2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

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Anyone think it might be the reporter's error and maybe Stavely says DS's story is that she was gardening and never left (the) home (she was gardening at)?

Yes, I think the reporter meant that the attorney said that Dede never left the home at which she was gardening.

I guess she didn't hear the person call her (verbally) or her cell phone ringing. Maybe she was already on another call...
The thread about today's presser is here----->[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109906"]Sheriff's Office Asks Media for Questions/Presser on July 27 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Could very well be Donjeta. This case has more twists and turns and dips than a platter of spagetti. We all await truth and justice for Kyron; oh I so wish the little fella would be found alive. Breaking off until after the 5pm EST presser.
If and it is a big if, a news report on Fox that says they heard she took the fifth is true, then that is pretty scary to me. I just can't imagine taking the fifth if Kyron is alive, knowing the delay you are causing, etc. I hope if she is going to get immunity it happens quickly but nothing seems to happen quickly in this case.
She plead the fifth? Now I have even more of a disgust for this woman.
She plead the fifth? Now I have even more of a disgust for this woman.

a poster heard this on fox news! (she posted it in the psychic woman thread):
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5452836&postcount=39"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Sonja Grace (Oregon psychic) claims to know where Kyron is[/ame]

seems that fox is reporting that she did infact do "the fifth thang"!
So how do you cooperate fully and plead the fifth at the same time?
So how do you cooperate fully and plead the fifth at the same time?
she pled the fifth yesterday in order to get a grant of transactional immunity most likely.

If transactional immunity is granted for her testimony nothing she testifies to can ever be brought against her (DDS) ever... meaning if she took part, had guilty knowledge, etc..

Pleading the fifth yesterday basically means she is willing to talk but only if she is protected by immunity for her cooperation.

I was only saying she may have taken the fifth based on what another poster heard on Fox...does not mean it is true...
So how do you cooperate fully and plead the fifth at the same time?

I'm not surprised by this at all. When it came out yesterday that she was subpoenaed but "did not testify under oath", my immediate thought was that she pled the 5th. In addition, her attorney indicated that she would return to testify at a later date...basically tells me that he advised her to plead the 5th until he could work out some immunity deal for her. JMHO

I personally think that whatever loyalty she felt toward TH has taken a sharp detour.
my own thought is, you don't request transactional immunity for your testimony when you have nothing to need immunity from prosecution for.

You request immunity when you know some illegal act or crime has been commited and you may or may not be charged with participating in, aiding and/or abetting. MOO
my own thought is, you don't request transactional immunity for your testimony when you have nothing to need immunity from prosecution for.

You request immunity when you know some illegal act or crime has been commited and you may or may not be charged with participating in, aiding and/or abetting. MOO
you got me thinking... I wonder if the transactional immunity will also apply to civil suits? Because I could see civil suits in the future....
Can you protect yourself from civil suits in that way? Somehow I don't think so, but not sure.
you got me thinking... I wonder if the transactional immunity will also apply to civil suits? Because I could see civil suits in the future....


cluciano63 Can you protect yourself from civil suits in that way? Somehow I don't think so, but not sure.

I do not know but I think immunity would only protect from criminal prosecution not civil. This would be a great question to pose to our bonafide legal experts.
Can you protect yourself from civil suits in that way? Somehow I don't think so, but not sure.
not sure.... I just asked our lawyer ((as I was wondering if that could be another reason to invoke immunity))
my own thought is, you don't request transactional immunity for your testimony when you have nothing to need immunity from prosecution for.

You request immunity when you know some illegal act or crime has been commited and you may or may not be charged with participating in, aiding and/or abetting. MOO

True, however we don't have any clue how deep her involvement may be. It could be minimal. The SA probably has some idea what they are going after since they subpeonaed her to testify before the GJ. I'm all about granting her immunity if her involvement is minimal and she can provide concrete testimony leading to Kyron's location and/or implicates the actual perp.
you got me thinking... I wonder if the transactional immunity will also apply to civil suits? Because I could see civil suits in the future....

No, no immunity from civil lawsuits.

eta: I just saw where you posted this on the Atty. thread. I'm glad you did because I want to hear AZ's opinion, but I am 99% sure it would have zero effect in re: any future civil suits.
ITA beach. Not judging her request but explaining that to me it indicates she does indeed have some sort of knowledge to offer, something damning. It is either regarding Kyron, the MFH plot, something. Samll or large I don't know, but I am now convinced DeDe knows something that will result in the prosecution of Terri for something criminal.
you got me thinking... I wonder if the transactional immunity will also apply to civil suits? Because I could see civil suits in the future....

Can GJ testamony be used in a civil case? if it's supposed to be kept secret? I'm still a little confused on some aspects of grand juries.
I suppose that even if she learned something after the fact from Terri, she would want protection from prosecution for abetting after the fact, or obstruction, for example. But she may not know enough to tell LE where exactly Terri put Kyron, for example. This is so frustrating...I don't like thinking the worst of people, but how long can someone hang onto info about something like this? And only reveal it when forced to? (If this is true, that she has knowledge and has had it for a while.)
If true, it adds to my thinking Kyron is not alive as there is less "urgency" in the sense of getting him back safely...

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