roost if she was that unhappy! It's not an excuse to kill....especially an innocent child! Justice for Caylee is coming....JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Thank You LiveLaughLuv from one who's "been there".You hit the nail on the head.I was abused mentally and physically.One gets out!!!

The strong ones like you two get out and can move on. Some aren't so strong.

o/t but related: Right now in Chicago there is a street war going on where innocent children are being gunned down in their tracks by gang members. Why? Why do these gang members (some children themselves) continue to fire guns in a neighborhood or at all for that matter. Why can't they simply 'get out'? Because they cannot relate to or see a better life for themselves. They do not foresee a future and they must think little of their own ability to survive on their own. They've received little instruction. Others do break out and move on and manage to dodge the bullets the 'loosers' shoot. Some are weak, some are strong.
I can't locate the thread I previously posted this on, but: the state has NO reason to offer Casey a plea deal. Her limited immunity offer expired, they have the body, located with no help/cooperation from Casey. The only benefit of her pleading Guilty, would be to spare a trial, she would go straight to the sentencing phase, and Judge Perry- HHJP, is willing to hand a woman the Death Sentence. I have no worries here, it is a slam dunk case!:snooty:
Plus, there is no accident theory (hence no manslaughter or 2nd degree murder possibilities), no plausible SODDI, there is no nanny, Casey is a convicted felon and proven liar to LE, she had no job, and she was the last one seen with Caylee, and the circumstantial evidence is very strong!
Clearly, she wasn't out searching for Caylee when she told noone else Caylee was missing and she's on videotape/photos renting movies, cashing forged checks, buying alcohol and bras, getting tattoos, and dancing...

Huh, you've got me thinking. What if the reason she's leaving is because she wanted Casey to plead guilty so they could jump immediately to the sentencing phase and Baez didn't want to do that? I was just thinking if she doesn't get the state to offer her any sort of plea, then the only other thing she could do is plea guilty on the first day of the trial to get it over with. Maybe this is what AL and even Cheney wanted, but Baez still keeps saying NO. I know it's up to Casey, but I have the feeling that Baez somehow keeps Casey on his side against AL and Cheney. It's like no matter no much she might have liked AL, she still wants the trial to happen and Baez is not advising her otherwise.

I still think, though, that Baez will never be fully or even halfway prepared for the actual trial, so I don't understand why he would even want to go trial at this point unless it's just pure ego and pride. Maybe they were telling him to end it and he just won't (or maybe it's Casey that won't, but I bet Baez has been getting her to agree with him instead of AL and Cheney every time, thus the both of them continuously butting heads with Baez. I think Casey just won't give up on Baez saving her for some reason. Or maybe after the last hearing, she's finally changed her mind, who knows).
Does anyone remember seeing the names on the Defense team along with their designated role listed on this thread (or anywhere)? I just checked the links going back quite a few pages to no avail. I thought I saw it on this thread but it may have been within a link. I'm looking for what was written next to LBK's name as to her designated role. Grrrrr.

tia if anyone knows.
Does anyone remember seeing the names on the Defense team along with their designated role listed on this thread (or anywhere)? I just checked the links going back quite a few pages to no avail. I thought I saw it on this thread but it may have been within a link. I'm looking for what was written next to LBK's name as to her designated role. Grrrrr.

tia if anyone knows.

I do not have a link, but Linda Kenney-Baden specializes in forensics.
Linda Kenney Baden

A new member of Jose Baez's defense team, Baden is a New York attorney who specializes in forensic evidence. Baden has been doing forensic work since the 1980s when she was in the prosecutor's office in New Jersey. She is the wife of Dr. Michael M. Baden, a medical doctor and board-certified forensic pathologist, who is also the host of HBO's Autopsy.

Baden has been involved in several high-profile cases, including the recent defense of music producer Phil Spector. Baden is also well known for her analysis in the controversial death of supermodel Anna Nicole Smith.

more at the link:
Huh, you've got me thinking. What if the reason she's leaving is because she wanted Casey to plead guilty so they could jump immediately to the sentencing phase and Baez didn't want to do that? I was just thinking if she doesn't get the state to offer her any sort of plea, then the only other thing she could do is plea guilty on the first day of the trial to get it over with. Maybe this is what AL and even Cheney wanted, but Baez still keeps saying NO. I know it's up to Casey, but I have the feeling that Baez somehow keeps Casey on his side against AL and Cheney. It's like no matter no much she might have liked AL, she still wants the trial to happen and Baez is not advising her otherwise.

I still think, though, that Baez will never be fully or even halfway prepared for the actual trial, so I don't understand why he would even want to go trial at this point unless it's just pure ego and pride. Maybe they were telling him to end it and he just won't (or maybe it's Casey that won't, but I bet Baez has been getting her to agree with him instead of AL and Cheney every time, thus the both of them continuously butting heads with Baez. I think Casey just won't give up on Baez saving her for some reason. Or maybe after the last hearing, she's finally changed her mind, who knows).

AL's leaving the case should have been a red hot signal to KC to change her course and get a plea deal, but nooooooooooooooooo!

I do believe it is KC alone who is holding out and refusing to deal or plead guilty.

The prosecution isn't going to give much here at this stage with this evidence, but she could get rid of the death penalty risk. The closer they get to trial, the less motivated they will be to make a deal. They expend far more of their taxpayer resources prepping for the trial than what is exhibited in the actual trial.

KC can't think in terms of future. To her, when they tell her that if she does have the trial and the worst happens, it will likely be 15 years or more before the appeal process is finished, KC hears that as a forever time frame. She cannot grasp that someday they might actually kill her; carrying out a death penalty she could have avoided by a plea now. When they offer her 25 go 40 years, KC can't see that as a finite time either. To her, with the current activity swirling around facts and evidence; she sees the whole thing as "truth is negotiable" a game she's played well and benefited from all her life. The pre-trial activities, by their nature, feel to her like they are playing on her home court. She can't (not won't but can't) see that far into the future.
AL's leaving the case should have been a red hot signal to KC to change her course and get a plea deal, but nooooooooooooooooo!

I do believe it is KC alone who is holding out and refusing to deal or plead guilty.

The prosecution isn't going to give much here at this stage with this evidence, but she could get rid of the death penalty risk. The closer they get to trial, the less motivated they will be to make a deal. They expend far more of their taxpayer resources prepping for the trial than what is exhibited in the actual trial.

KC can't think in terms of future. To her, when they tell her that if she does have the trial and the worst happens, it will likely be 15 years or more before the appeal process is finished, KC hears that as a forever time frame. She cannot grasp that someday they might actually kill her; carrying out a death penalty she could have avoided by a plea now. When they offer her 25 go 40 years, KC can't see that as a finite time either. To her, with the current activity swirling around facts and evidence; she sees the whole thing as "truth is negotiable" a game she's played well and benefited from all her life. The pre-trial activities, by their nature, feel to her like they are playing on her home court. She can't (not won't but can't) see that far into the future.


What you said, and I bolded.
Linda Kenney Baden

A new member of Jose Baez's defense team, Baden is a New York attorney who specializes in forensic evidence. Baden has been doing forensic work since the 1980s when she was in the prosecutor's office in New Jersey. She is the wife of Dr. Michael M. Baden, a medical doctor and board-certified forensic pathologist, who is also the host of HBO's Autopsy.

Baden has been involved in several high-profile cases, including the recent defense of music producer Phil Spector. Baden is also well known for her analysis in the controversial death of supermodel Anna Nicole Smith.

more at the link:

I can't remember the last time she was in court with the other attorneys. I had wondered if she was still on the defense team. Does anyone know who that man was who sat with Casey and Baez at the last hearing? Is that the guy that Casey has a crush on? I have never seen him before.

As far as a plea goes....I don't think the state would go for one as they offered her one before and she turned them down. But I don't think that Casey would ever go for a plea cause "she didn't do it." If she pled out she would be admitting to the world that she murdered her daughter. She will never do that. I think Baez has her convinced that she will be going home after the trial. I will be really curious to see if she takes the stand. I can just see her taking it with the belief that the jury will believe everything she says. She'll flirt with the males on the jury and lie her way through her story. By now she has probably convinced herself that she didn't do it....believing her lies.
I can't remember the last time she was in court with the other attorneys. I had wondered if she was still on the defense team. Does anyone know who that man was who sat with Casey and Baez at the last hearing? Is that the guy that Casey has a crush on? I have never seen him before.

The guy at the table with JB and KC at the last hearing was a law clerk in JB's office. I'm sorry, but I didn't catch his name. And the "boy" that KC had the crush on was Jose Garcia, who is no longer visiting her in jail....
I honestly can't tell if this is a brilliant strategy or just Baez being himself and refusing to lay down his ego and actually take some advice for once. Either way, Casey is looking more and more screwed by the minute.
Edit for brevity.

"Brilliant strategy," and JB, do not often come together in the same sentence, so I'm thinking it's the later. :waitasec:
Plus she got all the publicity she desired, and moved on....

While I certainly believe she doesn't want a loss on her record, I think she is sincere in her motivation to save prisoners everywhere from the DP. I'm not certain that she is simply in it to milk the publicity. She seemed sincere in her efforts, but can only do so much with whom she is dealing.
While I certainly believe she doesn't want a loss on her record, I think she is sincere in her motivation to save prisoners everywhere from the DP. I'm not certain that she is simply in it to milk the publicity. She seemed sincere in her efforts, but can only do so much with whom she is dealing.

She may be sincere in her motivations but she also is fully aware to pick and choose cases she has a better chance to change. I'd be interested in seeing how many DP cases in Texas and Virginia she has assisted in.

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